Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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196 lines
17 KiB

  1. App Name SSADMIN.EXE
  2. App Version 4.0.0831.0USA
  3. Frame Bitmap "ss432.dll, 101"
  4. Frame Caption Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 4.0 Setup
  5. Dialog Caption Base Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 4.0
  6. Usage String Usage: Setup
  7. About Box String Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 4.0 for Windows\n\nCopyright (C) 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation
  8. Check Modules "ssexp, Microsoft SourceSafe"
  9. Source Directory C:\VSSAFE40.WIN\
  10. MSAPPS Mode local
  11. MSAPPS Connect server
  12. Inf File Name ss4.inf
  13. Help File Name ACMSETUP.HLP
  14. Setup Status "TRC�S�ؑ������7h����PQX�:��Z�vV�//e%Mj�""�^{Ѡ�ֆh�nR��S����f�����f掖����}�I�0���1����B""�6ID������@Xz��~8�>�exi���а�ƴ^{��~vП�N;R����2NtKl�h�DDT5�|��dg�Z�Ƃ�Bb�"
  15. Maximum Object ID 500
  16. Admin Mode Root Object ID
  17. Floppy Mode Root Object ID 15 : 1
  18. Network Mode Root Object ID
  19. Maintenance Mode Root Object ID 17 : 1
  20. Network Maintenance Mode Root Object ID
  21. Batch Mode Root Object ID 16 : 5
  22. Install Date 1996.
  23. Setup Version
  24. Check Modules2
  25. ObjID Checkbox State Title Description Object Type Object Data Bitmap Id Vital Attribute Shared Attribute Configurable Directory Destination Directory Check Directory Installed By Install Data Install Directory
  26. 1 Microsoft Visual SourceSafe AppSearch """C:\VSS"", ""SRCSAFE.INI"", """", 1, ""yes"", ""yes"", 2, 3" C:\devtools\VSS\ us C:\devtools\VSS\
  27. 2 SearchEnv """SSDIR"""
  28. 3 SearchDrives """fixed"""
  29. 5 Microsoft Visual SourceSafe AppSearch """C:\VSS"", ""SRCSAFE.INI"", """", 1, ""yes"", ""no"""
  30. 15 Floppy Mode AppMainDlg 23 24 25 : 210 yes C:\devtools\VSS\ us C:\devtools\VSS\
  31. 16 Batch Mode Group 29 30 31 36 56 57 59 60 62 63 37 141 98 210
  32. 17 Maintenance Mode CustomDlg 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 : 141 98 210 290 C:\devtools\VSS\
  33. 23 yes &Server All Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 4.0 files will be installed Group 29 30 31 36 56 57 59 60 62 63 37 141 98 "ss432.dll, 105" no nyi
  34. 24 no &Custom Install only the Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 4.0 components that you choose CustomDlg 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 : 141 98 "ss432.dll, 103" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  35. 25 no C&lient Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 4.0 will be installed with only the options needed to access a Visual SourceSafe 4.0 database on a remote computer. Group 39 141 "ss432.dll, 104" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  36. 29 yes Create SourceSafe Database Install or convert SourceSafe database directories and files. Group 66 126 no nyi
  37. 30 yes Windows 3.1 version Install the Windows 3.1 16-bit programs. Group 82 125 no nyi
  38. 31 yes Windows 32-bit (Intel) version Install the Windows 32-bit for Intel programs (Windows NT & Windows 95) Group 103 127 125 no nyi
  39. 32 yes Visual Basic and Visual C++ Registration Register SourceSafe with Visual Basic and Visual C++ Integrated Development Environments. Group 52 125 nyi
  40. 33 yes Help files Install the Visual SourceSafe help files. CustomDlg 56 57 us C:\devtools\VSS\
  41. 34 yes Integration macros Install macros that help SourceSafe integrate with other products. CustomDlg 59 60 us C:\devtools\VSS\
  42. 35 yes Conversion utilities Install utilities to convert from other version control systems. CustomDlg 62 63 us C:\devtools\VSS\
  43. 36 yes Network Client Setup Install the Visual SourceSafe Network Client installation programs. Group 195 125 nyi
