// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000
// File: usntree.cxx
// Contents: Tree traversal for usn scopes
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ntopen.hxx>
#include <pathpars.hxx>
#include <cifrmcom.hxx>
#include <funypath.hxx>
#include "cicat.hxx"
#include "usntree.hxx"
#include "usnmgr.hxx"
// Member: CUsnTreeTraversal::CUsnTreeTraversal
// Synopsis: Constructor
// Arguments: [cicat] -- Catalog
// [ciManager] -- CI manager
// [lcaseFunnyRootPath] -- Root of scope
// [fDoDeletions] -- Should deletions be done ?
// [fAbort] -- Abort flag
// [fProcessRoot] -- Process root ?
// [volumeId] -- Volume id
// [usnLow] -- Ignore files with USN < [usnLow]
// [usnHigh] -- Ignore files with USN > [usnHigh]
// [fUserInitiated] -- TRUE if the user asked for this
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
CUsnTreeTraversal::CUsnTreeTraversal( CiCat& cicat, CUsnMgr & usnMgr, ICiManager & ciManager, const CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyRootPath, BOOL fDoDeletions, BOOL & fAbort, BOOL fProcessRoot, VOLUMEID volumeId, USN const & usnLow, USN const & usnHigh, BOOL fUserInitiated ) : CTraverse( cicat, fAbort, fProcessRoot ), _usnLow( usnLow ), _usnHigh( usnHigh ), _cicat(cicat), _usnMgr( usnMgr ), _ciManager(ciManager), _cDoc(0), _fDoDeletions(fDoDeletions), _volumeId(volumeId), _cProcessed(0), _fUserInitiated( fUserInitiated ) { BOOL fRootDeleted = FALSE;
DWORD dw = GetFileAttributes( lcaseFunnyRootPath.GetPath() ); if ( 0xffffffff == dw ) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "CUpdate::CUpdate(b) can't get attrinfo: %d, for %ws\n", dwErr, lcaseFunnyRootPath.GetPath() )); if ( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwErr || ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == dwErr ) fRootDeleted = TRUE; }
_docList.SetPartId ( 1 ); FILETIME fTime; _cicat.StartUpdate( &fTime, lcaseFunnyRootPath.GetActualPath(), fDoDeletions, eUsnsArray );
// Make sure EndProcessing deletes all the files in the scope
if ( fRootDeleted ) { _status = STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES; return; }
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "usntree: usnlow %#I64x, usnHigh %I64x\n", usnLow, usnHigh ));
if ( _fDoDeletions ) { WORKID wid = _cat.PathToWorkId( lcaseFunnyRootPath, eUsnsArray, fileIdInvalid );
// Workid is invalid for root, such as f:\ //
if ( wid != widInvalid ) _cicat.Touch( wid, eUsnsArray ); }
DoIt( lcaseFunnyRootPath ); } //CUsnTreeTraversal
// Member: CUsnTreeTraversal::ProcessFile
// Synopsis: Processes the given file and adds it to the list of changed
// documents if necessary.
// Arguments: [lcaseFunnyPath] - Path of the file to be processed.
// Returns: TRUE if successful
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
BOOL CUsnTreeTraversal::ProcessFile( const CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPath ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_USN, "Usn process file %ws\n", lcaseFunnyPath.GetActualPath() ));
USN usn; FILEID fileId; WORKID widParent; FILETIME ftLastChange;
BOOL fOk = GetUsnInfo( lcaseFunnyPath, _cicat, _volumeId, usn, fileId, widParent, ftLastChange );
if ( fOk ) { WORKID wid;
BOOL fAdded = _cicat.ProcessFile( lcaseFunnyPath, fileId, _volumeId, widParent, _pCurEntry->Attributes(), wid );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "wid %d(%x), fAdded %d, _fUserInitiated %d, usn %#I64x," " _usnLow %#I64x, _usnHigh %#I64x\n", wid, wid, fAdded, _fUserInitiated, usn, _usnLow, _usnHigh ));
if ( widInvalid != wid ) { #if 0 // NOTE: we can't use this optimization because we don't know why the
// USN is higher than _usnHigh. We might later choose to not
// filter based on this USN change.
if ( usn > _usnHigh ) { // Modified since scan began. Don't file twice.
