// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000.
// File: notifmgr.hxx
// Contents: Classes to deal with registry and file system change notifications
// Classes: CCiNotify
// CCiNotifyMgr
// History: 14-Jul-97 SitaramR Created from dlnotify.hxx
#pragma once
#include <refcount.hxx>
#include <regevent.hxx>
#include <fatnot.hxx>
#include <rcstrmhd.hxx>
#include <cimbmgr.hxx>
#include "scaninfo.hxx"
#include "acinotfy.hxx"
#include "usnlist.hxx"
#include "usnmgr.hxx"
class CiCat; class CCiNotifyMgr; class CClientDocStore;
const LONGLONG sigCiNotify = 0x594649544F4E4943i64; // "CINOTIFY"
// Class: CCiNotify
// Purpose: A single scope to watch for notifications.
// History: 1-17-96 srikants Created
class CCiNotify : public CGenericNotify { public:
CCiNotify( CCiNotifyMgr & notifyMgr, WCHAR const * wcsScope, unsigned cwcScope, VOLUMEID volumeId, ULONGLONG const & VolumeCreationTime, ULONG VolumeSerialNumber, FILETIME const & ftLastScan, USN usn, ULONGLONG const & JournalId, BOOL fUsnTreeScan, BOOL fDeep = TRUE );
BOOL IsMatch( const WCHAR * wcsPath, ULONG len ) const;
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf); # endif
BOOL IsValidSig() { return sigCiNotify == _sigCiNotify; }
CCiNotifyMgr & GetNotifyMgr() { return _notifyMgr; }
void LokRemove() { Unlink(); Close(); Abort(); }
void Abort();
virtual void DoIt(); virtual void ClearNotifyEnabled();
void SetLastScanTime( FILETIME const & ft ) { _ftLastScan = ft; } FILETIME const & GetLastScanTime() const { return _ftLastScan; }
USN Usn() { return _usn; } void SetUsn( USN usn ) { _usn = usn; }
ULONGLONG const & JournalId() const { return _JournalId; } void SetJournalId( ULONGLONG const & JournalId ) { _JournalId = JournalId; }
VOLUMEID VolumeId() { return _volumeId; }
ULONGLONG const & VolumeCreationTime() const { return _VolumeCreationTime; } ULONG VolumeSerialNumber() const { return _VolumeSerialNumber; }
void SetVolumeInfo( ULONGLONG const & VolumeCreationTime, ULONG VolumeSerialNumber ) { _VolumeCreationTime = VolumeCreationTime; _VolumeSerialNumber = VolumeSerialNumber; }
BOOL FUsnTreeScan() { return _fUsnTreeScan; }
void InitUsnTreeScan() { _fUsnTreeScan = TRUE; _usn = 0; }
void SetUsnTreeScanComplete( USN usnMax ) { // bogus assert: Win4Assert( _fUsnTreeScan );
_fUsnTreeScan = FALSE; _usn = usnMax; }
const LONGLONG _sigCiNotify; // signature for debugging
ULONGLONG _VolumeCreationTime;
union { FILETIME _ftLastScan; // Time of the last successful scan
struct { ULONGLONG _JournalId; // Usn Journal Id
USN _usn; // Max usn persisted for this volumeId
}; };
ULONG _VolumeSerialNumber; CCiNotifyMgr & _notifyMgr; // CI Notification manager
VOLUMEID _volumeId; // Volume id
BOOL _fUsnTreeScan; // True if a usn tree traversal is going
// on this scope
// Class: CVRootNotify
// Purpose: Notification on IIS VRoot changes
// History: 1-20-96 KyleP Created
class CVRootNotify : public CMetaDataVPathChangeCallBack { public:
CVRootNotify( CiCat & cat, CiVRootTypeEnum eType, ULONG Instance, CCiNotifyMgr & notifyMgr );
~CVRootNotify() { DisableNotification(); }
SCODE CallBack( BOOL fCancel );
void DisableNotification();
CiVRootTypeEnum _type; CiCat & _cat; CCiNotifyMgr & _notifyMgr; CMetaDataMgr _mdMgr; };
// Class: CRegistryScopesNotify
// Purpose: Notification on Scopes registry changes
// History: 10-16-96 dlee Created
class CRegistryScopesNotify : public CRegNotify { public:
CRegistryScopesNotify( CiCat & cat, CCiNotifyMgr & notifyMgr );
void DoIt();
CiCat & _cat; CCiNotifyMgr & _notifyMgr; };
// Class: CCiRegistryNotify
// Purpose: A notification class for tracking ContentIndex registry
// changes.
