// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000.
// File: session.cxx
// Contents: TSession interfaces.
// History: 3-30-97 MohamedN Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <mparser.h>
#include <session.hxx>
#include <stdqspec.hxx> // CQuerySpec
// Constants -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Session object interfaces that support ISupportErrorInfo
static const GUID* apSessionErrInt[] = { &IID_IDBCreateCommand, &IID_IGetDataSource, &IID_IOpenRowset, &IID_ISessionProperties, }; static const ULONG cSessionErrInt = NUMELEM( apSessionErrInt );
// Class: CDBSession::CDBSession
// Purpose: ctor
// History: 3-30-97 MohamedN Created
// Notes:
CDBSession::CDBSession( CDataSrc & dataSrc, IUnknown * pUnkOuter, IUnknown ** ppUnkInner, IParserSession * pIPSession, HANDLE hToken ) : _dataSrc(dataSrc), #pragma warning(disable : 4355) // 'this' in ctor
_impIUnknown(this), _ErrorInfo( * ((IUnknown *) (IOpenRowset *) this), _mtxSess ), #pragma warning(default : 4355) // 'this' in ctor.
_xSessionToken( hToken ) { _pUnkOuter = pUnkOuter ? pUnkOuter : (IUnknown *) &_impIUnknown; _ErrorInfo.SetInterfaceArray( cSessionErrInt, apSessionErrInt );
_dataSrc.AddRef(); _dataSrc.IncSessionCount();
// SQL Text Parser
Win4Assert( pIPSession ); _xIPSession.Set( pIPSession ); _xIPSession->AddRef();
*ppUnkInner = (IUnknown *) &_impIUnknown; (*ppUnkInner)->AddRef(); }
// Class: CDBSession::~CDBSession
// Purpose: dtor
// History: 3-30-97 MohamedN Created
// Notes:
CDBSession::~CDBSession() { _dataSrc.DecSessionCount(); _dataSrc.Release(); }
// Member: CDBSession::RealQueryInterface
// Synopsis: Supports IID_IUnknown,
// IID_IGetDataSource,
// IID_IOpenRowset,
// IID_ISessionProperties,
// IID_IDBCreateCommand
// IID_ISupportErrorInfo
// History: 03-30-97 mohamedn created
// 10-18-97 danleg added ISupportErrorInfo Support
// 01-29-98 danleg non delegating QI when not aggregated
STDMETHODIMP CDBSession::RealQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObj ) { SCODE sc = S_OK; if ( !ppvObj ) return E_INVALIDARG;
*ppvObj = 0;
if ( riid == IID_IUnknown ) { *ppvObj = (void *) ( (IUnknown *) (IOpenRowset *) this ); } else if ( riid == IID_IGetDataSource ) { *ppvObj = (void *) (IGetDataSource *) this; } else if ( riid == IID_ISessionProperties ) { *ppvObj = (void *) (ISessionProperties *) this; } else if ( riid == IID_IOpenRowset ) { *ppvObj = (void *) (IOpenRowset *) this; } else if ( riid == IID_IDBCreateCommand ) { *ppvObj = (void *) (IDBCreateCommand *) this; } else if ( riid == IID_ISupportErrorInfo ) { *ppvObj = (void *) ((IUnknown *) (ISupportErrorInfo *) &_ErrorInfo); } else { *ppvObj = 0; sc = E_NOINTERFACE; }
return sc; } //RealQueryInterface
// Method: CDBSession::GetDataSource
// Synopsis: obtains the owning data source object
// Arguments: [riid] - interface to bind
// [ppDataSource] - interface returned here
// returns: S_OK, E_NOINTERFACE
// History: 3-30-97 mohamedn Created
// 11-20-97 danleg QI on OuterUnk
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CDBSession::GetDataSource( REFIID riid, IUnknown ** ppDataSource ) {
SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Clear previous Error Object for this thread
// Check Function Arguments
if ( 0 == ppDataSource ) return _ErrorInfo.PostHResult( E_INVALIDARG, IID_IGetDataSource ); TRANSLATE_EXCEPTIONS; TRY { CLock lck( _mtxSess );
*ppDataSource = 0;
