// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1994.
// File: model.cxx
// Contents: The Model part of the browser
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#define TheSearch _pSearch
// Member: Model::Model, public
// Synopsis:
Model::Model () : _pResult(0), _aDoc(0), _cForce(0), _fHiliteAll( FALSE ), _iDoc(0), _pSearch(0) {}
// Member: Model::~Model, public
// Synopsis:
Model::~Model() { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cDoc; i++ ) delete _aDoc[i];
delete []_aDoc;
delete _pResult;
if (TheSearch) TheSearch->Release(); }
// Member: Model::Force, public
// Synopsis: Display a subset of files
void Model::Force ( char* pStr ) { while (_cForce < MAX_FORCE && isdigit(*pStr) ) { _aForce[_cForce] = (unsigned)atoi ( pStr ); _cForce++; while (*pStr && isdigit(*pStr) ) pStr++; while (*pStr && isspace(*pStr)) pStr++; } }
typedef HRESULT (__stdcall * PFnMakeISearch)( ISearchQueryHits ** ppSearch, DBCOMMANDTREE const * pRst, WCHAR const * pwcPath ); PFnMakeISearch g_pMakeISearch = 0; SCODE MyMakeISearch( ISearchQueryHits **ppSearch, DBCOMMANDTREE const * pRst, WCHAR const * pwcPath ) { if ( 0 == g_pMakeISearch ) { #ifdef _WIN64
char const * pcMakeISearch = "?MakeISearch@@YAJPEAPEAUISearchQueryHits@@PEAVCDbRestriction@@PEBG@Z"; #else
char const * pcMakeISearch = "?MakeISearch@@YGJPAPAUISearchQueryHits@@PAVCDbRestriction@@PBG@Z"; #endif
g_pMakeISearch = (PFnMakeISearch) GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle( L"query.dll" ), pcMakeISearch );
if ( 0 == g_pMakeISearch ) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
return g_pMakeISearch( ppSearch, pRst, pwcPath ); } //MyMakeISearch
// Member: Model::CollectFiles, public
// Synopsis: Parse command line, get restriction and list of docs,
// create array of docs, initialize the first one.
// In response to window creation
SCODE Model::CollectFiles ( CQueryResult *pResult ) { _pResult = pResult;
_cDoc = 1; _aDoc = new Document * [ _cDoc ];
unsigned countSoFar = 0; for ( unsigned iDoc = 0; iDoc< _cDoc; iDoc++) { if (_cForce == 0 || isForced(iDoc)) { Document * newDoc = new Document( pResult->_pwcPath, 1000, pResult->_fDeleteWhenDone ); //
// Insert into sorted list of documents
unsigned i=0; while ( i < countSoFar && newDoc->Rank() <= _aDoc[i]->Rank() ) i++; // _aDoc[i]->Rank() > newDoc->Rank() || i == countSoFar
for ( unsigned j = countSoFar; j > i; j-- ) _aDoc[j] = _aDoc[j-1]; _aDoc[i] = newDoc; countSoFar++; } } _iDoc = 0; _cDoc = countSoFar;
SCODE sc = MyMakeISearch( &TheSearch, _pResult->_pTree, pResult->_pwcPath );
if ( !FAILED( sc ) && 0 != TheSearch ) return InitDocument();
return sc; }
// Member: Model::isForced, public
// Synopsis: Check if idx is on a forced list
BOOL Model::isForced(unsigned idx) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < _cForce; i++) if (_aForce[i] == idx) return(TRUE); return(FALSE); }
// Member: Model::InitDocument, public
// Synopsis: Initialize current document
SCODE Model::InitDocument() { if ( 0 == _cDoc ) return E_FAIL;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
if ( !_aDoc[_iDoc]->IsInit() ) sc = _aDoc[_iDoc]->Init( TheSearch );
if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) ) _hitIter.Init ( _aDoc[_iDoc] );
if ( 0 != TheSearch ) { TheSearch->Release(); TheSearch = 0; }
return sc; }