// History: 12-12-96 srikants Created
class CCiRegistryNotify : public CRegNotify { public:
CCiRegistryNotify( CiCat & cat, CCiNotifyMgr & notifyMgr );
void DoIt();
CiCat & _cat; CCiNotifyMgr & _notifyMgr;
typedef class TDoubleList<CCiNotify> CCiNotifyList; typedef class TFwdListIter<CCiNotify, CCiNotifyList> CFwdCiNotifyIter;
// Class: CScopeInfo
// Purpose: Class that holds a scope and the last scan time.
// History: 4-19-96 srikants Created
class CScopeInfo {
CScopeInfo( XArray<WCHAR> & xPath, ULONGLONG const & VolumeCreationTime, ULONG VolumeSerialNumber, FILETIME const & ftLastScan ) : _volumeId(CI_VOLID_USN_NOT_ENABLED), _VolumeCreationTime( VolumeCreationTime ), _VolumeSerialNumber( VolumeSerialNumber ), _ftLastScan( ftLastScan ), _fUsnTreeScan(FALSE) { _pwszScope = xPath.Acquire(); _scanType = eNoScan; }
CScopeInfo( XArray<WCHAR> & xPath, ULONGLONG const & VolumeCreationTime, ULONG VolumeSerialNumber, VOLUMEID volumeId, USN usn, ULONGLONG const & JournalId, BOOL fScan ) : _volumeId(volumeId), _VolumeCreationTime( VolumeCreationTime ), _VolumeSerialNumber( VolumeSerialNumber ), _fUsnTreeScan( fScan ), _JournalId( JournalId ), _usn( usn ) { _pwszScope = xPath.Acquire(); _scanType = eNoScan; }
CScopeInfo( WCHAR const * pwszPath, ULONGLONG const & VolumeCreationTime, ULONG VolumeSerialNumber, FILETIME const & ftLastScan ) : _volumeId(CI_VOLID_USN_NOT_ENABLED), _VolumeCreationTime( VolumeCreationTime ), _VolumeSerialNumber( VolumeSerialNumber ), _ftLastScan( ftLastScan ), _fUsnTreeScan( FALSE ) { Win4Assert( 0 != pwszPath );
ULONG len = wcslen( pwszPath ); _pwszScope = new WCHAR [len+1]; RtlCopyMemory( _pwszScope, pwszPath, (len+1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
_scanType = eNoScan; }
CScopeInfo( WCHAR const * pwszPath, ULONGLONG const & VolumeCreationTime, ULONG VolumeSerialNumber, VOLUMEID volumeId, USN usn, ULONGLONG const & JournalId, BOOL fScan ) : _volumeId(volumeId), _VolumeCreationTime( VolumeCreationTime ), _VolumeSerialNumber( VolumeSerialNumber ), _fUsnTreeScan( fScan ), _JournalId( JournalId ), _usn( usn ) { Win4Assert( 0 != pwszPath );
ULONG len = wcslen( pwszPath ); _pwszScope = new WCHAR [len+1]; RtlCopyMemory( _pwszScope, pwszPath, (len+1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
_scanType = eNoScan; }
~CScopeInfo() { delete [] _pwszScope; }
WCHAR const * GetPath() const { return _pwszScope; }