sc = (_dataSrc.GetOuterUnk())->QueryInterface( riid, (void **)ppDataSource ); if ( FAILED(sc) ) THROW( CException(sc) ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = _ErrorInfo.PostHResult( e, IID_IGetDataSource ); } END_CATCH; UNTRANSLATE_EXCEPTIONS;
return sc; }
// Function: CDBSession::GetProperties
// Synopsis: gets ISessionProperties
// Arguments: [cPropertyIDSets] - number of desired property set IDs or 0
// [pPropIDSets] - array of desired property set IDs or NULL
// [pcPropertySets] - number of property sets returned
// [prgPropertySets] - array of returned property sets
// Returns: SCODE - result code indicating error return status. One of
// History: 03-30-97 mohamedn Created
// 10-30-97 danleg Changed to use common property code
STDMETHODIMP CDBSession::GetProperties(ULONG cPropertySets, const DBPROPIDSET rgPropertySets[], ULONG* pcProperties, DBPROPSET** prgProperties) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Clear previous Error Object for this thread
TRANSLATE_EXCEPTIONS; TRY { CLock lck( _mtxSess );
_UtlProps.GetPropertiesArgChk( cPropertySets, rgPropertySets, pcProperties, prgProperties );
sc = _UtlProps.GetProperties( cPropertySets, rgPropertySets, pcProperties, prgProperties ); if ( FAILED(sc) ) THROW( CException(sc) ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = _ErrorInfo.PostHResult( e, IID_ISessionProperties ); } END_CATCH; UNTRANSLATE_EXCEPTIONS;
return sc; }
// Function: CDBSession::SetProperties
// Synopsis: sets ISessionProperties
// Arguments: [cPropertySets] - number of property sets
// [rgPropertySets] - array of property sets
// Returns: SCODE - result code indicating error return status. One of
// History: 03-30-97 mohamedn created
// 10-28-97 danleg Changed to use common property code
STDMETHODIMP CDBSession::SetProperties(ULONG cPropertySets, DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[]) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Win4Assert( _pCUtlProps );
// Clear previous Error Object for this thread
// Quick return if the Count of Properties is 0
if( cPropertySets == 0 ) return S_OK;
TRANSLATE_EXCEPTIONS; TRY { CLock lck( _mtxSess );
_UtlProps.SetPropertiesArgChk( cPropertySets, rgPropertySets );
sc = _UtlProps.SetProperties( cPropertySets, rgPropertySets); if ( FAILED(sc) ) THROW( CException(sc) ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = _ErrorInfo.PostHResult( e, IID_ISessionProperties ); } END_CATCH; UNTRANSLATE_EXCEPTIONS;
return sc; }
// Method: CDBSession::CreateCommand
// Synopsis: Creates an ICommand object
// Arguments: [pUnkOuter] -- 'Outer' IUnknown
// [riid] -- Interface to bind
// [ppCommand] -- Interface returned here
// returns: SCODE of success or failure.
// History: 03-30-97 mohamedn Created
// 11-03-97 danleg Aggregation support & error posting
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CDBSession::CreateCommand ( IUnknown * pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, IUnknown ** ppCommand ) { // Clear previous Error Object for this thread
// Check Function Arguments
if ( 0 == ppCommand ) return _ErrorInfo.PostHResult( E_INVALIDARG, IID_IDBCreateCommand );
if (0 != pUnkOuter && riid != IID_IUnknown) return _ErrorInfo.PostHResult( DB_E_NOAGGREGATION, IID_IDBCreateCommand );
*ppCommand = 0; SCODE sc = S_OK; CQuerySpec * pQuery = 0;
TRANSLATE_EXCEPTIONS; TRY { IUnknown * pUnkInner = 0;
// Serialize access to this object.
