// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 2000
// File: Catalog.cxx
// Contents: Used to manage catalog(s) state
// History: 27-Nov-1996 KyleP Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <catalog.hxx>
#include <catadmin.hxx>
#include <fsciexps.hxx>
// Local prototypes
WCHAR * ConvertToString ( GUID & Uuid, WCHAR * String ); WCHAR * ULongToHexString ( WCHAR * String, unsigned long Number );
// Global data
SPropertyColumn coldefProps[] = { { CCachedProperty::GetPropSet, MSG_COL_PROPSET, LVCFMT_LEFT }, { CCachedProperty::GetProperty, MSG_COL_PROPERTY, LVCFMT_LEFT }, { CCachedProperty::GetFName, MSG_COL_FNAME, LVCFMT_LEFT }, { CCachedProperty::GetDatatype, MSG_COL_DATATYPE, LVCFMT_LEFT }, { CCachedProperty::GetAllocation, MSG_COL_DATASIZE, LVCFMT_LEFT }, { CCachedProperty::GetStoreLevel, MSG_COL_STORELEVEL, LVCFMT_LEFT } };
const unsigned cColDefProps = sizeof coldefProps / sizeof coldefProps[0];
BOOL CCachedProperty::_fFirstTime = TRUE;
WCHAR * awcsType[] = { L"VT_EMPTY", // 0
L"VT_NULL", // 1
L"VT_I2", // 2
L"VT_I4", // 3
L"VT_R4", // 4
L"VT_R8", // 5
L"VT_CY", // 6
L"VT_DATE", // 7
L"VT_BSTR", // 8
0, // 9
L"VT_ERROR", // 10
L"VT_BOOL", // 11
L"VT_VARIANT", // 12
0, // 13
L"VT_DECIMAL", // 14
0, // 15
L"VT_I1", // 16
L"VT_UI1", // 17
L"VT_UI2", // 18
L"VT_UI4", // 19
L"VT_I8", // 20
L"VT_UI8", // 21
L"VT_INT", // 22
L"VT_UINT", // 23
0, // 24
0, // 25
0, // 26
0, // 27
0, // 28
0, // 29
L"VT_LPSTR", // 30
L"VT_LPWSTR", // 31
0, // 32
0, // 33
0, // 34
0, // 35
0, // 36
0, // 37
0, // 38
0, // 39
0, // 40
0, // 41
0, // 42
0, // 43
0, // 44
0, // 45
0, // 46
0, // 47
0, // 48
0, // 49
0, // 50
0, // 51
0, // 52
0, // 53
0, // 54
0, // 55
0, // 56
0, // 57
0, // 58
0, // 59
0, // 60
0, // 61
0, // 62
0, // 63
L"VT_BLOB", // 65
0, // 66
0, // 67
0, // 68
0, // 69
0, // 70
L"VT_CF", // 71
L"VT_CLSID" }; // 72
// Index of string in packed list box.
ULONG aulTypeIndex[] = { 0, // VT_EMPTY
1, // VT_NULL
2, // VT_I2
3, // VT_I4
4, // VT_R4
5, // VT_R8
6, // VT_CY
7, // VT_DATE
8, // VT_BSTR
0, // 9
9, // VT_ERROR
10, // VT_BOOL
0, // 13
12, // 14
0, // 15
13, // VT_I1
14, // VT_UI1
15, // VT_UI2
16, // VT_UI4
17, // VT_I8
18, // VT_UI8
19, // VT_INT
20, // VT_UINT
0, // 24
0, // 25
0, // 26
0, // 27
0, // 28
0, // 29
21, // VT_LPSTR
22, // VT_LPWSTR
0, // 32
0, // 33
0, // 34
0, // 35
0, // 36
0, // 37
0, // 38
0, // 39
0, // 40
0, // 41
0, // 42
0, // 43
0, // 44
0, // 45
0, // 46
0, // 47
0, // 48
0, // 49
0, // 50
0, // 51
0, // 52
0, // 53
0, // 54
0, // 55
0, // 56
0, // 57
0, // 58
0, // 59
0, // 60
0, // 61
0, // 62
0, // 63
24, // VT_BLOB
0, // 66
0, // 67
0, // 68
0, // 69
0, // 70
25, // VT_CF
26 }; // VT_CLSID
CCachedProperty::CCachedProperty( CCatalog & cat, GUID & guidPropSet, PROPSPEC & psProperty, ULONG vt, ULONGLONG cbAllocation, DWORD dwStoreLevel, VARIANT_BOOL fModifiable, BOOL fNew ) : _vt( vt ), _cb( (ULONG)cbAllocation ), _fZombie( FALSE ), _fNew( fNew ), _fFixed( FALSE ), _fUnapplied( FALSE ), _cat( cat ), _dwStoreLevel( dwStoreLevel ), _fModifiable( fModifiable ) { WCHAR wcsFileName[MAX_PATH];
Win4Assert( (_dwStoreLevel != INVALID_STORE_LEVEL) || (_dwStoreLevel == INVALID_STORE_LEVEL && 0 == cbAllocation) );
_regEntry.GetDefaultColumnFile( wcsFileName, MAX_PATH );
// Get the file name from the registry and create a list that
// will not be refreshed even if the underlying file changes.
