Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the code necessary to implement secure DCOM data transfers on-the-wire. It includes the implementation of the "hooked" (call_as) methods from IMSAdminBase.
Keith Moore (keithmo) 17-Feb-1997
Revision History:
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <dbgutil.h>
#include <iadmw.h>
#include <icrypt.hxx>
#include <secdat.hxx>
#include <secpriv.h>
// Private constants.
#define ALLOC_MEM(cb) (LPVOID)::LocalAlloc( LPTR, (cb) )
#define FREE_MEM(ptr) (VOID)::LocalFree( (HLOCAL)(ptr) )
#if DBG
BOOL g_fEnableSecureChannel = TRUE; #define ENABLE_SECURE_CHANNEL g_fEnableSecureChannel
BOOL g_fStopOnKeyset = TRUE;
// Private prototypes.
VOID CalculateGetAllBufferAttributes( IN PMETADATA_GETALL_RECORD Data, IN DWORD NumEntries, OUT DWORD * TotalBufferLength, OUT BOOL * IsBufferSecure );
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMSAdminBaseW_SetData_Proxy( IMSAdminBaseW __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ METADATA_HANDLE hMDHandle, /* [string][in][unique] */ LPCWSTR pszMDPath, /* [in] */ PMETADATA_RECORD pmdrMDData ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set a data object.
hMDHandle - open handle
pszMDPath - path of the meta object with which this data is associated
pmdrMDData - data to set
Return Value:
--*/ {
HRESULT result; ADM_SECURE_DATA * secureData; IIS_CRYPTO_STORAGE * sendCrypto; PIIS_CRYPTO_BLOB dataBlob; METADATA_RECORD capturedRecord = {0};
// Setup locals so we know how to cleanup on exit.
secureData = NULL; sendCrypto = NULL; dataBlob = NULL; result = NO_ERROR;
// Trap the case of a null METADATA_RECORD
if( pmdrMDData == NULL ) { result = RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto cleanup; }
// Capture the METADATA_RECORD so we can muck with it.
__try { capturedRecord = *pmdrMDData; } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { result = HRESULT_FROM_NT( GetExceptionCode() ); }
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// If this is a secure data item, then encrypt the data before
// sending.
#if DBG
if( ENABLE_SECURE_CHANNEL && (capturedRecord.dwMDAttributes & METADATA_SECURE) && ((PVOID)capturedRecord.pbMDData != NULL) ) { #else
if( (capturedRecord.dwMDAttributes & METADATA_SECURE) && ((PVOID)capturedRecord.pbMDData != NULL) ) { #endif
// Find an ADM_SECURE_DATA object for "This".
secureData = ADM_SECURE_DATA::FindOrAddAndReferenceClientSecureData( This );
if( secureData == NULL ) { result = MD_ERROR_SECURE_CHANNEL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
// Get the appropriate crypto storage object. This will perform
// key exchange if necessary.
result = secureData->GetClientSendCryptoStorage( &sendCrypto, This );
DBG_ASSERT( SUCCEEDED( result ) || !g_fStopOnKeyset );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Protect ourselves from malicious users.
__try {
// Encrypt the data.
result = sendCrypto->EncryptData( &dataBlob, (PVOID)capturedRecord.pbMDData, capturedRecord.dwMDDataLen, 0 // dwRegType
result = HRESULT_FROM_NT(GetExceptionCode());
DBG_ASSERT( SUCCEEDED( result ) || !g_fStopOnKeyset );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Update the fields of the captured metadata record so the
// RPC runtime will send the data to the server.
capturedRecord.pbMDData = (PBYTE)dataBlob; capturedRecord.dwMDDataLen = IISCryptoGetBlobLength( dataBlob );
// Call through to the "real" remoted API to get this over to the
// server.
result = IMSAdminBaseW_R_SetData_Proxy( This, hMDHandle, pszMDPath, &capturedRecord );
DBG_ASSERT( !g_fStopOnKeyset || ( ( result != NTE_BAD_KEYSET ) && ( result != NTE_KEYSET_NOT_DEF ) && ( result != NTE_KEYSET_ENTRY_BAD ) && ( result != NTE_BAD_KEYSET_PARAM ) ) );
if( dataBlob != NULL ) { IISCryptoFreeBlob( dataBlob ); }
if( secureData != NULL ) { secureData->Dereference(); }
return result;
} // IMSAdminBaseW_SetData_Proxy
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMSAdminBaseW_SetData_Stub( IMSAdminBaseW __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ METADATA_HANDLE hMDHandle, /* [string][in][unique] */ LPCWSTR pszMDPath, /* [in] */ PMETADATA_RECORD pmdrMDData ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set a data object.