CLock lck( _mtxSess );
pQuery = new CQuerySpec( pUnkOuter, &pUnkInner, this );
XInterface<IUnknown> xUnkInner( pUnkInner );
if ( IID_IUnknown == riid ) { *ppCommand = pUnkInner; } else { sc = pUnkInner->QueryInterface( riid, (void **)ppCommand ); if ( FAILED(sc) ) { Win4Assert( 0 == *ppCommand ); THROW( CException(sc) ); } } } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = _ErrorInfo.PostHResult( e, IID_IDBCreateCommand ); } END_CATCH; UNTRANSLATE_EXCEPTIONS; return sc; } //CreateCommand
// Constants used by OpenRowset
static const WCHAR BASE_SELECT[] = L"SELECT Path, FileName, Size, Write,"\ L"Attrib, DocTitle, DocAuthor, DocSubject,"\ L"DocKeywords, Characterization FROM "\ L"SCOPE('SHALLOW TRAVERSAL OF %s')";
//Approx. size (Includes space for NULL-TERMINATOR, do not subtract this out)
// Method: CDBSession::OpenRowset
// Synopsis: Opens and returns a rowset that includes all rows from
// a single base table
// Arguments: [pUnkOuter] - Controlling unknown, if any
// [pTableID] - Table to open
// [pIndexID] - DBID of the index
// [riid] - Interface to return
// [cPropertySets] - Count of properties
// [rgPropertySets] - Array of property values
// [ppRowset] - Where to return interface
// Returns: S_OK - The method succeeded
// E_INVALIDARG - pTableID and pIndexId were NULL
// E_FAIL - Provider-specific error
// DB_E_NOTABLE - Specified table does not exist in current Data
// Data Source object
// E_OUTOFMEMORY - Out of memory
// E_NOINTERFACE - The requested interface was not available
// History: 10-26-97 danelg Created from Monarch
STDMETHODIMP CDBSession::OpenRowset ( IUnknown * pUnkOuter, DBID * pTableID, DBID * pIndexID, REFIID riid, ULONG cPropertySets, DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[], IUnknown ** ppRowset ) { ULONG ul, ul2; SCODE sc = S_OK; SCODE scProp = S_OK;
// Clear previous Error Object for this thread
// Intialize Buffer
if( ppRowset ) *ppRowset = NULL;
if ( 0 != pUnkOuter && IID_IUnknown != riid ) return _ErrorInfo.PostHResult( DB_E_NOAGGREGATION, IID_IOpenRowset ); // Check Arguments
if( (!pTableID && !pIndexID) ) return _ErrorInfo.PostHResult( E_INVALIDARG, IID_IOpenRowset );
// We only accept NULL for pIndexID
if( pIndexID ) return _ErrorInfo.PostHResult( DB_E_NOINDEX, IID_IOpenRowset );
// If the eKind is not known to use, basically it
// means we have no table identifier
if( (!pTableID) || (pTableID->eKind != DBKIND_NAME) || ((pTableID->eKind == DBKIND_NAME) && (!(pTableID->uName.pwszName))) || (wcslen(pTableID->uName.pwszName) == 0) ) return _ErrorInfo.PostHResult( DB_E_NOTABLE, IID_IOpenRowset );
// We do not allow the riid to be IID_NULL
if( riid == IID_NULL ) return _ErrorInfo.PostHResult( E_NOINTERFACE, IID_IOpenRowset );
TRANSLATE_EXCEPTIONS; TRY { // Serialize access to this object.
CLock lck( _mtxSess );
XInterface<ICommandText> xICmdText; IUnknown * pUnkInner;
// Check Arguments for use by properties
CUtlProps::SetPropertiesArgChk( cPropertySets, rgPropertySets );
// pUnkOuter is the outer unkown from the user on the Session
// object. Don't use pUnkOuter for the Command object here.
XInterface<CQuerySpec> xQuery( new CQuerySpec(0, &pUnkInner, this) );
// Tell the command object to post errors as IOpenRowset
// Construct and set Command. Allocate buffer for SQL Statement
XArray<WCHAR> xwszBuff( wcslen(pTableID->uName.pwszName) + APPROX_CCH_BASE_SELECT );
//@devnote: swprintf not supported on win95?
swprintf( xwszBuff.Get(), BASE_SELECT, pTableID->uName.pwszName );
sc = pUnkInner->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandText, xICmdText.GetQIPointer() ); if( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { Win4Assert( !xICmdText.IsNull() );
sc = xICmdText->SetCommandText( DBGUID_SQL, xwszBuff.Get() );
// Process properties
if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) && cPropertySets > 0) { sc = SetOpenRowsetProperties(xICmdText.GetPointer(), cPropertySets, rgPropertySets); scProp = sc; // Save this retcode.
// Execute the SQL Statement if we were given a ppRowset
if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) && ppRowset ) { sc = xICmdText->Execute( pUnkOuter, riid, 0, 0, ppRowset ); if ( DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED == sc && (cPropertySets > 0) ) { sc = MarkOpenRowsetProperties((xICmdText.GetPointer()), cPropertySets, rgPropertySets); } } } sc = (sc == S_OK) ? scProp : sc; if ( FAILED(sc) ) THROW( CException(sc) ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = _ErrorInfo.PostHResult( e, IID_IOpenRowset ); } END_CATCH; UNTRANSLATE_EXCEPTIONS;
return sc; }
// Member: CDBSession::SetOpenRowsetProperties, private
// Synopsis: Loop through the passed in properties andmark those in error.
