// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996.
// File: utility.cxx
// Contents: Helpful functions
// Classes:
// Functions: == and != for STAT_CHUNK, StrToGuid, HexStrToULONG
// StrToPropspec, GuidToPwc
// Coupling:
// Notes:
// History: 9-24-1996 ericne Created
#include "pch.cxx"
#include "utility.hxx"
#include "mydebug.hxx"
// Function: FreePropVariant
// Synopsis: Frees the memory associated with the PROPVARIANT struct
// Arguments: [pPropValue] -- pointer to a PROPVARIANT
// Returns: VOID
// History: 10-14-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
void FreePropVariant( PROPVARIANT *& pPropValue ) {
HRESULT hResult = PropVariantClear( pPropValue );
_ASSERT( S_OK == hResult );
CoTaskMemFree( pPropValue );
} //FreePropVariant
// Function: StrToGuid
// Synopsis: Converts a precisely formatted string into a GUID
// Arguments: [szString] -- the string containing the guid information
// [pGuid] -- a pointer to the guid
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE if some error occurs
// History: 9-23-1996 ericne Created
// Notes: This functions does extensive error checking to make
// sure it has a correctly formatted guid string.
BOOL StrToGuid( LPCTSTR szString, GUID *pGuid ) { // Here is a sample guid string:
// AA568EEC-E0E5-11CF-8FDA-00AA00A14F93
int iIndex = 0; int iCounter = 0; ULONG ulTemp = 0;
// Make sure the input string is formatted correctly
if( _T('-') != szString[8] || _T('-') != szString[13] || _T('-') != szString[18] || _T('-') != szString[23] || _T('\0') != szString[36] ) { printf( "Unable to parse guid %s\r\n", szString ); return( FALSE ); }
// Fill in the first 3 guid fields:
if( ! HexStrToULONG( &szString[0], 8, &ulTemp ) ) return( FALSE ); pGuid->Data1 = ulTemp; if( ! HexStrToULONG( &szString[9], 4, &ulTemp ) ) return( FALSE ); pGuid->Data2 = ( USHORT )ulTemp; if( ! HexStrToULONG( &szString[14], 4, &ulTemp ) ) return( FALSE ); pGuid->Data3 = ( USHORT )ulTemp; // Fill in the first two characters in the 4th guid field
if( ! HexStrToULONG( &szString[19], 2, &ulTemp ) ) return( FALSE ); pGuid->Data4[0] = (unsigned char)ulTemp;
if( ! HexStrToULONG( &szString[21], 2, &ulTemp ) ) return( FALSE ); pGuid->Data4[1] = (unsigned char)ulTemp;
// Fill in the rest of the 4th guid field:
for( iCounter = 24, iIndex = 2; ( iCounter < 36 ) && ( iIndex < 8 ); iCounter += 2, ++iIndex ) { if( ! HexStrToULONG( &szString[iCounter], 2, &ulTemp ) ) return( FALSE ); pGuid->Data4[iIndex] = (unsigned char)ulTemp; }
return( TRUE ); } //StrToGuid
// Function: HexStrToULONG
// Synopsis: Uses strtoul to convert a string of hex digits to an
// unsigned long.
// Arguments: [szHexString] -- The string to convert
// [uiStopOffset] -- The number of digits to consider
// [pUlong] -- a pointer to the ULONG to fill in
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE if the string cannot be converted
// History: 9-23-1996 ericne Created
// Notes: The main purpose of this function is to catch possible user
// typos of the form '-fff', where the leading hyphen could be
// misinterpreted by strtoul as a minus sign.
BOOL HexStrToULONG( LPCTSTR szHexString, UINT uiStopOffset, ULONG *pUlong ) { LPTSTR szStopString = NULL; ULONG ulTemp = 0; TCHAR szStringToChange[ MAX_LINE_SIZE ]; if( MAX_LINE_SIZE <= uiStopOffset ) { printf( "ERROR in HexStrToULONG. uiStopOffset too large\r\n" ); return( FALSE ); }
// copy the part of the string to be converted into its own buffer
_tcsncpy( szStringToChange, szHexString, uiStopOffset ); szStringToChange[ uiStopOffset ] = '\0';
// First, make sure the leading character is not a '-'
if( _T('-') == *szStringToChange ) { printf( "Parsing error: Unable to convert %s to unsigned long\r\n", szStringToChange ); return( FALSE ); }
// Convert the string to an unsigned long
ulTemp = _tcstoul( szStringToChange, &szStopString, 16 );
// Make sure the stop offset is correct
if( szStopString != szStringToChange + uiStopOffset ) { printf( "Parsing error: Unable to convert %s to unsigned long\r\n", szStringToChange ); return( FALSE ); }
(*pUlong) = ulTemp;
return( TRUE );
} //HexStrToULONG
// Function: StrToPropspec
// Synopsis: converts a string to a PROPSPEC structure
// Arguments: [szString] -- the ANSI string
// [pPropspec] -- a pointer to the PROPSPEC structure
// Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurs.
// History: 9-23-1996 ericne Created
// Notes:
BOOL StrToPropspec( LPCTSTR szString, PROPSPEC *pPropspec ) { UINT uiStringLength = _tcslen( szString ); ULONG ulTemp = 0;
// If " is the first and last char in the PropSpec buffer,
// treat it like a string.
if( _T('\"') == szString[0] && _T('\"') == szString[ uiStringLength - 1 ] ) { pPropspec->ulKind = PRSPEC_LPWSTR;
// Allocate an array of wide characters:
pPropspec->lpwstr = NEW WCHAR[ uiStringLength - 1 ]; // Write the string into the buffer not including leading or trailing
// double-quotes
_snwprintf( pPropspec->lpwstr, uiStringLength - 2, L"%s", &szString[1]); pPropspec->lpwstr[ uiStringLength - 2 ] = _T('\0'); } // Otherwise, treat it like a propid
else { pPropspec->ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; // Convert the propid string into a propid
if( ! HexStrToULONG( szString, uiStringLength, &ulTemp ) ) return( FALSE ); pPropspec->propid = ulTemp; }
return( TRUE );
} //StrToPropspec
// Function: GetStringFromCLSID
// Synopsis: Converts a clsid (a.k.a. guid) to a string
// Arguments: [refclsid] --
// [szString] --
// [count] --
// Returns:
// History: 2-04-1997 ericne Created
// Notes:
LPTSTR GetStringFromCLSID( REFCLSID refclsid, LPTSTR szString, size_t count) { _sntprintf( szString, count, _T("%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X"), refclsid.Data1, refclsid.Data2, refclsid.Data3, refclsid.Data4[0], refclsid.Data4[1], refclsid.Data4[2], refclsid.Data4[3], refclsid.Data4[4], refclsid.Data4[5], refclsid.Data4[6], refclsid.Data4[7] );
return( szString );
} //GetStringFromCLSID