WCHAR * AcquirePath() { WCHAR * pwszTemp = _pwszScope; _pwszScope = 0; return pwszTemp; }
void Invalidate() { delete [] _pwszScope; _pwszScope = 0; }
BOOL IsValid() const { return 0 != _pwszScope; }
FILETIME const & GetLastScanTime() const { return _ftLastScan; }
void SetLastScanTime( FILETIME const & ft ) { _ftLastScan = ft; }
VOLUMEID VolumeId() const { return _volumeId; } USN Usn() const { return _usn; } void SetUsn( USN usn ) { _usn = usn; }
ULONGLONG const & JournalId() const { return _JournalId; } void SetJournalId( ULONGLONG const & JournalId ) { _JournalId = JournalId; }
ULONGLONG const & VolumeCreationTime() const { return _VolumeCreationTime; } ULONG VolumeSerialNumber() const { return _VolumeSerialNumber; }
void SetVolumeInfo( ULONGLONG const & VolumeCreationTime, ULONG VolumeSerialNumber ) { _VolumeCreationTime = VolumeCreationTime; _VolumeSerialNumber = VolumeSerialNumber; }
BOOL IsScanNeeded() const { return eNoScan != _scanType; } BOOL IsFullScan() const { return eFullScan == _scanType; } BOOL IsIncrScan() const { return eIncrScan == _scanType; } void ClearScanNeeded() { _scanType = eNoScan; } void SetScanNeeded( BOOL fFull ) { if ( fFull ) { _scanType = eFullScan; } else if ( eNoScan == _scanType ) { _scanType = eIncrScan; } }
BOOL FUsnTreeScan() const { return _fUsnTreeScan; } void InitUsnTreeScan() { _fUsnTreeScan = TRUE; _usn = 0; }
void SetUsnTreeScanComplete( USN usnMax ) { Win4Assert( _fUsnTreeScan ); Win4Assert( _usn == 0 );
_fUsnTreeScan = FALSE; _usn = usnMax; }
void ResetForScans() { _volumeId = CI_VOLID_USN_NOT_ENABLED; RtlZeroMemory( &_ftLastScan, sizeof(_ftLastScan) ); _scanType = eFullScan; }
void ResetForUsns( VOLUMEID volId, USN const & usnStart = 0 ) { Win4Assert( volId != CI_VOLID_USN_NOT_ENABLED ); _volumeId = volId; _usn = usnStart; _fUsnTreeScan = TRUE; }
CScopeInfo( CScopeInfo const & src ) { Win4Assert( !"Don't call me!" ); }
enum EScanType { eNoScan, eIncrScan, eFullScan };
ULONGLONG _VolumeCreationTime;
union { struct { ULONGLONG _JournalId; USN _usn; };
FILETIME _ftLastScan; };
ULONG _VolumeSerialNumber; WCHAR * _pwszScope; VOLUMEID _volumeId; BOOL _fUsnTreeScan; // True if a usn tree traversal is going
// on this scope
EScanType _scanType; };
DECL_DYNSTACK( CScopeInfoStack, CScopeInfo );
// Class: CCiNotifyMgr
// Purpose: Manages multiple scope notifications for content index. A
// single content index can have multiple scopes and each scope
// needs separate notifications.