hMDHandle - open handle
pszMDPath - path of the meta object with which this data is associated
pmdrMDData - data to set
Return Value:
--*/ {
HRESULT result; ADM_SECURE_DATA * secureData; IIS_CRYPTO_STORAGE * recvCrypto; METADATA_RECORD capturedRecord; DWORD clearDataType;
// Setup locals so we know how to cleanup on exit.
secureData = NULL; recvCrypto = NULL; result = NO_ERROR;
// Capture the metadata record so we can muck with it.
capturedRecord = *pmdrMDData;
// If this is a secure data item, then decrypt the data before
// passing it to the actual implementation object.
#if DBG
if( ENABLE_SECURE_CHANNEL && (capturedRecord.dwMDAttributes & METADATA_SECURE) && (capturedRecord.pbMDData != NULL) ) { #else
if( (capturedRecord.dwMDAttributes & METADATA_SECURE) && (capturedRecord.pbMDData != NULL) ) { #endif
// Find an ADM_SECURE_DATA object for "This".
secureData = ADM_SECURE_DATA::FindAndReferenceServerSecureData( This, TRUE // CreateIfNotFound
if( secureData == NULL ) { result = MD_ERROR_SECURE_CHANNEL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
// Get the appropriate crypto storage object.
result = secureData->GetServerReceiveCryptoStorage( &recvCrypto );
DBG_ASSERT( SUCCEEDED( result ) || !g_fStopOnKeyset );
if ( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Decrypt the data, then replace the pointer in the metadata
// record.
result = recvCrypto->DecryptData( (PVOID *)&capturedRecord.pbMDData, &capturedRecord.dwMDDataLen, &clearDataType, (PIIS_CRYPTO_BLOB)capturedRecord.pbMDData );
DBG_ASSERT( SUCCEEDED( result ) || !g_fStopOnKeyset );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Call through to the "real" server stub to set the data.
result = This->SetData( hMDHandle, pszMDPath, &capturedRecord );
cleanup: DBG_ASSERT( !g_fStopOnKeyset || ( ( result != NTE_BAD_KEYSET ) && ( result != NTE_KEYSET_NOT_DEF ) && ( result != NTE_KEYSET_ENTRY_BAD ) && ( result != NTE_BAD_KEYSET_PARAM ) ) );
if( secureData != NULL ) { secureData->Dereference(); }
return result;
} // IMSAdminBaseW_SetData_Stub
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMSAdminBaseW_GetData_Proxy( IMSAdminBaseW __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ METADATA_HANDLE hMDHandle, /* [string][in][unique] */ LPCWSTR pszMDPath, /* [out][in] */ PMETADATA_RECORD pmdrMDData, /* [out] */ DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwMDRequiredDataLen ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get one metadata value
hMDHandle - open handle
pszMDPath - path of the meta object with which this data is associated
pmdrMDData - data structure
pdwMDRequiredDataLen - updated with required length
Return Value:
--*/ {
HRESULT result; ADM_SECURE_DATA * secureData; IIS_CRYPTO_STORAGE * recvCrypto; IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB *dataBlob; METADATA_RECORD capturedRecord; PVOID dataBuffer; DWORD dataBufferLength; DWORD dataBufferType;
// Setup locals so we know how to cleanup on exit.
secureData = NULL; recvCrypto = NULL; dataBlob = NULL;
// Trap the case of a null METADATA_RECORD
if( pmdrMDData == NULL ) { result = RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto cleanup; }
// Find an ADM_SECURE_DATA object for "This".
secureData = ADM_SECURE_DATA::FindOrAddAndReferenceClientSecureData( This );
if( secureData == NULL ) { result = MD_ERROR_SECURE_CHANNEL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
// Get the appropriate crypto storage object. This will perform
// key exchange if necessary.
result = secureData->GetClientReceiveCryptoStorage( &recvCrypto, This );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Capture the METADATA_RECORD so we can muck with it.
