// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1998.
// File: acinotfy.cxx
// Contents:
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 2-26-96 srikants Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <tgrow.hxx>
#include <ffenum.hxx>
#include <docstore.hxx>
#include <lcase.hxx>
#include <eventlog.hxx>
#include <cievtmsg.h>
#include "acinotfy.hxx"
#include "cicat.hxx"
CWorkQueue TheFrameworkClientWorkQueue( 0, CWorkQueue::workQueueFrmwrkClient );
// Function: CCiSyncProcessNotify::CCiSyncProcessNotify
// Synopsis: Constructor
// Arguments: [cicat] -- Catalog
// [scanMgr] -- Scan thread manager
// [pbChange] -- Change buffer
// [wcsRoot] -- Root dir for notifications
// [fAbort] -- Abort ?
// History: 20-Mar-96 SitaramR Added header
CCiSyncProcessNotify::CCiSyncProcessNotify( CiCat & cicat, CCiScanMgr & scanMgr, BYTE const * pbChanges, WCHAR const * wcsRoot, BOOL & fAbort ) :_cicat(cicat), _scanMgr(scanMgr), _changeQueue(pbChanges), _rootLen(0), _fAbort(fAbort), _nUpdates(0)
{ _lowerFunnyPath.SetPath( wcsRoot, _rootLen = wcslen( wcsRoot ) ); Win4Assert( (_lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath())[_rootLen-1] == L'\\' ); }
// Member: CCiSyncProcessNotify::DoIt
// Synopsis: Processes changes notifications
// History: 3-07-96 srikants Created
void CCiSyncProcessNotify::DoIt() { FILETIME ftNow; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ftNow );
TRY { CDirNotifyEntry const * pNotify = _changeQueue.First();
// Iterate through changes
for ( ; 0 != pNotify; pNotify = _changeQueue.Next() ) {
if ( _fAbort ) break;
_relativePathLen = pNotify->PathSize() / sizeof(WCHAR); Win4Assert( _relativePathLen > 0 );
_lowerFunnyPath.Truncate( _rootLen ); _lowerFunnyPath.AppendPath( pNotify->Path(), _relativePathLen );
switch ( pNotify->Change() ) { case FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED: case FILE_ACTION_ADDED_STREAM: case FILE_ACTION_REMOVED_STREAM: case FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED_STREAM: { ciDebugOut(( DEB_FSNOTIFY, "Updating file %ws. Change code 0x%X\n", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath(), pNotify->Change() ));
ULONG ulFileAttrib = GetFileAttributes( _lowerFunnyPath.GetPath() );
// If we got an error value for file attributes, then substitute zero
// because we don't want the directory bit to be turned on
if ( ulFileAttrib == 0xFFFFFFFF ) ulFileAttrib = 0;
if ( IsShortName() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_IWARN, "Converting %ws to long filename ", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath() ));
if ( ConvertToLongName() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_IWARN | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "\t%ws\n", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath() )); } else { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Couldn't convert short filename %ws. Scope will be scanned.\n", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath() ));
RescanCurrentPath(); break; } }
_cicat.Update( _lowerFunnyPath, FALSE, ftNow, ulFileAttrib ); // Not a deletion
break; }
case FILE_ACTION_ADDED: { ULONG ulFileAttrib = GetFileAttributes( _lowerFunnyPath.GetPath() );
if ( IsShortName() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_IWARN, "Converting %ws to long filename ", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath() ));
if ( ConvertToLongName() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_IWARN | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "\t%ws\n", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath() )); } else { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Couldn't convert short filename %ws. Scope will be scanned.\n", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath() ));
RescanCurrentPath(); break; } }
if ( ulFileAttrib == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_FSNOTIFY, "Adding file %ws. Change code 0x%X\n", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath(), pNotify->Change() ));
ulFileAttrib = 0; _cicat.Update( _lowerFunnyPath, FALSE, ftNow, ulFileAttrib ); } else { if ( ulFileAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_FSNOTIFY, "Adding directory %ws. Change code 0x%X\n", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath(), pNotify->Change() ));
// Append '\' and convert to lower case
_scanMgr.DirAddNotification( _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath() ); } else { ciDebugOut(( DEB_FSNOTIFY, "Adding file %ws. Change code 0x%X\n", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath(), pNotify->Change() ));
_cicat.Update( _lowerFunnyPath, FALSE, ftNow, ulFileAttrib ); } }
break; }
case FILE_ACTION_REMOVED: { if ( IsShortName() ) { //
// File is in the index with a long name. Need to rescan scope.
// Still worth trying the immediate delete as well.
