#include "dnsincs.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
extern void DeleteDnsRec(PSMTPDNS_RECS pDnsRec);
CAsyncMxDns::CAsyncMxDns(char *MyFQDN) { lstrcpyn(m_FQDNToDrop, MyFQDN, sizeof(m_FQDNToDrop)); m_fUsingMx = TRUE; m_Index = 0; m_LocalPref = 256; m_SeenLocal = FALSE; m_AuxList = NULL; m_fMxLoopBack = FALSE;
ZeroMemory (m_Weight, sizeof(m_Weight)); ZeroMemory (m_Prefer, sizeof(m_Prefer)); }
// Description:
// Given a pDnsRec (array of host IP pairs) and an index into it, this
// tries to resolve the host at the Index position. It is assumed that
// the caller (GetMissingIpAddresses) has checked that the host at that
// index lacks an IP address.
// Arguments:
// IN PSMTPDNS_RECS pDnsRec --- Array of (host, IP) pairs.
// IN DWORD Index --- Index of host in pDnsRec to set IP for.
// Returns:
// TRUE --- Success IP was filled in for host.
// FALSE --- Either the host was not resolved from DNS or an error
// occurred (like "out of memory").
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CAsyncMxDns::GetIpFromDns");
fReturn = GetDnsIpArrayCopy(&pipDnsList); if(!fReturn) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Unable to get DNS server list copy"); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return FALSE; }
dwStatus = ResolveHost( pDnsRec->DnsArray[Index]->DnsName, pipDnsList, DNS_QUERY_STANDARD, rgdwIpAddresses, &cIpAddresses);
if(dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { fReturn = TRUE; for (DWORD Loop = 0; !IsShuttingDown() && Loop < cIpAddresses; Loop++) { pEntry = new MXIPLIST_ENTRY; if(pEntry != NULL) { pDnsRec->DnsArray[Index]->NumEntries++; CopyMemory(&pEntry->IpAddress, &rgdwIpAddresses[Loop], 4); InsertTailList(&pDnsRec->DnsArray[Index]->IpListHead, &pEntry->ListEntry); } else { fReturn = FALSE; ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Not enough memory"); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); break; } } } else { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "gethostbyname failed on %s", pDnsRec->DnsArray[Index]->DnsName); SetLastError(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS); }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return fReturn; }
// Description:
// This runs through the list of hosts (MX hosts, or if no MX records were
// returned, the single target host) and verifies that they all have been
// resolved to IP addresses. If any have been found that do not have IP
// addresses, it will call GetIpFromDns to resolve it.
// Arguments:
// IN PSMTPDNS_RECS pDnsRec -- Object containing Host-IP pairs. Hosts
// without and IP are filled in.
// Returns:
// TRUE -- Success, all hosts have IP addresses.
// FALSE -- Unable to resolve all hosts to IP addresses, or some internal
// error occurred (like "out of memory" or "shutdown in progress".
BOOL CAsyncMxDns::GetMissingIpAddresses(PSMTPDNS_RECS pDnsRec) { DWORD Count = 0; DWORD Error = 0; BOOL fSucceededOnce = FALSE;
if(pDnsRec == NULL) { return FALSE; }
while(!IsShuttingDown() && pDnsRec->DnsArray[Count] != NULL) { if(IsListEmpty(&pDnsRec->DnsArray[Count]->IpListHead)) { SetLastError(NO_ERROR); if(!GetIpFromDns(pDnsRec, Count)) { Error = GetLastError(); if(Error != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { return FALSE; } } else { fSucceededOnce = TRUE; } } else { fSucceededOnce = TRUE; }
Count++; }
return ( fSucceededOnce );
int MxRand(char * host) { int hfunc = 0; unsigned int seed = 0;;
seed = rand() & 0xffff;
hfunc = seed; while (*host != '\0') { int c = *host++;
if (isascii((UCHAR)c) && isupper((UCHAR)c)) c = tolower(c);
hfunc = ((hfunc << 1) ^ c) % 2003; }
hfunc &= 0xff;
return hfunc; }
BOOL CAsyncMxDns::CheckList(void) { MXIPLIST_ENTRY * pEntry = NULL; BOOL fRet = TRUE; DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD rgdwIpAddresses[SMTP_MAX_DNS_ENTRIES]; DWORD cIpAddresses = SMTP_MAX_DNS_ENTRIES; PIP_ARRAY pipDnsList = NULL;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CAsyncDns::CheckList"); if(m_Index == 0) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "m_Index == 0 in CheckList");
