// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998-1999.
// File: DrvNotifArray.cxx
// Contents: This file contains the class, CDrvNotifArray.
// History: 15-Jul-98 KitmanH Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ciregkey.hxx>
#include <notifary.hxx>
#include <catalog.hxx>
#include <cimbmgr.hxx>
#include <regscp.hxx>
#include <regacc.hxx>
#include "scpfixup.hxx"
#include <catreg.hxx>
// Member: CDrvNotifArray::RegisterCatForNotifInRegistry, public
// Synopsis: Register all the catalogs for device notifications
// History: 7-15-98 KitmanH Created
// 8-14-98 KitmanH Register for notifications for drives
// on which an indexed scope exists too
void CDrvNotifArray::RegisterCatForNotifInRegistry() { HKEY hKey; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wcsRegCatalogsSubKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, &hKey ) ) { SRegKey xKey( hKey ); DWORD iSubKey = 0;
do { FILETIME ft; WCHAR awcName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cwcName = sizeof awcName / sizeof WCHAR; LONG err = RegEnumKeyEx( hKey, iSubKey, awcName, &cwcName, 0, 0, 0, &ft );
// either error or end of enumeration
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != err ) break;
HKEY hCatName; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx( hKey, awcName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hCatName ) ) { SRegKey xCatNameKey( hCatName );
// Check if the catalog is inactive and can be ignored
WCHAR awcKey[MAX_PATH]; wcscpy( awcKey, wcsRegJustCatalogsSubKey ); wcscat( awcKey, L"\\" ); wcscat( awcKey, awcName ); CRegAccess reg( RTL_REGISTRY_CONTROL, awcKey ); BOOL fInactive = reg.Read( wcsCatalogInactive, CI_CATALOG_INACTIVE_DEFAULT );
if ( !fInactive ) { WCHAR awcPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbPath = sizeof awcPath; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hCatName, wcsCatalogLocation, 0, 0, (BYTE *)awcPath, &cbPath ) ) { AddDriveNotification( awcPath[0] ); unsigned cwcNeeded = wcslen( wcsRegJustCatalogsSubKey ); cwcNeeded += 3; // "\\" x 2 + null termination
cwcNeeded += wcslen( awcName ); cwcNeeded += wcslen( wcsCatalogScopes ); XArray<WCHAR> xKey( cwcNeeded ); wcscpy( xKey.Get(), wcsRegJustCatalogsSubKey ); wcscat( xKey.Get(), L"\\" ); wcscat( xKey.Get(), awcName ); wcscat( xKey.Get(), L"\\" ); wcscat( xKey.Get(), wcsCatalogScopes ); CRegAccess regScopes( RTL_REGISTRY_CONTROL, xKey.Get() ); CRegistryScopesCallBackAddDrvNotif callback( this ); regScopes.EnumerateValues( 0, callback ); } } } } while ( TRUE ); } } //RegisterCatForNotifInRegistry
// Member: UnregisterDeviceNotifications, public
// Synopsis: Unregister all the device notifications
// History: 07-07-98 kitmanh Created.
void CDrvNotifArray::UnregisterDeviceNotifications() { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Unregister Device Notificaiton On Shutdown\n" ));
CReleasableLock lock( _mutex );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _aDriveNotification.Count(); i++ ) { CDrvNotificationInfo * pDrvNot = _aDriveNotification.Get(i); delete pDrvNot; }
// If the async thread is around, get rid of it
if ( !_xWorker.IsNull() ) { _fAbort = TRUE; ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "waking up async register for shutdown\n" )); _evtWorker.Set();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "waiting for async register death\n" )); _xWorker->WaitForDeath(); _xWorker.Free(); _fAbort = FALSE; } } //UnregisterDeviceNotifications
// Member: AddDriveNotification, public
// Synopsis: Register the volume for device notification. Add an entry in
// the array _aDriveNotification for record
// Arguments: [wcDriveLetter] -- DriveLetter of the volume where the
// catalog resides
// History: 18-May-98 KitmanH Created
void CDrvNotifArray::AddDriveNotification( WCHAR wcDriveLetter, BOOL fNotInRegistry ) { // first, look up the table to see if the volume is alreay in the table
if ( FindDriveNotification( wcDriveLetter ) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Volume %wc is already in the DriveNotification array\n", wcDriveLetter )); return; }
// if not in the table, check the volume and add an entry of DriveNotificationInfo
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CDrvNotifArray::AddDriveNotification: Adding volume %wc to the DriveNot Array\n", wcDriveLetter ));
XPtr <CDrvNotificationInfo> xDrvNotif(new CDrvNotificationInfo( wcDriveLetter, fNotInRegistry ));
{ CLock lockx( _mutex ); if ( xDrvNotif->RegisterNotification() ) { _aDriveNotification.Add( xDrvNotif.GetPointer(), _aDriveNotification.Count() );
xDrvNotif->CloseVolumeHandle(); xDrvNotif.Acquire();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "AddDriveNotification succeeded for DRIVE %wc\n", wcDriveLetter )); } } } //AddDriveNotification
// Function: FindDriveNotificationByHandle, public
// Synopsis: return the device notification for a particular volume (
// matching the handle).