_cicat.Touch( wid, eUsnsArray ); } else #endif // 0
if ( _fUserInitiated || ( 0 == usn ) ) { // User asked to filter everything or NT4 create
Add ( wid ); } else if ( 0 == _usnLow ) { // Initial scan -- filter if we added the file OR
// if the file has changed since we filtered it last.
if ( fAdded || _cicat.HasChanged( wid, ftLastChange ) ) { Add ( wid ); } else { // Make sure we don't delete it!
_cicat.Touch(wid, eUsnsArray); } } else if ( usn >= _usnLow ) { Add ( wid ); } else if ( _cicat.HasChanged( wid, ftLastChange ) ) { // NT4 Modify
Add( wid ); } else { // Make sure we don't delete it!
_cicat.Touch(wid, eUsnsArray); } } }
return TRUE; } //ProcessFile
// Member: CUsnTreeTraversal::TraversalIdle, public
// Synopsis: Called when a directory is about to be traversed, when
// the traversal code isn't buffering any paths. This makes
// it a good time to check the USN log, since the Win32 file
// enumeration code buffers files within a given directory.
// Arguments: [fStalled] -- TRUE implies scanning halted due to resource
// constraints. Only critical work should be done.
// History: 16-Jun-98 dlee Created
void CUsnTreeTraversal::TraversalIdle( BOOL fStalled ) { //
// Every now and then, go empty the USN logs so they won't overflow
// during the scan.
if ( _cProcessed > 1000 || fStalled ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_USN, "CUsnTreeTraversal: ProcessUsnLog\n" )); _usnMgr.ProcessUsnLog( _fAbort, _volumeId, _usnHigh );
if ( _cProcessed > 1000 ) _cProcessed = 0; } } //ProcessDirectoryTraversal
// Member: CUsnTreeTraversal::Add
// Synopsis: Add wid for update to doclist
// Arguments: [wid] -- Workid
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnTreeTraversal::Add( WORKID wid ) { _cicat.Touch(wid, eUsnsArray);
ciDebugOut(( DEB_USN, " Add %d(%x) as doc %d\n", wid, wid, _cDoc ));
// Use an usn of 0, because we are adding wids in tree order, not usn order
_docList.Set ( _cDoc, wid, 0, _volumeId );
if (_cDoc == CI_MAX_DOCS_IN_WORDLIST) { _cProcessed += _cDoc;
_docList.LokSetCount ( _cDoc );
_cicat.AddDocuments( _docList );
_docList.LokClear(); _docList.SetPartId ( 1 ); _cDoc = 0;
// NTRAID#DB-NTBUG9-83800-2000/07/31-dlee notifications can be missed if > 10k files in a directory
// This will hit if a directory has > 10k files. In this case, we
// need to read the USN log so it won't overflow, but we may
// mis-interpret the scan since the Win32 enumeration API buffers
// a small number of files during the enumeration. This is a lesser
// of 2 evils fix. A file will be falsely added to the catalog if it
// is in the enumeration buffer buffer, then deleted before it
// is processed. This window has existed on FAT for a long time
// and hasn't been hit.
if ( _cProcessed > 10000 ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_USN, "Add: ProcessUsnLog\n" )); _usnMgr.ProcessUsnLog( _fAbort, _volumeId, _usnHigh ); _cProcessed = 0; } } } //Add
// Member: CUsnTreeTraversal::IsEligibleForTraversal
// Synopsis: Checks to see if the current directory is eligible for
// traversal.
// Arguments: [lcaseFunnyDir] - Directory path
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
BOOL CUsnTreeTraversal::IsEligibleForTraversal( const CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyDir ) const { return _cicat.IsEligibleForFiltering( lcaseFunnyDir ); }
// Member: CUsnTreeTraversal::EndProcessing
// Synopsis: Flush final updates to catalog
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
void CUsnTreeTraversal::EndProcessing() { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CUsnTreeTraversal__EndProcessing, _fAbort %d, _cDoc %d, _status %#x\n", _fAbort, _cDoc, _status ));
if ( !_fAbort ) { if ( _cDoc != 0 ) { _docList.LokSetCount ( _cDoc ); _cicat.AddDocuments( _docList ); _docList.LokClear(); _docList.SetPartId ( 1 ); _cDoc = 0; }
if ( STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES == _status ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "_fDoDeletions %d\n", _fDoDeletions )); _cat.EndUpdate( _fDoDeletions, eUsnsArray ); } else if ( STATUS_SUCCESS != _status ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Error %#x while traversing\n", _status )); THROW( CException( _status ) ); } } } //EndProcessing
// Member: CUsnTreeTraversal::GetUsnInfo
// Synopsis: Returns fileid etc info for given file
// Arguments: [funnyPath] -- Path to file
// [cicat] -- Catalog
// [volumeId] -- Volume id
// [usn] -- Usn returned here
// [fileId] -- FileId returned here
// [widParent] -- Workid of parent returned here
// [ftLastChange] -- Time of last change (data, EA, security, ...)