__try { capturedRecord = *pmdrMDData; } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { result = HRESULT_FROM_NT( GetExceptionCode() ); }
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Call through to the "real" remoted API to get the data from
// the server. Note that we set the data pointer to NULL before
// calling the remoted API. This prevents the RPC runtime from
// sending plaintext data over to the server.
capturedRecord.pbMDData = NULL;
result = IMSAdminBaseW_R_GetData_Proxy( This, hMDHandle, pszMDPath, &capturedRecord, pdwMDRequiredDataLen, &dataBlob );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Decrypt the data if necessary. This method properly handles
// cleartext (unencrypted) blobs.
result = recvCrypto->DecryptData( &dataBuffer, &dataBufferLength, &dataBufferType, dataBlob );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Copy it back to the user.
__try {
if( pmdrMDData->dwMDDataLen >= dataBufferLength ) {
RtlCopyMemory( pmdrMDData->pbMDData, dataBuffer, dataBufferLength );
pmdrMDData->dwMDDataLen = dataBufferLength; pmdrMDData->dwMDIdentifier = capturedRecord.dwMDIdentifier; pmdrMDData->dwMDAttributes = capturedRecord.dwMDAttributes; pmdrMDData->dwMDUserType = capturedRecord.dwMDUserType; pmdrMDData->dwMDDataType = capturedRecord.dwMDDataType; pmdrMDData->dwMDDataTag = capturedRecord.dwMDDataTag;
} else {
*pdwMDRequiredDataLen = dataBufferLength; result = RETURNCODETOHRESULT( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER );
result = HRESULT_FROM_NT( GetExceptionCode() );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
if( secureData != NULL ) { secureData->Dereference(); }
if( dataBlob != NULL ) { ::IISCryptoFreeBlob( dataBlob ); }
return result;
} // IMSAdminBaseW_GetData_Proxy
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMSAdminBaseW_GetData_Stub( IMSAdminBaseW __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ METADATA_HANDLE hMDHandle, /* [string][in][unique] */ LPCWSTR pszMDPath, /* [out][in] */ PMETADATA_RECORD pmdrMDData, /* [out] */ DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwMDRequiredDataLen, /* [out] */ struct _IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppDataBlob ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get one metadata value
hMDHandle - open handle
pszMDPath - path of the meta object with which this data is associated
pmdrMDData - data structure
pdwMDRequiredDataLen - updated with required length
ppDataBlob - Receives a blob for the encrypted data.
Return Value:
--*/ {
HRESULT result; ADM_SECURE_DATA * secureData; IIS_CRYPTO_STORAGE * sendCrypto; IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB *dataBlob; PVOID dataBuffer;
// Setup locals so we know how to cleanup on exit.
secureData = NULL; sendCrypto = NULL; dataBuffer = NULL; dataBlob = NULL;
// Allocate a temporary memory block for the meta data. Use the
// same size as the user passed into the API.
dataBuffer = ALLOC_MEM( pmdrMDData->dwMDDataLen );
if( dataBuffer == NULL ) { result = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); goto cleanup; }
pmdrMDData->pbMDData = (PBYTE)dataBuffer;
// Call through to the "real" server stub to get the data.
result = This->GetData( hMDHandle, pszMDPath, pmdrMDData, pdwMDRequiredDataLen );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// If this is a secure data item, then we'll need to encrypt it
// before returning it to the client. Otherwise, we'll build a
// cleartext blob to contain the data.
#if DBG
if( ENABLE_SECURE_CHANNEL && pmdrMDData->dwMDAttributes & METADATA_SECURE ) { #else
if( pmdrMDData->dwMDAttributes & METADATA_SECURE ) { #endif
// Find an ADM_SECURE_DATA object for "This".
secureData = ADM_SECURE_DATA::FindAndReferenceServerSecureData( This, TRUE // CreateIfNotFound
if( secureData == NULL ) { result = MD_ERROR_SECURE_CHANNEL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
// Get the appropriate crypto storage object.
result = secureData->GetServerSendCryptoStorage( &sendCrypto );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Encrypt the data.
result = sendCrypto->EncryptData( &dataBlob, (PVOID)pmdrMDData->pbMDData, pmdrMDData->dwMDDataLen, 0 );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
} else {
result = ::IISCryptoCreateCleartextBlob( &dataBlob, (PVOID)pmdrMDData->pbMDData, pmdrMDData->dwMDDataLen );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Success!
