// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 2000.
// File: bigtable.cxx
// Contents:
// Classes: CLargeTable - top-level class for large tables
// CTableSegIter - iterator of table segments
// Functions:
// History: 01 Feb 1994 AlanW Created
#include "pch.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <query.hxx>
#include <srequest.hxx>
#include <cifailte.hxx>
#include <tbrowkey.hxx>
#include "tabledbg.hxx"
#include "tblwindo.hxx"
#include "winsplit.hxx"
#include "buketize.hxx"
#include "tputget.hxx"
#include "regtrans.hxx"
static inline ULONG AbsDiff( ULONG num1, ULONG num2 ) { return num1 >= num2 ? num1-num2 : num2-num1; }
unsigned CTableSink::LokCategorize( CCategParams & params ) { return _pCategorizer->LokAssignCategory( params ); } //LokCategorize
// Member: CLargeTable::CLargeTable, public
// Synopsis: Constructor for a large table. Allocates and fills
// in the master column description.
// Allocates initial window to collect data.
// Arguments: [col] - A description of initial output column set
// [sort] - A description of the initial sort order
// [cCategorizers] - Total count of categorizers over table
// [mutex] - CAsyncQuery's mutex for serialization
// [fUniqueWorkid] - TRUE if workid (from iterator) is unique
// Notes:
// History: 01-Jan-96 KyleP Optional unique wid in user-mode.
CLargeTable::CLargeTable( XColumnSet & col, XSortSet & sort, unsigned cCategorizers, CMutexSem & mutex, BOOL fUniqueWorkid, CRequestServer * pQuiesce ) : CTableSink(), _sigLargeTable(eSigLargeTable), _cbMemoryUsage( 0 ), _cbMemoryTarget( DEFAULT_MEM_TARGET ), _MasterColumnSet( col.GetPointer() ), _fUniqueWorkid( fUniqueWorkid ), _segListMgr(cMaxClientEntriesToPin), _segList(_segListMgr.GetList()), _watchList(_segList), _nextSegId(1), _pCategorization(0), _fAbort(FALSE), _pSortSet( 0 ), _fProgressNeeded (FALSE), _bitNotifyEnabled(0), _bitClientNotified(0), _bitChangeQuiesced(0), _bitRefresh(0), _bitIsWatched(0), _bitQuiesced(0), _pDeferredRows(0), _fQuiescent (FALSE), _ulProgressNum(0), _ulProgressDenom(1), _cCategorizersTotal( cCategorizers ), _fRankVectorBound( FALSE ), _mutex( mutex ), _widCurrent( WORKID_TBLBEFOREFIRST ), _hNotifyEvent( 0 ), _pRequestServer( 0 ), _pQExecute(0), _pQuiesce( pQuiesce ), _fSortDefined( FALSE ) { tbDebugOut (( DEB_NOTIFY, "lt: CLargeTable\n" ));
TRY // use exception generating new
{ // Don't bucketize when rank vector is bound
_fRankVectorBound = ( 0 != _MasterColumnSet.Find( pidRankVector ) );
// Be sure the workid column is in the master column set. The
// output column set was added in the constructor above.
_MasterColumnSet.Add( CColumnMasterDesc(pidWorkId, TYPE_WORKID) );
// Add the status column, which is used internally and may
// be bound to at some point. Status is stored as a byte to save
// space, and is translated to an HRESULT when passed out to a
// client.
CColumnMasterDesc *pRowStatus = _MasterColumnSet.Add( CColumnMasterDesc(pidRowStatus, VT_UI1) ); pRowStatus->SetComputed(TRUE); pRowStatus->SetUniform(TRUE);
// If categorization is turned on, create an I4 category column
if ( 0 != cCategorizers ) _MasterColumnSet.Add( CColumnMasterDesc(pidChapter, VT_I4) );
// Set up file path and name as global, shared compressions with
// the WorkId as key. Only needed if it's inconvenient to fetch
// name and path from workid (e.g. workid isn't unique).
if ( !_fUniqueWorkid ) { _MasterColumnSet.Add( CColumnMasterDesc(pidPath, TYPE_PATH) ); _MasterColumnSet.Add( CColumnMasterDesc(pidName, TYPE_NAME) );
CCompressedCol * pPathCompression = new CPathStore();
CColumnMasterDesc* pMastCol;
pMastCol = _MasterColumnSet.Find(pidWorkId); Win4Assert(pMastCol != 0); pMastCol->SetCompression(pPathCompression);
pMastCol = _MasterColumnSet.Find(pidPath); Win4Assert(pMastCol != 0); pMastCol->SetCompression(pPathCompression, pidWorkId);
pMastCol = _MasterColumnSet.Find(pidName); Win4Assert(pMastCol != 0); pMastCol->SetCompression(pPathCompression, pidWorkId); }
// Add the sort keys to the master column set.
if ( ! sort.IsNull() ) { for ( unsigned iCol = 0; iCol < sort->Count(); iCol++ ) _MasterColumnSet.Add( CColumnMasterDesc(sort->Get(iCol)) ); _fSortDefined = TRUE; // set it to true since sorting is defined
// Master column set is constructed. Acquire the sortset, but first
// make sure workid is in the sort set.
_pSortSet = _CheckAndAddWidToSortSet( sort );
Win4Assert ( 0 != _pSortSet );
tbDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "New Big Table with %d columns\n", _MasterColumnSet.Size() )); } CATCH(CException, e) { delete _pSortSet; RETHROW(); } END_CATCH; }
// Function: _CheckAndAddWidToSortSet
// Synopsis: Tests if the sort specification(if any) already had the
// "pidWorkId" as part of the sort set. If not, it adds one to
// the end of sort set.
// Arguments: [sort] - Input sort set.
// Returns: The sort set to be used.
// History: 3-22-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
CSortSet * CLargeTable::_CheckAndAddWidToSortSet( XSortSet & sort ) { //
// Check if the pidWorkId is already a field in the sortset.
BOOL fPresent = FALSE;
if ( sort.IsNull() ) { sort.Set( new CSortSet(1) ); } else { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < sort->Count(); i++ ) { SSortKey & key = sort->Get(i);
if ( pidWorkId == key.pidColumn ) { fPresent = TRUE; break; } } }
if ( !fPresent ) { SSortKey keyWid( pidWorkId, QUERY_SORTASCEND, 0 ); sort->Add( keyWid, sort->Count() ); }
// Initialize the variant types array for the sort columns
_vtInfoSortKey.Init( sort->Count() ); for ( unsigned i = 0; i < sort->Count(); i++ ) { SSortKey & key = sort->Get(i); PROPID pid = key.pidColumn;
CColumnMasterDesc *pMasterCol = _MasterColumnSet.Find(pid); Win4Assert( 0 != pMasterCol ); _vtInfoSortKey[i] = pMasterCol->DataType; }
_keyCompare.Set( new CTableKeyCompare( sort.GetReference() ) ); _currRow.Set( new CTableRowKey( sort.GetReference() ) );
_segListMgr.GetSegmentArray().SetComparator( _keyCompare.GetPointer() );
return sort.Acquire(); }
// Member: CLargeTable::~CLargeTable, public
// Synopsis: Destructor for a large table.
// Notes: The query execution object along with
// the worker threads has been already
// destroyed (see CAsyncQuery) so there
// is no race condition here.
CLargeTable::~CLargeTable( ) { //
// Cancel the notification. Insure that no notifications will be
// picked up as the thread leaves. In almost all cases, this will
// never be called, because the notification thread will already
// be killed when the last connection point goes away.
Win4Assert( 0 == _pQExecute );
delete _pSortSet;
// make sure the waiter wakes up
if ( 0 != _pQuiesce ) { // only called on failure cases -- success cases quiesce ok
_pQuiesce->QueryQuiesced( _fQuiescent, _scStatus ); _pQuiesce = 0; } }
// Member: CLargeTable::_LokFindTableSegment, private
// Synopsis: Find the appropriate table segment for a request which
// operates on only a single table segment.
// Arguments: [wid] - WORKID which identifies the table segment of interest
// [fMustExist] - TRUE if wid must exist in some segment
// [pSegHint] - optional, possible segment in which wid will be
// found.
// Returns: CTableSegment* - the selected table segment, 0 if not found.
// Notes: The method cannot be used for any of the special workIDs used
// as sentinels (WORKID_TBLBEFOREFIRST, etc).
// Use _LokLocateTableSegment instead.
CTableSegment * CLargeTable::_LokFindTableSegment( WORKID wid ) { //
// Iterate over all the segments and locate the segment in
// which the given workid is present.
for ( CFwdTableSegIter iter(_segList); !_segList.AtEnd(iter) ; _segList.Advance(iter) ) { CTableSegment & segment = *iter.GetSegment(); if ( segment.IsRowInSegment( wid ) ) break; }
CTableSegment * pSeg = 0; if ( !_segList.AtEnd(iter) ) { pSeg = iter.GetSegment(); }
return pSeg; }
// Function: _LokSplitWindow
// Synopsis: Splits the given window into two and replaces the source
// window with two windows.
// Arguments: [ppWindow] - Source window that needs to be split.
// If successful, will be set to NULL on
// return.
// [iSplitQuery] - Offset in the rowIndex that is used by
// query as the split point.
// Returns: Pointer to the "left" window after split.
// History: 2-06-95 srikants Created
// Notes: Destroys the source window after split.
CTableSegment * CLargeTable::_LokSplitWindow( CTableWindow ** ppWindow, ULONG iSplitQuery ) { Win4Assert( 0 != ppWindow ); CTableWindow * pWindow = *ppWindow; Win4Assert( 0 != pWindow );
CTableWindow * pLeft = 0; CTableWindow * pRight = 0;
{ CTableWindowSplit split( *pWindow, iSplitQuery, pWindow->GetSegId(), _AllocSegId(), _segList.IsLast( *pWindow ) );
// Create empty target windows.
tbDebugOut(( DEB_WINSPLIT, "CLargeTable::Splitting Window\n" )); //
// Do the actual split.
// Take ownership of the newly created windows.
split.TransferTargetWindows( &pLeft, &pRight ); Win4Assert( 0 != pLeft && 0 != pRight );
// Replace the pWindow in the list with the two new ones.
CTableSegList windowList; windowList.Push( pRight ); windowList.Push( pLeft );
_segListMgr.Replace( pWindow, windowList ); Win4Assert( windowList.IsEmpty() );
// Update the watch regions from the source window to destination
// window.
for ( CWatchIter iter(_watchList) ; !_watchList.AtEnd(iter); _watchList.Advance(iter) ) { HWATCHREGION hWatch = iter->Handle(); CWatchRegion * pRegion = iter.Get();
if ( pRegion->Segment() == pWindow ) { CTableWindow * pNewStartWindow;
if ( pLeft->HasWatch(hWatch) ) { pNewStartWindow = pLeft; } else { Win4Assert( pRight->HasWatch(hWatch) ); pNewStartWindow = pRight; }
ULONG iWatch = (ULONG) pNewStartWindow->GetWatchStart(hWatch); CI_TBL_BMK bmkNew = pNewStartWindow->GetBookMarkAt( iWatch ); iter->UpdateSegment( pWindow, pNewStartWindow, bmkNew ); }
#if CIDBG==1
_watchList.CheckRegionConsistency( pRegion ); #endif // CIDBG==1
// Destroy the source window.
delete pWindow; *ppWindow = 0;
// Update the mru cache to reflect the split.
