Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module defines the FTP_IIS_SERVICE type
Johnson Apacible (johnsona) 04-Sep-1996
#ifndef _FTPINST_HXX_
#define _FTPINST_HXX_
#include "iistypes.hxx"
#include "stats.hxx"
#include "type.hxx"
// specifies the size of cache block for padding ==> to avoid false sharing
# define MAX_CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE ( 64)
public: FTP_IIS_SERVICE( IN LPCTSTR lpszServiceName, IN LPCSTR lpszModuleName, IN LPCSTR lpszRegParamKey, IN DWORD dwServiceId, IN ULONGLONG SvcLocId, IN BOOL MultipleInstanceSupport, IN DWORD cbAcceptExRecvBuffer, IN ATQ_CONNECT_CALLBACK pfnConnect, IN ATQ_COMPLETION pfnConnectEx, IN ATQ_COMPLETION pfnIoCompletion ) :IIS_SERVICE( lpszServiceName, lpszModuleName, lpszRegParamKey, dwServiceId, SvcLocId, MultipleInstanceSupport, cbAcceptExRecvBuffer, pfnConnect, pfnConnectEx, pfnIoCompletion ) { InitializeListHead( & m_InstanceList ); INITIALIZE_CRITICAL_SECTION( &m_csInstanceLock); }
~FTP_IIS_SERVICE() { DeleteCriticalSection( &m_csInstanceLock); }
VOID LockInstanceList( VOID) { EnterCriticalSection( &m_csInstanceLock); }
VOID UnLockInstanceList( VOID) { LeaveCriticalSection( &m_csInstanceLock); }
virtual DWORD GetServiceConfigInfoSize(IN DWORD dwLevel); virtual BOOL AddInstanceInfo( IN DWORD dwInstance, IN BOOL fMigrateRoots ); virtual DWORD DisconnectUsersByInstance( IN IIS_SERVER_INSTANCE * pInstance );
BOOL AggregateStatistics( IN PCHAR pDestination, IN PCHAR pSource );
BOOL GetGlobalStatistics( IN DWORD dwLevel, OUT PCHAR *pBuffer ); LIST_ENTRY m_InstanceList;
CRITICAL_SECTION m_csInstanceLock;
// This is the FTP version of the instance. Will contain all the
// FTP specific operations.
FTP_SERVER_INSTANCE( IN PFTP_IIS_SERVICE pService, IN DWORD dwInstanceId, IN USHORT sPort, IN LPCSTR lpszRegParamKey, IN LPWSTR lpwszAnonPasswordSecretName, IN LPWSTR lpwszRootPasswordSecretName, IN BOOL fMigrateVroots ) ;
// Instance start & stop
virtual DWORD StartInstance(); virtual DWORD StopInstance(); //
// VIRTUALS for service specific params/RPC admin
virtual BOOL SetServiceConfig(IN PCHAR pConfig ); virtual BOOL GetServiceConfig(IN OUT PCHAR pConfig,IN DWORD dwLevel); virtual BOOL GetStatistics( IN DWORD dwLevel, OUT PCHAR *pBuffer); virtual BOOL ClearStatistics( VOID ); virtual BOOL DisconnectUser( IN DWORD dwIdUser ); virtual BOOL EnumerateUsers( OUT PCHAR* pBuffer, OUT PDWORD nRead ); virtual VOID MDChangeNotify( MD_CHANGE_OBJECT * pco );
BOOL FreeAllocCachedClientConn(VOID);
PICLIENT_CONNECTION AllocClientConnFromAllocCache(VOID); VOID FreeClientConnToAllocCache(IN PICLIENT_CONNECTION pClient);
// Initialize the configuration data from registry information
// Arguments
// hkeyReg key to the registry entry for parameters
// FieldsToRead bitmapped flags indicating which data to be read.
