Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the implementation for the Server Extension Object Dispatcher service.
Andy Jacobs (andyj@microsoft.com)
Revision History:
andyj 11/26/96 created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "seo.h"
#include "dispatch.h"
class CDictItemNameList { public: CDictItemNameList(ISEODictionary *piFrom); ~CDictItemNameList(); public: DWORD m_dwCount; CComVariant *m_aNames; };
static HRESULT ReallocCComVariant(CComVariant **ppBase, DWORD dwBaseCnt, DWORD dwNewBaseCnt) { CComVariant *pNew = NULL;
if (dwBaseCnt == dwNewBaseCnt) { return (S_OK); } if (!dwNewBaseCnt) { delete[] *ppBase; *ppBase = NULL; return (S_OK); } ATLTRY(pNew = new CComVariant[dwNewBaseCnt];) _ASSERTE(pNew); if (!pNew) { return (E_OUTOFMEMORY); } for (DWORD dwIdx=0;(dwIdx<dwBaseCnt)&&(dwIdx<dwNewBaseCnt);dwIdx++) { pNew[dwIdx].Attach(&(*ppBase)[dwIdx]); } delete[] *ppBase; *ppBase = pNew; return (S_OK); }
static HRESULT ReallocCComVariant(CComVariant **ppBase, DWORD dwBaseCnt, CComVariant *pAdd, DWORD dwAddCnt) { HRESULT hrRes;
hrRes = ReallocCComVariant(ppBase,dwBaseCnt,dwBaseCnt+dwAddCnt); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { return (hrRes); } for (DWORD dwIdx=0;dwIdx<dwAddCnt;dwIdx++) { (*ppBase)[dwIdx+dwBaseCnt].Attach(&pAdd[dwIdx]); } return (S_OK); }
CDictItemNameList::CDictItemNameList(ISEODictionary *piFrom) { HRESULT hrRes;
m_dwCount = 0; m_aNames = NULL; if (piFrom) { CComPtr<IUnknown> pUnkEnum;
hrRes = piFrom->get__NewEnum(&pUnkEnum); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { CComQIPtr<IEnumVARIANT,&IID_IEnumVARIANT> pevEnum(pUnkEnum);
if (pevEnum) { while (1) { CComVariant aNew[20]; DWORD dwCnt;
hrRes = pevEnum->Next(sizeof(aNew)/sizeof(aNew[0]),aNew,&dwCnt); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { break; } if (!dwCnt) { break; } hrRes = ReallocCComVariant(&m_aNames,m_dwCount,aNew,dwCnt); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { break; } for (DWORD dwIdx=0;dwIdx<dwCnt;dwIdx++) { hrRes = m_aNames[dwIdx+m_dwCount].ChangeType(VT_BSTR); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hrRes)); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { // Ack! Ok - just drop this name off the list by moving the last name
// on the list to this position, and fiddling the indexes so that we
// attemp to convert this position again.
if (dwIdx<dwCnt-1) { m_aNames[dwIdx+m_dwCount].Attach(&m_aNames[dwCnt+m_dwCount-1]); } dwIdx--; dwCnt--; } } m_dwCount += dwCnt; } } } } }
CDictItemNameList::~CDictItemNameList() {
delete[] m_aNames; m_dwCount = 0; m_aNames = NULL; }
CSEOBaseDispatcher::CSEOBaseDispatcher() {
m_apbBindings = NULL; m_dwBindingsCount = 0; }
CSEOBaseDispatcher::~CSEOBaseDispatcher() {
while (m_dwBindingsCount) { delete m_apbBindings[--m_dwBindingsCount]; } delete[] m_apbBindings; m_apbBindings = NULL; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CSEOBaseDispatcher::SetContext(ISEORouter *piRouter, ISEODictionary *pdictBP) { HRESULT hrRes; CComPtr<ISEODictionary> pdictBindings;
_ASSERT(!m_dwBindingsCount&&!m_apbBindings); hrRes = pdictBP->GetInterfaceA(BD_BINDINGS,IID_ISEODictionary,(IUnknown **) &pdictBindings); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { CDictItemNameList dinlBindings(pdictBindings);
if (dinlBindings.m_dwCount) { m_apbBindings = new CBinding *[dinlBindings.m_dwCount]; if (!m_apbBindings) { return (E_OUTOFMEMORY); } memset(m_apbBindings,0,sizeof(CBinding *)*dinlBindings.m_dwCount); for (m_dwBindingsCount=0;m_dwBindingsCount<dinlBindings.m_dwCount;m_dwBindingsCount++) { CComPtr<ISEODictionary> pdictBinding;
pdictBinding.Release(); hrRes = pdictBindings->GetInterfaceW(dinlBindings.m_aNames[m_dwBindingsCount].bstrVal, IID_ISEODictionary, (IUnknown **) &pdictBinding); _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hrRes)); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { hrRes = AllocBinding(pdictBinding,&m_apbBindings[m_dwBindingsCount]); _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hrRes)); } } qsort(m_apbBindings,m_dwBindingsCount,sizeof(m_apbBindings[0]),comp_binding); } } if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { m_piRouter = piRouter; m_pdictBP = pdictBP; } return (hrRes); }