_segListMgr.UpdateSegsInUse( pLeft ); _segListMgr.UpdateSegsInUse( pRight );
return pRight; }
// Member: CLargeTable::PathToWorkID, public
// Synopsis: Convert a file path name to a work ID. For down-level
// stores, the file systems do not return a value which
// can be reliably used as a WorkID, so we use the file
// path name as the unique identifier of a file. This
// method will use the path column compressor to provide
// a unique ID over the table given the input path name.
// Arguments: [obj] -- a reference to an object retriever which can
// return object data
// [eRowType] -- the type of row being added.
// Returns: WORKID - a unique value over the table for this row.
// Notes:
WORKID CLargeTable::PathToWorkID( CRetriever& obj, CTableSink::ERowType eRowType ) { Win4Assert( !_fUniqueWorkid );
if ( _fUniqueWorkid ) { PROPVARIANT var; ULONG cb = sizeof(var);
if ( obj.GetPropertyValue( pidWorkId, &var, &cb ) != GVRSuccess ) return widInvalid; else { Win4Assert( var.vt == VT_I4 ); return var.lVal; } } else { WORKID ulRet = 0; GetValueResult eGvr;
CColumnMasterDesc* pMastCol;
CLock lock(_mutex);
pMastCol = _MasterColumnSet.Find( pidPath ); Win4Assert(pMastCol != NULL && pMastCol->IsCompressedCol());
struct { PROPVARIANT v; WCHAR awch[512]; // don't force new every time
} varnt; PROPVARIANT* pVarnt = &(varnt.v); ULONG cbBuf = sizeof varnt;
XArray<BYTE> xByte;
eGvr = obj.GetPropertyValue(pMastCol->PropId, pVarnt, &cbBuf);
if (eGvr == GVRNotEnoughSpace) { Win4Assert(cbBuf <= TBL_MAX_DATA + sizeof (PROPVARIANT));
pVarnt = (CTableVariant *) new BYTE[cbBuf]; xByte.Set( cbBuf, (BYTE *)pVarnt ); Win4Assert (pVarnt != NULL); eGvr = obj.GetPropertyValue(pMastCol->PropId, pVarnt, &cbBuf); }
if ( GVRSuccess != eGvr ) { THROW( CException(CRetriever::NtStatusFromGVR(eGvr)) ); }
BOOL fFound = FALSE; if ( CTableSink::eNewRow != eRowType ) { // try to find an existing path before adding it
fFound = pMastCol->GetCompressor()->FindData( pVarnt, ulRet ); }
if ( ! fFound ) pMastCol->GetCompressor()->AddData(pVarnt, &ulRet, eGvr);
Win4Assert(eGvr == GVRSuccess && ulRet != 0);
return ulRet; } } //PathToWorkID
// Function: WorkIdToPath
// Synopsis: Converts a workid to a path.
// Arguments: [wid] - WID whose path is needed
// [outVarnt] - on output will have the path as a variant
// [cbVarnt] - in/out max len on input; actual len on
// output. If the return value is FALSE, this will
// indicate the lenght of variant needed. If on
// output this is 0 and the return value is FALSE,
// wid->path operation failed.
// Returns: TRUE if we succeeded in getting the path.
// FALSE if we failed.
// History: 3-24-95 srikants Created
BOOL CLargeTable::WorkIdToPath( WORKID wid, CInlineVariant & outVarnt, ULONG & cbVarnt ) { Win4Assert( !_fUniqueWorkid );
if ( _fUniqueWorkid ) return FALSE;
CLock lock( _mutex );
CColumnMasterDesc* pMastCol = _MasterColumnSet.Find( pidPath ); Win4Assert( pMastCol ); CCompressedCol & pathCompressor = *(pMastCol->GetCompressor());
CTableVariant pathVarnt; XCompressFreeVariant xpvarnt;
BOOL fStatus = FALSE;
if ( GVRSuccess == pathCompressor.GetData( &pathVarnt, VT_LPWSTR, wid, pidPath ) ) { xpvarnt.Set( &pathCompressor, &pathVarnt );
// Copy the data from the variant to the buffer.
const ULONG cbHeader = sizeof(CInlineVariant); ULONG cbVarData = pathVarnt.VarDataSize(); ULONG cbTotal = cbVarData + cbHeader;
if ( cbVarnt >= cbTotal ) { CVarBufferAllocator bufAlloc( outVarnt.GetVarBuffer(), cbVarData ); bufAlloc.SetBase(0); pathVarnt.Copy( &outVarnt, bufAlloc, (USHORT) cbVarData, 0 ); fStatus = TRUE; }
cbVarnt = cbTotal; } else { cbVarnt = 0; }
return fStatus; } //WorkIdToPath
// Member: CLargeTable::_LokRemoveCategorizedRow, private
// Synopsis: Removes a row from the categorization.
// Arguments: [chapt] -- chapter from which removal is done
// [wid] -- wid to remove
// [widNext] -- the next wid in the table, can be widInvalid
// [pSegment] -- segment from which widNext can be computed if
// not specified.
// History: ? dlee Created
void CLargeTable::_LokRemoveCategorizedRow( CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt, WORKID wid, WORKID widNext, CTableSegment * pSegment ) { if ( IsCategorized() ) { if ( widInvalid == widNext ) { // sigh. We need to find the workid of the row after the
// row just deleted in the case that the deleted row was the
// first row in a category and not the only row in the category,
// since the categorizers need to keep track of the first wid
// in a category. widNext is widInvalid if the deleted row
// was the last row in the window.
for ( CFwdTableSegIter iter( _segList ); !_segList.AtEnd( iter ); _segList.Advance( iter ) ) { CTableSegment * pNextSeg = iter.GetSegment(); if ( pNextSeg == pSegment ) { _segList.Advance( iter );
if ( !_segList.AtEnd( iter ) ) { CTableWindow * pWindow = iter.GetWindow();
widNext = pWindow->GetFirstBookMark(); }
break; }
_segList.Advance(iter); } }
pSegment->GetCategorizer()->RemoveRow( chapt, wid, widNext ); } } //_LokRemoveCategorizedRow
// Member: CLargeTable::PutRow, public
// Synopsis: Add a row to a large table
// Arguments: [obj] -- a reference to an object retriever which can
// return object data
// [eRowType] -- the type of row being added.
// Returns: TRUE if progress report needed
BOOL CLargeTable::PutRow( CRetriever& obj, CTableSink::ERowType eRowType ) { CReleasableLock relLock( _mutex, FALSE );
if ( FALSE == relLock.Try() ) { // Unable to get bigtable lock. Maybe GetRows is holding bigtable
// lock and is waiting on propstore lock which this thread might
// be holding. So rlease that and try again.
obj.Quiesce(); relLock.Request(); // If we deadlock now, then we need to fix that !
// The query may be in the process of being deleted if it has been
// cancelled during query execution. In this case, the _pQExecute will
// have been set to 0 by the call to ReleaseQueryExecute() in
// ~CAsyncQuery.
if ( 0 == _pQExecute ) return FALSE;
TRY { WORKID widRow = obj.WorkId();
// Check if it already exists in one of the segments based
// on its workid.
CTableSegment *pSegment = 0;
if ( CTableSink::eNotificationRow == eRowType ) { //
// If the table is not watched, do not process notifications.
if ( !_LokIsWatched() ) { return _fProgressNeeded; } else if ( _LokIsPutRowDeferred( widRow, obj ) ) { _bitRefresh = 1; LokCompleteAsyncNotification(); return _fProgressNeeded; } } else if ( CTableSink::eNewRow != eRowType ) { //
// NOSUPPORT: This will not work with LINKS. We have to look at
// table irrespective of whether this is a notification or not.
// Of course, we don't support links.
pSegment = _LokFindTableSegment( obj.WorkId() ); }
if ( 0 != pSegment ) { //
// Modifications are to be treated as deletions followed by
// additions.
// First delete the current row and then add the new row.
// If the "key" of this row is different from the one already
// in the table, the new row may end up in a different bucket
// than the original.
PROPVARIANT varWid; varWid.lVal = (LONG) obj.WorkId(); varWid.vt = VT_I4; tbDebugOut(( DEB_BOOKMARK, "CLargeTable - Delete And ReAdd WorkId 0x%X\n", varWid.lVal )); WORKID widNext; CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt;
// Delete the row and then add a new one.
pSegment->RemoveRow( varWid, widNext, chapt ); _LokRemoveCategorizedRow( chapt, obj.WorkId(), widNext, pSegment );
} else { pSegment = _segListMgr.GetCachedPutRowSeg(); }
CTableRowPutter rowPutter( *this, obj );
pSegment = rowPutter.LokFindSegToInsert( pSegment ); Win4Assert( 0 != pSegment );
// If the current segment is getting full, we should either split it
// or create a new one.
if ( pSegment->IsGettingFull() ) pSegment = rowPutter.LokSplitOrAddSegment( pSegment );
Win4Assert( 0 != pSegment ); Win4Assert( pSegment->GetLowestKey().IsInitialized() ); Win4Assert( pSegment->GetHighestKey().IsInitialized() );
BOOL fRowThrownAway = FALSE;
// Check for Row limit...
ULONG cRowLimit = FirstRows(); tbDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CLargeTable::PutRow: FirstRows is %d, MaxRows is %d\n", FirstRows(), MaxRows() ));
BOOL fFirstRows = cRowLimit > 0;
if ( !fFirstRows ) cRowLimit = MaxRows(); tbDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CLargeTable::PutRow: RowCount() is %d\n", RowCount() )); tbDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CLargeTable::PutRow: cRowLimit is %d\n", cRowLimit ));
if ( 0 == cRowLimit || RowCount() < cRowLimit ) { pSegment->PutRow( obj, _currRow.GetReference() ); } else { // We are here. Therefore it means that:
// There is a maxrow limit set AND rowcount >= maxrows AND
// we have at least one segment which has at least one row...
// Note: The special case of sort by rank descending is handled
// by CQAsyncExecute::Resolve in which case we only get rows less
// than equal to MaxRows (in case MaxRows is defined)
if ( !fFirstRows ) { if ( !_fSortDefined ) { // Since not sort order is defined, we can stop processing of
// rows here, since we have all the data that we need
_fNoMoreData = fRowThrownAway = TRUE; } else { _currRow->MakeReady();
// There is a sort defined. So we need to process all the
// rows and put the best results in the maxrow rows
CTableSegment* pLastSegment = _segListMgr.GetList().GetLast(); Win4Assert( pLastSegment );
// Now we need to make sure that the last segment is a window
// and it has at least one row in it. This is done because
// a bucket does not support the kind of operations that
// we are planning to do here on...
