Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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;/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects
; ;Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1999 ; ;Module Name: ; ; whmsg.mc ; ;Abstract: ; ; This file contains the message definitions for the content index. ; ;Author: ; ; DwightKr 06-Jul-1994 ; AlanW 15 Jan 1997 Split from cimsg.mc ; ;Revision History: ; ;Notes: MessageIds in the range 0x0001 - 0x1000 are categories ; 0x1001 - 0x1FFF are events ; 0x2001 - 0x2FFF are for IDQ.DLL ; 0x3001 - 0x3FFF are for WEBHITS.EXE ; ; A .mc file is compiled by the MC tool to generate a .h file and ; a .rc (resource compiler script) file. ;
; The LanguageNames keyword defines the set of names that are allowed ; as the value of the Language keyword in the message definition. The ; set is delimited by left and right parentheses. Associated with each ; language name is a number and a file name that are used to name the ; generated resource file that contains the messages for that ; language. The number corresponds to the language identifier to use ; in the resource table. The number is separated from the file name ; with a colon. ;
;#ifndef _WHMSG_H_ ;#define _WHMSG_H_
MessageId=0x3001 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_FILE_MESSAGE Language=English File %1. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_FILE_LINE_MESSAGE Language=English File %1, line %2!d!. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_NO_ENDDETAIL_SECTION Language=English A <%%BeginDetail%%> section was found in the template file, without a matching <%%EndDetail%%> section. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_NO_BEGINDETAIL_SECTION Language=English An <%%EndDetail%%> section was found in the template file, without a matching <%%BeginDetail%%> section. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_ENDDETAIL_BEFORE_BEGINDETAIL Language=English An <%%EndDetail%%> section was found in the template file before a <%%BeginDetail%%> section. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_PATH_INVALID Language=English The path specified is incorrect. .
MessageID=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_INVALID_QUERY Language=English The query issued is invalid. .
MessageID=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_VARNAME_INVALID Language=English An invalid variable name was found in QUERY_STRING. .
MessageID=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_QS_FORMAT_INVALID Language=English The format of QUERY_STRING is invalid. .
MessageID=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_TOO_MANY_CHUNKS Language=English The file is too large to hit-highlight. .
MessageID=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_REQUEST_METHOD_INVALID Language=English REQUEST_METHOD is neither GET nor POST .
MessageID=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_CONTENT_LENGTH_INVALID Language=English CONTENT_LENGTH is non-positive .
MessageID=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_TOO_MANY_COPIES Language=English There are too many copies of hit-highlighter running. Please try later. .
MessageID=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_TIMEOUT Language=English Hit highlighting took too long to execute and was timed out. .
MessageID=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_NO_SUCH_TEMPLATE Language=English The template file specified in CiTemplate cannot be found. .
MessageID=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_IDQ_NOT_FOUND Language=English The IDQ file specified cannot be found. .
MessageID=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_DUPLICATE_PARAMETER Language=English A parameter to webhits was specified more than once. .
MessageID=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_INCONSISTENT_SSL Language=English The webhits template file SSL access permission setting is inconsistent with that of the file being displayed. .
MessageID=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=MSG_WEBHITS_INVALID_DIALECT Language=English The CiDialect specified for webhits is invalid. .
;#endif // _WHMSG_H_