// Returns:
// NO_ERROR on success
// Win32 error code otherwise
DWORD InitFromRegistry( IN FIELD_CONTROL FieldsToRead);
DWORD ReadAuthentInfo( IN BOOL ReadAll = TRUE, IN DWORD SingleItemToRead = 0 );
DWORD GetConfigInformation( OUT LPFTP_CONFIG_INFO pConfigInfo);
DWORD SetConfigInformation( IN LPFTP_CONFIG_INFO pConfigInfo);
BOOL IsValid( VOID) const { return ( m_fValid); }
VOID LockConfig( VOID) { EnterCriticalSection( &m_csLock); }
VOID UnLockConfig( VOID) { LeaveCriticalSection( &m_csLock); }
VOID LockConnectionsList() { EnterCriticalSection(&m_csConnectionsList); }
VOID UnlockConnectionsList() { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csConnectionsList); }
DWORD GetCurrentConnectionsCount( VOID) const { return m_cCurrentConnections; }
DWORD GetMaxCurrentConnectionsCount( VOID) const { return m_cMaxCurrentConnections; }
DWORD SetLocalHostName(IN LPCSTR pszHost); LPCSTR QueryLocalHostName(VOID) const { return (m_pszLocalHostName); }
DWORD QueryUserFlags(VOID) const { return (m_dwUserFlags); } BOOL QueryLowercaseFiles(VOID) const { return (m_fLowercaseFiles); } BOOL AllowAnonymous(VOID) const { return (m_fAllowAnonymous); } BOOL AllowGuestAccess(VOID) const { return (m_fAllowGuestAccess); } BOOL IsAllowedUser(IN BOOL fAnonymous) { return ((fAnonymous && m_fAllowAnonymous) || (!fAnonymous && !m_fAllowAnonymous) || (!fAnonymous && !m_fAnonymousOnly)); }
BOOL IsEnableDataConnTo3rdIP(VOID) const { return (m_fEnableDataConnTo3rdIP); }
BOOL IsEnablePasvConnFrom3rdIP(VOID) const { return (m_fEnablePasvConnFrom3rdIP); };
DWORD NumListenBacklog(VOID) const { return (m_ListenBacklog); }
// Following functions return pointers to strings which should be used
// within locked sections of config
// Marked by LockConfig() and UnLockConfig()
LPCSTR QueryMaxClientsMsg(VOID) const { return (LPCSTR)m_MaxClientsMessage.QueryStr(); } LPCSTR QueryGreetingMsg(VOID) const { return (LPCSTR)m_GreetingMessage.QueryStr(); } LPCSTR QueryBannerMsg(VOID) const { return (LPCSTR)m_BannerMessage.QueryStr(); } LPCSTR QueryExitMsg(VOID) const { return (LPCSTR)m_ExitMessage.QueryStr(); }
BOOL EnumerateConnection( IN PFN_CLIENT_CONNECTION_ENUM pfnConnEnum, IN LPVOID pContext, IN DWORD dwConnectionId);
VOID DisconnectAllConnections( VOID);
BOOL WriteParamsToRegistry( LPFTP_CONFIG_INFO pConfig );
VOID Print( VOID) const;
METADATA_REF_HANDLER* QueryMetaDataRefHandler() { return &m_rfAccessCheck; }
PTCP_AUTHENT_INFO QueryAuthentInfo() { return &m_TcpAuthentInfo; }
PUSER_AUTHENT_INFO QueryADConnAuthentInfo() { return &m_ADConnAuthentInfo; }
BOOL AllowReplaceOnRename( VOID ) const { return m_fAllowReplaceOnRename; }
LPFTP_SERVER_STATISTICS QueryStatsObj( VOID ) { return m_pFTPStats; }
DWORD QueryIsolationMode( VOID ) const { return m_UserIsolationMode; }
LPAD_IO QueryAdIo( VOID ) const { return m_pAdIo; }
inline DWORD QueryAnonymousHomeDir( STR & strTargetPath) {
return m_pAdIo ? m_pAdIo->GetAnonymHomeDir( strTargetPath ) : ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION; }
inline DWORD QueryUserHomeDir( const STR & strUser, const STR & strDomain, STR * pstrTarget, ADIO_ASYNC ** ppadioReqCtx, tpAdioAsyncCallback pfnCallback, HANDLE hCLientCtx) {
return m_pAdIo ? m_pAdIo->GetUserHomeDir( strUser, strDomain, pstrTarget, ppadioReqCtx, pfnCallback, hCLientCtx) : ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION; }
DWORD SetAdIoInfo( VOID );
// Connections related data
// m_cMaxConnections: max connections permitted by config
// m_cCurrentConnections: count of currently connected users
// m_cMaxCurrentConnections: max connections seen in this session
// Always m_cCurrentConnections
// <= m_cMaxCurrentConnections
// <= m_cMaxConnections;
// DWORD m_cMaxConnections;
// replaced by TSVC_INFO::QueryMaxConnections()
DWORD m_cCurrentConnections; DWORD m_cMaxCurrentConnections;
BOOL m_fAllowAnonymous; BOOL m_fAllowGuestAccess; BOOL m_fAnnotateDirectories; // annotate dirs when dir changes
BOOL m_fAnonymousOnly; BOOL m_fEnableDataConnTo3rdIP; BOOL m_fEnablePasvConnFrom3rdIP;
// if m_LowercaseFiles is TRUE, then dir listings from non-case-preserving
// filesystems will be mapped to lowercase.