DBG_ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(result) ); *ppDataBlob = dataBlob;
// NULL the data pointer in the METADATA_RECORD so the RPC runtime
// won't send the plaintext data back to the client.
pmdrMDData->pbMDData = NULL;
if( secureData != NULL ) { secureData->Dereference(); }
if( dataBuffer != NULL ) { FREE_MEM( dataBuffer ); }
if( FAILED(result) && dataBlob != NULL ) { ::IISCryptoFreeBlob( dataBlob ); }
return result;
} // IMSAdminBaseW_GetData_Stub
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMSAdminBaseW_EnumData_Proxy( IMSAdminBaseW __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ METADATA_HANDLE hMDHandle, /* [string][in][unique] */ LPCWSTR pszMDPath, /* [out][in] */ PMETADATA_RECORD pmdrMDData, /* [in] */ DWORD dwMDEnumDataIndex, /* [out] */ DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwMDRequiredDataLen ) /*++
Routine Description:
Enumerate properties of object.
hMDHandle - open handle
pszMDPath - path of the meta object with which this data is associated
pmdrMDData - data structure
pdwMDRequiredDataLen - updated with required length
Return Value:
--*/ {
HRESULT result; ADM_SECURE_DATA * secureData; IIS_CRYPTO_STORAGE * recvCrypto; IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB *dataBlob; METADATA_RECORD capturedRecord; PVOID dataBuffer; DWORD dataBufferLength; DWORD dataBufferType;
// Setup locals so we know how to cleanup on exit.
secureData = NULL; recvCrypto = NULL; dataBlob = NULL;
// Trap the case of a null METADATA_RECORD
if( pmdrMDData == NULL ) { result = RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto cleanup; }
// Find an ADM_SECURE_DATA object for "This".
secureData = ADM_SECURE_DATA::FindOrAddAndReferenceClientSecureData( This );
if( secureData == NULL ) { result = MD_ERROR_SECURE_CHANNEL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
// Get the appropriate crypto storage object. This will perform
// key exchange if necessary.
result = secureData->GetClientReceiveCryptoStorage( &recvCrypto, This );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Capture the METADATA_RECORD so we can muck with it.
__try { capturedRecord = *pmdrMDData; } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { result = HRESULT_FROM_NT( GetExceptionCode() ); }
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Call through to the "real" remoted API to get the data from
// the server. Note that we set the data pointer to NULL before
// calling the remoted API. This prevents the RPC runtime from
// sending plaintext data over to the server.
capturedRecord.pbMDData = NULL;
result = IMSAdminBaseW_R_EnumData_Proxy( This, hMDHandle, pszMDPath, &capturedRecord, dwMDEnumDataIndex, pdwMDRequiredDataLen, &dataBlob );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Decrypt the data if necessary. This method properly handles
// cleartext (unencrypted) blobs.
result = recvCrypto->DecryptData( &dataBuffer, &dataBufferLength, &dataBufferType, dataBlob );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Copy it back to the user.
__try {
if( pmdrMDData->dwMDDataLen >= dataBufferLength ) {
RtlCopyMemory( pmdrMDData->pbMDData, dataBuffer, dataBufferLength );
pmdrMDData->dwMDDataLen = dataBufferLength; pmdrMDData->dwMDIdentifier = capturedRecord.dwMDIdentifier; pmdrMDData->dwMDAttributes = capturedRecord.dwMDAttributes; pmdrMDData->dwMDUserType = capturedRecord.dwMDUserType; pmdrMDData->dwMDDataType = capturedRecord.dwMDDataType; pmdrMDData->dwMDDataTag = capturedRecord.dwMDDataTag;
} else {
*pdwMDRequiredDataLen = dataBufferLength; result = RETURNCODETOHRESULT( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER );
result = HRESULT_FROM_NT( GetExceptionCode() );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
if( secureData != NULL ) { secureData->Dereference(); }
if( dataBlob != NULL ) { ::IISCryptoFreeBlob( dataBlob ); }
return result;
} // IMSAdminBaseW_EnumData_Proxy
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMSAdminBaseW_EnumData_Stub( IMSAdminBaseW __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ METADATA_HANDLE hMDHandle, /* [string][in][unique] */ LPCWSTR pszMDPath, /* [out][in] */ PMETADATA_RECORD pmdrMDData, /* [in] */ DWORD dwMDEnumDataIndex, /* [out] */ DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwMDRequiredDataLen, /* [out] */ struct _IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppDataBlob ) /*++
Routine Description:
Enumerate properties of object.