// History: 07-May-97 SitaramR Created
// Notes: The routine doesn't throw, it returns false to indicate that
// the tree traversal must continue after skipping over the
// current file.
BOOL CUsnTreeTraversal::GetUsnInfo( const CFunnyPath & funnyPath, CiCat &cicat, VOLUMEID volumeId, USN &usn, FILEID &fileId, WORKID &widParent, FILETIME &ftLastChange ) { HANDLE hFile; NTSTATUS status = CiNtOpenNoThrow( hFile, funnyPath.GetPath(), FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | SYNCHRONIZE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, 0 );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { // File may have been deleted, in use etc, so skip processing the file.
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "File open for %ws get usn info failed (0x%x)\n", funnyPath.GetPath(), status ));
#if CIDBG == 1
if ( IsSharingViolation( status ) || STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED == status || STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER == status || STATUS_DELETE_PENDING == status || STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_VOLUME == status || STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES == status || STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND == status || STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND == status || STATUS_IO_REPARSE_TAG_NOT_HANDLED == status || STATUS_NO_MEDIA_IN_DEVICE == status || // junction points can hit this
STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID == status ) return FALSE; else { #if CIDBG == 1
char szTemp[200]; sprintf( szTemp, "New error 0x%x from NtCreateFile in ::GetUsnInfo. Call dlee or hit 'g'", status ); Win4AssertEx(__FILE__, __LINE__, szTemp); #endif
// THROW( CException( status ) );
} #endif
return FALSE; }
SHandle xFile( hFile );
// NTRAID#DB-NTBUG9-83802-2000/07/31-dlee File names are limited to 400 characters when reading USN records
IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb; ULONGLONG readBuffer[100]; USN_RECORD *pUsnRecord; status = NtFsControlFile( hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &iosb, FSCTL_READ_FILE_USN_DATA, NULL, NULL, &readBuffer, sizeof(readBuffer) );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) status = iosb.Status;
if ( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION BasicInfo; status = NtQueryInformationFile( hFile, &iosb, &BasicInfo, sizeof(BasicInfo), FileBasicInformation );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) status = iosb.Status;
if ( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { pUsnRecord = (USN_RECORD *) &readBuffer; fileId = pUsnRecord->FileReferenceNumber;
// If not indexed, return FALSE unless it's a directory and it's
// already in the index. We need to leave these in case there
// are files below the directory.
if ( ( 0 != (pUsnRecord->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED) ) ) { if ( 0 == (pUsnRecord->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) return FALSE;
WORKID wid = cicat.FileIdToWorkId( fileId, volumeId );
if ( widInvalid == wid ) return FALSE;
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "leaving special-case directory\n" )); }
usn = pUsnRecord->Usn;
// Workid of parent will be widInvalid for files in root directory
widParent = cicat.FileIdToWorkId( pUsnRecord->ParentFileReferenceNumber, volumeId );
ftLastChange = *(FILETIME *)&BasicInfo.ChangeTime; } else { // NTRAID#DB-NTBUG9-83804-2000/07/31-dlee When a lookup of USN info fails during a USN scan due to low resources we don't abort the scan
// Incorrect behavior if out of resources -- we need to
// restart the scan!
// Need to handle reparse point errors like
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "NtQueryInformationFile failed, 0x%x\n", status ));
return FALSE; } } else {
// NTRAID#DB-NTBUG9-83804-2000/07/31-dlee When a lookup of USN info fails during a USN scan due to low resources we don't abort the scan
// incorrect behavior if out of resources -- we need to
// restart the scan!
// Need to handle reparse point errors like
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "File usn read fsctl failed, 0x%x\n", status ));
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; } //GetUsnInfo