BOOL m_fLowercaseFiles;
BOOL m_fMsdosDirOutput; // send msdos style dir listings
BOOL m_fFourDigitYear; // send 4 digit year dir listings
STR m_ExitMessage; STR m_MaxClientsMessage;
TCP_AUTHENT_INFO m_TcpAuthentInfo;
// Greeting Message can be a multiline message.
// We maintain two copies of the message
// 1) double null terminated seq. of strings with one line per string
// 2) single null terminated string with \n characters interspersed.
// Representation 1 is used for sending data to clients
// Representation 2 is used for RPC admin facility
// We maintain the string as MULTI_SZ in the registry
MULTISZ m_GreetingMessage; LPTSTR m_pszGreetingMessageWithLineFeed;
// Same as for the greeting message, the banner could be multiline too.
// Same handling.
MULTISZ m_BannerMessage; LPTSTR m_pszBannerMessageWithLineFeed;
BOOL m_fEnableLicensing; DWORD m_ListenBacklog;
CHAR * m_pszLocalHostName; // this machine name running ftp service
DWORD m_dwUserFlags; // user flags established at start of conn
// For FTP server configuration information
// TODO: merge configuration and instance object together
// LPFTP_SERVER_CONFIG m_pFtpServerConfig;
HKEY m_hkeyParams;
// Other data related to configuration load and store
BOOL m_fValid; CRITICAL_SECTION m_csLock; // used for updating this object
CHAR m_rgchCacheBlock[MAX_CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE]; // to avoid false sharing
// we should avoid cache block conflict
// Following set of data constitute the dynamic data for connections
// ==> it will be good if they are closeby, within one cache block.
CRITICAL_SECTION m_csConnectionsList; LIST_ENTRY m_ActiveConnectionsList; // list of all active connections
LIST_ENTRY m_FreeConnectionsList; // free list for connection objects
BOOL m_fAllowReplaceOnRename;
DWORD m_UserIsolationMode;
BOOL m_fLogInUtf8;
LPAD_IO m_pAdIo;
// Class for managing port range allocations
class FTP_PASV_PORT { public:
FTP_PASV_PORT() { m_dwRemainingRetries = m_dwNextPasvPort == 0 ? 0 : m_dwPasvPortRangeEnd - m_dwPasvPortRangeStart + 1; }
static VOID Init() { INITIALIZE_CRITICAL_SECTION( &m_csPasvPortRange); }
static VOID Terminate() { DeleteCriticalSection( &m_csPasvPortRange); }
static BOOL Configure();
PORT GetPort() { LONG Port = 0;
if (m_dwRemainingRetries > 0) { m_dwRemainingRetries--;
Port = m_dwNextPasvPort;
if (++m_dwNextPasvPort > m_dwPasvPortRangeEnd) { m_dwNextPasvPort = m_dwPasvPortRangeStart; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csPasvPortRange); }
return (PORT)Port; }
static CRITICAL_SECTION m_csPasvPortRange; static PORT m_dwPasvPortRangeStart; // configured range start
static PORT m_dwPasvPortRangeEnd; // configured range end
static LONG m_dwNextPasvPort; // next port to allocate
DWORD m_dwRemainingRetries; };
#endif // _FTPINST_HXX_