_xPropList.Set(new CLocalGlobalPropertyList(GetGlobalStaticPropertyList(), FALSE, wcsFileName));
if (_fFirstTime) { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cColDefProps; i++ ) coldefProps[i].srTitle.Init( ghInstance );
_fFirstTime = FALSE; }
CDbColId dbcol; dbcol.SetPropSet( guidPropSet );
_fps.guidPropSet = guidPropSet; _fps.psProperty = psProperty;
// String-ize GUID
ConvertToString( guidPropSet, _wcsPropSet );
// String-ize property
if ( PRSPEC_LPWSTR == psProperty.ulKind ) { unsigned cc = wcslen( psProperty.lpwstr ) + 1; _xwcsProperty.SetSize( cc ); RtlCopyMemory( _xwcsProperty.Get(), psProperty.lpwstr, cc * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
_fps.psProperty.lpwstr = _xwcsProperty.Get();
dbcol.SetProperty( psProperty.lpwstr ); } else { wcscpy( _xwcsProperty.Get(), L"0x" );
_ultow( psProperty.propid, _xwcsProperty.Get() + 2, 16 );
dbcol.SetProperty( psProperty.propid ); }
if ( vt == VT_EMPTY && 0 == cbAllocation ) { _wcsDatatype[0] = 0; _wcsAllocation[0] = 0;
_dbtDefaultType = VT_EMPTY; _uiDefaultSize = 0; } else SetVT( vt );
// Look for friendly name and other details.
CPropEntry const * pProp = _xPropList->Find( dbcol );
if ( 0 == pProp ) _xwcsFName[0] = 0; else { unsigned cc = wcslen( pProp->GetDisplayName() ) + 1; _xwcsFName.SetSize( cc ); RtlCopyMemory( _xwcsFName.Get(), pProp->GetDisplayName(), cc * sizeof(WCHAR) );
_dbtDefaultType = pProp->GetPropType(); _uiDefaultSize = pProp->GetWidth();
ciaDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%ws has type %d (0x%x) and size %d\n", pProp->GetDisplayName(), _dbtDefaultType, _dbtDefaultType, _uiDefaultSize)); }
// If it is not cached, it can be modified!
if (!IsCached()) _fModifiable = VARIANT_TRUE;
END_CONSTRUCTION( CCachedProperty ); }
CCachedProperty::CCachedProperty( CCachedProperty const & prop ) : _cat( prop._cat ), _xwcsProperty( prop._xwcsProperty ) { *this = prop;
END_CONSTRUCTION( CCachedProperty ); }
CCachedProperty & CCachedProperty::operator =( CCachedProperty const & prop ) { _vt = prop._vt; _cb = prop._cb; _fZombie = prop._fZombie; _fNew = prop._fNew; _fFixed = prop._fFixed; _fUnapplied = prop._fUnapplied; _fps = prop._fps; _dwStoreLevel = prop._dwStoreLevel; _fModifiable = prop._fModifiable;
_dbtDefaultType = prop._dbtDefaultType; _uiDefaultSize = prop._uiDefaultSize;
RtlCopyMemory( _wcsPropSet, prop._wcsPropSet, sizeof( _wcsPropSet ) ); RtlCopyMemory( _wcsDatatype, prop._wcsDatatype, sizeof( _wcsDatatype ) ); RtlCopyMemory( _wcsAllocation, prop._wcsAllocation, sizeof( _wcsAllocation ) ); _xwcsProperty = prop._xwcsProperty;
if ( PRSPEC_LPWSTR == _fps.psProperty.ulKind ) _fps.psProperty.lpwstr = _xwcsProperty.Get();
return *this; }
CCachedProperty::~CCachedProperty() { }
void CCachedProperty::SetVT( ULONG vt ) { ciaDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "SetVT: _cb is %d before\n", _cb )); _vt = vt;
// Adjust size for fixed types.
switch ( _vt ) { case VT_I1: case VT_UI1: _cb = 1; _fFixed = TRUE; break;
case VT_I2: case VT_UI2: case VT_BOOL: _cb = 2; _fFixed = TRUE; break;
case VT_I4: case VT_UI4: case VT_R4: case VT_ERROR: _cb = 4; _fFixed = TRUE; break;
case VT_I8: case VT_UI8: case VT_R8: case VT_CY: case VT_DATE: case VT_FILETIME: _cb = 8; _fFixed = TRUE; break;
case VT_CLSID: _cb = sizeof(GUID); _fFixed = TRUE; break;
default: _fFixed = FALSE; }
// If storage level is INVALID_STORE_LEVEL, the property is not cached
// so its allocation size should be set to 0.
