// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 2000.
// File: seqquery.cxx
// Contents: Declarations of classes which implement sequential ICursor
// and related OLE DB interfaces over file stores.
// Classes: CSeqQuery - container of table/query for a set of seq cursors
// History: 09-Jan-95 DwightKr Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <tblalloc.hxx>
#include <rowseek.hxx>
#include <tblvarnt.hxx>
#include "tabledbg.hxx"
#include "seqquery.hxx"
// Class: CSeqQuery
// Purpose: Encapsulates a sequential query execution context, and PID
// mapper for use by a row cursor.
// Arguments: [qopt] - Query optimizer
// [col] - Initial set of columns to return
// [pulCursors] - cursor returned
// [pidremap] - prop ID mapping
// [pDocStore] - client doc store
// History: 09 Jan 95 DwightKr Created
CSeqQuery::CSeqQuery( XQueryOptimizer & qopt, XColumnSet & col, ULONG *pulCursor, XInterface<CPidRemapper> & pidremap, ICiCDocStore *pDocStore ) : PQuery( ), _ref( 1 ), _pidremap( pidremap.Acquire() ), _QExec( 0 ) { //
// Get ci manager and translator interfaces
ICiManager *pCiManager = 0; SCODE sc = pDocStore->GetContentIndex( &pCiManager ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { Win4Assert( !"Need to support GetContentIndex interface" );
THROW( CException( sc ) ); } _xCiManager.Set( pCiManager );
ICiCDocNameToWorkidTranslator *pNameToWidTranslator; sc = pDocStore->QueryInterface( IID_ICiCDocNameToWorkidTranslator, (void **) &pNameToWidTranslator ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { Win4Assert( !"Need to support translator QI" );
THROW( CException( sc ) ); } _xNameToWidTranslator.Set( pNameToWidTranslator );
_QExec.Set( new CQSeqExecute( qopt ) ); *pulCursor = _CreateRowCursor();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_USER1, "Using a sequential cursor.\n" )); }
// Member: CSeqQuery::AddRef, public
// Synopsis: Reference the query.
// History: 19-Jan-95 DwightKr Created
ULONG CSeqQuery::AddRef(void) { return InterlockedIncrement( &_ref ); }
// Member: CSeqQuery::Release, public
// Synopsis: De-Reference the query.
// Effects: If the ref count goes to 0 then the query is deleted.
// History: 19-Jan-95 DwightKr Created
ULONG CSeqQuery::Release(void) { long l = InterlockedDecrement( &_ref ); if ( l <= 0 ) { tbDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CSeqQuery unreferenced. Deleting.\n" )); delete this; return 0; }
return l; }
// Member: CSeqQuery::FetchDeferredValue
// Synopsis: Fetch value from property cache
// Arguments: [wid] -- Workid.
// [ps] -- Property to be fetched.
// [var] -- Property returned here.
// History: Jun-1-95 KyleP Created
BOOL CSeqQuery::FetchDeferredValue( WORKID wid, CFullPropSpec const & ps, PROPVARIANT & var ) { return _QExec->FetchDeferredValue( wid, ps, var ); }
// Methods supporting IRowset
// Member: CSeqQuery::SetBindings, public
// Synopsis: Set column bindings into a cursor
// Arguments: [hCursor] - the handle of the cursor to set bindings on
// [cbRowLength] - the width of an output row
// [cols] - a description of column bindings to be set
// [pids] - a PID mapper which maps fake pids in cols to
// column IDs.
// Returns: nothing - failures are thrown. E_FAIL
// is thrown if hCursor cannot be looked up,
// presumably an internal error.
// History: 19-Jan-95 DwightKr Created
void CSeqQuery::SetBindings( ULONG hCursor, ULONG cbRowLength, CTableColumnSet & cols, CPidMapper & pids ) { _VerifyHandle(hCursor);
if (0 == cols.Count() || 0 == cbRowLength || cbRowLength >= USHRT_MAX) THROW( CException( E_INVALIDARG ));
XPtr<CTableColumnSet> outset(new CTableColumnSet( cols.Count() ));
for (unsigned iCol = 0; iCol < cols.Count(); iCol++) { CTableColumn * pCol = cols.Get( iCol );
CFullPropSpec * propspec = pids.Get( pCol->PropId );
// Convert the DBID to a PROPID
// Win4Assert( iCol+1 == pCol->PropId ); // Therefore pids is useless
PROPID prop = _pidremap->NameToReal(propspec);
if ( prop == pidInvalid ) THROW( CException( DB_E_BADCOLUMNID ));
if (pCol->IsCompressedCol()) THROW( CException( E_INVALIDARG ));
XPtr<CTableColumn> xpOutcol ( new CTableColumn( prop, pCol->GetStoredType() ) );
if (pCol->IsValueStored()) xpOutcol->SetValueField(pCol->GetStoredType(), pCol->GetValueOffset(), pCol->GetValueSize());
Win4Assert( pCol->IsStatusStored() ); xpOutcol->SetStatusField(pCol->GetStatusOffset(), (USHORT)pCol->GetStatusSize());
if (pCol->IsLengthStored()) xpOutcol->SetLengthField(pCol->GetLengthOffset(), (USHORT)pCol->GetLengthSize());
outset->Add(xpOutcol, iCol); }
SCODE sc = _cursor.SetBindings( cbRowLength, outset );
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) THROW( CException( sc ) ); } //SetBindings
// Member: CSeqQuery::RatioFinished, public
// Synopsis: Return the completion status as a fraction
// Arguments: [hCursor] - the handle of the cursor to check completion for
// [rulDenominator] - on return, denominator of fraction
// [rulNumerator] - on return, numerator of fraction
// [rcRows] - on return, number of rows in cursor
// [rfNewRows] - on return, TRUE if new rows available
// Returns: nothing
// Notes: A value of 0 for hCursor is allowed so that completion
// can be checked before a handle exists.
