// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996.
// File: filtpars.cxx
// Contents: Definitions of the CFiltParse methods
// Classes:
// Functions: CFiltParse, ~CFiltParse, Init, GetNextConfig,
// ParseFlags, GetAttributes
// Coupling:
// Notes:
// History: 9-21-1996 ericne Created
#include "pch.cxx"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "utility.hxx"
#include "mydebug.hxx"
#include "filtpars.hxx"
// Member: CFiltParse::CFiltParse
// Synopsis: Constructor. Default initialization
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 9-21-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
CFiltParse::CFiltParse( ) : m_pNextListNode( NULL ) { // Zero all the fields of m_FirstListNode (this makes the "next" field 0)
memset( (void*) &m_FirstListNode, (int)0, sizeof( ListNode ) );
} //CFiltParse::CFiltParse
// Member: CFiltParse::~CFiltParse
// Synopsis: Destructor. Cleans up the heap
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 9-21-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
CFiltParse::~CFiltParse( ) {
ListNode *pCurrentNode = m_FirstListNode.next; ListNode *pTempNode = NULL; ULONG ul = 0;
while( NULL != pCurrentNode ) { pTempNode = pCurrentNode; pCurrentNode = pCurrentNode->next; // If there are any attributes, delete any lpwstr's
for( ul=0; ul < pTempNode->Configuration.ulActNbrAttributes; ul++ ) { if( PRSPEC_LPWSTR == pTempNode->Configuration.aAttributes[ ul ].psProperty.ulKind ) { delete [] pTempNode->Configuration.aAttributes[ ul ]. psProperty.lpwstr; } } if( pTempNode->Configuration.aAttributes ) delete [] pTempNode->Configuration.aAttributes; delete pTempNode->Configuration.pdwFlags; delete [] pTempNode->Configuration.szSectionName; delete pTempNode; }
} //CFiltParse::~CFiltParse
// Member: CFiltParse::Init
// Synopsis: Parses the contents of the .ini file
// Arguments: [pcFileName] -- name of data file
// Returns: TRUE if file was parsed successfully, FALSE otherwise
// History: 9-22-1996 ericne Created
// Notes: The full path to the *.ini file must be specified
BOOL CFiltParse::Init( LPCTSTR szFileName ) { int iFlags = 0; int iSectionIndex = 0; TCHAR szFlags[ MAX_LINE_SIZE ]; TCHAR szSectionNames[ MAX_SECTION_NAMES_SIZE ]; UINT uiAttributeCount = 0; DWORD dwNbrChars = 0; DWORD dwFileAttributes = 0; ULONG ulNbrAttributes = 0; ListNode *pNewNode = NULL; ListNode *pLastListNode = &m_FirstListNode; FULLPROPSPEC *pAttributes = NULL;
// Check to see if the ini file exists:
dwFileAttributes = GetFileAttributes( szFileName );
// If the file doesn't exist, create a default configuration
if( 0xFFFFFFFF == dwFileAttributes ) { _tprintf( _T("WARNING: Initialization file %s not found. Using a") _T(" default configuration.\r\n"), szFileName );
pNewNode = new ListNode;
pNewNode->Configuration.grfFlags = IFILTER_INIT_APPLY_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES; pNewNode->Configuration.cAttributes = 0; pNewNode->Configuration.aAttributes = NULL; pNewNode->Configuration.pdwFlags = new DWORD(0); pNewNode->Configuration.ulActNbrAttributes = 0; pNewNode->Configuration.szSectionName = new TCHAR[ _tcslen( szDefaultSectionName ) + 1 ]; _tcscpy( pNewNode->Configuration.szSectionName, szDefaultSectionName );
pNewNode->next = NULL;
m_pNextListNode = m_FirstListNode.next = pNewNode;
return( TRUE );
// Get the Section names from the *.ini file
dwNbrChars = GetPrivateProfileString( NULL, NULL, _T(""), szSectionNames, MAX_SECTION_NAMES_SIZE, szFileName );
// Make sure we got some section names
if( 0 == dwNbrChars ) { _tprintf( _T("Parsing error: no sections found in %s\r\n"), szFileName ); return( FALSE ); }
// Make sure we didn't fill the buffer
if( MAX_SECTION_NAMES_SIZE - 2 == dwNbrChars ) { _tprintf( _T("Parsing error: too many section names were found in ") _T("%s\r\n"), szFileName ); return( FALSE ); }
while( szSectionNames[ iSectionIndex ] ) {