hMDHandle - open handle
pszMDPath - path of the meta object with which this data is associated
pmdrMDData - data structure
pdwMDRequiredDataLen - updated with required length
ppDataBlob - Receives a blob for the encrypted data.
Return Value:
--*/ {
HRESULT result; ADM_SECURE_DATA * secureData; IIS_CRYPTO_STORAGE * sendCrypto; IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB *dataBlob; PVOID dataBuffer;
// Setup locals so we know how to cleanup on exit.
secureData = NULL; sendCrypto = NULL; dataBuffer = NULL; dataBlob = NULL;
// Allocate a temporary memory block for the meta data. Use the
// same size as the user passed into the API.
dataBuffer = ALLOC_MEM( pmdrMDData->dwMDDataLen );
if( dataBuffer == NULL ) { result = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); goto cleanup; }
pmdrMDData->pbMDData = (PBYTE)dataBuffer;
// Call through to the "real" server stub to get the data.
result = This->EnumData( hMDHandle, pszMDPath, pmdrMDData, dwMDEnumDataIndex, pdwMDRequiredDataLen );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// If this is a secure data item, then we'll need to encrypt it
// before returning it to the client. Otherwise, we'll build a
// cleartext blob to contain the data.
#if DBG
if( ENABLE_SECURE_CHANNEL && pmdrMDData->dwMDAttributes & METADATA_SECURE ) { #else
if( pmdrMDData->dwMDAttributes & METADATA_SECURE ) { #endif
// Find an ADM_SECURE_DATA object for "This".
secureData = ADM_SECURE_DATA::FindAndReferenceServerSecureData( This, TRUE // CreateIfNotFound
if( secureData == NULL ) { result = MD_ERROR_SECURE_CHANNEL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
// Get the appropriate crypto storage object.
result = secureData->GetServerSendCryptoStorage( &sendCrypto );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Encrypt the data.
result = sendCrypto->EncryptData( &dataBlob, (PVOID)pmdrMDData->pbMDData, pmdrMDData->dwMDDataLen, 0 );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
} else {
result = ::IISCryptoCreateCleartextBlob( &dataBlob, (PVOID)pmdrMDData->pbMDData, pmdrMDData->dwMDDataLen );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Success!
DBG_ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(result) ); *ppDataBlob = dataBlob;
// NULL the data pointer in the METADATA_RECORD so the RPC runtime
// won't send the plaintext data back to the client.
pmdrMDData->pbMDData = NULL;
if( secureData != NULL ) { secureData->Dereference(); }
if( dataBuffer != NULL ) { FREE_MEM( dataBuffer ); }
if( FAILED(result) && dataBlob != NULL ) { ::IISCryptoFreeBlob( dataBlob ); }
return result;
} // IMSAdminBaseW_EnumData_Stub
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMSAdminBaseW_GetAllData_Proxy( IMSAdminBaseW __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ METADATA_HANDLE hMDHandle, /* [string][in][unique] */ LPCWSTR pszMDPath, /* [in] */ DWORD dwMDAttributes, /* [in] */ DWORD dwMDUserType, /* [in] */ DWORD dwMDDataType, /* [out] */ DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwMDNumDataEntries, /* [out] */ DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwMDDataSetNumber, /* [in] */ DWORD dwMDBufferSize, /* [size_is][out] */ unsigned char __RPC_FAR *pbBuffer, /* [out] */ DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwMDRequiredBufferSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets all data associated with a Meta Object
hMDHandle - open handle
pszMDPath - path of the meta object with which this data is associated
dwMDAttributes - flags for the data
dwMDUserType - user Type for the data
dwMDDataType - type of the data
pdwMDNumDataEntries - number of entries copied to Buffer
pdwMDDataSetNumber - number associated with this data set
dwMDBufferSize - size in bytes of buffer
pbBuffer - buffer to store the data
pdwMDRequiredBufferSize - updated with required length of buffer
Return Value:
--*/ {
HRESULT result; ADM_SECURE_DATA * secureData; IIS_CRYPTO_STORAGE * recvCrypto; IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB *dataBlob; PVOID dataBuffer; DWORD dataBufferLength; DWORD dataBufferType;
// Setup locals so we know how to cleanup on exit.