// Used by OpenRowset()
// History: 10-31-97 briants Created
SCODE CDBSession::SetOpenRowsetProperties( ICommandText* pICmdText, ULONG cPropertySets, DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[] ) { Win4Assert( pICmdText != NULL ); XInterface<ICommandProperties> xICmdProp;
SCODE sc = pICmdText->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandProperties, (void **) xICmdProp.GetQIPointer() ); if( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { Win4Assert( !xICmdProp.IsNull() );
sc = xICmdProp->SetProperties( cPropertySets, rgPropertySets ); if ( (DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED == sc) || (DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED == sc) ) { // If all the properties set were OPTIONAL then we can set our status to
// DB_S_ERRORSOCCURED and continue
for(ULONG ul=0;ul<cPropertySets; ul++) { for(ULONG ul2=0;ul2<rgPropertySets[ul].cProperties; ul2++) { // Check for a required property that failed, if found, we must return
if( (rgPropertySets[ul].rgProperties[ul2].dwStatus != DBPROPSTATUS_OK) && (rgPropertySets[ul].rgProperties[ul2].dwOptions != DBPROPOPTIONS_OPTIONAL) ) return DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED; } } sc = DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED; } }
return sc; }
// Member: CDBSession::MarkOpenRowsetProperties, private
// Synopsis: Loop through the passed in properties andmark those in error.
// Used by OpenRowset()
// History: 10-31-97 briants Created
SCODE CDBSession::MarkOpenRowsetProperties( ICommandText* pICmdText, ULONG cPropertySets, DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[] ) { Win4Assert( pICmdText != NULL ); XInterface<ICommandProperties> xICmdProp;
DBPROPSET * pPropSets = 0; ULONG cPropSets = 0; DBPROPIDSET dbPropIdSet[1];
dbPropIdSet[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_PROPERTIESINERROR; dbPropIdSet[0].cPropertyIDs = 0; dbPropIdSet[0].rgPropertyIDs = 0;
SCODE sc = pICmdText->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandProperties, (void **) xICmdProp.GetQIPointer() ); if( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { Win4Assert( !xICmdProp.IsNull() ); sc = xICmdProp->GetProperties( 1, dbPropIdSet, &cPropSets, &pPropSets ); if( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { XArrayOLEInPlace<CDbPropSet> xPropSets; xPropSets.Set( cPropSets, (CDbPropSet *)pPropSets ); // Loop through all the properties in error and see if one
// of the passed in properties matches. If it matches, then
// transfer the in error status.
for(ULONG iSet=0; iSet<cPropSets; iSet++) { if( 0 == xPropSets[iSet].rgProperties || 0 == xPropSets[iSet].cProperties ) continue;
for(ULONG iProp=0; iProp<xPropSets[iSet].cProperties; iProp++) { MarkPropInError( cPropertySets, rgPropertySets, &(xPropSets[iSet].guidPropertySet), &(xPropSets[iSet].rgProperties[iProp]) ); // Clear variant value
VariantClear(&(xPropSets[iSet].rgProperties[iProp].vValue)); } // Free the memory as we go through them
// CoTaskMemFree(xPropSets[iSet].rgProperties);
} } }
return sc; }
// Member: CDBSession::MarkPropInError, private
// Synopsis: Loop through the passed in properties andmark those in error.
// Used by OpenRowset()
// History: 10-31-97 danleg Created
void CDBSession::MarkPropInError ( ULONG cPropertySets, DBPROPSET* rgPropertySets, GUID* pguidPropSet, DBPROP* pProp ) { ULONG iSet, iProp;
Win4Assert( rgPropertySets );
for(iSet=0; iSet<cPropertySets; iSet++) { if( (rgPropertySets[iSet].guidPropertySet != *pguidPropSet) || (0 == rgPropertySets[iSet].rgProperties) || (0 == rgPropertySets[iSet].cProperties) ) continue;
for(iProp=0; iProp<rgPropertySets[iSet].cProperties; iProp++) { if( (rgPropertySets[iSet].rgProperties[iProp].dwPropertyID == pProp->dwPropertyID) && (rgPropertySets[iSet].rgProperties[iProp].dwStatus == DBPROPSTATUS_OK) ) { rgPropertySets[iSet].rgProperties[iProp].dwStatus = pProp->dwStatus; } } } }
// Member: CImpersonateSessionUser::CImpersonateSessionUser, public
// Purpose: ctor
// History: 01-23-99 danleg Created
CImpersonateSessionUser::CImpersonateSessionUser( HANDLE hToken ) : _fImpersonated( FALSE ), _xSessionToken( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ), _xPrevToken( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hToken ) { HANDLE hTempToken = DupToken( hToken ); if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hTempToken ) _xSessionToken.Set( hTempToken );
CachePrevToken(); Impersonate(); } } //CImpersonateSessionUser
// Member: CImpersonateSessionUser::~CImpersonateSessionUser, public
// Synopsis: dtor
// History: 01-23-99 danleg Created
CImpersonateSessionUser::~CImpersonateSessionUser() { TRY { Revert(); } CATCH( CException, e ) { //
// Ignore failures in unwind paths -- the query will fail. If we
// can't revert here the ole db client has to realize the thread
// may be in a bad state after a query failure.