dwNbrChars = GetPrivateProfileString( &szSectionNames[ iSectionIndex ], _T("Flags"), _T(""), szFlags, MAX_LINE_SIZE, szFileName );
// Parse the flags
if( ! ParseFlags( szFlags, &iFlags ) ) return( FALSE );
// Get the number of attributes
uiAttributeCount = GetPrivateProfileInt( &szSectionNames[ iSectionIndex ], _T("cAttributes"), 0, szFileName );
// Get the attributes listed in this section
if( ! GetAttributes( &szSectionNames[ iSectionIndex ], szFileName, pAttributes, ulNbrAttributes ) ) { return( FALSE ); }
// Create a new ListNode
pNewNode = new ListNode;
// Fill in the Configuration information
pNewNode->Configuration.grfFlags = iFlags; pNewNode->Configuration.cAttributes = uiAttributeCount; pNewNode->Configuration.aAttributes = pAttributes; pNewNode->Configuration.ulActNbrAttributes = ulNbrAttributes;
// Create a new dword for the pdwFlags
pNewNode->Configuration.pdwFlags = new DWORD( 0 );
// Save the secion name in the CONFIG structure
pNewNode->Configuration.szSectionName = new TCHAR[ _tcslen( &szSectionNames[ iSectionIndex ] ) + 1 ];
_tcscpy( pNewNode->Configuration.szSectionName, &szSectionNames[ iSectionIndex ] );
// Put the node at the end of the list
pLastListNode->next = pNewNode; pLastListNode = pNewNode; pNewNode->next = NULL;
// Increment the section index past the current section name
while( szSectionNames[ iSectionIndex++ ] ) { ( (void)0 ); // No work needs to be done here
// Initialize the next node pointer
m_pNextListNode = m_FirstListNode.next;
// Successfully parsed the file:
return( TRUE );
} //CFiltParse::Init
// Member: CFiltParse::GetNextConfig
// Synopsis: extracts the next configuration from the list
// Arguments: [pConfiguration] -- pointer to the configuration structure
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE if there are no more configurations
// History: 9-22-1996 ericne Created
// Notes: This function performs a bit-wise copy of the config structure
// which contains pointers. This is intentional. All pointers
// to dynamically allocated memory are stored in the linked list
// and are cleaned up in the destructor. The client is not
// responsible for deleting the memory, and shouldn't.
BOOL CFiltParse::GetNextConfig( CONFIG *pConfiguration ) { // If we are at the end of the list, return.
if( NULL == m_pNextListNode ) return( FALSE );
// Bit-wise copy the CONFIG structure, pointers included.
memcpy( (void*) pConfiguration, (void*) &(m_pNextListNode->Configuration), sizeof( CONFIG ) );
// Advance the current node pointer
m_pNextListNode = m_pNextListNode->next;
return( TRUE );
} //CFiltParse::GetNextConfig
// Member: CFiltParse::ParseFlags
// Synopsis: Makes extensive use of streams to extract individual tokens
// from a single line of the data file. The tokens should
// correspont to IFilter Init flags. Their values are bit-wise
// ORed together and stored in m_Flags
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns: TRUE if successful
// FALSE if an error occurs
// History: 9-22-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
BOOL CFiltParse::ParseFlags( LPTSTR szFlags, int * piFlags ) { BOOL fIsLegalToken = FALSE; LPCTSTR szTokenBuffer = _tcstok( szFlags, _T(" \t") );
// initialize *piFlags
*piFlags = 0;
// While there are more tokens in szFlags:
while( NULL != szTokenBuffer ) { // Assume the token is not legal
fIsLegalToken = FALSE;
// Try to find a match for this token
for( int iCount = 0; iCount < 8; iCount++ ) { if( 0 == _tcsicmp( szTokenBuffer, strInitFlags[ iCount ] ) ) { // Bitwise-or of *piFlags with 1 left-shifted by iCount
*piFlags |= ( 1 << iCount ); fIsLegalToken = TRUE; break; } }
// If no match was found
if( ! fIsLegalToken ) { _tprintf( _T("Parsing error: Illegal Init flag: %s\r\n"), szTokenBuffer ); return( FALSE ); }
// Get the next token
szTokenBuffer = _tcstok( NULL, _T(" \t") );
return( TRUE );
} //CFiltParse::GetFlags
// Member: CFiltParse::GetAttributes