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Missed deletion of short filename %ws. Scope will be scanned.\n", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath() ));
Report8Dot3Delete(); RescanCurrentPath(); }
if ( _cicat.IsDirectory( &_lowerFunnyPath, 0 ) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_FSNOTIFY, "Deleting directory %ws. Change code 0x%X\n", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath(), pNotify->Change() ));
_lowerFunnyPath.AppendBackSlash(); _scanMgr.RemoveScope( _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath() ); } else { ciDebugOut(( DEB_FSNOTIFY, "Deleting file %ws. Change code 0x%X\n", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath(), pNotify->Change() ));
_cicat.Update( _lowerFunnyPath, TRUE, ftNow, 0 ); }
break; }
case FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME: { if ( IsShortName() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Old file \"%ws\" is a short name. Scope will be rescanned.\n", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath() )); RescanCurrentPath(); break; }
// Look at next notification entry (don't advance) to see if
// it is a renamed notification
CDirNotifyEntry const *pNotifyNext = _changeQueue.NextLink();
if ( pNotifyNext && pNotifyNext->Change() == FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME ) { //
// Advance to next notification entry and get the new name
pNotify = _changeQueue.Next();
ULONG relativeNewPathLen = pNotify->PathSize()/sizeof( WCHAR ); Win4Assert( relativeNewPathLen > 0 );
CLowerFunnyPath lcaseFunnyNewName( _lowerFunnyPath ); lcaseFunnyNewName.Truncate( _rootLen ); lcaseFunnyNewName.AppendPath( pNotify->Path(), relativeNewPathLen );
if ( _cicat.IsDirectory( &_lowerFunnyPath, &lcaseFunnyNewName ) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_FSNOTIFY, "Renaming directory %ws. Change code 0x%X\n", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath(), pNotify->Change() ));
_lowerFunnyPath.AppendBackSlash(); lcaseFunnyNewName.AppendBackSlash();
_scanMgr.DirRenameNotification( _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath(), lcaseFunnyNewName.GetActualPath() ); } else { //
// Delete old file
ciDebugOut(( DEB_FSNOTIFY, "Deleting file %ws. Change code 0x%X\n", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath(), pNotify->Change() )); _cicat.Update( _lowerFunnyPath, TRUE, ftNow, 0 );
// Add new file
ULONG ulFileAttrib = GetFileAttributes( lcaseFunnyNewName.GetPath() ); if ( ulFileAttrib == 0xFFFFFFFF ) ulFileAttrib = 0;
ciDebugOut(( DEB_FSNOTIFY, "Adding file %ws. Change code 0x%X\n", lcaseFunnyNewName.GetActualPath(), pNotify->Change() )); _cicat.Update( lcaseFunnyNewName, FALSE, ftNow, ulFileAttrib ); } } else { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Renaming directory %ws, file_action_renamed_new_name notification not found\n", _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath() )); }
break; }
// We might have skipped the old path because it is too big or
// because it was a short name.
// A later scan will pick up the file if appropriate.
default: ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Unknown modification type 0x%X\n", pNotify->Change() )); Win4Assert( !"Unknown modification type" ); break; } } } CATCH( CException, e ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CCiSyncProcessNotify::DoIt - Error 0x%X while processing changes\n", e.GetErrorCode() ));
status = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH
if ( !_fAbort ) { if ( STATUS_SUCCESS == status ) { _cicat.IncrementUpdateCount( _nUpdates ); } else { _cicat.HandleError( status ); } } }
// Member: CCiSyncProcessNotify::IsShortName, private
// Returns: TRUE if current file is potentially a short (8.3) name for
// a file with a long name.
// History: 06-Jan-98 KyleP Created
BOOL CCiSyncProcessNotify::IsShortName() { //
// First, see if this is possibly a short name (has ~ in final component).
BOOL fTwiddle = FALSE; unsigned ccFN = 0; unsigned cDot = 0;
const WCHAR * const pwcsFullPath = _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath();
for ( int i = _rootLen + _relativePathLen; i >= 0 && ccFN < 13; i-- ) { //
// Note: Ed Lau tested to confirm that we don't have to all ~ at the beginning
if ( pwcsFullPath[i] == L'~' && pwcsFullPath[i-1] != L'\\' ) fTwiddle = TRUE; else if ( pwcsFullPath[i] == L'.' ) { // max extension length is 3
// valid short names don't start with '.' (except . and ..)
if ( ccFN > 3 || pwcsFullPath[i-1] == L'\\' ) return FALSE; cDot++; } else if ( pwcsFullPath[i] == L'\\' ) break;
ccFN++; }
if (fTwiddle) { // short names can't have more than 1 '.'
