// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 2000.
// File: tblbuket.cxx
// Contents: Implementation of the bucket in large table.
// Classes: CTableBucket
// CBucketRowIter
// History: 2-14-95 srikants Created
#pragma once
#include <tableseg.hxx>
#include <compare.hxx>
#include <widiter.hxx>
#include <tblrowal.hxx> // for CTableRowAlloc
#include "bmkmap.hxx" // for Book Mark Mapping
class CQuickBktCompare; class CTableWindow; class CLargeTable;
// Class: CRowLocateInfo
// Purpose: A class that gets the location of a row in a segment. This
// is used while locating a row in a bucket.
// History: 4-20-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CRowLocateInfo {
friend class CTableBucket;
CRowLocateInfo( WORKID widStart, LONG cRowsToMove ) : _widStart(widStart), _cRowsToMove(cRowsToMove), _cRowsResidual(LONG_MAX), _widOut(widInvalid), _rowOffset(ULONG_MAX) {
WORKID WidStart() const { return _widStart; }
LONG RowsToMove() const { return _cRowsToMove; }
BOOL IsFound() const { return 0 == _cRowsResidual && WORKID_TBLBEFOREFIRST != _widOut && WORKID_TBLAFTERLAST != _widOut; }
WORKID WorkIdFound() const { return _widOut; }
ULONG WorkIdOffset() const { return _rowOffset; }
LONG ResidualRowCount() const { return _cRowsResidual; }
void SetLookInNext( LONG cRowsLeft ) { _cRowsResidual = cRowsLeft; _widOut = WORKID_TBLAFTERLAST; }
void SetLookInPrev( LONG cRowsLeft ) { _cRowsResidual = cRowsLeft; _widOut = WORKID_TBLBEFOREFIRST; }
void SetRowFound( ULONG rowOffset, WORKID widFound ) { _cRowsResidual = 0; _widOut = widFound; _rowOffset = rowOffset; }
void SetAll( WORKID widOut, LONG rowsResidual, ULONG rowOffset = ULONG_MAX ) { _widOut = widOut; _cRowsResidual = rowsResidual; _rowOffset = rowOffset; }
// Inputs to the search.
const WORKID _widStart; const LONG _cRowsToMove;
// Output from the search.
LONG _cRowsResidual; WORKID _widOut; ULONG _rowOffset;
// Class: CTableBucket
// Purpose: A segment of a large table which only has an identifier
// for each row buffered in memory.
// It must be converted to a window before it can be
// transferred to the user.
// Interface:
class CTableBucket : public CTableSegment { friend class CBucketRowIter; friend class CBucketizeWindows; friend class CLargeTable;
CTableBucket( const CSortSet & sortSet, CTableKeyCompare & comparator, CColumnMasterSet & masterColSet, ULONG segId ) ;
// Virtual methods inherited from CTableSegment
BOOL PutRow( CRetriever & obj, CTableRowKey & currKey );
DBCOUNTITEM RowCount() { return _hTable.Count(); }
SCODE GetRows( WORKID widStart, CTableColumnSet const & rOutColumns, CGetRowsParams& rGetParams, WORKID& rwidNextRowToTransfer );
// Sort related methods.
BOOL IsRowInSegment( WORKID wid ) { return _hTable.IsWorkIdPresent( wid ); }
// Notification methods
SCODE GetNotifications(CNotificationParams &Params) { return S_OK; }
BOOL IsEmptyForQuery() { return 0 == _hTable.Count(); }
BOOL IsGettingFull();
// Virtual methods inherited from CTableSink
BOOL IsSortedSplit( ULONG & riSplit ) { return FALSE; }
WORKID PathToWorkID( CRetriever & obj, CTableSink::ERowType eRowType ) { Win4Assert( !"Should not be called\n" ); return widInvalid; }
BOOL WorkIdToPath( WORKID wid, CInlineVariant & pathVarnt , ULONG & cbVarnt );
void SetLargeTable( CLargeTable * pLargeTable ) { _pLargeTable = pLargeTable; }
BOOL PutRow( CRetriever & obj, CTableSink::ERowType eRowType ) { Win4Assert( !"Must not be called" ); return FALSE; }
BOOL RemoveRow( PROPVARIANT const & varUnique, WORKID & widNext, CI_TBL_CHAPT & chapt );
// Sort order
CSortSet const & SortOrder();
BOOL IsSorted() const { return _fSorted; }
WORKID WorkIdAtOffset( ULONG offset ) const;
BOOL RowOffset( WORKID wid, ULONG & rOffset );
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf); #endif
WORKID _minWid, _maxWid; // range of work IDs in table segment
BOOL _fSorted; // Set to TRUE if we know for sure
// if the wids are in sorted order.
// Array of workids that belong to this bucket. They are stored in the
// same order as they are added. This way if a bucket never gets new
// rows, we can be sure that it is still sorted.
CDynArrayInPlace<WORKID> _widArray;
CDynArrayInPlace<LONG> _aRank; BOOL _fStoreRank; CDynArrayInPlace<LONG> _aHitCount; BOOL _fStoreHitCount;
// Hash table used to look up workids in this bucket.
TWidHashTable<CWidValueHashEntry> _hTable;
// For downlevel Wid->Path translation
CCompressedCol * _pPathCompressor; CLargeTable * _pLargeTable;
BOOL _AddWorkId( WORKID wid, LONG lRank, LONG lHitCount );
#if DBG==1
void _CheckIfTooBig();
#endif // DBG==1
// Class: CBucketRowIter
// Purpose: Iterator over wids in a bucket.
// History: 2-17-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CBucketRowIter : public PWorkIdIter {
CBucketRowIter( CTableBucket & bkt, BOOL fRetrievePath ) : _curr(0), _widArray( bkt._widArray ), _aRank( bkt._aRank ), _aHitCount( bkt._aHitCount ), _bucket(bkt), _pathVarnt( * ((CInlineVariant *)&_abPathVarnt[0]) ), _fRetrievePath(fRetrievePath), _cwcCurrPath(0), _pwszPath( (WCHAR *) _pathVarnt.GetVarBuffer() ) {}
WORKID WorkId(); // virtual
WORKID NextWorkId(); // virtual
LONG Rank() { if ( 0 != _aRank.Count() ) { Win4Assert( _curr < _aRank.Count() ); return _aRank[ _curr ]; } else { return MAX_QUERY_RANK; } }
LONG HitCount() { if ( 0 != _aHitCount.Count() ) { Win4Assert( _curr < _aHitCount.Count() ); return _aHitCount[ _curr ]; } else { return 0; } }
WCHAR const * Path(); // virtual
unsigned PathSize(); // virtual
BOOL _AtEnd() const { Win4Assert( _curr <= _widArray.Count() ); return _curr == _widArray.Count(); }
WORKID _Get() { Win4Assert( _curr < _widArray.Count() ); return _widArray.Get( _curr ); }
void _Next() { _curr++; }
unsigned _curr; CDynArrayInPlace<WORKID> & _widArray; CDynArrayInPlace<LONG> & _aRank; CDynArrayInPlace<LONG> & _aHitCount;
CTableBucket & _bucket;
enum { cbPathVarnt = sizeof(CTableVariant) + (MAX_PATH+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) };
BYTE _abPathVarnt[cbPathVarnt]; CInlineVariant & _pathVarnt; BOOL _fRetrievePath; ULONG _cwcCurrPath; WCHAR * _pwszPath; };