// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1999.
// Contents: Filter Manager
// Classes: CFilterManager
// History: 03-Jan-95 BartoszM Created from parts of CResMan
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ciole.hxx>
#include <cievtmsg.h>
#include <fdaemon.hxx>
#include <cifailte.hxx>
#include "filtman.hxx"
#include "resman.hxx"
#include "fltstate.hxx"
// Member: CFilterAgent::CFilterAgent, public
// Synopsis: Initialize the agent, register it with ResMan
// History: 05-Jan-95 BartoszM Created
CFilterAgent::CFilterAgent (CFilterManager& filterMan, CResManager& resman ) : _sigFilterAgent(eSigFilterAgent), _resman (resman), _filterMan (filterMan), _eventUpdate(FALSE), // start reset
_fStopFilter(FALSE) { _resman.RegisterFilterAgent (this); }
// Member: CFilterAgent::~CFilterAgent, public
// Synopsis: Stop filtering
// History: 05-Jan-95 BartoszM Created
CFilterAgent::~CFilterAgent () { if ( !_fStopFilter ) { StopFiltering(); } }
void CFilterAgent::StopFiltering() { CLock lock(_mutex); _fStopFilter = TRUE; _eventUpdate.Set(); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CFilterAgent::FilterThread, public
// Synopsis: Entry point for the thread responsible
// for filtering
// History: 05-Jan-95 BartoszM Created
DWORD WINAPI CFilterAgent::FilterThread( void* p ) { return S_OK; }
// Function: PutToSleep
// Synopsis: Resets the update event unless filtering is stopped
// History: Feb-08-95 BartoszM Created
BOOL CFilterAgent::PutToSleep () { CLock lock(_mutex);
if (_fStopFilter) return FALSE;
_eventUpdate.Reset(); return TRUE; }
// Function: LokWakeUp
// Synopsis: Completes an asynchronous pending I/O request, if any.
// History: 19-Nov-94 DwightKr Moved into a method
// Notes: If a corrupt content scan is detected, this routine
// will persistently record the event to disk. This may not
// throw.
void CFilterAgent::LokWakeUp () { _eventUpdate.Set(); }
// Member: CFilterAgent::LokCancel, public
// Synopsis: Cancel any connections to the CI Filter service.
// History: 09-Jan-95 BartoszM Created
void CFilterAgent::LokCancel () { _eventUpdate.Set(); // wake up
// Member: CFilterManager::CFilterManager, public
// Arguments: [resman] -- resource manager
// Requires: resman to be fully constructed
// History: 03-Jan-95 BartoszM Created
CFilterManager::CFilterManager(CResManager& resman) : _sigFiltMan(eSigFiltMan), _resman (resman), _docList(resman.GetDocList()), #pragma warning( disable : 4355 ) // this used in base initialization
_filterAgent (*this, resman ), #pragma warning( default : 4355 )
_fPushFiltering( resman.FPushFiltering() ), _LastResourceStatus( TRUE ) { LARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime; NtQuerySystemTime( &CurrentTime ); _LastResourceCheck = CurrentTime.QuadPart;
_fWaitOnNoDocs = FALSE; }
NTSTATUS CFilterManager::Dismount() { _filterAgent.StopFiltering(); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Function: CleanupPartialWordList
// Synopsis: If there is any previous wordlist, it will cleanup the
// wordlist by considering all the documents as failed with
// FILTER_EXCEPTION. If the retry count has exceeded the
// maximum for a document, it will be considered as UNFILTERED
// and marked accordingly in the wordlist.
// This handling is necessary to deal with the case of a
// repeatedly failing filter daemon on a document and to limit
// the number of retries. Just refiling the documents will
// lead to infinite looping.
// History: 6-16-94 srikants Separated from FilterReady for making
// kernel mode call Asynchronous.
void CFilterManager::CleanupPartialWordList() { if ( !_pWordList.IsNull() ) { //
// We have to consider the filtering failed due to a problem in
// the filter daemon and mark ALL these documents as FAILED.