// max filename size if no extension is 8
if (cDot >= 2 || cDot == 0 && ccFN > 8) return FALSE;
// check for min (e.g., EXT~1 for .ext) and max lengths
if (ccFN >= 5 && ccFN <= 12) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// Member: CCiSyncProcessNotify::ConvertToLongName, private
// Synopsis: Converts current filename from a short name to a long name.
// Returns: TRUE if conversion was successful.
// History: 06-Jan-98 KyleP Created
BOOL CCiSyncProcessNotify::ConvertToLongName() { return _lowerFunnyPath.ConvertToLongName(); }
// Member: CCiSyncProcessNotify::RescanCurrentPath, private
// Synopsis: Rescans directory
// History: 06-Jan-98 KyleP Created
void CCiSyncProcessNotify::RescanCurrentPath() {
// Rescan whole directory.
WCHAR wcTemp; WCHAR * pwcsFullPath = (WCHAR*)_lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath();
for ( int i = _rootLen + _relativePathLen; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( pwcsFullPath[i] == L'\\' ) { i++; wcTemp = pwcsFullPath[i]; pwcsFullPath[i] = 0; break; } }
_cicat.ReScanPath( pwcsFullPath, // Path
TRUE ); // Delayed
pwcsFullPath[i] = wcTemp; }
// Member: CCiSyncProcessNotify::Report8Dot3Delete, private
// Synopsis: Writes event log message identifying slow rescan due to
// short filename delete.
// History: 06-Jan-98 KyleP Created
void CCiSyncProcessNotify::Report8Dot3Delete() { TRY { CEventLog eventLog( NULL, wcsCiEventSource );
item.AddArg( _lowerFunnyPath.GetActualPath() );
eventLog.ReportEvent( item ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Exception 0x%X while writing to event log\n", e.GetErrorCode() )); } END_CATCH }
// Member: ~ctor of CCiAsyncProcessNotify
// Synopsis: Primes the changequeue member with the given data.
// Arguments: [cicat] -
// [pbChanges] - Pointer to the list of changes.
// [cbChanges] - Number of bytes in pbChanges.
// [wcsRoot] - Root of the scope for changes.
// History: 2-28-96 srikants Created
// Notes:
CCiAsyncProcessNotify::CCiAsyncProcessNotify( CWorkManager & workMan, CiCat & cicat, CCiScanMgr & scanMgr, XArray<BYTE> & xChanges, WCHAR const * wcsRoot ) : CFwAsyncWorkItem( workMan, TheFrameworkClientWorkQueue), _changes( cicat, scanMgr, xChanges.GetPointer(), wcsRoot , _fAbort ) { _pbChanges = xChanges.Acquire(); }
// Member: CCiAsyncProcessNotify::DoIt
// Synopsis: Processes the changes in the change buffer.
// Arguments: [pThread] -- Thread actually completing request.
// History: 2-26-96 srikants Created
void CCiAsyncProcessNotify::DoIt( CWorkThread * pThread ) { // ====================================
{ CLock lock(_mutex); _fOnWorkQueue = FALSE; } // ====================================
// --------------------------------------------------------
Done(); Release(); // --------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CIISVRootAsyncNotify::DoIt
// Synopsis: Process IIS VRoot change notification.
// Arguments: [pThread] -
// History: 4-11-96 srikants Created
void CIISVRootAsyncNotify::DoIt( CWorkThread * pThread ) { // ====================================
{ CLock lock(_mutex); _fOnWorkQueue = FALSE; } // ====================================
// --------------------------------------------------------
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Processing IIS vroot change...\n" ));
Done(); Release(); // --------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CRegistryScopesAsyncNotify::DoIt
// Synopsis: Process registry scopes registry change notification.
// Arguments: [pThread] -
// History: 4-11-96 srikants Created
void CRegistryScopesAsyncNotify::DoIt( CWorkThread * pThread ) { // ====================================
{ CLock lock(_mutex); _fOnWorkQueue = FALSE; } // ====================================
// --------------------------------------------------------
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Processing registry scopes change...\n" ));
Done(); Release(); // --------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CStartFilterDaemon::DoIt
// Synopsis: Starts the filter daemon process.
// Arguments: [pThread] - A worker thread pointer.
// History: 12-23-96 srikants Created
void CStartFilterDaemon::DoIt( CWorkThread * pThread ) { // ====================================
{ CLock lock(_mutex); _fOnWorkQueue = FALSE; } // ====================================
// --------------------------------------------------------
Done(); Release(); // --------------------------------------------------------