#ifndef _AUSRUTIL_H
#define _AUSRUTIL_H
#include <activeds.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include <lmshare.h>
#ifndef ASSERT
#define ASSERT assert
#ifndef WSTRING
typedef std::wstring WSTRING; // Move to sbs6base.h
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetADNamingContext()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline HRESULT GetADNamingContext(NameContextType ctx, LPCWSTR* ppszContextDN) { const static LPCWSTR pszContextName[NAMECTX_COUNT] = { L"schemaNamingContext", L"configurationNamingContext"}; static WSTRING strContextDN[NAMECTX_COUNT];
if (strContextDN[ctx].empty()) { CComVariant var; CComPtr<IADs> pObj; hr = ADsGetObject(L"LDAP://rootDSE", IID_IADs, (void**)&pObj); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pObj->Get(const_cast<LPWSTR>(pszContextName[ctx]), &var); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { strContextDN[ctx] = var.bstrVal; *ppszContextDN = strContextDN[ctx].c_str(); } } } else { *ppszContextDN = strContextDN[ctx].c_str(); hr = S_OK; }
return hr; }
// EnableButton
// Enables or disables a dialog control. If the control has the focus when
// it is disabled, the focus is moved to the next control
inline void EnableButton(HWND hwndDialog, int iCtrlID, BOOL bEnable) { HWND hWndCtrl = ::GetDlgItem(hwndDialog, iCtrlID); ATLASSERT(::IsWindow(hWndCtrl));
if (!bEnable && ::GetFocus() == hWndCtrl) { HWND hWndNextCtrl = ::GetNextDlgTabItem(hwndDialog, hWndCtrl, FALSE); if (hWndNextCtrl != NULL && hWndNextCtrl != hWndCtrl) { ::SetFocus(hWndNextCtrl); } }
::EnableWindow(hWndCtrl, bEnable); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// UserExists()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline BOOL UserExists( const TCHAR *szUser ) { _ASSERT(szUser); if ( !szUser ) return FALSE; CComPtr<IADsUser> spADs = NULL; if ( FAILED(ADsGetObject(szUser, IID_IADsUser, (void**)&spADs)) ) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BDirExists()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline BOOL BDirExists( const TCHAR *szDir ) { if (!szDir || !_tcslen( szDir )) return FALSE;
DWORD dw = GetFileAttributes( szDir ); if (dw != -1) { if (dw & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IsValidNetHF()
// Checks to make sure that the path specified by szPath is a valid network
// path (a return of 0 == success).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline INT IsValidNetHF( LPCTSTR szPath ) { INT iRetVal = 0; DWORD dwError = 0; TCHAR szNetPath[MAX_PATH*5]; TCHAR *pszServer = NULL; TCHAR *pszShare = NULL; WCHAR *pch = NULL; // Making this WCHAR instead of TCHAR because
// with the pointer stepping below, it wouldn't
// work as a regular CHAR (because of DBCS).
TCHAR szCurrDir[MAX_PATH*2]; INT iDirLen = MAX_PATH*2;
_tcsncpy(szNetPath, szPath, (MAX_PATH*5)-1);
// Make sure it at least starts off okay.
if ( (_tcslen(szNetPath) < 6) || (szNetPath[0] != _T('\\')) || (szNetPath[1] != _T('\\')) || (szNetPath[2] == _T('\\')) ) return(1); // Make sure there's a server and share at least.
pszServer = &szNetPath[2]; if ( (pch = _tcschr(pszServer, _T('\\'))) == NULL ) return 1; *pch++ = 0; pszShare = pch; if ( pch = _tcschr(pszShare, _T('\\')) ) *pch = 0; if ( !_tcslen(pszServer) || !_tcslen(pszShare) ) return 1; PSHARE_INFO_2 pShrInfo2 = NULL; NET_API_STATUS nApi = ERROR_SUCCESS; nApi = ::NetShareGetInfo( pszServer, pszShare, 2, (LPBYTE*)&pShrInfo2 ); if ( pShrInfo2 ) NetApiBufferFree(pShrInfo2); if ( nApi == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) return 8; else if ( nApi == NERR_NetNameNotFound ) return 4; else if ( nApi != NERR_Success ) return 2;
// Let's try the szPath as is...
if ( !::GetCurrentDirectory(iDirLen, szCurrDir) ) return 0;
if ( ::SetCurrentDirectory(szPath) ) { ::SetCurrentDirectory(szCurrDir); } else { dwError = GetLastError(); ::SetCurrentDirectory(szCurrDir); if ( (dwError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) || (dwError == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) ) { return 4; } else if ( dwError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { return 8; } else { return 2; } } */ _tcsncpy(szNetPath, szPath, (MAX_PATH*5)-1); // Take the passed in string.
if ( szNetPath[_tcslen(szNetPath)] != _T('\\') ) _tcscat(szNetPath, _T("\\")); _tcscat(szNetPath, _T("tedrtest")); // add a random path onto it.
if ( ::SetCurrentDirectory(szNetPath) ) // Try setting to this new path.