while ( !pLastSegment->IsWindow() || 0 == pLastSegment->RowCount() ) { if ( 0 == pLastSegment->RowCount() ) { // delete this segment
_segListMgr.RemoveFromList( pLastSegment ); delete pLastSegment; pLastSegment = _segListMgr.GetList().GetLast(); Win4Assert( pLastSegment ); continue; }
if ( !pLastSegment->IsWindow() ) { // Convert it to a window
Win4Assert( pLastSegment->IsBucket() );
XPtr<CTableBucket> xBktToExpand( (CTableBucket*)pLastSegment );
CDoubleTableSegIter iter( pLastSegment ); _LokReplaceWithEmptyWindow( iter );
_NoLokBucketToWindows( xBktToExpand, 0, FALSE, FALSE );
pLastSegment = _segListMgr.GetList().GetLast(); Win4Assert( pLastSegment );
// pSegment may no longer exist -- look it up again
CTableRowPutter rp( *this, obj ); pSegment = rp.LokFindSegToInsert( 0 ); Win4Assert( 0 != pSegment ); } }
if ( ( pLastSegment == pSegment ) && ( _keyCompare->Compare( _currRow.GetReference(), pSegment->GetHighestKey() ) > 0 ) ) { // Since the current row is worse than the our worst row,
// we can throw it away
fRowThrownAway = TRUE;
// NEWFEATURE: update counter of thrown rows
} else { // CurrRow is better than (at least) our worst row
// Delete the last row in the last segment and insert
// the new row. This would keep RowCount == MaxRows
PROPVARIANT varWid; varWid.lVal = (LONG) ((CTableWindow*)pLastSegment)-> _GetLastWorkId(); Win4Assert( widInvalid != varWid.lVal ); varWid.vt = VT_I4;
WORKID widNext; CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt;
pLastSegment->RemoveRow( varWid, widNext, chapt ); _LokRemoveCategorizedRow( chapt, varWid.lVal, widNext, pLastSegment );
// Insert the new row
pSegment->PutRow( obj, _currRow.GetReference() );
if ( 0 == pLastSegment->RowCount() ) { // remove this segment
_segListMgr.RemoveFromList( pLastSegment ); delete pLastSegment; } } } } } if ( !fRowThrownAway ) { _segListMgr.SetCachedPutRowSeg( pSegment ); if ( rowPutter.LokIsNewWindowCreated() && ( ! _fRankVectorBound ) && ( ! IsCategorized() ) && ( _fUniqueWorkid ) ) // don't bucketize ::_noindex_:: catalogs
{ _LokConvertWindowsToBucket(); }
_bitRefresh = 1; LokCompleteAsyncNotification(); } } CATCH( CException, e ) { if ( e.GetErrorCode() != STATUS_FILE_DELETED ) { RETHROW(); } } END_CATCH
return _fProgressNeeded; } //PutRow
// Member: CLargeTable::_LokDeferPutRow
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [wid] -
// Returns:
// History: 8-01-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
inline void CLargeTable::_LokDeferPutRow( WORKID wid, CRetriever & obj ) { Win4Assert( 0 != _pSortSet );
if ( 0 == _pDeferredRows ) { _pDeferredRows = new CTableBucket( *_pSortSet, _keyCompare.GetReference(), _MasterColumnSet, _AllocSegId() );
PROPVARIANT vRank; ULONG cbRank = sizeof vRank; obj.GetPropertyValue( pidRank, &vRank, &cbRank );
Win4Assert( VT_I4 == vRank.vt );
PROPVARIANT vHitCount; ULONG cbHitCount = sizeof vHitCount; obj.GetPropertyValue( pidHitCount, &vHitCount, &cbHitCount );
Win4Assert( VT_I4 == vHitCount.vt );
_pDeferredRows->_AddWorkId( wid, vRank.lVal, vHitCount.lVal ); }
// Member: CLargeTable::_LokIsPutRowDeferred
// Synopsis: If the workid given is being watched and the client knows
// about its existence, then we must defer the addition of
// this row until later.
// Arguments: [wid] -
// Returns:
// History: 8-01-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
BOOL CLargeTable::_LokIsPutRowDeferred( WORKID widRow, CRetriever &obj ) { Win4Assert( _LokIsWatched() );
PROPVARIANT varWid; varWid.lVal = (LONG) widRow; varWid.vt = VT_I4;
WORKID widNext;
BOOL fDeferred = FALSE;
for ( CFwdTableSegIter iter(_segList); !_segList.AtEnd(iter); _segList.Advance(iter) ) { CTableSegment * pSegment = iter.GetSegment();
WORKID widNext; CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt;
// NEWFEATURE: (windowed notifications)
// This is not correct. We should remove it only if soft
// deletions are being done on a window. If it is a hard delete,
// we must wait until a refresh is called. May need a different
// data structure for the case of watch all - a bucket will not
// suffice.
if ( pSegment->RemoveRow(varWid, widNext, chapt) ) { _LokRemoveCategorizedRow( chapt, widRow, widNext, pSegment );
if ( pSegment->IsWindow() ) { CTableWindow * pWindow = iter.GetWindow(); if ( pWindow->IsPendingDelete( widRow ) ) { _LokDeferPutRow( widRow, obj ); fDeferred = TRUE; } }
break; } }
return fDeferred;
// Member: CLargeTable::_LokRemoveIfDeferred
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [wid] -
// Returns:
// History: 8-01-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
BOOL CLargeTable::_LokRemoveIfDeferred( WORKID wid ) { BOOL fRemoved = FALSE;
if ( 0 != _pDeferredRows ) {
PROPVARIANT varWid; varWid.lVal = (LONG) wid; varWid.vt = VT_I4;
WORKID widNext; CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt;
fRemoved = _pDeferredRows->RemoveRow( varWid, widNext, chapt ); }
return fRemoved; }
// Member: CLargeTable::_LokCheckQueryStatus, private
// Synopsis: Fail a request if the query has encountered an error.
// Arguments: - NONE -
// Returns: Nothing, throws E_FAIL on error.
void CLargeTable::_LokCheckQueryStatus( ) { if (QUERY_FILL_STATUS( Status() ) == STAT_ERROR) { NTSTATUS sc = GetStatusError(); Win4Assert( sc != STATUS_SUCCESS ); tbDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Bigtable 0x%x Query failed, sc = %x\n", this, sc)); if (sc == STATUS_SUCCESS) sc = E_FAIL;
THROW( CException( sc )); } else if ( _fAbort ) { THROW( CException( STATUS_TOO_LATE ) ); } }
// Member: CLargeTable::GetRows, public
// Synopsis: Retrieve row data from a large table.
// Arguments: [widStart] - WORKID identifying first row to be
// transferred. If WORKID_TBLFIRST is
// used, the transfer will start at the first
// row in the segment.
// [chapt] - Chapter from which to fetch rows (if chaptered)
// [rOutColumns] - a CTableColumnSet that describes the
// output format of the data table.
// [rGetParams] - an CGetRowsParams structure which
// describes how many rows are to be fetched and
// other parameters of the operation.
// [rwidLastRowTransferred] - on return, the work ID of
// the last row to be transferred from this table.
// Can be used to initialize widStart on next call.
// Returns: SCODE - status of the operation. DB_S_ENDOFROWSET if
// widStart is WORKID_TBLAFTERLAST at start of
// transfer, or if rwidLastRowTransferred is the
// last row in the segment at the end of the transfer.
// DB_S_BUFFERTOOSMALL is returned if the available
// space in the out-of-line data was exhausted during
// the transfer.
// Notes: To transfer successive rows, as in GetNextRows, the
// rwidLastRowTransferred must be advanced by one prior
// to the next transfer.
SCODE CLargeTable::GetRows( HWATCHREGION hRegion, WORKID widStart, CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt, CTableColumnSet const & rOutColumns, CGetRowsParams & rGetParams, WORKID & rwidLastRowTransferred ) { return GetRowsAt( hRegion, widStart, chapt, 0, rOutColumns, rGetParams, rwidLastRowTransferred );
// Member: CLargeTable::RestartPosition, public
// Synopsis: Set next fetch position for the chapter to the start
// Arguments: [chapt] - Chapter from which to fetch rows (if chaptered)
// Returns: SCODE - status of the operation.
void CLargeTable::RestartPosition( CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt) { SetCurrentPosition( chapt, WORKID_TBLBEFOREFIRST ); CTableSource::RestartPosition( chapt ); }
// Member: CLargeTable::RowCount, public
// Synopsis: Return the total row count in the table
// Returns: ULONG - row count aggregated over all segments in the
// table.
DBCOUNTITEM CLargeTable::RowCount() { CLock lock(_mutex); _LokCheckQueryStatus();
return _LokRowCount(); }
// Member: CLargeTable::_LokRowCount, public
// Synopsis: Return the total row count in the table
// Returns: ULONG - row count aggregated over all segments in the
// table.
DBCOUNTITEM CLargeTable::_LokRowCount() {
DBCOUNTITEM cRowsTotal = 0;
for ( CFwdTableSegIter iter(_segList); !_segList.AtEnd(iter); _segList.Advance(iter) ) { cRowsTotal += iter.GetSegment()->RowCount(); }
return cRowsTotal; }
// Member: CLargeTable::RatioFinished
// Synopsis: Return query progress
// Arguments: [ulDeneominator] - on return, denominator of fraction
// [ulNumerator] - on return, numerator of fraction
// [cRows] - on return, number of rows in table
// Notes: For the fQuick case, we could try doing a quick
// synchronization with the CAsyncExecute to compute
// a good value for the ratio, but the implementation
// below is fine for the Gibraltar query since no callers
// will use the ratio anyway.
// A sketch of the code needed to do the quick synchronization
// is below:
// BOOL CAsyncExecute::QuickRF( ULONG &ulDen, ULONG &ulNum )
// {
// CLock lock(_mutex);
// if (_fRunning)
// return FALSE;
// else
// {
// _pCurResolve->RatioFinished( ulDen, ulNum );
// return TRUE;
// }
// }
// History: Mar-20-1995 BartoszM Created
void CLargeTable::RatioFinished ( DBCOUNTITEM& ulDenominator, DBCOUNTITEM& ulNumerator, DBCOUNTITEM& cRows ) { CLock lock(_mutex); _LokCheckQueryStatus();
if (_fQuiescent) { cRows = _LokRowCount(); ulDenominator = ulNumerator = 100; return; } _fProgressNeeded = TRUE;
ulDenominator = _ulProgressDenom; ulNumerator = _ulProgressNum; cRows = _LokRowCount(); }
// Member: CLargeTable::ProgressDone, public
// Synopsis: Sets the progress indicators and wakes up
// the client
// Arguments: [ulDenominator]
// [ulNumerator]
// History: Mar-21-95 BartoszM Created
void CLargeTable::ProgressDone (ULONG ulDenominator, ULONG ulNumerator) { tbDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CLargeTable reporting progress %ld / %ld\n", ulNumerator, ulDenominator )); CLock lock(_mutex); _fProgressNeeded = FALSE; _ulProgressDenom = ulDenominator; _ulProgressNum = ulNumerator; }
void CLargeTable::Quiesce () { TRY { CLock lock(_mutex); tbDebugOut(( DEB_NOTIFY, "CLargeTable reached quiescent state\n" )); Win4Assert( QUERY_FILL_STATUS( Status() ) == STAT_DONE || QUERY_FILL_STATUS( Status() ) == STAT_ERROR ); _fProgressNeeded = FALSE; _fQuiescent = TRUE; _ulProgressDenom = 100; _ulProgressNum = 100; // don't tell the client we quiesced more than once
tbDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CLargeTable::Quiesce: _bitQuiesced is %d\n", _bitQuiesced )); if ( 0 == _bitQuiesced ) { _bitChangeQuiesced = 1; _bitQuiesced = 1; LokCompleteAsyncNotification(); } // inform the client once that we're complete
if ( 0 != _pQuiesce ) { _pQuiesce->QueryQuiesced( TRUE, _scStatus ); _pQuiesce = 0; } } CATCH( CException, e ) { // ignore the exception; it may be in a unwind path
// Member: CLargeTable::GetApproximatePosition, public
// Synopsis: Return the approximate current position as a fraction
// Arguments: [chapt] - chapter
// [bmk] - bookmark
// [pulNumerator] - on return, numerator of fraction
// [pulRowCount] - on return, denominator of fraction (row count)
// Returns: SCODE - the status of the operation.
