/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects
Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
SNMP Extension Agent for Windows NT.
Revision History:
Murali R. Krishnan (MuraliK) 16-Nov-1995 Removed undoc apis
#include "mib.h"
#include "apiutil.h"
// Extension Agent DLLs need access to elapsed time agent has been active.
// This is implemented by initializing the Extension Agent with a time zero
// reference, and allowing the agent to compute elapsed time by subtracting
// the time zero reference from the current system time. This example
// Extension Agent implements this reference with dwTimeZero.
DWORD dwTimeZero = 0;
// Extension Agent DLLs provide the following entry point to coordinate the
// initializations of the Extension Agent and the Extendible Agent. The
// Extendible Agent provides the Extension Agent with a time zero reference;
// and the Extension Agent provides the Extendible Agent with an Event handle
// for communicating occurence of traps, and an object identifier representing
// the root of the MIB subtree that the Extension Agent supports.
BOOL SnmpExtensionInit( DWORD dwTimeZeroReference, HANDLE * hPollForTrapEvent, AsnObjectIdentifier * supportedView ) { //
// Record the time reference provided by the Extendible Agent.
dwTimeZero = dwTimeZeroReference;
// Indicate the MIB view supported by this Extension Agent, an object
// identifier representing the sub root of the MIB that is supported.
*supportedView = MIB_OidPrefix; // NOTE! structure copy
// Indicate that Extension Agent initialization was sucessfull.
return TRUE;
} // SnmpExtensionInit
// Extension Agent DLLs provide the following entry point to communcate traps
// to the Extendible Agent. The Extendible Agent will query this entry point
// when the trap Event (supplied at initialization time) is asserted, which
// indicates that zero or more traps may have occured. The Extendible Agent
// will repetedly call this entry point until FALSE is returned, indicating
// that all outstanding traps have been processed.
BOOL SnmpExtensionTrap( AsnObjectIdentifier * enterprise, AsnInteger * genericTrap, AsnInteger * specificTrap, AsnTimeticks * timeStamp, RFC1157VarBindList * variableBindings ) { //
// We don't support traps (yet).
return FALSE;
} // SnmpExtensionTrap
// Extension Agent DLLs provide the following entry point to resolve queries
// for MIB variables in their supported MIB view (supplied at initialization
// time). The requestType is Get/GetNext/Set.
BOOL SnmpExtensionQuery( BYTE requestType, RFC1157VarBindList * variableBindings, AsnInteger * errorStatus, AsnInteger * errorIndex ) { LPFTP_STATISTICS_0 Statistics = NULL; NET_API_STATUS Status; UINT i;
// Try to query the statistics now so we'll have a consitent
// view across all variable bindings.
Status = FtpQueryStatistics2( NULL, // pszServer
0, // Level,
try { //
// Iterate through the variable bindings list to resolve individual
// variable bindings.
for( i = 0 ; i < variableBindings->len ; i++ ) { *errorStatus = ResolveVarBind( &variableBindings->list[i], requestType, Statistics );
// Test and handle case where Get Next past end of MIB view
// supported by this Extension Agent occurs. Special
// processing is required to communicate this situation to
// the Extendible Agent so it can take appropriate action,
// possibly querying other Extension Agents.
if( ( *errorStatus == SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOSUCHNAME ) && ( requestType == MIB_GETNEXT ) ) { *errorStatus = SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOERROR;
// Modify variable binding of such variables so the OID
// points just outside the MIB view supported by this
// Extension Agent. The Extendible Agent tests for this,
// and takes appropriate action.
SNMP_oidfree( &variableBindings->list[i].name ); SNMP_oidcpy( &variableBindings->list[i].name, &MIB_OidPrefix ); variableBindings->list[i].name.ids[MIB_PREFIX_LEN-1]++; }
// If an error was indicated, communicate error status and error
// index to the Extendible Agent. The Extendible Agent will
// ensure that the origional variable bindings are returned in
// the response packet.
if( *errorStatus != SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOERROR ) { *errorIndex = i+1; } else { *errorIndex = 0; } } } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { //
// For now do nothing.
// Free the statistics structure if we managed to actually get one.
if( Statistics != NULL ) { MIDL_user_free( (LPVOID)Statistics ); }
} // SnmpExtensionQuery