if (_dwStoreLevel == INVALID_STORE_LEVEL) _cb = 0;
// String-ize datatype
if ( vt & VT_VECTOR ) { wcscpy( _wcsDatatype, L"VT_VECTOR | " ); vt &= ~VT_VECTOR; } else _wcsDatatype[0] = 0;
if ( ( vt >= sizeof(awcsType)/sizeof(awcsType[0]) ) || ( 0 == awcsType[vt] ) ) { wcscpy( _wcsDatatype, L"---" ); } else wcscat( _wcsDatatype, awcsType[vt] );
// String-ize allocation. Assume < 4 Gb!
ciaDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "SetVT: _wcsProperty is %ws and pointer is %d before\n", _xwcsProperty.Get(), _xwcsProperty.Get() ));
ciaDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "SetVT: _wcsAllocation is %ws before\n", _wcsAllocation )); // Max is 60K to fit a record into one page
if ( _cb < 61440 ) _ultow( _cb, _wcsAllocation, 10 ); else { _cb = 61440; _ultow( 61440, _wcsAllocation, 10 ); }
ciaDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "SetVT: _cb is %d after\n", _cb )); ciaDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "SetVT: _wcsProperty: pointer is %d\n", _xwcsProperty.Get() )); ciaDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "SetVT: _wcsAllocation is %ws after\n", _wcsAllocation )); ciaDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "SetVT: _wcsProperty is %ws\n", _xwcsProperty.Get() )); }
void CCachedProperty::InitHeader( CListViewHeader & Header ) { if (_fFirstTime) { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cColDefProps; i++ ) coldefProps[i].srTitle.Init( ghInstance );
_fFirstTime = FALSE; }
// Initialize header
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cColDefProps; i++ ) { Header.Add( i, STRINGRESOURCE(coldefProps[i].srTitle), coldefProps[i].justify, MMCLV_AUTO ); } }
void CCachedProperty::GetDisplayInfo( RESULTDATAITEM * item ) { //
// This can happen if you right-click on properties and select refresh
// while the current selection is something other than properties.
// Looks like an MMC bug.
if ( item->nCol >= cColDefProps ) { item->str = L""; return; }
item->str = (WCHAR *)(this->*coldefProps[item->nCol].pfGet)();
if ( 0 == item->nCol && IsUnappliedChange() ) { item->nImage = ICON_MODIFIED_PROPERTY; item->mask |= RDI_IMAGE; } else item->nImage = ICON_PROPERTY; } //GetDisplayInfo
static WCHAR HexDigits[] = L"0123456789abcdef";
static WCHAR * ULongToHexString ( WCHAR * String, unsigned long Number ) { *String++ = HexDigits[(Number >> 28) & 0x0F]; *String++ = HexDigits[(Number >> 24) & 0x0F]; *String++ = HexDigits[(Number >> 20) & 0x0F]; *String++ = HexDigits[(Number >> 16) & 0x0F]; *String++ = HexDigits[(Number >> 12) & 0x0F]; *String++ = HexDigits[(Number >> 8) & 0x0F]; *String++ = HexDigits[(Number >> 4) & 0x0F]; *String++ = HexDigits[Number & 0x0F];
return(String); }
static WCHAR * UShortToHexString ( WCHAR * String, unsigned short Number ) { *String++ = HexDigits[(Number >> 12) & 0x0F]; *String++ = HexDigits[(Number >> 8) & 0x0F]; *String++ = HexDigits[(Number >> 4) & 0x0F]; *String++ = HexDigits[Number & 0x0F];
return(String); }
static WCHAR * UCharToHexString ( WCHAR * String, WCHAR Number ) { *String++ = HexDigits[(Number >> 4) & 0x0F]; *String++ = HexDigits[Number & 0x0F]; return(String); }
WCHAR * ConvertToString ( UUID & Uuid, WCHAR * String ) { String = ULongToHexString(String, Uuid.Data1); *String++ = L'-'; String = UShortToHexString(String, Uuid.Data2); *String++ = L'-'; String = UShortToHexString(String, Uuid.Data3); *String++ = L'-'; String = UCharToHexString(String, Uuid.Data4[0]); String = UCharToHexString(String, Uuid.Data4[1]); *String++ = L'-'; String = UCharToHexString(String, Uuid.Data4[2]); String = UCharToHexString(String, Uuid.Data4[3]); String = UCharToHexString(String, Uuid.Data4[4]); String = UCharToHexString(String, Uuid.Data4[5]); String = UCharToHexString(String, Uuid.Data4[6]); String = UCharToHexString(String, Uuid.Data4[7]); *String++ = 0;
return(String); }