void CSeqQuery::RatioFinished( ULONG hCursor, DBCOUNTITEM & rulDenominator, DBCOUNTITEM & rulNumerator, DBCOUNTITEM & rcRows, BOOL & rfNewRows ) { if ( 0 != hCursor ) _VerifyHandle(hCursor);
rulDenominator = 1; rulNumerator = 1; rcRows = 0; // we don't know how many there are...
rfNewRows = FALSE; }
// Member: CSeqQuery::GetRows, public
// Synopsis: Retrieve row data for a table cursor
// Arguments: [hCursor] - the handle of the cursor to fetch data for
// [rSeekDesc] - row seek operation to be done before fetch
// [rFetchParams] - row fetch parameters and buffer pointers
// Returns: SCODE - the status of the operation. E_FAIL
// is thrown if hCursor cannot be looked up,
// presumably an internal error.
// History: 19-Jan-95 DwightKr Created
SCODE CSeqQuery::GetRows( ULONG hCursor, const CRowSeekDescription& rSeekDesc, CGetRowsParams& rFetchParams, XPtr<CRowSeekDescription>& pSeekDescOut ) { _VerifyHandle( hCursor );
if ( ! rSeekDesc.IsCurrentRowSeek() ) THROW( CException( E_FAIL ) );
CRowSeekNext* pRowSeek = (CRowSeekNext*) &rSeekDesc;
unsigned cRowsToSkip = pRowSeek->GetSkip(); _cursor.ValidateBindings();
SCODE scRet = _QExec->GetRows( _cursor.GetBindings(), cRowsToSkip, rFetchParams );
if (FAILED(scRet)) { tbDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "CSeqQuery::GetRows got sc=%x\n", scRet )); }
if (DB_S_BLOCKLIMITEDROWS == scRet) pSeekDescOut.Set( new CRowSeekNext(pRowSeek->GetChapter(), 0) );
return scRet; } //GetRows
// Member: CSeqQuery::GetQueryStatus, public
// Synopsis: Return the query status
// Arguments: [hCursor] - the handle of the cursor to check completion for
// [rdwStatus] - on return, the query status
// Returns: nothing
void CSeqQuery::GetQueryStatus( ULONG hCursor, DWORD & rdwStatus) { _VerifyHandle( hCursor );
rdwStatus = _QExec->Status(); }
// Member: CSeqQuery::GetQueryStatusEx, public
// Synopsis: Return the query status plus bonus information. It's kind
// of an odd assortment of info, but it saves net trips.
// Arguments: [hCursor] - handle of the cursor to check completion for
// [rdwStatus] - returns the query status
// [rcFilteredDocuments] - returns # of filtered docs
// [rcDocumentsToFilter] - returns # of docs to filter
// [rdwRatioFinishedDenominator] - ratio finished denom
// [rdwRatioFinishedNumerator] - ratio finished num
// [bmk] - bmk to find
// [riRowBmk] - index of bmk row
// [rcRowsTotal] - # of rows in table
// History: Nov-9-96 dlee Created
void CSeqQuery::GetQueryStatusEx( ULONG hCursor, DWORD & rdwStatus, DWORD & rcFilteredDocuments, DWORD & rcDocumentsToFilter, DBCOUNTITEM & rdwRatioFinishedDenominator, DBCOUNTITEM & rdwRatioFinishedNumerator, CI_TBL_BMK bmk, DBCOUNTITEM & riRowBmk, DBCOUNTITEM & rcRowsTotal ) { GetQueryStatus( hCursor, rdwStatus );
CIF_STATE state; state.cbStruct = sizeof state; SCODE sc = _xCiManager->GetStatus( &state ); if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) ) { rcFilteredDocuments = state.cFilteredDocuments; rcDocumentsToFilter = state.cDocuments; } else { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CSeqQuery::GetQueryStatusEx, get status failed, 0x%x\n", sc ));
rcFilteredDocuments = 0; rcDocumentsToFilter = 0; }
// sequential query -- it's done
rdwRatioFinishedDenominator = 1; rdwRatioFinishedNumerator = 1;
// sequential query -- this info isn't available
riRowBmk = 0; rcRowsTotal = 0; } //GetQueryStatusEx
// Member: CAsyncQuery::WorkIdToPath
// Synopsis: Converts a wid to a path
// Arguments: [wid] -- of the file to be translated
// [funnyPath] -- resulting path
// History: Oct-5-96 dlee Created
void CSeqQuery::WorkIdToPath( WORKID wid, CFunnyPath & funnyPath ) { ICiCDocName *pDocName; SCODE sc = _xNameToWidTranslator->QueryDocName( &pDocName ); if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) ) { XInterface<ICiCDocName> xDocName( pDocName );
sc = _xNameToWidTranslator->WorkIdToDocName( wid, xDocName.GetPointer() ); if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) && sc != CI_S_WORKID_DELETED ) {
// PERFFIX: Here we are using two buffers XGrowable and
// CFunnyPath. This can be avoided if xDocName->Get can take
// in CFunnyPath instead of WCHAR*
XGrowable<WCHAR> xBuf(MAX_PATH); ULONG cb = xBuf.SizeOf();
sc = xDocName->Get( (BYTE *) xBuf.Get(), &cb ); if ( CI_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL == sc ) { xBuf.SetSizeInBytes( cb ); sc = xDocName->Get( (BYTE *) xBuf.Get(), &cb ); }
if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) ) funnyPath.SetPath( xBuf.Get() ); } } } //WorkIdToPath