// History: 1-17-96 srikants Created
// Notes:
#if CIDBG==1
const LONGLONG eForceNetScanInterval = 2 * 60 * 1000 * 10000; // 2 mins for testing
#endif // CIDBG==1
class CCiNotifyMgr { enum EEventType { eNone=0x0, eKillThread=0x1, eAddScopes=0x2, eWatchIISVRoots=0x4, eWatchRegistryScopes=0x8, eWatchCiRegistry=0x10, eUnWatchW3VRoots=0x20, eUnWatchNNTPVRoots=0x40, eUnWatchIMAPVRoots=0x80 };
friend class CCiNotifyIter;
CCiNotifyMgr( CiCat & cicat, CCiScanMgr & scanMgr );
~CCiNotifyMgr( );
void Resume() { _thrNotify.Resume(); }
void AddPath( CScopeInfo const & scopeInfo, BOOL & fSubScopesRemoved );
BOOL RemoveScope( const WCHAR * wcsPath );
BOOL IsInScope( WCHAR const * pwcsRoot );
CMutexSem & GetMutex() { return _mutex; }
void AddRef() { _refCount.AddRef(); }
void Release() { _refCount.Release(); }
void ProcessChanges( XPtr<CCiAsyncProcessNotify> & xWorker );
void ProcessChanges( BYTE const * pbChanges, WCHAR const * pwcsRoot );
CCiAsyncProcessNotify * QueryAsyncWorkItem( BYTE const * pbChanges, ULONG cbChanges, WCHAR const * pwcsRoot ); void SetupScan( WCHAR const * pwcsRoot );
unsigned GetUpdateCount() { CLock lock(_mutex); return _nUpdates; }
void IncrementUpdateCount( ULONG nUpdates ) { CLock lock(_mutex); _nUpdates += nUpdates; }
void ResetUpdateCount() { CLock lock(_mutex); _nUpdates = 0; }
void InitiateShutdown(); void WaitForShutdown();
void CancelIISVRootNotify( CiVRootTypeEnum eType );
void TrackIISVRoots( BOOL fTrackW3Svc, ULONG W3SvcInstance, BOOL fTrackNNTPSvc, ULONG NNTPSvcInstance, BOOL fTrackIMAPSvc, ULONG IMAPSvcInstance ); void TrackScopesInRegistry(); void TrackCiRegistry();
BOOL GetLastScanTime( WCHAR const * pwcsRoot, FILETIME & ft ); void UpdateLastScanTimes( FILETIME const & ft, CUsnFlushInfoList & usnFlushInfoList );
void ForceNetPathScansIf(); CiCat & GetCatalog() { return _cicat; }
BOOL IsRunning() const { return !_fAbort; }
// methods to deal with notifications.
static DWORD WINAPI NotifyThread( void * self ); void _DoNotifications(); void _KillThread(); void _LokTellThreadToAddScope(); void _LokAddScopesNoThrow();
void LokWatchIISVServerNoThrow(); void LokUnWatchIISVServerNoThrow( CVRootNotify * pNotify );
void LokWatchRegistryScopesNoThrow(); void LokWatchCiRegistryNoThrow();
void _LokIncrementUpdateCount() { _nUpdates++; }
void _LokForceScanNetPaths();
CiCat & _cicat; CCiScanMgr & _scanMgr; CMutexSem _mutex; // Serialize access to the data.
CCiNotifyList _list; // List of scopes being watched for
// notifications.
CRefCount _refCount;
unsigned _nUpdates; // Count of updates since the last time
// scantime is written.
BOOL _fAbort; // Flag set to TRUE if should abort
LONGLONG _ftLastNetPathScan; // Time of the last force scan on
// network drives with no notifications
// Notification thread management. System executes the APC in the context
// of the thread that makes the notification request.
ULONG _evtType; CEventSem _evt; CThread _thrNotify; CScopeInfoStack _stkScopes;
// For processing changes to IIS VRoots
XPtr<CVRootNotify> _xW3SvcVRootNotify; XPtr<CVRootNotify> _xNNTPSvcVRootNotify; XPtr<CVRootNotify> _xIMAPSvcVRootNotify;
BOOL _fTrackW3Svc; BOOL _fTrackNNTPSvc; BOOL _fTrackIMAPSvc; ULONG _W3SvcInstance; ULONG _NNTPSvcInstance; ULONG _IMAPSvcInstance;
BOOL _fIISAdminAlive;
CRegistryScopesNotify * _pRegistryScopesNotify;
CCiRegistryNotify * _pCiRegistryNotify; };
// Class: CCiNotifyIter
// Purpose: An iterator to give successive scopes that are being watched
// for notifications.