  44. 37 yes Books Online Install the online Visual SourceSafe User's Guide. Group 254 255 256 %D nyi
  45. 38 yes Network Client Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 4.0 will be installed with only the options needed to access a Visual SourceSafe 4.0 database on a remote computer. Group 151 154 155 158 43 165 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 190
  46. 39 yes Network Client Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 4.0 will be installed with only the options needed to access a Visual SourceSafe 4.0 database on a remote computer. Group 151 154 155 41 165 166 us C:\devtools\VSS\
  47. 40 yes CustomAction """ss432.dll"", ""OnWindowsNT""" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  48. 41 yes Depend 40 ? 160 161 : 42 43 us Yes C:\devtools\VSS\
  49. 42 yes CopyFile """Win32Shared"", mfc30" %M nyi
  50. 43 yes CustomAction """ss432.dll"",""RefCount"", ""mfc30.dll""" %M nyi
  51. 52 yes Group 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 nyi
  52. 56 yes Explorer help file Install the Visual SourceSafe Explorer help file. Group 100 101 125 no nyi
  53. 57 yes Administrator help file Install the Visual SourceSafe Administration help file. Group 99 101 125 no nyi
  54. 59 yes Borland C++ Integration Install the Borland C++ IDE Integration macros. Group 117 125 no nyi
  55. 60 yes Brief 3.1 Integration Install the Brief 3.1 Integration macros. Group 121 125 no nyi
  56. 62 yes PVCS conversion Install the utilities to convert a PVCS installation to a SourceSafe installation. Group 135 125 no nyi
  57. 63 yes DELTA conversion Install the utilities to convert a DELTA installation to a SourceSafe installation. Group 138 125 no nyi
  58. 66 yes Group 67 68 69 71 73 nyi
  59. 67 yes CopySection """SS Indep Main""" %d nyi
  60. 68 yes CopySection """SS Indep Users""" %d\users nyi
  61. 69 yes CopySection """SS Indep Temp""" %d\temp nyi
  62. 70 yes DetectOlderFile """um.dat""" %d\data nyi
  63. 71 yes Depend 70 ? : 72 nyi
  64. 72 yes CopySection """SS Indep Data""" %d\data nyi
  65. 73 yes Group 74 75 76 77 %d\users nyi
  66. 74 yes CopySection """SS Indep Guest""" %d\guest nyi
  67. 75 yes CopyFile """SS Indep Ini"", ssini" %d\admin nyi
  68. 76 yes CopyFile """SS Indep Ini"", ssini" %d\guest nyi
  69. 77 yes CopyFile """SS Indep Ini"", admini" %d\admin nyi
  70. 82 yes Group 83 84 85 86 87 90 91 92 nyi
  71. 83 yes CopySection """SS DOSWin DOS""" %d\dos nyi
  72. 84 yes CopySection """SS DOSWin Win""" %d\win nyi
  73. 85 yes CopySection """SS Install""" %d\win nyi
  74. 86 yes CopyFile """SS CopyDis"", ssexp" %d\win nyi
  75. 87 yes CopyFile """SS CopyDis"", ssadmin" %d\win nyi
  76. 88 yes StampCDInfo "86, 106, 196"
  77. 89 yes StampCDInfo "87, 106, 196"
  78. 90 yes AddProgmanItem """Microsoft Visual SourceSafe"", ""Visual SourceSafe 4.0"", ""%s\win\SSEXP.EXE"", """"" nyi
  79. 91 yes AddProgmanItem """Microsoft Visual SourceSafe"",""Visual SourceSafe 4.0 Admin"",""%s\WIN\SSADMIN.EXE"",""""" nyi
  80. 92 yes AddProgmanItem """Microsoft Visual SourceSafe"", ""Visual SourceSafe 4.0 Release Notes"", ""%s\README.WRI"", """"" nyi
  81. 96 yes CopySection """SS Indep Help""" %d
  82. 98 yes Readme CopyFile """SS Indep Help"", readme" %d nyi
  83. 99 yes CopySection """SS SSADM Help""" %d nyi
  84. 100 yes CopySection """SS SSEXP Help""" %d nyi
  85. 101 yes CopySection """SS SSPSS Help""" %d nyi
  86. 103 yes Group 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 nyi
  87. 104 yes CopySection """SS Win32""" %d\win32 nyi
  88. 105 yes CopyFile """SS CopyDis"", ssexp32" %d\win32 nyi
  89. 106 yes CopyFile """SS CopyDis"", ssadmin32" %d\win32 nyi
  90. 107 yes StampCDInfo "105, 106, 196" nyi
  91. 108 yes StampCDInfo "106, 106, 196" nyi