// Notes: The denominator of the fraction is the approximate
// row count in the table or chapter.
SCODE CLargeTable::GetApproximatePosition( CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt, CI_TBL_BMK bmk, DBCOUNTITEM * pulNumerator, DBCOUNTITEM * pulRowCount ) { CLock lock(_mutex); _LokCheckQueryStatus();
if (bmk == widInvalid) return DB_E_BADBOOKMARK;
if ( IsCategorized() && DB_NULL_HCHAPTER != chapt ) { cRows = GetCategorizer()->GetRowCount( chapt );
if ( WORKID_TBLFIRST == bmk ) { iBmkPosition = 1; if (cRows == 0) iBmkPosition = 0; } else if ( WORKID_TBLLAST == bmk ) { iBmkPosition = cRows; } else { WORKID widFirst = GetCategorizer()->GetFirstWorkid( chapt );
CFwdTableSegIter iter( _segList ); DBCOUNTITEM cChaptRows = 0; BOOL fFoundFirstYet = FALSE;
while ( !_segList.AtEnd(iter) ) { ULONG iRow = 0;
CTableSegment * pSegment = iter.GetSegment(); if ( pSegment->IsWindow() ) { CTableWindow * pWindow = iter.GetWindow();
ULONG iFirstRow; if ( !fFoundFirstYet && pWindow->RowOffset( widFirst, iFirstRow ) ) { if ( pWindow->RowOffset(bmk, iRow) ) { iBmkPosition = iRow - iFirstRow + 1; break; } else { cChaptRows = pSegment->RowCount() - iFirstRow; fFoundFirstYet = TRUE; } } else if ( pWindow->RowOffset(bmk, iRow) ) { // We can't have set the numerator previously.
Win4Assert(iBmkPosition == ULONG_MAX); iBmkPosition = cChaptRows + iRow + 1; break; } else if ( fFoundFirstYet ) { cChaptRows += pSegment->RowCount(); } } else { // The chapter is in a bucket. All rows in the
// bucket are in the chapter, and the chapter
// spans no other segments.
CTableBucket * pBucket = iter.GetBucket(); if ( pBucket->IsRowInSegment(bmk) ) { Win4Assert( iBmkPosition == ULONG_MAX );
if ( pBucket->RowOffset(bmk, iRow) ) { iBmkPosition = iRow + 1; } else { iBmkPosition = ((ULONG)pBucket->RowCount() + 1)/2; } } }
_segList.Advance(iter); } } } else { if (bmk == WORKID_TBLFIRST) { iBmkPosition = 1; cRows = RowCount(); if (cRows == 0) iBmkPosition = 0; } else if (bmk == WORKID_TBLLAST) { cRows = RowCount(); iBmkPosition = cRows; } else { //
// Iterate over all table segments prior to the table seg.
// in which the bookmark occurs, adding their row counts to
// iBmkPosition. Accumulate the total row count at the same
// time.
CFwdTableSegIter iter( _segList ); while ( !_segList.AtEnd(iter) ) { ULONG iRow = 0;
CTableSegment * pSegment = iter.GetSegment(); if ( pSegment->IsWindow() ) { CTableWindow * pWindow = iter.GetWindow(); if ( pWindow->RowOffset(bmk, iRow) ) { // We can't have set the numerator previously.
Win4Assert(iBmkPosition == ULONG_MAX); iBmkPosition = cRows + iRow + 1; } } else { CTableBucket * pBucket = iter.GetBucket(); if ( pBucket->IsRowInSegment(bmk) ) { Win4Assert( iBmkPosition == ULONG_MAX );
iBmkPosition = cRows; if ( pBucket->RowOffset(bmk, iRow) ) { iBmkPosition += iRow + 1; } else { iBmkPosition += ((ULONG)pBucket->RowCount() + 1)/2; } } }
cRows += pSegment->RowCount(); _segList.Advance(iter); } } }
if (iBmkPosition == ULONG_MAX) return DB_E_BADBOOKMARK;
Win4Assert(iBmkPosition <= cRows);
*pulNumerator = iBmkPosition; *pulRowCount = cRows;
return S_OK; } //GetApproximagePosition
// Member: CLargeTable::IsColumnInTable, public
// Synopsis: Check whether some column can be added to the table.
// Used in support of CQuery::SetBindings; added columns
// may only refeerence columns which already exist in the
// table.
// Arguments: [PropId] - the property ID to be added to the table.
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if it's okay to add the column. False
// otherwise.
// Notes:
BOOL CLargeTable::IsColumnInTable( PROPID PropId ) {
CLock lock(_mutex);
// See if the column already exists in the master column set
if ( _MasterColumnSet.Find( PropId ) != 0 ) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
#if 0
// Member: CLargeTable::_LokLocateTableSegment, private
// Synopsis: Position a table segment iterator to the table segment
// in which some work ID is found.
// Arguments: [rIter] - An iterator over table segments
// [chapt] - Chapter in which to search for row
// [wid] - value to be searched for
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the work ID was found, FALSE if not.
// Notes:
WORKID CLargeTable::_LokLocateTableSegment( CDoubleTableSegIter& rIter, CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt, WORKID wid ) { Win4Assert( !_segList.AtEnd(rIter) );
if ( IsSpecialWid( wid ) ) { if ( IsCategorized() && DB_NULL_HCHAPTER != chapt ) { if ( WORKID_TBLFIRST == wid || WORKID_TBLBEFOREFIRST == wid ) { wid = GetCategorizer()->GetFirstWorkid( chapt ); } else { // Heuristic: assume last row of [chapt] is in same window
// as first row of [ next chapt ]
wid = GetCategorizer()->GetFirstWorkidOfNextCategory( chapt );
if ( widInvalid == wid ) { // chapt was the last chapter -- get the last segment
while ( !_segList.IsLast(rIter) ) _segList.Advance(rIter); return TRUE; } else { // check if this row (the first of the next chapter) is
// the first in the segment. If so, back up to the prev
// segment.
Win4Assert( _segList.IsFirst(rIter) ); while ( !_segList.AtEnd(rIter) ) { if ( rIter.GetSegment()->IsRowInSegment(wid) ) { ULONG iRow; CTableWindow * pWindow = rIter.GetWindow(); pWindow->RowOffset( wid, iRow ); if ( 0 == iRow ) { // uh, oh. Back up a segment. The first row of
// the next category is the first row in the seg,
// so the last row of the categ must be in the
// prev segment.
Win4Assert( !_segList.IsFirst(rIter) ); _segList.BackUp(rIter); }
return TRUE; } _segList.Advance(rIter); }
tbDebugOut((DEB_WARN, "Got confused looking for %x\n", wid)); return FALSE; } } } else { //
// For the special cases of Beginning and End, just position to the
// correct end.
if (wid == WORKID_TBLBEFOREFIRST || wid == WORKID_TBLFIRST) { while ( !_segList.IsFirst(rIter) ) _segList.BackUp(rIter); } else { Win4Assert( wid == WORKID_TBLLAST || wid == WORKID_TBLAFTERLAST );
while ( !_segList.IsLast(rIter) ) _segList.Advance(rIter); }
return TRUE; } }
// Locate the appropriate segment
// NOTE: we assume we start with a fresh iterator, so just go forward
Win4Assert( _segList.IsFirst(rIter) ); while ( !_segList.AtEnd(rIter) ) { if ( rIter.GetSegment()->IsRowInSegment(wid) ) { return TRUE; } _segList.Advance(rIter); } tbDebugOut((DEB_WARN, "Work ID %x not found in table\n", wid)); return FALSE; }
// Methods which call through to the constituent table segments.
// These will in general just select one segment to call, or
// iterate over all segments.
// Function: IsRowInSegment
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [wid] - Workid of row to be found
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if row is found, FALSE otherwise
// History: 3-24-95 srikants Created
BOOL CLargeTable::IsRowInSegment( WORKID wid ) { CLock lock(_mutex);
return (_LokFindTableSegment(wid) != 0); }
// Function: SortOrder
// Synopsis:
// Returns:
// History: 3-24-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
CSortSet const & CLargeTable::SortOrder() { //CLock lock(_mutex);
return( *_pSortSet ); }
// Function: RemoveRow
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [varUnique] -
// Returns:
// History: 3-24-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CLargeTable::RemoveRow( PROPVARIANT const & varUnique ) {
CLock lock(_mutex);
if ( !_LokIsWatched() ) { //
// Do not process deletions unless the table is watched.
return; }
WORKID widRow = widInvalid;
if ( _fUniqueWorkid ) widRow = varUnique.lVal; else { CColumnMasterDesc* pMastCol = _MasterColumnSet.Find( pidPath ); Win4Assert(0 != pMastCol && pMastCol->IsCompressedCol());
// Convert the filename to a wid before deletion.
BOOL fFound = pMastCol->GetCompressor()->FindData( &varUnique, widRow );
// See if the delete wasn't in the table to begin with
if ( !fFound ) return; }
if ( !_LokRemoveIfDeferred( widRow ) ) { //
// This row was not a deferred update. We must iterate through
// the segments and remove it.
PROPVARIANT varWid; varWid.lVal = (LONG) widRow; varWid.vt = VT_I4;
for ( CFwdTableSegIter iter(_segList); !_segList.AtEnd(iter); _segList.Advance(iter) ) { CTableSegment * pSegment = iter.GetSegment(); WORKID widNext; CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt;
// No Hard Delete.
if ( pSegment->RemoveRow( varWid, widNext, chapt ) ) { _LokRemoveCategorizedRow( chapt, widRow, widNext, pSegment ); break; } } }
_bitRefresh = 1; LokCompleteAsyncNotification(); }
// Member: CLargeTable::NeedToNotifyReset, private
// Synopsis: Checks if there is a need to notify the client
// Resets the changeQuiesced bit if needed
// Arguments: [changeType] -- out, what change type
// History: Arp-4-95 BartoszM Created
BOOL CLargeTable::NeedToNotifyReset (DBWATCHNOTIFY& changeType) { CLock lock (_mutex); return LokNeedToNotifyReset(changeType); }
// Member: CLargeTable::LokNeedToNotifyReset, private
// Synopsis: Checks if there is a need to notify the client
// Resets the changeQuiesced bit if needed
// Arguments: [changeType] -- out, what change type
// History: Arp-4-95 BartoszM Created
BOOL CLargeTable::LokNeedToNotifyReset(DBWATCHNOTIFY& changeType) { if (_bitRefresh ) { if (!_bitClientNotified) { changeType = DBWATCHNOTIFY_ROWSCHANGED; return TRUE; } } else // no need to run changes
{ if (_bitChangeQuiesced) { changeType = (_bitQuiesced)? DBWATCHNOTIFY_QUERYDONE: DBWATCHNOTIFY_QUERYREEXECUTED; tbDebugOut(( DEB_NOTIFY, "changetype set to %d\n", changeType )); //
// Reset the bit!
_bitChangeQuiesced = 0; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
// Member: CLargeTable::NeedToNotify, private
// Synopsis: Checks if there is a need to notify the client
// History: 29-Aug-95 dlee Created
BOOL CLargeTable::NeedToNotify() { CLock lock (_mutex); return LokNeedToNotify(); }
// Member: CLargeTable::LokNeedToNotify, private
// Synopsis: Checks if there is a need to notify the client
// History: 29-Aug-95 dlee Created
BOOL CLargeTable::LokNeedToNotify() { if (_bitRefresh ) { if (!_bitClientNotified) return TRUE; } else if (_bitChangeQuiesced) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Member: CLargeTable::GetNotifications, private
// Synopsis: Retrieves the notification info from the query object
// row data.