// Synopsis: Gets the correct number of attributes from the data file
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns: TRUE if successful,
// FALSE if an error occurs or the end of file is reached
// History: 9-22-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
BOOL CFiltParse::GetAttributes( const TCHAR *szSectionName, const TCHAR *szFileName, FULLPROPSPEC *&pFullPropspec, ULONG &ulNbrAttributes ) { TCHAR szAttributeString[ MAX_LINE_SIZE ]; LPTSTR szGuidBuffer = NULL; LPTSTR szPropspecBuffer = NULL; LPTSTR szTestBuffer = NULL; TCHAR szKeyNames[ MAX_KEY_NAMES_SIZE ]; UINT uiKeyIndex = 0; UINT uiAttributeIndex = 0; BOOL fSuccessful = FALSE; DWORD dwNbrChars = 0;
// Initialize m_Attributes field
pFullPropspec = NULL; ulNbrAttributes = 0;
// Enumerate all the Key names in this section:
dwNbrChars = GetPrivateProfileString( szSectionName, NULL, _T(""), szKeyNames, MAX_KEY_NAMES_SIZE, szFileName );
// Make sure we had enough room:
if( MAX_KEY_NAMES_SIZE - 2 == dwNbrChars ) { _tprintf( _T("Parse error: too many keys found in section %s ") _T("in file %s\r\n"), szSectionName, szFileName ); return( FALSE ); }
// Find out how many attributes are specified:
while( szKeyNames[ uiKeyIndex ] ) { if( &szKeyNames[ uiKeyIndex ] == _tcsstr( &szKeyNames[ uiKeyIndex ], _T("aAttributes") ) ) { ++ulNbrAttributes; } while( szKeyNames[ uiKeyIndex++ ] ) { ( (void)0 ); } }
// If no attributes are specified, return TRUE (we're done)
if( 0 == ulNbrAttributes ) return( TRUE );
// Allocate the correct number of attributes
pFullPropspec = new FULLPROPSPEC[ ulNbrAttributes ];
// Reset the Key index
uiKeyIndex = 0;
// try-finally block simplifies clean-up
__try {
// Loop over all the key names:
// The (dis)advantage of this approach is that it allows a user to
// specify a number of attributes in cAttributes, but then allocate a
// different number of attributes, to see how the filter handles this
while( szKeyNames[ uiKeyIndex ] ) { // Assert that I don't overwrite the Attribute array
// (Debug version only)
_ASSERT( uiAttributeIndex < ulNbrAttributes );
// If this key is not specifying an attribute, continue
if( &szKeyNames[ uiKeyIndex ] != _tcsstr( &szKeyNames[ uiKeyIndex ], _T("aAttributes") ) ) { while( szKeyNames[ uiKeyIndex++ ] ) { ( (void)0 ); } continue; }
// Get the attribute string
dwNbrChars = GetPrivateProfileString( szSectionName, &szKeyNames[ uiKeyIndex ], _T(""), szAttributeString, MAX_LINE_SIZE, szFileName );
// Pull out the guid token:
if( NULL == ( szGuidBuffer = _tcstok( szAttributeString, _T(" \t") ) ) ) { _tprintf( _T("Parsing error: Expecting guid.\r\n") ); __leave; }
// Pull out the Propid
if( NULL == ( szPropspecBuffer = _tcstok( NULL, _T(" \t") ) ) ) { _tprintf( _T("Parsing error: Expecting propspec.\r\n") ); __leave; }
// Make sure the string stream is empty now
if( NULL != ( szTestBuffer = _tcstok( NULL, _T(" \t") ) ) ) { _tprintf( _T("Parsing error: %s was unexpected at this") _T(" time.\r\n"), szTestBuffer ); __leave; }
// Convert the guid string to a guid
if( ! StrToGuid( szGuidBuffer, &pFullPropspec[ uiAttributeIndex ].guidPropSet ) ) { _tprintf( _T("Parsing error: could not convert %s to") _T(" a GUID\r\n"), szGuidBuffer ); __leave; }
if( ! StrToPropspec( szPropspecBuffer, &pFullPropspec[ uiAttributeIndex ].psProperty ) ) { _tprintf( _T("Parsing error: could not convert %s to a") _T(" PROPSPEC\r\n"), szPropspecBuffer ); __leave; }
// Advanve the Attribute index
// Advance uiKeyIndex
while( szKeyNames[ uiKeyIndex++ ] ) { ( (void)0 ); }
// Assert that I copied exactly the correct number of attributes
// (Debug version only)
_ASSERT( uiAttributeIndex == ulNbrAttributes );
// Set the success flag
fSuccessful = TRUE;
__finally { // If not successful, clean the heap and reset return values
if( ! fSuccessful ) { if( pFullPropspec ) { delete [] pFullPropspec; pFullPropspec = NULL; } ulNbrAttributes = 0; }
return fSuccessful;
} //CFiltParse::GetAttributes