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; } //~CImpersonateSessionUser
// Member: CImpersonateSessionUser::Revert, public
// Synopsis: Reverts the thread to the original state
// History: 02-11-02 dlee Created from ~, so we have a form that
// can fail.
void CImpersonateSessionUser::Revert() { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == _xPrevToken.Get() ) { //
// There is no need to revert to self here if we didn't impersonate
// in the first place -- if there was no token or there was no
// session object. If you revert here then IIS threads become
// system.
if ( _fImpersonated ) { fSuccess = RevertToSelf();
if ( fSuccess ) _fImpersonated = FALSE; } } else { fSuccess = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( _xPrevToken.Get() );
_xPrevToken.Free(); }
if ( !fSuccess ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CImpersonateSessionUser::Revert: Impersonation failed with error %d\n", dwError ));
THROW( CException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) ) ); } } //Revert
// Member: CImpersonateSessionUser:: DupToken, private
// Synopsis: Duplicate the session token for the current thread
// History: 01-23-99 danleg Created
HANDLE CImpersonateSessionUser::DupToken( HANDLE hToken ) { SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE qos; qos.Length = sizeof( SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE ); qos.ImpersonationLevel = SecurityImpersonation; qos.ContextTrackingMode = SECURITY_DYNAMIC_TRACKING; qos.EffectiveOnly = FALSE;
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjAttr; InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjAttr, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); ObjAttr.SecurityQualityOfService = &qos;
HANDLE hNewToken = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; NTSTATUS status = NtDuplicateToken( hToken, TOKEN_IMPERSONATE|TOKEN_QUERY, &ObjAttr, FALSE, TokenImpersonation, &hNewToken );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "DupToken failed to duplicate token, %x\n", status ));
THROW( CException( status ) ); }
return hNewToken; } //DupToken
// Member: CImpersonateSessionUser:: CachePrevToken, private
// Synopsis: If the current thread is already impersonated, cache its
// impersonation token so it can be restored later.
// History: 01-23-99 danleg Created
void CImpersonateSessionUser::CachePrevToken() { DWORD dwLength; TOKEN_STATISTICS TokenInformation; HANDLE hToken = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
NTSTATUS status = NtOpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, TRUE, &hToken); if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { SHandle xHandle( hToken );
// If this thread is already impersonated, cache its impersonation
// token and impersonate using the session (i.e. logon) token
status = NtQueryInformationToken ( hToken, TokenStatistics, (LPVOID)&TokenInformation, sizeof TokenInformation, &dwLength);
if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { if ( TokenInformation.TokenType == TokenImpersonation ) { HANDLE hTempToken = DupToken( hToken );
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hTempToken ) _xPrevToken.Set( hTempToken ); } } else // NtQueryInformation failed
{ vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CImpersonateSessionUser failed to query token information, %x\n", status ));
THROW( CException( status ) ); } } else // NtOpenThreadToken failed
{ //
// If it's STATUS_NO_TOKEN then there isn't anything to capture and we
// can ignore impersonation for this query.
if ( STATUS_NO_TOKEN != status ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CImpersonateSessionUser failed to open thread token, %x\n", status ));
THROW( CException( status ) ); } } } //CachePrevToken
// Member: CImpersonateSessionUser::Impersonate, private
// Synopsis: Impersonate the user who created the OLE DB session.
// History: 01-23-99 danleg Created
void CImpersonateSessionUser::Impersonate() { if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == _xSessionToken.Get() ) return;
BOOL fSuccess = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( _xSessionToken.Get() );
if ( fSuccess ) _fImpersonated = TRUE; else { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CImpersonateSessionUser failed to impersonate, %d\n", dwError ));
THROW( CException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) ) ); } } //Impersonate