secureData = NULL; recvCrypto = NULL; dataBlob = NULL;
// Find an ADM_SECURE_DATA object for "This".
secureData = ADM_SECURE_DATA::FindOrAddAndReferenceClientSecureData( This );
if( secureData == NULL ) { result = MD_ERROR_SECURE_CHANNEL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
// Get the appropriate crypto storage object. This will perform
// key exchange if necessary.
result = secureData->GetClientReceiveCryptoStorage( &recvCrypto, This );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Call through to the "real" remoted API to get the data from
// the server.
result = IMSAdminBaseW_R_GetAllData_Proxy( This, hMDHandle, pszMDPath, dwMDAttributes, dwMDUserType, dwMDDataType, pdwMDNumDataEntries, pdwMDDataSetNumber, dwMDBufferSize, pdwMDRequiredBufferSize, &dataBlob );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Decrypt the data if necessary. This method properly handles
// cleartext (unencrypted) blobs.
result = recvCrypto->DecryptData( &dataBuffer, &dataBufferLength, &dataBufferType, dataBlob );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Copy it back to the user.
__try {
if( dwMDBufferSize >= dataBufferLength ) {
RtlCopyMemory( pbBuffer, dataBuffer, dataBufferLength );
} else {
*pdwMDRequiredBufferSize = dataBufferLength; result = RETURNCODETOHRESULT( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER );
result = HRESULT_FROM_NT( GetExceptionCode() );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
if( secureData != NULL ) { secureData->Dereference(); }
if( dataBlob != NULL ) { ::IISCryptoFreeBlob( dataBlob ); }
return result;
} // IMSAdminBaseW_GetAllData_Proxy
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMSAdminBaseW_GetAllData_Stub( IMSAdminBaseW __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ METADATA_HANDLE hMDHandle, /* [string][in][unique] */ LPCWSTR pszMDPath, /* [in] */ DWORD dwMDAttributes, /* [in] */ DWORD dwMDUserType, /* [in] */ DWORD dwMDDataType, /* [out] */ DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwMDNumDataEntries, /* [out] */ DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwMDDataSetNumber, /* [in] */ DWORD dwMDBufferSize, /* [out] */ DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwMDRequiredBufferSize, /* [out] */ struct _IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppDataBlob ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets all data associated with a Meta Object
hMDHandle - open handle
pszMDPath - path of the meta object with which this data is associated
dwMDAttributes - flags for the data
dwMDUserType - user Type for the data
dwMDDataType - type of the data
pdwMDNumDataEntries - number of entries copied to Buffer
pdwMDDataSetNumber - number associated with this data set
dwMDBufferSize - size in bytes of buffer
pdwMDRequiredBufferSize - updated with required length of buffer
ppDataBlob - Receives a blob for the encrypted data.
Return Value:
--*/ {
HRESULT result; ADM_SECURE_DATA * secureData; IIS_CRYPTO_STORAGE * sendCrypto; IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB *dataBlob; PVOID dataBuffer; DWORD getAllBufferLength; BOOL getAllBufferIsSecure;
// Setup locals so we know how to cleanup on exit.
secureData = NULL; sendCrypto = NULL; dataBuffer = NULL; dataBlob = NULL;
// Allocate a temporary memory block for the meta data. Use the
// same size as the user passed into the API.
dataBuffer = ALLOC_MEM( dwMDBufferSize );
if( dataBuffer == NULL ) { result = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); goto cleanup; }
// Call through to the "real" server stub to get the data.
result = This->GetAllData( hMDHandle, pszMDPath, dwMDAttributes, dwMDUserType, dwMDDataType, pdwMDNumDataEntries, pdwMDDataSetNumber, dwMDBufferSize, (PBYTE)dataBuffer, pdwMDRequiredBufferSize );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Compute the total size of the METADATA_GETALL_RECORD. Also
// take this opportunity to determine if any of the data items
// within the record are marked as secure. We'll encrypt the
// entire record if any entry is secure.