m_fUsingMx = FALSE;
m_AuxList = new SMTPDNS_RECS; if(m_AuxList == NULL) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "m_AuxList = new SMTPDNS_RECS failed"); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; }
ZeroMemory(m_AuxList, sizeof(SMTPDNS_RECS));
m_AuxList->NumRecords = 1;
m_AuxList->DnsArray[0] = new MX_NAMES; if(m_AuxList->DnsArray[0] == NULL) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "m_AuxList->DnsArray[0] = new MX_NAMES failed"); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; } m_AuxList->DnsArray[0]->NumEntries = 0; InitializeListHead(&m_AuxList->DnsArray[0]->IpListHead); lstrcpyn(m_AuxList->DnsArray[0]->DnsName, m_HostName, sizeof(m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index]->DnsName));
fRet = GetDnsIpArrayCopy(&pipDnsList); if(!fRet) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Unable to get DNS server list copy"); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return FALSE; }
dwStatus = ResolveHost( m_HostName, pipDnsList, DNS_QUERY_STANDARD, rgdwIpAddresses, &cIpAddresses);
if(dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS && cIpAddresses) { for (DWORD Loop = 0; Loop < cIpAddresses; Loop++) { pEntry = new MXIPLIST_ENTRY; if(pEntry != NULL) { m_AuxList->DnsArray[0]->NumEntries++; CopyMemory(&pEntry->IpAddress, &rgdwIpAddresses[Loop], 4); InsertTailList(&m_AuxList->DnsArray[0]->IpListHead, &pEntry->ListEntry); } else { fRet = FALSE; ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "pEntry = new MXIPLIST_ENTRY failed in CheckList"); break; } } } else { fRet = FALSE; }
ReleaseDnsIpArray(pipDnsList); }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return fRet; }
BOOL CAsyncMxDns::SortMxList(void) { BOOL fRet = TRUE;
/* sort the records */ for (DWORD i = 0; i < m_Index; i++) { for (DWORD j = i + 1; j < m_Index; j++) { if (m_Prefer[i] > m_Prefer[j] || (m_Prefer[i] == m_Prefer[j] && m_Weight[i] > m_Weight[j])) { DWORD temp; MX_NAMES *temp1;
temp = m_Prefer[i]; m_Prefer[i] = m_Prefer[j]; m_Prefer[j] = temp; temp1 = m_AuxList->DnsArray[i]; m_AuxList->DnsArray[i] = m_AuxList->DnsArray[j]; m_AuxList->DnsArray[j] = temp1; temp = m_Weight[i]; m_Weight[i] = m_Weight[j]; m_Weight[j] = temp; } }
if (m_SeenLocal && m_Prefer[i] >= m_LocalPref) { /* truncate higher preference part of list */ m_Index = i; } }
m_AuxList->NumRecords = m_Index;
if(!CheckList()) { DeleteDnsRec(m_AuxList); m_AuxList = NULL; fRet = FALSE; }
return fRet; }
void CAsyncMxDns::ProcessMxRecord(PDNS_RECORD pnewRR) { DWORD Len = 0;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CAsyncDns::ProcessMxRecord");
// Leave room for NULL-termination of array
if(m_Index >= SMTP_MAX_DNS_ENTRIES-1) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "SMTP_MAX_DNS_ENTRIES reached for %s", m_HostName); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return; }
if((pnewRR->wType == DNS_TYPE_MX) && pnewRR->Data.MX.nameExchange) { Len = lstrlen(pnewRR->Data.MX.nameExchange); if(pnewRR->Data.MX.nameExchange[Len - 1] == '.') { pnewRR->Data.MX.nameExchange[Len - 1] = '\0'; }
DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Received MX rec %s with priority %d for %s", pnewRR->Data.MX.nameExchange, pnewRR->Data.MX.wPreference, m_HostName);
if(lstrcmpi(pnewRR->Data.MX.nameExchange, m_FQDNToDrop)) { m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index] = new MX_NAMES;