// Arguments: [rSync] -- notification synchronization info
// [rParams] -- notification data info
// Returns: SCODE
// History: 10-24-94 dlee created
SCODE CLargeTable::GetNotifications( CNotificationSync & rSync, DBWATCHNOTIFY & changeType ) { tbDebugOut (( DEB_NOTIFY, "lt: GetNotifications\n" ));
{ CLock lock(_mutex); _bitNotifyEnabled = 1;
// don't fail if the query failed -- report the notification that
// the query completed.
// _LokCheckQueryStatus();
SCODE sc = S_OK;
{ CLock lock(_mutex);
Win4Assert( 0 == _pRequestServer ); Win4Assert( 0 == _hNotifyEvent );
if ( LokNeedToNotifyReset( changeType ) ) { _bitClientNotified = 1; tbDebugOut (( DEB_NOTIFY, "complete in getnotify: %d\n", changeType )); return S_OK; } else { if ( rSync.IsSvcMode() ) { Win4Assert( 0 == _pRequestServer ); _pRequestServer = rSync.GetRequestServer(); Win4Assert( 0 != _pRequestServer ); tbDebugOut (( DEB_NOTIFY, "getnotify returning pending\n" )); return STATUS_PENDING; }
// Block on an event until notifications
// arrive (or the table is going away). If notifications
// exist, grab them. Also block on the notification cancel
// event and report if that was received.
Win4Assert( 0 == _hNotifyEvent );
_hNotifyEvent = CreateEvent( 0, TRUE, FALSE, 0 );
if ( 0 == _hNotifyEvent ) { tbDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Create event returned 0d\n", GetLastError() )); THROW( CException() ); } } }
HANDLE aEvents[2]; aEvents[0] = _hNotifyEvent; aEvents[1] = rSync.GetCancelEvent();
ULONG wait = WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, aEvents, FALSE, INFINITE );
CloseHandle( _hNotifyEvent ); _hNotifyEvent = 0;
if ( STATUS_WAIT_0 == wait ) { CLock lock(_mutex); changeType = _changeType; } else if ( STATUS_WAIT_1 == wait ) { sc = STATUS_CANCELLED; } else { Win4Assert(!"Unexpected return from WaitForMultipleObjects()"); }
return sc; }
// Member: CLargeTable::CreateWatchRegion
// Synopsis: Creates a new watch region
// Arguments: [mode] -- initial mode
// [phRegion] -- (out) region handle
// History: Jun-16-95 BartoszM Created
void CLargeTable::CreateWatchRegion (ULONG mode, HWATCHREGION* phRegion) { CLock lock( _mutex ); _bitIsWatched = 1;
*phRegion = _watchList.NewRegion (mode); }
// Member: CLargeTable::ChangeWatchMode
// Synopsis: Changes watch mode of a region
// Arguments:
// [hRegion] -- region handle
// [mode] -- new mode
// History: Jun-16-95 BartoszM Created
void CLargeTable::ChangeWatchMode ( HWATCHREGION hRegion, ULONG mode) { CLock lock( _mutex ); _watchList.ChangeMode (hRegion, mode); }
// Member: CLargeTable::GetWatchRegionInfo
// Synopsis: Retrieves watch region information
// Arguments: [hRegion] -- region handle
// [pChapter] -- (out) chapter
// [pBookmark] -- (out) bookmark
// [pcRows] -- (out) size in rows
// History: Jun-16-95 BartoszM Created
void CLargeTable::GetWatchRegionInfo ( HWATCHREGION hRegion, CI_TBL_CHAPT* pChapter, CI_TBL_BMK* pBookmark, DBROWCOUNT * pcRows) { CLock lock( _mutex ); _watchList.GetInfo (hRegion, pChapter, pBookmark, (DBCOUNTITEM *)pcRows); }
// Member: CLargeTable::DeleteWatchRegion
// Synopsis: Delete watch region
// Arguments: [hRegion] -- region handle
// History: Jun-16-95 BartoszM Created
void CLargeTable::DeleteWatchRegion (HWATCHREGION hRegion) { CLock lock( _mutex ); _watchList.DeleteRegion (hRegion); }
// Member: CLargeTable::ShrinkWatchRegion
// Synopsis: Shrinks watch region
// Arguments: [hRegion] -- region handle
// [chapter] -- new chapter
// [bookmark] -- new bookmark
// [cRows] -- new size in rows
// History: Jun-16-95 BartoszM Created
void CLargeTable::ShrinkWatchRegion (HWATCHREGION hRegion, CI_TBL_CHAPT chapter, CI_TBL_BMK bookmark, LONG cRows ) { CLock lock( _mutex ); _watchList.ShrinkRegion (hRegion, chapter, bookmark, cRows);
#if CIDBG==1
CWatchRegion * pRegion = _watchList.GetRegion(hRegion); _watchList.CheckRegionConsistency( pRegion ); #endif //CIDBG==1
// Member: CLargeTable::Refresh
// Synopsis: Stub implementation
// Arguments: [] --
// History: Apr-4-95 BartoszM Created
// Jul-27-95 BartoszM Implemented (with no change script)
void CLargeTable::Refresh() { CDynStack<CTableBucket> xBktToConvert(0); // buckets to expand at our leisure
{ CLock lock (_mutex); _LokCheckQueryStatus();
_bitClientNotified = 0; _bitRefresh = 0;
// Update the bookmarks before refreshing windows.
// We need to know where they will be migrating
// in case rows were deleted.
// Remove watch regions from windows
for (CWatchIter iterWatch1 (_watchList); !_watchList.AtEnd(iterWatch1); _watchList.Advance(iterWatch1)) { CWatchRegion* pRegion = iterWatch1.Get();
if (pRegion->IsInit()) { CTableWindow * pWindow = (CTableWindow *) pRegion->Segment();
CI_TBL_BMK bookmark = _FindNearestDynamicBmk ( pWindow, pRegion->Chapter(), pRegion->Bookmark());
pRegion->Set( pRegion->Chapter(), bookmark, pRegion->RowCount() );
_watchList.ShrinkRegionToZero (pRegion->Handle()); } }
// Recreate new watch regions in windows
// Find starting segments using bookmarks
for (CWatchIter iterWatch3 (_watchList); !_watchList.AtEnd(iterWatch3); _watchList.Advance(iterWatch3)) { CWatchRegion* pRegion = iterWatch3.Get();
if ( pRegion->RowCount() > 0 ) { Win4Assert( widInvalid != pRegion->Bookmark() );
CTableSegment* pSegment = _LokFindTableSegment(pRegion->Bookmark()); pRegion->SetSegment( pSegment );
if ( 0 != pSegment ) { LokStretchWatchRegion (pRegion, xBktToConvert); _watchList. BuildRegion ( pRegion->Handle(), pSegment, pRegion->Chapter(), pRegion->Bookmark(), pRegion->RowCount() ); } #if CIDBG==1
_watchList.CheckRegionConsistency( pRegion ); #endif // CIDBG==1
} }
// If there are any deferred rows that were not added during the
// normal "PutRow", we should expand them now.
if ( 0 != _pDeferredRows ) { xBktToConvert.Push(_pDeferredRows); _pDeferredRows = 0; }
if (_bitChangeQuiesced) LokCompleteAsyncNotification(); }
if ( xBktToConvert.Count() > 0 ) { // Schedule buckets for asynchronous expansion
_NoLokBucketToWindows( xBktToConvert, widInvalid, TRUE, FALSE ); } } //Refresh
void CLargeTable::LokStretchWatchRegion ( CWatchRegion* pRegion, CDynStack<CTableBucket>& xBktToConvert) { CTableWindow* pFirstWindow = (CTableWindow*) pRegion->Segment(); Win4Assert (pFirstWindow->IsWindow()); //
// Compute the number of rows that can be retrieved from current window.
TBL_OFF dummy; ULONG iRow; pFirstWindow->FindBookMark(pRegion->Bookmark(), dummy, iRow );
ULONG cRowsToRetrieve = pRegion->RowCount(); ULONG cRowsFromCurrWindow = (ULONG)pFirstWindow->RowCount() - iRow;
if ( cRowsToRetrieve > cRowsFromCurrWindow ) { //
// We still have more rows to be retrieved.
cRowsToRetrieve -= cRowsFromCurrWindow; } else { //
// This window can give us all the rows to be fetched.
return; }
CDoubleTableSegIter iter (pRegion->Segment());
do { Win4Assert( !_segList.AtEnd(iter) );
_segList.Advance( iter );
if ( _segList.AtEnd(iter) ) { break; }
if ( iter.GetSegment()->IsBucket() ) { CTableBucket * pBucket = _LokReplaceWithEmptyWindow(iter); xBktToConvert.Push(pBucket); } else { CTableWindow * pWindow = iter.GetWindow(); cRowsFromCurrWindow = (ULONG)pWindow->RowCount();
if ( cRowsToRetrieve > cRowsFromCurrWindow ) { cRowsToRetrieve -= cRowsFromCurrWindow; } else { cRowsToRetrieve = 0; } } } while ( cRowsToRetrieve > 0 ); }
// Member: CLargeTable::CancelAsyncNotification
// Synopsis: signals the notification event
// History: 10-24-94 dlee created
// Notes: can only be called from the destructor
void CLargeTable::CancelAsyncNotification() { if ( 0 != _pRequestServer ) { //_pRequestServer->CompleteNotification( 0 );
_pRequestServer = 0; return; }
if ( 0 != _hNotifyEvent ) SetEvent( _hNotifyEvent ); }
// Member: CLargeTable::LokCompleteAsyncNotification
// Synopsis: signals the notification event
// History: 10-24-94 dlee created
void CLargeTable::LokCompleteAsyncNotification() { if (_bitClientNotified && !_bitChangeQuiesced) return; // no need to keep pinging the client
Win4Assert( ! ( _pRequestServer && _hNotifyEvent ) );
if ( 0 != _pRequestServer ) { if ( LokNeedToNotifyReset( _changeType ) ) { if ( DBWATCHNOTIFY_ROWSCHANGED == _changeType ) _bitClientNotified = 1;
tbDebugOut (( DEB_NOTIFY, "complete in lcan: %d\n", _changeType ));
_pRequestServer->CompleteNotification( _changeType ); _pRequestServer = 0; }
return; }
if ( 0 != _hNotifyEvent ) { if ( LokNeedToNotifyReset( _changeType ) ) { if ( DBWATCHNOTIFY_ROWSCHANGED == _changeType ) _bitClientNotified = 1;
SetEvent( _hNotifyEvent ); // event will be released / zeroed by notify thread.
} }
} //LokCompleteAsyncNotification
// Function: _LokConvertToBucket
// Synopsis: Converts the given window into a bucket and replace the
// window with a bucket.
// Arguments: [window] - The window to be converted into a bucket.
// Returns: The bucket that was created.
// History: 3-24-95 srikants Created
void CLargeTable::_LokConvertToBucket( CTableWindow ** ppWindow ) {
// Convert the window into a bucket.