static HRESULT GetCLSIDFromBinding(LPCSTR pszCLSID, LPCSTR pszProgID, ISEODictionary *piBinding, CLSID *pclsid) { HRESULT hrRes; CComVariant varTmp;
if (!piBinding) { return (E_POINTER); } if (pszCLSID) { hrRes = piBinding->GetVariantA(pszCLSID,&varTmp); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { hrRes = varTmp.ChangeType(VT_BSTR); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { hrRes = CLSIDFromString(varTmp.bstrVal,pclsid); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { return (hrRes); } } } varTmp.Clear(); } if (!pszProgID) { return (E_FAIL); // tbd - come up with a better error code
} hrRes = piBinding->GetVariantA(pszProgID,&varTmp); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { return (hrRes); } hrRes = varTmp.ChangeType(VT_BSTR); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { return (hrRes); } hrRes = CLSIDFromProgID(varTmp.bstrVal,pclsid); return (hrRes); }
HRESULT CSEOBaseDispatcher::CBinding::Init(ISEODictionary *piBinding) { HRESULT hrRes; CComVariant varTmp; CLSID clsidTmp;
if (!piBinding) { return (E_POINTER); } // Try to get the CLSID of the object - if an error occurs,
// this binding is invalid.
hrRes = GetCLSIDFromBinding(BD_OBJECT,BD_PROGID,piBinding,&m_clsidObject); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { return (S_FALSE); } // From this point on, all errors are silently ignored - we
// use default values if we can't get something from the binding
// database.
hrRes = piBinding->GetVariantA(BD_PRIORITY,&varTmp); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { hrRes = varTmp.ChangeType(VT_I4); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { m_dwPriority = (DWORD) varTmp.lVal; } } if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { // If the priority isn't set, default to "last".
m_dwPriority = (DWORD) -1; } varTmp.Clear(); m_piBinding = piBinding; // Try to get an instance of the rule engine.
hrRes = GetCLSIDFromBinding(BD_RULEENGINE,NULL,piBinding,&clsidTmp); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { hrRes = CoCreateInstance(clsidTmp, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ISEOBindingRuleEngine, (LPVOID *) &m_piRuleEngine); } // See if the 'exclusive' flag has been set.
m_bExclusive = FALSE; hrRes = piBinding->GetVariantA(BD_EXCLUSIVE,&varTmp); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { hrRes = varTmp.ChangeType(VT_BOOL); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { if (varTmp.boolVal) { m_bExclusive = TRUE; } } else { hrRes = varTmp.ChangeType(VT_I4); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { if (varTmp.lVal) { m_bExclusive = TRUE; } } } } varTmp.Clear(); m_bValid = TRUE; return (S_OK); }
int CSEOBaseDispatcher::CBinding::Compare(const CBinding& b) const {
if (m_dwPriority == b.m_dwPriority) { return (0); } else { return ((m_dwPriority>b.m_dwPriority)?1:-1); } }
HRESULT CSEOBaseDispatcher::AllocBinding(ISEODictionary *pdictBinding, CBinding **ppbBinding) { HRESULT hrRes;
if (!ppbBinding) { return (E_POINTER); } *ppbBinding = new CBinding; if (!*ppbBinding) { return (E_OUTOFMEMORY); } hrRes = (*ppbBinding)->Init(pdictBinding); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { delete *ppbBinding; *ppbBinding = NULL; } return (hrRes); }
static int _cdecl comp_binding(const void *pv1, const void *pv2) { const CSEOBaseDispatcher::CBinding **ppb1 = (const CSEOBaseDispatcher::CBinding **) pv1; const CSEOBaseDispatcher::CBinding **ppb2 = (const CSEOBaseDispatcher::CBinding **) pv2;
return ((*ppb1)->Compare(**ppb2)); }
HRESULT CSEOBaseDispatcher::Dispatch(CEventParams *pEventParams) { BOOL bObjectCalled = FALSE; HRESULT hrRes;
for (DWORD dwIdx=0;dwIdx<m_dwBindingsCount;dwIdx++) { if (!m_apbBindings[dwIdx]->m_bValid) { continue; } if (m_apbBindings[dwIdx]->m_bExclusive && bObjectCalled) { continue; } hrRes = pEventParams->CheckRule(*m_apbBindings[dwIdx]); if (hrRes == S_OK) { hrRes = pEventParams->CallObject(*m_apbBindings[dwIdx]); if ((hrRes == SEO_S_DONEPROCESSING) || m_apbBindings[dwIdx]->m_bExclusive) { break; } } } return (S_OK); }