  92. 109 yes AddProgmanItem """Microsoft Visual SourceSafe"", ""Visual SourceSafe 4.0 - 32-bit"", ""%s\WIN32\SSEXP.EXE"", """"" nyi
  93. 110 yes AddProgmanItem """Microsoft Visual SourceSafe"",""Visual SourceSafe 4.0 Admin - 32-bit"",""%s\WIN32\SSADMIN.EXE"",""""" nyi
  94. 111 yes AddProgmanItem """Microsoft Visual SourceSafe"", ""Visual SourceSafe 4.0 Release Notes"", ""%s\README.WRI"", """"" nyi
  95. 114 yes Group 117 121
  96. 117 yes Group 118 %d\macros nyi
  97. 118 yes CopySection """SS Macros Borland""" %d\borlandc nyi
  98. 121 yes Group 122 %d\macros nyi
  99. 122 yes CopySection """SS Macros Brief""" %d\brief nyi
  100. 124 yes DetectOlderFile """um.dat""" %d\data nyi
  101. 125 yes Depend 124 ? 126 nyi
  102. 126 yes Group 127 128 nyi
  103. 127 yes CopySection """SS Install32""" %d\win32 nyi
  104. 128 yes CustomAction """ss432.dll"",""UpdateDB"",%s" nyi
  105. 132 yes Group 135 138
  106. 135 yes CopySection """SS Convert PVCS""" %d\dos nyi
  107. 138 yes CopySection """SS Convert DELTA""" %d\dos nyi
  108. 141 yes Billboards Group 142 143 144 145 146 us C:\devtools\VSS\
  109. 142 yes AddBillboard """ss432.dll"", ""1011"", ""FBillbrdDlgProc""" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  110. 143 yes AddBillboard """ss432.dll"", ""1012"", ""FBillbrdDlgProc""" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  111. 144 yes AddBillboard """ss432.dll"", ""1013"", ""FBillbrdDlgProc""" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  112. 145 yes AddBillboard """ss432.dll"", ""1014"", ""FBillbrdDlgProc""" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  113. 146 yes AddBillboard """ss432.dll"", ""1015"", ""FBillbrdDlgProc""" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  114. 150 yes Network Client Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 4.0 will be installed with only the options needed to access a Visual SourceSafe 4.0 database on a remote computer. Group 151 154 155 158 160 161 165 166
  115. 151 yes CopySection ClientAlways %d us C:\devtools\VSS\
  116. 152 yes CopySection DOS16Client %d\dos
  117. 153 yes CopySection Win16Client %d\win
  118. 154 yes CopySection Win32Client %d\win32 us C:\devtools\VSS\win32\
  119. 155 yes CopyFile """SS CopyDis"", ssexp32" %d\win32 us C:\devtools\VSS\win32\
  120. 157 yes CopyFile """SS CopyDis"", ssexp" %d\win
  121. 158 yes StampCDInfo "155, 106, 196"
  122. 160 yes InstallShared """Win32Shared"", ""mfc30"", ""mfc30.dll"", """", ""155"", """"" %M us C:\WINNT\System32\
  123. 161 yes InstallShared """Win32Shared"", ""msvcrt20"", ""msvcrt20.dll"", """", ""155"", """"" %M us C:\WINNT\System32\
  124. 162 yes InstallShared """Win16Shared"", ""ctl3dv2"", ""ctl3dv2.dll"", """", ""157"", """"" %M
  125. 163 yes InstallShared """Win16Shared"", ""mfc250"", ""mfc250.dll"", """", ""157"", """"" %M
  126. 164 yes AddProgmanItem """Microsoft Visual SourceSafe"", ""Visual SourceSafe 4.0 - 16-bit"", ""%s\win\SSEXP.EXE"", """""
  127. 165 yes AddProgmanItem "Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, Visual SourceSafe 4.0 - 32-bit, %s\WIN32\SSEXP.EXE, , , 0, , 0, 0, 0" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  128. 166 yes Group 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 186 190 us C:\devtools\VSS\