if(m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index]) { m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index]->NumEntries = 0;; InitializeListHead(&m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index]->IpListHead); lstrcpyn(m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index]->DnsName,pnewRR->Data.MX.nameExchange, sizeof(m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index]->DnsName)); m_Weight[m_Index] = MxRand (m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index]->DnsName); m_Prefer[m_Index] = pnewRR->Data.MX.wPreference; m_Index++; } else { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Out of memory allocating MX_NAMES for %s", m_HostName); } } else { if (!m_SeenLocal || pnewRR->Data.MX.wPreference < m_LocalPref) m_LocalPref = pnewRR->Data.MX.wPreference;
m_SeenLocal = TRUE; } } else if(pnewRR->wType == DNS_TYPE_A) { MXIPLIST_ENTRY * pEntry = NULL;
for(DWORD i = 0; i < m_Index; i++) { if(lstrcmpi(pnewRR->nameOwner, m_AuxList->DnsArray[i]->DnsName) == 0) { pEntry = new MXIPLIST_ENTRY;
if(pEntry != NULL) { m_AuxList->DnsArray[i]->NumEntries++;; pEntry->IpAddress = pnewRR->Data.A.ipAddress; InsertTailList(&m_AuxList->DnsArray[i]->IpListHead, &pEntry->ListEntry); }
break; } } }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); }
void CAsyncMxDns::ProcessARecord(PDNS_RECORD pnewRR) { MXIPLIST_ENTRY * pEntry = NULL;
if(pnewRR->wType == DNS_TYPE_A) { pEntry = new MXIPLIST_ENTRY;
if(pEntry != NULL) { pEntry->IpAddress = pnewRR->Data.A.ipAddress; InsertTailList(&m_AuxList->DnsArray[0]->IpListHead, &pEntry->ListEntry); } } }
// Description:
// Checks to see if any of the IP addresses returned by DNS belong to this
// machine. This is a common configuration when there are backup mail
// spoolers. To avoid mail looping, we should delete all MX records that
// are less preferred than the record containing the local IP address.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Returns:
// TRUE if no loopback
// FALSE if loopback detected
BOOL CAsyncMxDns::CheckMxLoopback() { ULONG i = 0; ULONG cLocalIndex = 0; BOOL fSeenLocal = TRUE; DWORD dwIpAddress = INADDR_NONE; DWORD dwLocalPref = 256; PLIST_ENTRY pListHead = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY pListTail = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY pListCurrent = NULL; PMXIPLIST_ENTRY pMxIpListEntry = NULL; TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CAsyncMxDns::CheckMxLoopback");
if(!m_AuxList) { TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return TRUE; }
// m_AuxList is a sorted list of MX records. Scan through it searching
// for an MX record with a local-IP address. cLocalIndex is set to the
// index, within m_AuxList, of this record.
while(m_AuxList->DnsArray[cLocalIndex] != NULL) { pListTail = &(m_AuxList->DnsArray[cLocalIndex]->IpListHead); pListHead = m_AuxList->DnsArray[cLocalIndex]->IpListHead.Flink; pListCurrent = pListHead;
while(pListCurrent != pListTail) { pMxIpListEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(pListCurrent, MXIPLIST_ENTRY, ListEntry); dwIpAddress = pMxIpListEntry->IpAddress;
if(IsAddressMine(dwIpAddress)) { DNS_PRINTF_MSG("Local host's IP is one of the target IPs.\n"); DNS_PRINTF_MSG("Discarding all equally or less-preferred IP addresses.\n");
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Local record found in MX list, name=%s, pref=%d, ip=%08x", m_AuxList->DnsArray[cLocalIndex]->DnsName, m_Prefer[cLocalIndex], dwIpAddress);
// All records with preference > m_Prefer[cLocalIndex] should be deleted. Since
// m_AuxList is sorted by preference, we need to delete everthing with index >
// cLocalIndex. However since there may be some records with preference == local-
// preference, which occur before cLocalIndex, we walk backwards till we find
// the first record with preference = m_Prefer[cLocalIndex].
dwLocalPref = m_Prefer[cLocalIndex]; while(cLocalIndex > 0 && dwLocalPref == m_Prefer[cLocalIndex]) cLocalIndex--;
if(dwLocalPref != m_Prefer[cLocalIndex]) cLocalIndex++;
fSeenLocal = TRUE;
// All records > cLocalIndex are even less preferred than this one,
// (since m_AuxList already sorted) and will be deleted.
