Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Defines some useful functions for dealing with OLE.
Magnus Hedlund (MagnusH) --
Revision History:
// Dependencies:
class CMultiSz;
// Common Property Operations:
HRESULT StdPropertyGet ( const BSTR strProperty, BSTR * ppstrOut ); HRESULT StdPropertyGet ( long lProperty, long * plOut ); HRESULT StdPropertyGet ( DATE dateProperty, DATE * pdateOut ); inline HRESULT StdPropertyGet ( DWORD lProperty, DWORD * pdwOut ); inline HRESULT StdPropertyGet ( BOOL fProperty, BOOL * plOut ); HRESULT StdPropertyGet ( const CMultiSz * pmszProperty, SAFEARRAY ** ppsaStrings ); HRESULT StdPropertyGetBit ( DWORD bvBitVector, DWORD dwBit, BOOL * pfOut );
HRESULT StdPropertyPut ( BSTR * pstrProperty, const BSTR strNew, DWORD * pbvChangedProps = NULL, DWORD dwBitMask = 0 ); HRESULT StdPropertyPut ( long * plProperty, long lNew, DWORD * pbvChangedProps = NULL, DWORD dwBitMask = 0 ); HRESULT StdPropertyPut ( DATE * pdateProperty, DATE dateNew, DWORD * pbvChangedProps = NULL, DWORD dwBitMask = 0 ); inline HRESULT StdPropertyPut ( DWORD * plProperty, long lNew, DWORD * pbvChangedProps = NULL, DWORD dwBitMask = 0 ); inline HRESULT StdPropertyPut ( BOOL * pfProperty, BOOL fNew, DWORD * pbvChangedProps = NULL, DWORD dwBitMask = 0 ); HRESULT StdPropertyPut ( CMultiSz * pmszProperty, SAFEARRAY * psaStrings, DWORD * pbvChangedProps = NULL, DWORD dwBitMask = 0 ); HRESULT StdPropertyPutBit ( DWORD * pbvBitVector, DWORD dwBit, BOOL fIn ); inline HRESULT StdPropertyPutServerName ( BSTR * pstrProperty, const BSTR strNew, DWORD * pbvChangedProps = NULL, DWORD dwBitMask = 0 );
HRESULT LongArrayToVariantArray ( SAFEARRAY * psaLongs, SAFEARRAY ** ppsaVariants ); HRESULT StringArrayToVariantArray ( SAFEARRAY * psaStrings, SAFEARRAY ** ppsaVariants ); HRESULT VariantArrayToStringArray ( SAFEARRAY * psaVariants, SAFEARRAY ** ppsaStrings );
// Property Field Validation: (based on the mfc DDV_ routines)
// These routines return FALSE if the validation fails.
BOOL PV_MaxChars ( const BSTR strProperty, DWORD nMaxChars ); BOOL PV_MinMax ( int nProperty, int nMin, int nMax ); BOOL PV_MinMax ( DWORD dwProperty, DWORD dwMin, DWORD dwMax ); BOOL PV_Boolean ( BOOL fProperty );
// Handing off IDispatch pointers:
template<class T> HRESULT StdPropertyHandoffIDispatch ( REFCLSID clisd, REFIID riid, T ** ppIAdmin, IDispatch ** ppIDispatchResult );
HRESULT StdPropertyGetIDispatch ( REFCLSID clsid, IDispatch ** ppIDispatchResult );
// Internet addresses <-> Strings
BOOL InetAddressToString ( DWORD dwAddress, LPWSTR wszAddress, DWORD cAddress ); BOOL StringToInetAddress ( LPCWSTR wszAddress, DWORD * pdwAddress );
// Inlined functions:
inline HRESULT StdPropertyGet ( DWORD lProperty, DWORD * pdwOut ) { return StdPropertyGet ( (long) lProperty, (long *) pdwOut ); }
inline HRESULT StdPropertyGet ( BOOL fProperty, BOOL * plOut ) { // Make sure it's our kind of boolean:
fProperty = !!fProperty;
return StdPropertyGet ( (long) fProperty, (long *) plOut ); }
inline HRESULT StdPropertyPut ( DWORD * plProperty, long lNew, DWORD * pbvChangedProps, DWORD dwBitMask ) { return StdPropertyPut ( (long *) plProperty, lNew, pbvChangedProps, dwBitMask ); }
inline HRESULT StdPropertyPut ( BOOL * pfProperty, BOOL fNew, DWORD * pbvChangedProps, DWORD dwBitMask ) { // Make sure it's our kind of boolean:
fNew = !!fNew;
return StdPropertyPut ( (long *) pfProperty, (long) fNew, pbvChangedProps, dwBitMask ); }
inline HRESULT StdPropertyPutServerName ( BSTR * pstrProperty, const BSTR strNew, DWORD * pbvChangedProps, DWORD dwBitMask ) { if ( strNew && lstrcmpi ( strNew, _T("localhost") ) == 0 ) { // Special case: localhost => ""
return StdPropertyPut ( pstrProperty, _T(""), pbvChangedProps, dwBitMask ); }
return StdPropertyPut ( pstrProperty, strNew, pbvChangedProps, dwBitMask ); }
template<class T> HRESULT StdPropertyHandoffIDispatch ( REFCLSID clsid, REFIID riid, T ** ppIAdmin, IDispatch ** ppIDispatchResult ) { // Validate parameters:
_ASSERT ( ppIAdmin != NULL ); _ASSERT ( ppIDispatchResult != NULL );
if ( ppIAdmin == NULL || ppIDispatchResult == NULL ) { return E_POINTER; }
// Variables:
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; CComPtr<T> pIAdmin;
// Zero the out parameters:
*ppIAdmin = NULL; *ppIDispatchResult = NULL;
// Get the IDispatch pointer to return:
hr = StdPropertyGetIDispatch ( clsid, ppIDispatchResult ); if ( FAILED (hr) ) { goto Error; }
// Get the specific interface pointer:
hr = (*ppIDispatchResult)->QueryInterface ( riid, (void **) &pIAdmin ); if ( FAILED (hr) ) { goto Error; }
*ppIAdmin = pIAdmin; pIAdmin.p->AddRef ();
return hr;
Error: SAFE_RELEASE ( *ppIDispatchResult ); *ppIDispatchResult = NULL;
return hr;
// Destructor releases pINntpAdminExpiration