// Arguments: [hNotify] -- handle for volume when a custom device
// notification occurs
// History: 22-Jun-98 KitmanH Created
CDrvNotificationInfo * CDrvNotifArray::FindDriveNotificationByHandle( HDEVNOTIFY hNotify ) { CLock lockx( _mutex ); for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _aDriveNotification.Count(); i++ ) { CDrvNotificationInfo * pDrvNot = _aDriveNotification.Get(i); if ( pDrvNot->GethNotify() == hNotify ) return pDrvNot; }
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Can't find drive notification in array\n" )); return 0; } //FindDriveNotificationByHandle
// Function: FindDriveNotification, public
// Synopsis: return the device notification for a particular volume (
// matching the handle).
// Arguments: [wcDrvLetter] -- Drive Letter for a volume
// History: 01-July-98 KitmanH Created
CDrvNotificationInfo * CDrvNotifArray::FindDriveNotification( WCHAR wcDrvLetter ) { CLock lockx( _mutex ); for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _aDriveNotification.Count(); i++ ) { CDrvNotificationInfo * pDrvNot = _aDriveNotification.Get(i); if ( toupper(pDrvNot->GetDrvLetter()) == toupper(wcDrvLetter) ) return pDrvNot; }
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Can't find drive notification in array\n" )); return 0; } //FindDriveNotification
// Function: CDrvNotifArray::RegisterRemovableDrives, public
// Synopsis: Registers all removable drives for notification (except a:
// and b:).
// History: 26-March-99 dlee Created
void CDrvNotifArray::RegisterRemovableDrives() { // Determine which drives exist in this bitmask
DWORD dwDriveMask = GetLogicalDrives(); dwDriveMask >>= 2;
// loop through all the drives c-z
for ( WCHAR wc = L'C'; wc <= L'Z'; wc++ ) { DWORD dwTemp = ( dwDriveMask & 1 ); dwDriveMask >>= 1;
if ( 0 != dwTemp ) { if ( IsRemovableDrive( wc ) ) AddDriveNotification( wc, TRUE ); } } } //RegisterRemovableDrives
// Function: CDrvNotifArray::RegisterThread, private
// Synopsis: The worker thread function.
// History: 12-April-99 dlee Created
DWORD WINAPI CDrvNotifArray::RegisterThread( void * self ) { return ( (CDrvNotifArray *) self)->DoRegisterWork(); } //RegisterThread
// Function: CDrvNotifArray::RegisterThread, private
// Synopsis: Waits around to be told to register for device notificaitons
// on volumes not currently registered.
// History: 12-April-99 dlee Created
DWORD CDrvNotifArray::DoRegisterWork() { do { _evtWorker.Wait();
CLock lock( _mutex );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "async register woke up, _fAbort: %d\n", _fAbort ));
if ( _fAbort ) break;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _aDriveNotification.Count(); i++ ) { CDrvNotificationInfo & DrvNot = * _aDriveNotification.Get(i);
if ( !DrvNot.IsRegistered() ) DrvNot.RegisterNotification(); }
_evtWorker.Reset(); } while (TRUE);
return 0; } //DoRegisterWork