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "CFilterManager::CleanupPartialWordList. " "Partially complete wordlist committed.\n" ));
Win4Assert( 0 != _docList.Count() );
STATUS aStatus[CI_MAX_DOCS_IN_WORDLIST]; for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _docList.Count(); i++ ) { aStatus[i] = FILTER_EXCEPTION; }
FilterDone( aStatus, _docList.Count() );
Win4Assert( _pWordList.IsNull() ); Win4Assert( 0 == _docList.Count() ); } else { Win4Assert( 0 == _docList.Count() ); } }
// Function: FilterReady
// Synopsis: User mode (down level) filter ready handler. The main
// difference from the kernel mode one is that the caller
// is made to WAIT for an event in this call where as in the
// kernel mode call, it will be returned STATUS_PENDING if there
// are no documents.
// Arguments: [docBuffer] -- <see above>
// [cb] --
// [cMaxDocs] --
// History: 6-16-94 srikants For user-mode synchronous call.
SCODE CFilterManager::FilterReady ( BYTE * docBuffer, ULONG & cb, ULONG cMaxDocs ) { CleanupPartialWordList(); SCODE scode = S_OK;
ULONG cbMax = cb;
TRY { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "# CFilterManager::FilterReady.\n" )); Win4Assert( _docList.Count() == 0 );
ULONG cDocs = 0; CGetFilterDocsState stateInfo;
// loop until there are enough resources to filter and there are documents
// to filter.
do { //
// Have at least reasonable confidence that there is
// enough free memory to build the wordlist. The minimum
// free space and sleep time are parameterized by size
// and sleep respectively.
BOOL fRetry = FALSE;
Win4Assert( _pWordList.IsNull() ); Win4Assert( _docList.Count() == 0 );
cb = 0;
BOOL fGoodTimeToFilter = FALSE;
// =================================================
{ CPriLock lock(_resman.GetMutex()); fGoodTimeToFilter = LokIsGoodTimeToFilter(); } // ==================================================
if ( fGoodTimeToFilter ) fGoodTimeToFilter = IsGoodTimeToFilter(); // Don't call this under lock.
if ( !fGoodTimeToFilter ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Not a good time to filter.\n" )); }
// If the disk is getting full, don't give any more documents to
// be filtered.
if ( fGoodTimeToFilter ) fRetry = _resman.GetFilterDocs ( cMaxDocs, cDocs, stateInfo );
if ( 0 == cDocs ) { if (!_filterAgent.PutToSleep()) return CI_E_SHUTDOWN;
if ( fRetry ) continue;
// otherwise wait
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "\t|Waiting For Event\n" )); _filterAgent.Wait( fGoodTimeToFilter ? INFINITE : _resman.GetRegParams().GetLowResourceSleep() * 1000 ); stateInfo.Reset(); ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "\t|Wakeup!\n" ));
_fWaitOnNoDocs = FALSE; } else { cb = cbMax; _resman.FillDocBuffer( docBuffer, cb, cDocs, stateInfo ); if ( cb > cbMax ) { // we need more space
Win4Assert ( 0 == cDocs ); break; } } } while ( cDocs == 0 );
// There are documents to filter
if ( cb <= cbMax ) { Win4Assert( _docList.Count() != 0 );
NewWordList(); } } CATCH( CException, e ) { scode = e.GetErrorCode();
if ( 0 != _docList.Count() ) { //
// We need to add these documents back to the change log
// so that they will get filtered later.
Win4Assert( _pWordList.IsNull() );
// Lock will be obtained by NoFailReFile before mucking with
// the doclist.
if (!_resman.NoFailReFile ( _resman.GetDocList() )) scode = STATUS_CANCELLED; } } END_CATCH
_fWaitOnNoDocs = FALSE; return scode; }
// Member: CFilterManager::LokIsGoodTimeToFilter
// Synopsis: Checks to see if this is a good time to filter.
// Returns: TRUE if okay to filter now.
// FALSE o/w
// History: 4-12-96 srikants Made a version for user space.
BOOL CFilterManager::LokIsGoodTimeToFilter() { //
// If a content scan is required, setup the returned
// status.
if ( _resman.IsEmpty() ) { //
// The content index is being emptied. Don't give any
// more documents to daemon.
return FALSE; } else if ( _resman.IsLowOnDiskSpace() ) { //
// Check if the disk status has improved and ask the
// merge thread to do any book-keeping work.
if ( !_resman.LokCheckLowOnDiskSpace() ) _resman.LokWakeupMergeThread();
return FALSE; } else if ( _resman.LokCheckWordlistQuotas() ) { //
// We're already at our limit, so it's not a good idea to create more.
return FALSE; } else if ( _resman.LokIsScanNeeded() ) { //
// A scan is needed if we either lost an update or we are corrupt.