{ ::SetCurrentDirectory(szCurrDir); return 0; } else { dwError = GetLastError(); ::SetCurrentDirectory(szCurrDir); if ( dwError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) // Did we get access denied? Then we don't have
{ // access to the original share.
return 8; } } return(iRetVal); }
inline BOOL StrContainsDBCS(LPCTSTR szIn) { BOOL bFound = FALSE; TCHAR *pch = NULL;
for ( pch=(LPTSTR)szIn; *pch && !bFound; pch=_tcsinc(pch) ) { if ( IsDBCSLeadByte((BYTE)*pch) ) bFound = TRUE; } return(bFound); }
inline BOOL LdapToDCName(LPCTSTR pszPath, LPTSTR pszOutBuf, int nOutBufSize) { _ASSERT(pszPath != NULL && pszOutBuf != NULL && nOutBufSize != NULL);
int nPathLen = _tcslen(pszPath);
// alloc temp buffer that is guaranteed to be big enough (worst case = all chars must be escaped)
LPTSTR pszLocBuf = (LPTSTR)alloca(_tcslen(pszPath) * sizeof(TCHAR) * 2); LPTSTR pszOut = pszLocBuf;
// Copy All DCs to buffer separated by periods
if (nPathLen > 3) { // start search two chars from the start, so DC test doesn't go beyond start
psz = pszPath + 2;
while (psz = _tcschr(psz, L'=')) { // if this is a DC name
if (_tcsnicmp(psz - 2, L"DC", 2) == 0) { // Save pointer to first one
if (pszFirstDC == NULL) pszFirstDC = psz - 2;
// Copy name to ouput buffer
while (*psz != TEXT(',') && *psz != 0) *pszOut++ = *psz++;
// if not last one, add a '.'
if (*psz != 0) *pszOut++ = TEXT('.'); } else { // move past the current '='
psz++; } } } // Add terminator
*pszOut = 0; // Transfer converted path to real output buffer
if (pszOut - pszLocBuf < nOutBufSize) { _tcscpy(pszOutBuf, pszLocBuf); return TRUE; } else { _tcsncpy(pszOutBuf, pszLocBuf, nOutBufSize - 1); pszOutBuf[nOutBufSize - 1] = 0; return FALSE; } }
inline VARIANT GetDomainPath(LPCTSTR lpServer) { // get the domain information
TCHAR pString[MAX_PATH*2]; _stprintf(pString, L"LDAP://%s/rootDSE", lpServer);
VARIANT vDomain; ::VariantInit(&vDomain);
CComPtr<IADs> pDS = NULL; HRESULT hr = ::ADsGetObject(pString, IID_IADs, (void**)&pDS);
ATLASSERT(hr == ERROR_SUCCESS); if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return vDomain; }
hr = pDS->Get(L"defaultNamingContext", &vDomain); ATLASSERT(hr == ERROR_SUCCESS); if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return vDomain; }
return vDomain; }
// Function: RemoveTrailingWhitespace
// Synopsis: Trailing white space is replaced by NULLs.
inline void RemoveTrailingWhitespace(PTSTR ptz) { int nLen = _tcslen(ptz);
while (nLen) { if (!iswspace(ptz[nLen - 1])) { return; } ptz[nLen - 1] = L'\0'; nLen--; } }
HRESULT GetMDBPath( WSTRING& csMailbox ) { // Get Configuration context of directory
LPCWSTR pszContextDN = NULL; HRESULT hr = GetADNamingContext(NAMECTX_CONFIG, &pszContextDN); if ( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
// Reduce the scope of the search to beneath the Exchange object
WSTRING strExchScope = L"LDAP://CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,"; strExchScope += pszContextDN;
CComPtr<IDirectorySearch>pDirSearch = NULL; hr = ::ADsOpenObject(strExchScope.c_str(), NULL, NULL, ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION, IID_IDirectorySearch, (void**)&pDirSearch); if ( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
// Search for Exchange MDB's. There should only be one in an SBS installation.
ADS_SEARCH_HANDLE hSearch; LPWSTR pszAttr = L"distinguishedName";
hr = pDirSearch->ExecuteSearch(L"(objectClass=msExchPrivateMDB)", &pszAttr, 1, &hSearch); if ( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
// Get first found object and return its distinguished name
hr = pDirSearch->GetNextRow(hSearch); if ( hr == S_OK ) { ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN col; hr = pDirSearch->GetColumn(hSearch, pszAttr, &col);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { ASSERT(col.dwADsType == ADSTYPE_DN_STRING); csMailbox = col.pADsValues->CaseIgnoreString;
pDirSearch->FreeColumn(&col); } }
return hr; }
#endif // _AUSRUTIL_H