CalculateGetAllBufferAttributes( (PMETADATA_GETALL_RECORD)dataBuffer, *pdwMDNumDataEntries, &getAllBufferLength, &getAllBufferIsSecure );
// Encrypt if necessary.
if( getAllBufferIsSecure ) {
// Find an ADM_SECURE_DATA object for "This".
secureData = ADM_SECURE_DATA::FindAndReferenceServerSecureData( This, TRUE // CreateIfNotFound
if( secureData == NULL ) { result = MD_ERROR_SECURE_CHANNEL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; }
// Get the appropriate crypto storage object.
result = secureData->GetServerSendCryptoStorage( &sendCrypto );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Encrypt the data.
result = sendCrypto->EncryptData( &dataBlob, dataBuffer, getAllBufferLength, 0 );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
} else {
result = ::IISCryptoCreateCleartextBlob( &dataBlob, dataBuffer, getAllBufferLength );
if( FAILED(result) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Success!
DBG_ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(result) ); *ppDataBlob = dataBlob;
if( secureData != NULL ) { secureData->Dereference(); }
if( dataBuffer != NULL ) { FREE_MEM( dataBuffer ); }
if( FAILED(result) && dataBlob != NULL ) { ::IISCryptoFreeBlob( dataBlob ); }
return result;
} // IMSAdminBaseW_GetAllData_Stub
return E_FAIL;
} // IMSAdminBaseW_GetServerGuid_Proxy
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMSAdminBaseW_GetServerGuid_Stub( IMSAdminBaseW __RPC_FAR * This, /* [out] */ GUID __RPC_FAR *pServerGuid) { ADM_SECURE_DATA * secureData;
// Find an ADM_SECURE_DATA object for "This".
secureData = ADM_SECURE_DATA::FindAndReferenceServerSecureData( This, TRUE // CreateIfNotFound
if( secureData == NULL ) { return MD_ERROR_SECURE_CHANNEL_FAILURE; }
*pServerGuid = secureData->GetGuid();
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMSAdminBaseW_KeyExchangePhase1_Proxy( IMSAdminBaseW __RPC_FAR * ) {
return E_FAIL;
} // IMSAdminBaseW_KeyExchangePhase1_Proxy
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMSAdminBaseW_KeyExchangePhase1_Stub( IMSAdminBaseW __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in][unique] */ struct _IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB __RPC_FAR *pClientKeyExchangeKeyBlob, /* [in][unique] */ struct _IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB __RPC_FAR *pClientSignatureKeyBlob, /* [out] */ struct _IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppServerKeyExchangeKeyBlob, /* [out] */ struct _IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppServerSignatureKeyBlob, /* [out] */ struct _IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppServerSessionKeyBlob ) {
HRESULT result; ADM_SECURE_DATA * secureData;
// Find an ADM_SECURE_DATA object for "This".
secureData = ADM_SECURE_DATA::FindAndReferenceServerSecureData( This, TRUE // CreateIfNotFound
if( secureData == NULL ) { return MD_ERROR_SECURE_CHANNEL_FAILURE; }
// Do the phase 1 server-side key exchange.
result = secureData->DoServerSideKeyExchangePhase1( pClientKeyExchangeKeyBlob, pClientSignatureKeyBlob, ppServerKeyExchangeKeyBlob, ppServerSignatureKeyBlob, ppServerSessionKeyBlob );
return result;
} // IMSAdminBaseW_KeyExchangePhase1_Stub
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMSAdminBaseW_KeyExchangePhase2_Proxy( IMSAdminBaseW __RPC_FAR * ) {
return E_FAIL;
} // IMSAdminBaseW_KeyExchangePhase2_Proxy
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IMSAdminBaseW_KeyExchangePhase2_Stub( IMSAdminBaseW __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in][unique] */ struct _IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB __RPC_FAR *pClientSessionKeyBlob, /* [in][unique] */ struct _IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB __RPC_FAR *pClientHashBlob, /* [out] */ struct _IIS_CRYPTO_BLOB __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppServerHashBlob ) {
HRESULT result; ADM_SECURE_DATA * secureData;
// Find an ADM_SECURE_DATA object for "This".