goto END_SEARCH; }
pListCurrent = pListCurrent->Flink; } cLocalIndex++; }
// If a local-IP address was found, delete all less-preferred records
if(fSeenLocal) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Deleting all MX records with lower preference than %d", m_Prefer[cLocalIndex]);
for(i = cLocalIndex; m_AuxList->DnsArray[i] != NULL; i++) { if(!m_AuxList->DnsArray[i]->DnsName[0]) continue;
while(!IsListEmpty(&(m_AuxList->DnsArray[i]->IpListHead))) { pListCurrent = RemoveHeadList(&(m_AuxList->DnsArray[i]->IpListHead)); pMxIpListEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(pListCurrent, MXIPLIST_ENTRY, ListEntry); delete pMxIpListEntry; }
delete m_AuxList->DnsArray[i]; m_AuxList->DnsArray[i] = NULL; } m_AuxList->NumRecords = cLocalIndex;
// No records left
if(m_AuxList->NumRecords == 0) { DNS_PRINTF_ERR("DNS configuration error (loopback), messages will be NDRed.\n"); DNS_PRINTF_ERR("Local host's IP address is the most preferred MX record.\n");
ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Possible misconfiguration: most preferred MX record is loopback"); _ASSERT(m_AuxList->pMailMsgObj == NULL); delete m_AuxList; m_AuxList = NULL; return FALSE; } }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return TRUE; }
void CAsyncMxDns::DnsProcessReply( DWORD status, PDNS_RECORD pRecordList) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CAsyncDns::DnsParseMessage"); PDNS_RECORD pTmp = NULL;
m_SeenLocal = FALSE; m_LocalPref = 256;
m_AuxList = new SMTPDNS_RECS; if(!m_AuxList) { return; }
ZeroMemory(m_AuxList, sizeof(SMTPDNS_RECS)); //
// Due to Raid #122555 m_fUsingMx is always TRUE in this function
// - hence we will always go a GetHostByName() if there is no MX
// record. It would be better Perf if we did a A record lookup.
DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Parsed DNS record for %s. status = 0x%08x", m_HostName, status);
switch(status) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: //
// Got the DNS record we want.
DNS_PRINTF_MSG("Processing MX/A records in reply.\n");
DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Success: DNS record parsed"); pTmp = pRecordList; while( pTmp ) { if( m_fUsingMx ) { ProcessMxRecord( pTmp ); } else { ProcessARecord( pTmp ); } pTmp = pTmp->pNext; }
if(m_fUsingMx) { //
// SortMxList sorts the MX records by preference and calls
// gethostbyname() to resolve A records for Mail Exchangers
// if needed (when the A records are not returned in the
// supplementary info).
DNS_PRINTF_MSG("Sorting MX records by priority.\n"); if(SortMxList()) { status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "SortMxList() succeeded."); } else { status = ERROR_RETRY; ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "SortMxList() failed. Message will stay queued."); } } break; case DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR: // Fall through to using gethostbyname()
case DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS: // Non authoritative host not found.
// Fall through to using gethostbyname()
default: DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Error in query: status = 0x%08x.", status);
// Use gethostbyname to resolve the hostname:
// One issue with our approach is that sometimes we will NDR the message
// on non-permanent errors, "like WINS server down", when gethostbyname
// fails. However, there's no way around it --- gethostbyname doesn't
// report errors in a reliable manner, so it's not possible to distinguish
// between permanent and temporary errors.
if (!CheckList ()) {
DNS_PRINTF_ERR("Host does not exist in DNS. Messages will be NDRed.\n"); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Authoritative error"); status = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } else {
DNS_PRINTF_ERR("Host could not be resolved. Messages will be retried later.\n"); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Retryable error"); status = ERROR_RETRY; }
} else {
DebugTrace ((LPARAM) this, "Successfully resolved using gethostbyname"); status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } break; }
// Make a last ditch effort to fill in the IP addresses for any hosts
// that are still unresolved.
if(m_AuxList && status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(!GetMissingIpAddresses(m_AuxList)) { DeleteDnsRec(m_AuxList); m_AuxList = NULL; status = ERROR_RETRY; goto Exit; }
if(!CheckMxLoopback()) { m_fMxLoopBack = TRUE; DeleteDnsRec(m_AuxList); m_AuxList = NULL; TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return; } }
// End of resolve: HandleCompleted data examines the DnsStatus and results, and sets up
// member variables of CAsyncMxDns to either NDR messages, connect to the remote host
// or ack this queue for retry when the object is deleted.
Exit: HandleCompletedData(status); return; }