Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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#pragma once
class CFps : public FULLPROPSPEC { public: CFps() { ZeroMemory( this, sizeof CFps ); psProperty.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; }
void Copy( FULLPROPSPEC const & fps ) { Free();
guidPropSet = fps.guidPropSet; psProperty.ulKind = fps.psProperty.ulKind;
if ( PRSPEC_LPWSTR == psProperty.ulKind ) { if ( 0 != fps.psProperty.lpwstr ) { unsigned cwc = 1 + wcslen( fps.psProperty.lpwstr ); psProperty.lpwstr = (LPWSTR) CoTaskMemAlloc( cwc * sizeof WCHAR ); if ( 0 != psProperty.lpwstr ) wcscpy( psProperty.lpwstr, fps.psProperty.lpwstr ); } } else { psProperty.propid = fps.psProperty.propid; } }
~CFps() { Free(); }
void Free() { if ( ( PRSPEC_LPWSTR == psProperty.ulKind ) && ( 0 != psProperty.lpwstr ) ) { CoTaskMemFree( psProperty.lpwstr ); psProperty.lpwstr = 0; psProperty.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; } }
BOOL IsMatch( FULLPROPSPEC & fps ) { if ( guidPropSet != fps.guidPropSet ) return FALSE; if ( psProperty.ulKind != fps.psProperty.ulKind ) return FALSE; if ( PRSPEC_PROPID == psProperty.ulKind ) return ( psProperty.propid == fps.psProperty.propid ); if ( PRSPEC_LPWSTR != psProperty.ulKind ) return FALSE; return ( !wcscmp( psProperty.lpwstr, fps.psProperty.lpwstr ) ); } };
class CPropVar : public PROPVARIANT { public:
CPropVar() { PropVariantInit( this ); }
~CPropVar() { PropVariantClear( this ); }
void SetUI4( UINT x ) { PropVariantClear( this );
vt = VT_UI4; ulVal = x; }
ULONG Count() const { if ( 0 != ( vt & VT_VECTOR ) ) return cai.cElems;
return 0; }
#if 0 //works, but not needed
BOOL SetLPWSTR( WCHAR const * pwc, UINT index ) { if ( ( VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR ) != vt ) PropVariantClear( this );
if ( index >= calpwstr.cElems ) { WCHAR **ppOld = calpwstr.pElems;
calpwstr.pElems = (WCHAR **) CoTaskMemAlloc( (index + 1) * sizeof (calpwstr.pElems[0]) ); if ( 0 == calpwstr.pElems ) { calpwstr.pElems = ppOld; return FALSE; }
memcpy( calpwstr.pElems, ppOld, calpwstr.cElems * sizeof( calpwstr.pElems[0] ) ); memset( &calpwstr.pElems[calpwstr.cElems], 0, ((index + 1) - calpwstr.cElems) * sizeof(calpwstr.pElems[0]) );
calpwstr.cElems = index + 1;
CoTaskMemFree( ppOld ); }
unsigned cwc = wcslen( pwc ) + 1; WCHAR * pwsz = (WCHAR *) CoTaskMemAlloc( cwc * sizeof WCHAR ); if ( 0 == pwsz ) return FALSE;
wcscpy( pwsz, pwc );
if ( 0 != calpwstr.pElems[index] ) CoTaskMemFree( calpwstr.pElems[index] );
calpwstr.pElems[index] = pwsz;
return TRUE; }
void * operator new( size_t cb ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( cb ); }
void * operator new( size_t cb, void *p ) { return p; }
void operator delete( void *p ) { if ( 0 != p ) CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
void operator delete( void *p, void *pp ) { return; } #endif