CTableWindow * pWindow = *ppWindow; Win4Assert( pWindow->IsWindow() );
CBucketizeWindows bucketize( *this, *pWindow ); tbDebugOut(( DEB_WINSPLIT, "Converting 0x%X window to buckets\n", pWindow->GetSegId() )); bucketize. LokCreateBuckets( *_pSortSet, _keyCompare.GetReference(), _MasterColumnSet );
CTableSegList & bktList = bucketize.GetBucketsList();
for ( CFwdTableSegIter iter2(bktList); !bktList.AtEnd(iter2); bktList.Advance(iter2) ) { //
// This information is needed for doing a wid->path translation
CTableBucket * pBucket = iter2.GetBucket(); pBucket->SetLargeTable(this); }
if ( 0 != bktList.GetSegmentsCount() ) { _segListMgr.Replace( pWindow, bktList ); } else { _segListMgr.RemoveFromList( pWindow ); }
*ppWindow = 0; delete pWindow; } //_LokConvertToBucket
// Function: _LokConvertWindowsToBucket
// Synopsis: Uses heuristics to convert some of the windows into buckets
// to reduce memory usage.
// History: 3-24-95 srikants Created
// Notes: This function needs a lot of work. For now, it just tries
// to avoid converting windows that "were recently used". It
// also tries to alternate windows and buckets if possible.
// A heuristic used is NOT to convert the "last" window into a
// bucket. This is because in case of content queries, the
// results are probably coming sorted and we can use this fact.
// Since new rows always go to the end, we will win by creating
// well sorted buckets when windows are converted into buckets.
// Also, don't convert a window to a bucket if it is < 40%
// capacity.
void CLargeTable::_LokConvertWindowsToBucket( WORKID widToPin ) { if ( _segList.GetWindowsCount() < cMaxWindows ) return;
unsigned cWindows = 0; BOOL fConvert = TRUE; // used to keep alternated segments as
// windows (approx)
CBackTableSegIter iter(_segList);
while( !_segList.AtEnd(iter) ) { CTableSegment * pSegment = iter.GetSegment();
if ( pSegment->IsWindow() ) { cWindows++; CTableWindow * pWindow = iter.GetWindow(); ULONG cRows = (ULONG)pWindow->RowCount();
if ( fConvert && cRows >= cMinRowsToBucketize && !pWindow->IsWatched() && !_segListMgr.IsRecentlyUsed(pWindow) && !_segList.IsLast(iter) && !_segList.IsFirst(iter) && ( widInvalid == widToPin || !pWindow->IsRowInSegment( widToPin ) ) ) { //
// The window may be deleted. So, we must backup the iterator
// before destroying the window.
Win4Assert( widInvalid == widToPin || !pWindow->IsRowInSegment( widToPin ) );
CTableWindow * pWindow = iter.GetWindow(); _segList.BackUp(iter);
_LokConvertToBucket( &pWindow ); //
// Don't convert the next segment into a bucket.
fConvert = FALSE; } else { _segList.BackUp(iter); //
// We had a window which we didn't convert into a bucket.
// If the next one is a window, we can convert it.
fConvert = TRUE; } } else { _segList.BackUp(iter); } }
Win4Assert( cWindows >= cMaxWindows ); } //_LokConvertWindowsToBucket
// Function: _LokReplaceWithEmptyWindow
// Synopsis: Replaces the given bucket with an empty window in preparation
// for bucket->window conversion.
// Arguments: [pBucket] - The bucket to replace
// History: 4-11-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
CTableBucket * CLargeTable::_LokReplaceWithEmptyWindow( CDoubleTableSegIter & iter ) {
Win4Assert( iter.GetSegment()->IsBucket() );
CTableBucket * pBucket = iter.GetBucket();
tbDebugOut(( DEB_WINSPLIT, "Replacing Bucket 0x%X with Window\n", pBucket->GetSegId() ));
CTableWindow * pWindow = _CreateNewWindow( pBucket->GetSegId(), pBucket->GetLowestKey(), pBucket->GetHighestKey()); _segListMgr.Replace( iter, pWindow );
// Make the newly created window preferred place to put the new
// rows in.
_segListMgr.SetCachedPutRowSeg( pWindow );
return pBucket; }
// Function: _NoLokBucketToWindows
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [xBktToExpand] -
// [widToPin] -
// [isWatched] -
// Returns:
// History: 7-07-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CLargeTable::_NoLokBucketToWindows( XPtr<CTableBucket> & xBktToExpand, WORKID widToPin, BOOL isWatched, BOOL fOptimizeBucketization ) {
CAsyncBucketExploder * pBktExploder = new CAsyncBucketExploder( *this, xBktToExpand, widToPin, !_fUniqueWorkid ); //
// DO NOT add any code here. pBucket now belongs to pBktExploder and we
// should acquire it from xBktToExpand before doing anything else.
Win4Assert( 0 == xBktToExpand.GetPointer() ); XInterface<CAsyncBucketExploder> xRef(pBktExploder);
// We don't have to do an AddRef on pBktExploder because it is refcounted
// in the constructor.
// Lock the table
// ============================================================
{ CLock lock(_mutex);
if ( 0 != _pQExecute ) { pBktExploder->SetQuery( _pQExecute ); } else { //
// The query is being destoryed.
THROW( CException( STATUS_TOO_LATE ) ); }
// Convert any excess windows to buckets.
if ( fOptimizeBucketization ) _LokConvertWindowsToBucket( widToPin );
// Add to the bigtable's list of exploding buckets.
_LokAddToExplodeList( pBktExploder ); pBktExploder->SetOnLTList(); }
// Release the table
// ============================================================
if ( isWatched ) {
// There can be a failure (like failing to create a worker thread)
// when we add to the work queue. So, we must be able to deal with
// it.
TRY { ciFAILTEST( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ); pBktExploder->AddToWorkQueue(); } CATCH( CException, e ) { tbDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CLargeTable::_NoLokBucketToWindow " "AddToWorkQueue failed with error 0X%X\n", e.GetErrorCode() ));
SetStatus( STAT_ERROR ); _RemoveFromExplodeList( pBktExploder ); pBktExploder->Abort();
xRef.Acquire(); pBktExploder->Release();
// Return to the caller from here and continue fetching the
// remaining rows.
} else { //
// No need of using another thread. Just use the callers
// thread.
pBktExploder->DoIt( 0 ); status = pBktExploder->GetStatus(); xRef.Acquire(); pBktExploder->Release(); }
if ( STATUS_SUCCESS != status ) { THROW( CException(status) ); }
if (!isWatched) { CLock lock(_mutex); //
// Give a notification to "kick" the notification thread after the
// bucket->window conversion.
LokCompleteAsyncNotification(); } }
// Function: _NoLokBucketToWindows
// Synopsis: Converts the given buckets into a windows.
// Arguments: [bucketRef] - Safe stack of buckets.
// History: 3-24-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CLargeTable::_NoLokBucketToWindows( CDynStack<CTableBucket> & xSegStack, WORKID widToPin, BOOL isWatched, BOOL fOptimizeBucketization ) {
// The bucket that must be scheduled for expansion.
XPtr<CTableBucket> xBktToExpand;
do {
// Lock the table.
{ CLock lock(_mutex); CTableBucket * pBucket = (CTableBucket *) xSegStack.Pop(); Win4Assert( 0 == xBktToExpand.GetPointer() ); xBktToExpand.Set( pBucket ); } //
// release the lock on table
// Convert this single bucket to a window.
_NoLokBucketToWindows( xBktToExpand, widToPin, isWatched, fOptimizeBucketization );
} while ( 0 != xSegStack.Count() ); } //_NoLokBucketToWindows
// Method: CLargeTable::GetRowsAt
// Synopsis: Fetch rows relative to a bookmark
// Arguments: [hRegion] - watch region handle
// [widStart] -
// [chapt] - Chapter from which to fetch rows (if chaptered)
// [iRowOffset] -
// [rOutColumns] -
// [rGetParams] -
// [rwidLastRowTransferred] -
// Returns:
// History: 3-31-95 srikants Created
// 6-28-95 BartoszM Added watch region support
// Notes:
SCODE CLargeTable::GetRowsAt( HWATCHREGION hRegion, WORKID widStart, CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt, DBROWOFFSET iRowOffset, CTableColumnSet const & rOutColumns, CGetRowsParams & rGetParams, WORKID & rwidLastRowTransferred ) {
// If the row of interest is in an un-sorted bucket, it must be
// expanded into a window before we can determine the exact wid.
// For bucket->window expansion, we have to release the lock because
// the conversion (not now but later) will be done by a worker thread
// and we will deadlock.
tbDebugOut(( DEB_REGTRANS, " =============== Entering GetRowsAt ========= \n\n " ));
if ( iRowOffset > 0 ) rwidLastRowTransferred = WORKID_TBLLAST; else rwidLastRowTransferred = WORKID_TBLFIRST;
BOOL fAsync = FALSE;
if ( WORKID_TBLBEFOREFIRST == widStart ) { if (iRowOffset <= 0) { widStart = WORKID_TBLLAST; } else { widStart = WORKID_TBLFIRST; iRowOffset--; } } else if ( WORKID_TBLAFTERLAST == widStart ) { widStart = WORKID_TBLLAST; iRowOffset++; }
tbDebugOut(( DEB_REGTRANS, " widstart 0x%x, offset %d\n", widStart, iRowOffset ));
ULONG cChaptRows = 0; if ( IsCategorized() && DB_NULL_HCHAPTER != chapt ) { CLock lock(_mutex);
cChaptRows = GetCategorizer()->GetRowCount( chapt ); if ( WORKID_TBLFIRST == widStart || WORKID_TBLLAST == widStart ) { BOOL isLastBmk = WORKID_TBLLAST == widStart; widStart = GetCategorizer()->GetFirstWorkid( chapt ); if ( isLastBmk ) { iRowOffset += ( cChaptRows - 1 ); }
if ( ( isLastBmk ) && ( -1 == iRowOffset ) && ( 1 == cChaptRows ) ) { iRowOffset = 0; } } }
CTableRowLocator rowLocator( *this, widStart, (LONG) iRowOffset, chapt ); CTableRowGetter tableRowGetter( *this, rOutColumns, rGetParams, chapt, hRegion ); SCODE status = S_OK;
CWatchRegion* pWatchRegion = 0; BOOL fBeyondTable = FALSE; // flag indicating if we had to go
// beyond the end of the table.
CDynStack<CTableBucket> xBktToConvert(0); // buckets to expand at our leisure
WORKID widToPin = widInvalid; // The workid we need to pin.
for (;;) { //
// Loop as long as there are buckets to be sychronously
// expanded.