  129. 167 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"",""SccAddIn.SourceCodeControlAddIn"", """", ""Source Code Control Add-In"", """"" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  130. 168 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"",""SccAddIn.SourceCodeControlAddIn\CLSID"", """", ""{2F998FDA-3487-11CE-BCB6-00AA00688899}"", """"" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  131. 169 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"",""SccAddIn.SourceCodeControlAddIn.1"", """", ""Source Code Control Add-In"", """"" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  132. 170 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"",""SccAddIn.SourceCodeControlAddIn.1\CLSID"", """", ""{2F998FDA-3487-11CE-BCB6-00AA00688899}"", """"" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  133. 171 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"",""CLSID\{2F998FDA-3487-11CE-BCB6-00AA00688899}"", """", ""Source Code Control Add-In"", """"" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  134. 172 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"",""CLSID\{2F998FDA-3487-11CE-BCB6-00AA00688899}\ProgID"", """", ""SccAddIn.SourceCodeControlAddIn.1"", """"" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  135. 173 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"",""CLSID\{2F998FDA-3487-11CE-BCB6-00AA00688899}\VersionIndependentProgID"", """", ""SccAddIn.SourceCodeControlAddIn"", """"" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  136. 174 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"",""CLSID\{2F998FDA-3487-11CE-BCB6-00AA00688899}\InProcServer32"", """", ""%s\win32\ssvb.dll"", """"" %d us C:\devtools\VSS\
  137. 175 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"",""CLSID\{2F998FDA-3487-11CE-BCB6-00AA00688899}\InProcServer"", """", ""%s\win\ssvb16.dll""" %d us C:\devtools\VSS\
  138. 176 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\SourceCodeControlProvider"", ""ProviderRegKey"", ""Software\Microsoft\SourceSafe"", """"" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  139. 177 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\SourceCodeControlProvider\InstalledSCCProviders"", ""Microsoft Visual SourceSafe"", ""Software\Microsoft\SourceSafe"", """"" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  140. 178 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\SourceSafe"", ""SCCServerPath"", ""%s\win32\ssscc.dll"", """"" %d us C:\devtools\VSS\
  141. 179 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\SourceSafe"", ""SCCServerName"", ""Microsoft Visual SourceSafe"", """"" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  142. 180 yes AddIniLine """vb.ini"", ""Add-Ins32"", ""SccAddIn.SourceCodeControlAddIn"", ""1""" %W us C:\WINNT\
  143. 181 yes AddIniLine """vb.ini"", ""Add-Ins16"", ""SccAddIn.SourceCodeControlAddIn"", ""1""" %W nyi
  144. 182 yes AddIniLine """win.ini"", ""Source Code Control"", ""SourceCodeControlProvider"", ""SourceSafeSCCServer""" nyi
  145. 183 yes AddIniLine """win.ini"", ""SourceSafeSCCServer"", ""SCCServerPath"", ""%s\win\ssscc16.dll""" %d nyi
  146. 184 yes AddIniLine """win.ini"", ""SourceSafeSCCServer"", ""SCCServerName"", ""Microsoft Visual SourceSafe"""
  147. 185 yes AddIniLine """win.ini"", ""Source Code Control Installed"", ""SourceSafeSCCServer"", ""Microsoft Visual SourceSafe"""
  148. 186 yes CustomAction """ss432.dll"",""DisplayMessageDlg""" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  149. 190 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"", ""VisualSourceSafe\DefaultIcon"", """", ""%s\win32\ssexp.exe,0"", ""SZ""" %d us C:\devtools\VSS\
  150. 195 yes Group 196 202 nyi
  151. 196 yes Group 197 198 199 200 201 %d nyi
  152. 197 yes CopySection """NetSetup32""" %d\netsetup nyi
  153. 198 yes CopyFile """netsetup"", ""setup32stf""" %d\netsetup nyi
  154. 199 yes CopyFile """netsetup"", ""netsetupinf""" %d\netsetup nyi
  155. 200 yes CopySection """netsetup-root""" %d nyi
  156. 201 yes CopySection """netini""" %d\netsetup nyi
  157. 202 yes Group 203 204 %d nyi
  158. 203 yes CopySection """NetSetup16""" %d\netsetup nyi
  159. 204 yes CopyFile """netsetup"", ""setup16stf""" %d\netsetup nyi
  160. 210 yes Uninstall Group 211 212 213 214 us C:\devtools\VSS\