// History: 1-25-96 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CCiNotifyIter { public:
CCiNotifyIter( CCiNotifyMgr & notifyMgr ) : _notifyMgr(notifyMgr), _lock(notifyMgr.GetMutex()), _iNotAdded(0), _stack(notifyMgr._stkScopes), _list(notifyMgr._list), _iter(_list) { _UpdateAtEnd(); }
BOOL AtEnd() const { return _fAtEnd; }
WCHAR const * Get() { Win4Assert( !AtEnd() );
if ( _iNotAdded < _stack.Count() ) return _stack.Get(_iNotAdded)->GetPath(); else return _iter->GetScope(); }
void GetLastScanTime( FILETIME & ft ) { if ( _iNotAdded < _stack.Count() ) RtlZeroMemory( &ft, sizeof(FILETIME) ); else ft = _iter->GetLastScanTime(); }
VOLUMEID VolumeId() { Win4Assert( !AtEnd() );
if ( _iNotAdded < _stack.Count() ) return _stack.Get(_iNotAdded)->VolumeId(); else return _iter->VolumeId(); }
ULONGLONG const & VolumeCreationTime() { Win4Assert( !AtEnd() );
if ( _iNotAdded < _stack.Count() ) return _stack.Get(_iNotAdded)->VolumeCreationTime(); else return _iter->VolumeCreationTime(); }
ULONG VolumeSerialNumber() { Win4Assert( !AtEnd() );
if ( _iNotAdded < _stack.Count() ) return _stack.Get(_iNotAdded)->VolumeSerialNumber(); else return _iter->VolumeSerialNumber(); }
BOOL IsDownlevelVolume() { Win4Assert( !AtEnd() );
if ( _iNotAdded < _stack.Count() ) return ( CI_VOLID_USN_NOT_ENABLED == _stack.Get(_iNotAdded)->VolumeId() ); else return ( CI_VOLID_USN_NOT_ENABLED == _iter->VolumeId() ); }
USN Usn() { Win4Assert( !AtEnd() );
if ( _iNotAdded < _stack.Count() ) return _stack.Get(_iNotAdded)->Usn(); else return _iter->Usn(); }
ULONGLONG const & JournalId() { Win4Assert( !AtEnd() );
if ( _iNotAdded < _stack.Count() ) return _stack.Get(_iNotAdded)->JournalId(); else return _iter->JournalId(); }
BOOL FUsnTreeScan() { Win4Assert( !AtEnd() );
if ( _iNotAdded < _stack.Count() ) return _stack.Get(_iNotAdded)->FUsnTreeScan(); else return _iter->FUsnTreeScan(); }
void InitUsnTreeScan() { Win4Assert( !AtEnd() );
if ( _iNotAdded < _stack.Count() ) _stack.Get(_iNotAdded)->InitUsnTreeScan(); else _iter->InitUsnTreeScan(); }
void SetTreeScanComplete();
void SetUsnTreeScanComplete( USN usnMax );
void Advance() { Win4Assert( !AtEnd() );
if ( _iNotAdded < _stack.Count() ) _iNotAdded++; else _list.Advance(_iter);
_UpdateAtEnd(); }
CCiNotifyMgr & _notifyMgr; CLock _lock;
unsigned _iNotAdded; BOOL _fAtEnd; CScopeInfoStack & _stack; CCiNotifyList & _list; CFwdCiNotifyIter _iter;
void _UpdateAtEnd() { Win4Assert( _iNotAdded <= _stack.Count() ); _fAtEnd = _iNotAdded == _stack.Count() && _list.AtEnd(_iter); }
BOOL AreIdenticalPaths( WCHAR const * pwcsPath1, WCHAR const * pwcsPath2 );