XPtr<CTableBucket> xBktToExplode(0); // bucket to explode synchronously
// ============================================================
{ CLock lock(_mutex);
_LokCheckQueryStatus(); fAsync = _LokIsWatched() && (0 != hRegion);
if (!_watchList.IsEmpty()) { _watchList.VerifyRegion (hRegion); // valid region or null
pWatchRegion = _watchList.GetRegion(hRegion); } else if (hRegion != 0) { THROW (CException(E_INVALIDARG)); }
#if CIDBG==1
if ( 0 != pWatchRegion && pWatchRegion->IsInit() ) { Win4Assert( pWatchRegion->Segment()->IsWindow() ); CTableWindow * pWindow = (CTableWindow *) pWatchRegion->Segment(); Win4Assert( pWindow->HasWatch( hRegion ) ); } #endif // CIDBG==1
CRegionTransformer regionTransformer( pWatchRegion, (LONG) iRowOffset, rGetParams.RowsToTransfer(), rGetParams.GetFwdFetch() );
CFwdTableSegIter iter( _segList );
// Locate the bookmark.
status = rowLocator.LokLocate( hRegion, fAsync, iter, regionTransformer);
if ( S_OK != status ) { return status; }
// also: calculate the fetch coordinates
if ( !regionTransformer.Validate() ) THROW (CException(DB_E_NONCONTIGUOUSRANGE));
// The iterator is positioned at the fetch bookmark
// Move it to the actual fetch offset
rowLocator.LokRelocate ( fAsync, iter, regionTransformer, xBktToExplode, xBktToConvert );
if ( xBktToExplode.IsNull() ) { //
// The first row to be fetched is in a window.
if ( 0 != rowLocator.GetBeyondTableCount() ) { tbDebugOut(( DEB_REGTRANS, " GetBeyondTableCount: %d\n", rowLocator.GetBeyondTableCount() )); //
// The requested offset is beyond the table. Must update
// the row retrieval count based on the residual row
// count.
regionTransformer.DecrementFetchCount( rowLocator, iter, _segList );
// to support watch regions, fetches beyond the
// end of rowset are expected
fBeyondTable = TRUE;
// don't read any rows that do fall in the table
// if notifications aren't enabled.
if ( 0 == _bitNotifyEnabled ) break; }
Win4Assert( regionTransformer.GetFetchCount() >= 0 ); if ( regionTransformer.GetFetchCount() > 0 ) { Win4Assert( iter.GetSegment()->IsWindow() ); if ( 0 != regionTransformer.Region() ) { CDoubleTableSegIter fakeIter( iter );
// Simulate a fetch and collect all the buckets to be
// asynchronously expanded.
rowLocator.LokSimulateFetch( fakeIter, regionTransformer, xBktToConvert ); regionTransformer.Transform (_segList, _watchList ); }
// We have located exactly where the starting workid is.
// Start fetching rows from here.
widStart = rowLocator.GetWorkIdFound(); tableRowGetter.SetRowsToTransfer( (ULONG) regionTransformer.GetFetchCount() );
// Real Work done here!
CTableWindow * pWindow = iter.GetWindow(); status = tableRowGetter.LokGetRowsAtSegment ( pWindow, widStart, fAsync, xBktToExplode );
rwidLastRowTransferred = tableRowGetter.GetLastWorkId();
if ( !xBktToExplode.IsNull() ) { Win4Assert( !fAsync );
// All the requested rows did not get filled in.
// We have hit a bucket which must be exploded.
// Snapshot the current position and offset (either
// +1 if forward fetch or -1 if backwards fetch) so
// that we can continue from the snapshotted position
// after the bucket has been exploded.
long iOffset; if ( rGetParams.GetFwdFetch() ) iOffset = 1; else iOffset = -1;
rowLocator.SetLocateInfo( rwidLastRowTransferred, iOffset ); widToPin = rwidLastRowTransferred;
iRowOffset = iOffset; } } // regionTransformer.GetFetchCount() > 0
#if CIDBG==1
_watchList.CheckRegionConsistency( pWatchRegion ); #endif // CIDBG==1
} // Lock released
// ============================================================
if ( 0 != xBktToExplode.GetPointer() ) { // We need to synchronously convert bucket into windows.
// and then restart fetching from the top
if ( widInvalid == widToPin ) widToPin = widStart;
_NoLokBucketToWindows( xBktToExplode, widToPin, FALSE, FALSE ); } else { break; } } // end of bucket expansion loop
if ( xBktToConvert.Count() > 0 ) { // Schedule buckets for asynchronous expansion
_NoLokBucketToWindows ( xBktToConvert, widInvalid, TRUE, TRUE ); }
if (SUCCEEDED(status) && fBeyondTable) { if ( _bitNotifyEnabled ) status = DB_S_ENDOFROWSET; else status = DB_E_BADSTARTPOSITION; } else if ( ( IsCategorized() ) && ( DB_S_ENDOFROWSET == status ) && ( 0 == rGetParams.RowsTransferred() ) && ( 0 != cChaptRows ) ) { status = DB_E_BADSTARTPOSITION; }
// If the query timed out and we're fetching at the end of the
// rowset, give an appropriate status.
if ( ( DB_S_ENDOFROWSET == status ) && ( 0 != ( Status() & STAT_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ) ) ) { status = DB_S_STOPLIMITREACHED; }
return status; } //GetRowsAt
// Function: GetRowsAtRatio
// Synopsis: An APPROXIMATE retrieval of rows. NOTE that this is not
// EXACT - use GetRowsAt to retrieve rows at exact position.
// Arguments: [hRegion] - watch region handle
// [ulNum] -
// [ulDenom] -
// [chapt] - Chapter of rows returned
// [rOutColumns] -
// [rGetParams] -
// [rwidLastRowTransferred] -
// Returns:
// History: 4-04-95 srikants Created
// 6-28-95 BartoszM Added watch region support
// Notes:
SCODE CLargeTable::GetRowsAtRatio( HWATCHREGION hRegion, ULONG ulNum, ULONG ulDenom, CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt, CTableColumnSet const & rOutColumns, CGetRowsParams & rGetParams, WORKID & rwidLastRowTransferred ) { if ( 0 == ulDenom || ulNum > ulDenom ) { QUIETTHROW( CException(DB_E_BADRATIO) ); }
BOOL fFarFromWindow = TRUE; BOOL fAsync = FALSE;
SCODE scRet = S_OK; ULONG cRowsFromFront = 0;
WORKID widAnchor = widInvalid; // initialize to an invalid value.
ULONG cPercentDiff = 0; LONG offFetchStart = 0;
XPtr<CTableBucket> xBktToExplode(0);
// ==================================================================
// Obtain the lock
CLock lock(_mutex); _LokCheckQueryStatus();
if ( IsCategorized() && DB_NULL_HCHAPTER != chapt ) {
ULONG cRows = GetCategorizer()->GetRowCount( chapt );
Win4Assert( 0 != cRows && "Chapter is empty" );
LONGLONG llcRowsFromFront = ( (LONGLONG) cRows) * ulNum ; llcRowsFromFront /= ulDenom; Win4Assert( llcRowsFromFront <= cRows && llcRowsFromFront >= 0 ); cRowsFromFront = lltoul( llcRowsFromFront ) ; } else { //
// Determine the approximate offset from the beginning of the table
const ULONG cTotalRows = (ULONG) RowCount();
if ( 0 == cTotalRows ) { rwidLastRowTransferred = WORKID_TBLAFTERLAST; return DB_S_ENDOFROWSET; }
LONGLONG llcRowsFromFront = ( (LONGLONG) cTotalRows) * ulNum ; llcRowsFromFront /= ulDenom; Win4Assert( llcRowsFromFront <= cTotalRows && llcRowsFromFront >= 0 ); cRowsFromFront = lltoul( llcRowsFromFront ) ;
if ( cRowsFromFront == cTotalRows ) { if ( rGetParams.GetFwdFetch() ) { //
// The user is asking to retrieve past the end of table.
rwidLastRowTransferred = WORKID_TBLAFTERLAST; return DB_S_ENDOFROWSET; } else { //
// Fetch rows starting with last row in rowset
rwidLastRowTransferred = WORKID_TBLAFTERLAST;
SCODE scRet = GetRowsAt( hRegion, WORKID_TBLAFTERLAST, chapt, -1, rOutColumns, rGetParams, rwidLastRowTransferred ); return scRet; } }
// Locate the closest window at this offset.
CLinearRange winRange; // will be initialized by _LokGetClosestWindow
CTableWindow * pWindow = _LokGetClosestWindow( cRowsFromFront, winRange );
if ( 0 == pWindow ) { fFarFromWindow = TRUE; } else { //
// Offset of the first row from the beginning of the table.
offFetchStart = winRange.GetLow();
if ( winRange.InRange( cRowsFromFront ) && rGetParams.RowsToTransfer() <= winRange.GetRange() ) { //
// This window has enough rows.
long cRowsOff; // offset within the window
if ( rGetParams.GetFwdFetch() ) { if ( cRowsFromFront + rGetParams.RowsToTransfer() <= winRange.GetHigh() ) { //
// We hit the exact row that the client requested.
cRowsOff = cRowsFromFront - winRange.GetLow(); } else { //
// Optimization : We cannot fill the output set with the rows
// from this window if we position exactly. So just use a
// little from front.
cRowsOff = winRange.GetRange() - rGetParams.RowsToTransfer(); } } else { if ( cRowsFromFront >= rGetParams.RowsToTransfer() && cRowsFromFront - rGetParams.RowsToTransfer() >= winRange.GetLow() ) { //
// We hit the exact row that the client requested
cRowsOff = cRowsFromFront - winRange.GetLow(); } else { //
// Optimization : We cannot fill the output set with the rows
// from this window if we position exactly. So just use a
// little from back.
cRowsOff = rGetParams.RowsToTransfer() - 1; } }
// There was no wrap around.
Win4Assert( cRowsOff >= 0 && cRowsOff < (long)pWindow->RowCount());
offFetchStart += cRowsOff; widAnchor = pWindow->GetBookMarkAt( cRowsOff ); } else { widAnchor = WORKID_TBLFIRST; }
const cMaxApproxPerCent = 10; // Let us say 10% maximum approximation
// Determine how accurate is the approximate position.
cPercentDiff = AbsDiff( offFetchStart, cRowsFromFront ) * 100; cPercentDiff /= cTotalRows; if ( cPercentDiff <= cMaxApproxPerCent ) { Win4Assert( widInvalid != widAnchor ); fFarFromWindow = FALSE; } else { tbDebugOut(( DEB_WINSPLIT, " Approximation is too off 0x%X - Requested - Arrived 0x%X\n", cRowsFromFront, offFetchStart )); } }
fAsync = _LokIsWatched() && (0 != hRegion);
if ( 0 != hRegion ) { // Nuke the region first
_watchList.ShrinkRegionToZero (hRegion); }
// If we are either too far from a window or if the asynchronous
// mode is on, we have to use GetRowsAt()
if ( !fFarFromWindow && !fAsync ) { tbDebugOut(( DEB_WINSPLIT, "GetRowsAtRatio - Approximate. Requested 0x%X Actual 0x%X Percent 0x%X\n", cRowsFromFront, offFetchStart, cPercentDiff ));
CTableRowGetter rowGetter( *this, rOutColumns, rGetParams, chapt, hRegion );
// Real work done here!
Win4Assert( widInvalid != widAnchor ); Win4Assert( 0 != pWindow->RowCount() );
#if CIDBG==1
TBL_OFF oRowdummy; ULONG iRowdummy; Win4Assert( pWindow->FindBookMark( widAnchor, oRowdummy, iRowdummy ) ); #endif // CIDBG==1
scRet = rowGetter.LokGetRowsAtSegment( pWindow, widAnchor, FALSE, // synchronous
xBktToExplode );
if ( !FAILED(scRet) ) { rwidLastRowTransferred = rowGetter.GetLastWorkId();
Win4Assert( rwidLastRowTransferred != widInvalid && !IsSpecialWid( rwidLastRowTransferred ) ); }
if ( xBktToExplode.IsNull() ) { return scRet; }
// The bucket to explode is not null. We will synchronously
// explode it and continue fetching from there on.
Win4Assert( !FAILED(scRet) ); } } } // ==================================================================
// Release table lock
// We are either :
// 1. Far from window or
// 2. Is being watched or
// 3. We have a bucket to explode synchronously.
if ( xBktToExplode.IsNull() ) { //
// We are either far from a window or we have a watch region.
widAnchor = WORKID_TBLFIRST; offFetchStart = cRowsFromFront; } else { widAnchor = rwidLastRowTransferred; if ( rGetParams.GetFwdFetch() ) offFetchStart = 1; else offFetchStart = -1;
_NoLokBucketToWindows( xBktToExplode, widAnchor, FALSE, TRUE ); // synchronous
tbDebugOut(( DEB_WINSPLIT, "GetRowsAtRatio - going to GetRowsAt\n" )); Win4Assert( widInvalid != widAnchor );
// The region is pre-shrunk to zero, so it's okay to start in a bucket.
scRet = GetRowsAt( hRegion, widAnchor, chapt, offFetchStart, rOutColumns, rGetParams, rwidLastRowTransferred ); if (DB_E_BADSTARTPOSITION == scRet) scRet = DB_S_ENDOFROWSET;
return scRet; } //GetRowsAtRatio
// Class: CClosestWindow
// Purpose: Determines the closest window for a given position in the
// table.