secureData = ADM_SECURE_DATA::FindAndReferenceServerSecureData( This, FALSE // CreateIfNotFound
if( secureData == NULL ) { return MD_ERROR_SECURE_CHANNEL_FAILURE; }
// Do the phase 2 server-side key exchange.
result = secureData->DoServerSideKeyExchangePhase2( pClientSessionKeyBlob, pClientHashBlob, ppServerHashBlob );
return result;
} // IMSAdminBaseW_KeyExchangePhase2_Stub
VOID CalculateGetAllBufferAttributes( IN PMETADATA_GETALL_RECORD Data, IN DWORD NumEntries, OUT DWORD * TotalBufferLength, OUT BOOL * IsBufferSecure ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine performs three major functions:
1. It calculates the total size of the METADATA_GETALL_RECORD, including all data.
2. It determines if any of the METADATA_GETALL_RECORDs are marked as secure.
Data - Pointer to the METADATA_GETALL_RECORD buffer.
NumEntries - The number of entries in the buffer.
TotalBufferLength - Receives the total buffer length.
IsBufferSecure - Receives TRUE if any of the entries are marked secure.
Return Value:
--*/ {
PMETADATA_GETALL_RECORD scan; DWORD i; DWORD_PTR usedBufferLength; DWORD_PTR nextOffset; BOOL isSecure;
// Setup.
usedBufferLength = NumEntries * sizeof(METADATA_GETALL_RECORD); isSecure = FALSE;
// Scan the entries, accumulating the total data length.
// Because the individual data entries may be padded. We will
// consider the amount of buffer used to be the highest offset
// + the length of that record's data.
// While we're at it, determine if any are marked as secure.
for( scan = Data, i = NumEntries ; i > 0 ; scan++, i-- ) {
nextOffset = scan->dwMDDataOffset + scan->dwMDDataLen;
if( nextOffset > usedBufferLength ) { usedBufferLength = nextOffset; }
if( scan->dwMDAttributes & METADATA_SECURE ) { isSecure = ENABLE_SECURE_CHANNEL; }
*TotalBufferLength = static_cast<DWORD>(usedBufferLength); *IsBufferSecure = isSecure;
} // CalculateGetAllBufferAttributes
VOID WINAPI ReleaseObjectSecurityContextW( IUnknown * Object ) /*++
Routine Description:
Releases any security context associated with the specified object.
Object - The object.
Return Value:
--*/ {
// Find the data associated with the object.
data = ADM_SECURE_DATA::FindAndReferenceServerSecureData( Object, FALSE // CreateIfNotFound
if( data != NULL ) {
// Dereference the secure data object *twice*, once
// to remove the reference added above, and once to
// remove the "active" reference.
data->Dereference(); data->Dereference(); } else {
ADM_GUID_MAP *pguidmapData;
pguidmapData = ADM_GUID_MAP::FindAndReferenceGuidMap( Object );
if( pguidmapData == NULL ) { #if 0 // stop whining
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "ReleaseObjectSecurityContextW: cannot find data for %08lx\n", Object )); #endif // stop whining
else { //
// Dereference the secure data object *twice*, once
// to remove the reference added above, and once to
// remove the "active" reference.
pguidmapData->Dereference(); pguidmapData->Dereference();
} // ReleaseObjectSecurityContextW
extern "C" {
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Hooked_IUnknown_Release_Proxy( IUnknown __RPC_FAR * This ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the hooked IUnknown::Release() method (see IADMXP.C for details).
This - The object being released.
Return Value:
ULONG - The updated reference count.
--*/ {
ULONG result;
// AddRef and Release to find out if this is the final release. If so,
// destroy any security context associated with this object.
// This must be done before the final Release, to avoid a window
// between the object getting freed and the security info getting
// removed from the lists.
IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy( This ); result = IUnknown_Release_Proxy( This );
if( result == 1 ) { ReleaseObjectSecurityContextW( This ); }
// Call the original release method.
result = IUnknown_Release_Proxy( This );
return result;
} // Hooked_IUnknown_Release_Proxy
} // extern "C"