_resman.LokWakeupMergeThread(); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Member: CFilterManager::IsGoodTimeToFilter
// Synopsis: Checks to see if this is a good time to filter.
// Returns: TRUE if okay to filter now.
// FALSE o/w
// History: 12-Apr-96 srikants Made a version for user space.
// 10-Dec-97 KyleP Make NoLok version
BOOL CFilterManager::IsGoodTimeToFilter() { //
// Don't do any work until the system has booted
if ( GetTickCount() < _resman.GetRegParams().GetStartupDelay() ) return FALSE;
NTSTATUS Status = NtQuerySystemTime( &CurrentTime );
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { // Check user activity at 5 s. intervals
if ( CurrentTime.QuadPart - _LastResourceCheck > 5 * 10000000i64 ) { if ( _resman.IsUserActive(FALSE) ) { //
// If someone is typing on the keyboard, don't get in the way.
_LastResourceStatus = FALSE; _resman.ReportFilteringState( CIF_STATE_USER_ACTIVE ); return _LastResourceStatus; } }
ULONG ulDelay = _LastResourceStatus ? _resman.GetRegParams().GetWordlistResourceCheckInterval() : _resman.GetRegParams().GetLowResourceSleep();
if ( CurrentTime.QuadPart - _LastResourceCheck > ulDelay * 10000000i64 ) { _LastResourceCheck = CurrentTime.QuadPart;
DWORD dwFilterState;
if ( _resman.IsMemoryLow() ) { //
// If we're low on memory, don't eat up more with word lists
_LastResourceStatus = FALSE; dwFilterState = CIF_STATE_LOW_MEMORY; } else if ( _resman.IsBatteryLow() ) { _LastResourceStatus = FALSE; dwFilterState = CIF_STATE_BATTERY_POWER; } else if ( _resman.IsIoHigh() ) { //
// If someone else is doing a lot of I/O, then we shouldn't add
// to the problem.
_LastResourceStatus = FALSE; dwFilterState = CIF_STATE_HIGH_IO; } else if ( _resman.IsUserActive(TRUE) ) { //
// If someone is typing on the keyboard, don't get in the way.
// This check is done after the Hi I/O check because the user
// activity is sampled over 5 seconds there.
_LastResourceStatus = FALSE; dwFilterState = CIF_STATE_USER_ACTIVE; } else { _LastResourceStatus = TRUE; dwFilterState = 0; }
_resman.ReportFilteringState( dwFilterState ); } }
return _LastResourceStatus; }
#pragma warning( disable : 4756 ) // overflow in constant arithmetic
// Member: CFilterManager::FilterDataReady, public
// Synopsis: Adds the contents of entryBuf to the current Word List.
// Returns: Whether the word list is full.
// Arguments: [pEntryBuf] -- pointer to data to be added to Word List
// [cb] -- count of bytes in buffer
// History: 22-Mar-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE CFilterManager::FilterDataReady( const BYTE * pEntryBuf, ULONG cb ) { if ( _pWordList.IsNull() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "CFilterManager::FilterDataReady. No wordlist active.\n" )); return FDAEMON_E_NOWORDLIST; }
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "# CFilterManager::FilterDataReady.\n" )); SCODE sc = S_OK;
TRY { _resman.SampleUserActivity();
while (!_pWordList->MakeChunk( pEntryBuf, cb )) continue;
if ( _pWordList->Size() >= _resman.GetRegParams().GetMaxWordlistSize() ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "CFilterManager::FilterDataReady -- Wordlist full\n" )); sc = FDAEMON_W_WORDLISTFULL; }
if ( _resman.IsMemoryLow() ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "CFilterManager::FilterDataReady -- Running low on memory\n" )); sc = FDAEMON_W_WORDLISTFULL;
// Try forcing a merge to free things up.