  161. 211 yes WriteTableFile """setup.stf""" %d\setup us C:\devtools\VSS\setup\
  162. 212 yes CopySection """Setup""" %d\setup us C:\devtools\VSS\setup\
  163. 213 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"", ""Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SS4"", ""DisplayName"", ""Microsoft Visual SourceSafe"", """"" us C:\devtools\VSS\
  164. 214 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"", ""Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SS4"", ""UninstallString"", ""%s\setup.exe"", """"" %212 us C:\devtools\VSS\setup\
  165. 254 yes CopySection """BooksOnline""" %d\ssbook nyi
  166. 255 yes AddProgmanItem """Microsoft Visual SourceSafe"", ""Books Online"", ""%s\infoview.exe"", """"" %254 nyi
  167. 256 yes Group 257 258 259 260 261 262 265 266 267 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 nyi
  168. 257 yes CreateIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""SSUSBOOK.MVB"", ""title"", ""Visual SourceSafe Books Online""" nyi
  169. 258 yes CreateIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""SSUSBOOK.MVB"", ""installtype"", ""Complete""" nyi
  170. 259 yes AddIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""SSUSBOOK.MVB"", ""LocalDir"", ""%s""" %254 nyi
  171. 260 yes AddIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""SSUSBOOK.MVB"", ""Path"", ""%s\""" %254 nyi
  172. 261 yes AddIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""SSUSBOOK.MVB"", ""Exe"", ""%s\infoview""" %254 nyi
  173. 262 yes CreateIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""SSUSBOOK.MVB"", ""LastContents"", ""Entire Contents""" nyi
  174. 265 yes CreateIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""all titles"", ""SSUSBOOK.MVB"", ""SSUSBOOK.MVB""" nyi
  175. 266 yes CreateIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""series"", ""VSS"", ""SSUSBOOK.MVB""" nyi
  176. 267 yes CustomAction """ss432.dll"", ""MigrateUserInfo"", ""%s""" %254 nyi
  177. 269 yes CreateIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""VSS.Settings"", ""license_version"", ""1/1/80""" nyi
  178. 270 yes CreateIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""VSS.Settings"", ""license_last_read"", ""1/1/80""" nyi
  179. 271 yes CreateIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""VSS.Settings"", ""fontsize"", ""100""" nyi
  180. 272 yes CreateIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""VSS.Settings"", ""AutoSync"", ""1""" nyi
  181. 273 yes CreateIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""VSS.Settings"", ""RetainHistory"", ""1""" nyi
  182. 274 yes CreateIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""VSS.Settings"", ""Highlights"", ""1""" nyi
  183. 275 yes CreateIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""VSS.Settings"", ""AutoHighLightScroll"", ""0""" nyi
  184. 276 yes CreateIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""VSS.Settings"", ""HotspotColor"", ""3""" nyi
  185. 277 yes CreateIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""VSS.Settings"", ""ShowToolTips"", ""1""" nyi
  186. 278 yes CreateIniLine """infoview.ini"", ""VSS.Settings"", ""Near"", ""8""" nyi
  187. 279 yes CustomAction """ss432.dll"", ""RemoveInfoView"", ""infoview.ini""" nyi
  188. 290 yes Group 291 292 293 294 295 296
  189. 291 yes CustomAction """ss432.dll"", ""RemoveOldFile"", ""ssusexp.fts"""
  190. 292 yes CustomAction """ss432.dll"", ""RemoveOldFile"", ""ssusexp.gid"""
  191. 293 yes CustomAction """ss432.dll"", ""RemoveOldFile"", ""ssusadm.fts"""
  192. 294 yes CustomAction """ss432.dll"", ""RemoveOldFile"", ""ssusadm.gid"""
  193. 295 yes CustomAction """ss432.dll"", ""RemoveOldFile"", ""ssuspss.fts"""
  194. 296 yes CustomAction """ss432.dll"", ""RemoveOldFile"", ""ssuspss.gid"""