// History: 4-03-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CClosestWindow {
CClosestWindow( ULONG targetOffset, CTableSegList & list ) : _targetOffset(targetOffset), _list(list), _iter(_list), _currSegOffset(0), _pBest(0), _bestRange(ULONG_MAX,ULONG_MAX), _fDone(FALSE) {
void ProcessCurrent();
BOOL IsDone() { return _fDone || _list.AtEnd(_iter); }
CTableWindow * GetClosest( CLinearRange & winRange ) { if ( 0 != _pBest ) { winRange.Set( _bestRange.GetLow(), _bestRange.GetHigh() ); }
return _pBest; }
void Next() { Win4Assert( !_list.AtEnd(_iter) ); _list.Advance(_iter); }
ULONG _targetOffset; // Target offset to locate
CTableSegList & _list; // The list of segments
CFwdTableSegIter _iter; // Iterator over the list of segments
ULONG _currSegOffset; // Beginning offset of the current
// segment
CTableWindow * _pBest; // Best window so far
CLinearRange _bestRange; // Range of the best window
BOOL _fDone; // Flag set to TRUE if we have already
// found the best possible window.
// Function: ProcessCurrent
// Synopsis: Processes the current segment in the iterator and updates
// the "best" window if applicable.
// History: 4-03-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CClosestWindow::ProcessCurrent( ) {
CTableSegment * pSegment = _iter.GetSegment(); Win4Assert( 0 != pSegment );
Win4Assert( !_fDone );
ULONG cRowsInSeg = (ULONG)pSegment->RowCount(); ULONG currEndSeg = _currSegOffset;
if ( 0 != cRowsInSeg ) { currEndSeg += (cRowsInSeg-1); }
if ( pSegment->IsWindow() && 0 != pSegment->RowCount() ) { if ( _currSegOffset <= _targetOffset ) { //
// We are still on the left hand side. So, this one MUST be
// closer than what we had before.
_pBest = (CTableWindow *) pSegment; _bestRange.Set( _currSegOffset, currEndSeg ); _fDone = _bestRange.InRange( _targetOffset ); } else { //
// We are on the right hand side of the target.
CTableWindow * pRight = (CTableWindow *) pSegment; if ( 0 != _pBest ) { if ( AbsDiff( _currSegOffset, _targetOffset ) < AbsDiff( _bestRange.GetLow(), _targetOffset ) ) { //
// We found a closer window on the right hand
// side.
_pBest = pRight; _bestRange.Set( _currSegOffset, currEndSeg ); } } else { _pBest = pRight; _bestRange.Set( _currSegOffset, currEndSeg ); }
_fDone = TRUE; } }
_currSegOffset += cRowsInSeg;
// Function: _LokGetClosestWindow
// Synopsis: Given a position from the beginning of the table, this
// method determines the closest window from that position.
// Arguments: [cRowsFromFront] - Number of rows from the beginning of
// the table.
// [winRange] - (output) Range of the window found in
// the table.
// Returns: Pointer to the window, if one is found that is closest to
// the position requested.
// History: 4-03-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
CTableWindow * CLargeTable::_LokGetClosestWindow( ULONG cRowsFromFront, CLinearRange & winRange ) { winRange.Set(0,0);
for ( CClosestWindow closest( cRowsFromFront, _segList ); !closest.IsDone(); closest.Next() )
{ closest.ProcessCurrent(); }
return closest.GetClosest( winRange ); }
// Function: _CreateNewWindow
// Synopsis: Creates a new window with the given segment id.
// Arguments: [segId] - Segment id of the window to create.
// Returns: Pointer to the newly created window.
// History: 4-19-95 srikants Created
// Notes: This is a helper function for "CTableRowPutter" class.
CTableWindow * CLargeTable::_CreateNewWindow( ULONG segId, CTableRowKey &lowKey, CTableRowKey &highKey) { XPtr<CTableWindow> xWindow( new CTableWindow( _pSortSet, _keyCompare.GetReference(), &_MasterColumnSet, segId, GetCategorizer(), _sharedBuf, *_pQExecute ) );
xWindow->GetLowestKey() = lowKey; xWindow->GetHighestKey() = highKey;
return xWindow.Acquire(); } //_CreateNewWindow
// Function: SetQueryExecute
// Synopsis: Initializes the query executer object to be used during
// bucket->window conversion. The query object will be refcounted
// to co-ordinate destruction order.
// Arguments: [pQExecute] - Pointer to the query object.
// History: 4-25-95 srikants Created
// Notes: Must be called ONCE and only ONCE. Before ~CLargeTable is
// called, the ReleaseQueryExecute MUST be called.
void CLargeTable::SetQueryExecute( CQAsyncExecute * pQExecute ) // virtual
{ CLock lock(_mutex); Win4Assert( 0 == _pQExecute ); _pQExecute = pQExecute; _pQExecute->AddRef();
// Function: ReleaseQueryExecute
// Synopsis: Releases the query object. After this, we cannot do any
// bucket->window conversions.
// History: 4-25-95 srikants Created
// Notes: MUST be called once before the destructor is called.
void CLargeTable::ReleaseQueryExecute() { CLock lock(_mutex); Win4Assert( 0 != _pQExecute ); _pQExecute->Release(); _pQExecute = 0;
// Abort all the bucket->window expansions that are in progress.
for ( CAsyncBucketExploder * pEntry = _explodeBktsList.RemoveLast(); 0 != pEntry; pEntry = _explodeBktsList.RemoveLast() ) { pEntry->Close(); pEntry->Abort(); pEntry->Release(); } }
// Function: _LokAddToExplodeList
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [pBktExploder] -
// Returns:
// History: 5-30-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CLargeTable::_LokAddToExplodeList( CAsyncBucketExploder * pBktExploder ) { Win4Assert( pBktExploder->IsSingle() ); pBktExploder->AddRef(); _explodeBktsList.Push( pBktExploder );
// Pin the workid to be in a window and prevent from being converted
// into a bucket.
_segListMgr.SetInUseByBuckets( pBktExploder->GetWorkIdToPin() ); } //_LokAddToExplodeList
// Function: _RemoveFromExplodeList
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [pBktExploder] -
// Returns:
// History: 5-30-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CLargeTable::_RemoveFromExplodeList( CAsyncBucketExploder * pBktExploder ) { { CLock lock(_mutex); Win4Assert( 0 != pBktExploder );
_explodeBktsList.RemoveFromList( pBktExploder ); pBktExploder->Close(); _segListMgr.ClearInUseByBuckets( pBktExploder->GetWorkIdToPin() ); }
pBktExploder->Release(); }
// Function: QueryAbort
// Synopsis: Processes an abort and wakes up any waiters on the events
// in the largetable.
// History: 5-31-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CLargeTable::QueryAbort() { CLock lock(_mutex); Win4Assert( 0 == _pQExecute ); Win4Assert( _explodeBktsList.IsEmpty() );
_fAbort = TRUE; } //QueryAbort
// Method: GetCurrentPosition, public
// Synopsis: Gets the current GetNextRows position for the table or
// chapter.
// Arguments: [chapt] - gets the current position for this chapter
// History: 6-30-95 dlee Created
WORKID CLargeTable::GetCurrentPosition( CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt) { if ( IsCategorized() && DB_NULL_HCHAPTER != chapt ) return GetCategorizer()->GetCurrentPositionThisLevel( chapt ); else return _widCurrent; } //GetCurrentPosition
// Method: SetCurrentPosition, public
// Synopsis: Sets the current GetNextRows position for the table or
// chapter.
// Arguments: [chapt] - sets the current position for this chapter
// History: 6-30-95 dlee Created
WORKID CLargeTable::SetCurrentPosition( CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt, WORKID wid) { if ( IsCategorized() && DB_NULL_HCHAPTER != chapt ) return GetCategorizer()->SetCurrentPositionThisLevel( chapt, wid ); else return ( _widCurrent = wid ); } //SetCurrentPosition
// Method: LokGetOneColumn, public
// Synopsis: Gets data for one column for the given workid.
// Arguments: [wid] - for which data is retrieved
// [rOutColumn] - column descritption for where data is written
// [pbOut] - where data is written
// [rVarAllocator] - allocator to use for variable-len data
// History: 8-22-95 dlee Created
void CLargeTable::LokGetOneColumn( WORKID wid, CTableColumn const & rOutColumn, BYTE * pbOut, PVarAllocator & rVarAllocator ) { CTableWindow *pWindow = (CTableWindow *) _LokFindTableSegment( wid );
pWindow->LokGetOneColumn( wid, rOutColumn, pbOut, rVarAllocator ); } //LokGetOneColumn
CI_TBL_BMK CLargeTable::_FindNearestDynamicBmk( CTableWindow * pWindow, CI_TBL_CHAPT chapter, CI_TBL_BMK bookmark ) { // If the row corresponding to the bookmark exists in the
// dynamic state, return the original bookmark.
// If the row has been deleted from the dynamic state
// return the bookmark of the next available dynamic row.
// If you hit the end of the table, return the bookmark
// of the last row in the dynamic state of the table
CI_TBL_BMK bmkFound = bookmark;
if ( pWindow->FindNearestDynamicBmk( chapter, bmkFound ) ) { return bmkFound; }
// Find the closest bookmark to the right of this window.
CDoubleTableSegIter fwdIter( pWindow );
for ( _segList.Advance(fwdIter); !_segList.AtEnd(fwdIter); _segList.Advance(fwdIter) ) { if ( fwdIter.GetSegment()->IsWindow() ) { CTableWindow * pWindow = fwdIter.GetWindow(); if ( pWindow->FindFirstNonDeleteDynamicBmk(bmkFound) ) return bmkFound; } }
// Couldn't find anything to the right of this window. Find to the
// left of the window.
CDoubleTableSegIter backIter( pWindow );
for ( _segList.BackUp(backIter); !_segList.AtEnd(backIter); _segList.BackUp(backIter) ) { if ( backIter.GetSegment()->IsWindow() ) { CTableWindow * pWindow = backIter.GetWindow(); if ( pWindow->FindFirstNonDeleteDynamicBmk(bmkFound) ) return bmkFound; } }
// The whole table has been deleted. Just use the WORKID_TBLFIRST
return WORKID_TBLFIRST; } //_FindNearestDynamicBmk
// Member: CTableSink::SetStatus, public
// Synopsis: Sets the query status.
// Arguments: [s] -- The new status
// History: 18-Oct-91 KyleP Created.
void CTableSink::SetStatus(ULONG s, NTSTATUS sc) { _status = s;
if (sc != STATUS_SUCCESS) { Win4Assert( QUERY_FILL_STATUS(s) == STAT_ERROR && ! NT_SUCCESS(sc) ); _scStatus = sc;
tbDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "tablesink at 0x%x entering 0x%x ERROR state\n", this, sc )); } else { Win4Assert( QUERY_FILL_STATUS(s) != STAT_ERROR ); } }