_resman.ForceMerge( partidInvalid, CI_ANY_MERGE ); } } CATCH( CException, e ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Exception 0x%x caught during filtering. " "Rescheduling/aborting documents for filtering.\n", e.GetErrorCode() )); if ( e.GetErrorCode() == STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ) sc = FDAEMON_E_LOWRESOURCE; else sc = FDAEMON_E_FATALERROR;
#if CIDBG == 1
for ( unsigned cWid = 0; cWid < _docList.Count(); cWid++ ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Reschedule/aborting filtering of wid %d\n", _docList.Wid(cWid) )); } #endif // CIDBG == 1
// No refiling in push filtering, hence abort wids. Refile docList
// in pull filtering.
if ( _fPushFiltering ) _resman.NoFailAbortWidsInDocList(); else _resman.NoFailReFile( _resman.GetDocList() );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CFilterManager::FilterDataReady " "deleting wordlist and clearing doclist\n" )); } END_CATCH
if ( sc == FDAEMON_E_LOWRESOURCE ) _resman.NoFailFreeResources();
#if CIDBG==1
{ CPriLock lock(_resman.GetMutex()); Win4Assert( 0 == _docList.Count() && _pWordList.IsNull() || 0 != _docList.Count() && !_pWordList.IsNull() ); } #endif // CIDBG == 1
return sc; }
// Member: CFilterManager::FilterDone, public
// Synopsis: Commits the current wordlist.
// Arguments: [aStatus] -- array of STATUS for current document list
// [count] -- count for array
// History: 22-Mar-93 AmyA Created from MakeWordList
SCODE CFilterManager::FilterDone( const STATUS * aStatus, ULONG count ) { if ( _pWordList.IsNull() ) { Win4Assert( 0 == _docList.Count() );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "CFilterManager::FilterDone. No wordlist active.\n" ));
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "# CFilterManager::FilterDone.\n" )); _resman.SampleUserActivity();
// add statuses to _docList
unsigned cDocuments = _docList.Count(); Win4Assert( cDocuments <= count );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cDocuments; i++ ) { //
// Note - we are modifying the status on the _docList in resman
// without obtaining the resman lock. This is okay as we need a lock
// only to protect the count in doclist.
// Note: retries are 1-based, so the first filter attempt is 1.
if ( _docList.Retries(i) > _resman.GetRegParams().GetFilterRetries() ) { _resman.GetDocList().SetStatus( i, TOO_MANY_RETRIES ); } else if ( CI_SHARING_VIOLATION == aStatus[i] && _docList.SecQRetries(i) >= _resman.GetRegParams().GetSecQFilterRetries() ) { // Documents are put in sec Q only in case of sharing violation.
// Hence the above check.
ciDebugOut(( DEB_IWARN, "TOO_MANY_SECQ_RETRIES Doc Wid = %ld, SecQRetries = %d\n", _docList.Wid(i), _docList.SecQRetries(i) )); _resman.GetDocList().SetStatus( i, TOO_MANY_SECQ_RETRIES ); } else if ( _docList.Status(i) != DELETED) { if ( _pWordList->IsEmpty() && ( WL_IGNORE != aStatus[i] && WL_NULL != aStatus[i] ) && CI_SHARING_VIOLATION != aStatus[i] ) {
if ( CI_NOT_REACHABLE == aStatus[i] ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_WARN, "Wid %ld is UNREACHABLE\n", _docList.Wid(i) ));
_resman.GetDocList().SetStatus( i, TOO_MANY_RETRIES ); _resman.MarkUnReachable( _docList.Wid(i) ); } else { //
// If the wordlist is emtpy, it means the filter did not
// give us any data but still called FilterDone. We should
// treat all the documents as "exceptions".
ciDebugOut (( DEB_IWARN, "setting %d'th document" " with wid %ld, status %d to exception status\n", i, _docList.Wid(i), aStatus[i] ));
// Okay not to obtain the lock - only modifying the status.
_resman.GetDocList().SetStatus( i, FILTER_EXCEPTION ); }
} else { _resman.GetDocList().SetStatus( i, aStatus[i] ); } } }
PARTITIONID partid = _docList.PartId(); INDEXID iid = _pWordList->GetId();
SCODE sc = 0; BOOL fRetryFailures = FALSE; BOOL fDone = TRUE; // This is so FilterMore doesn't
// get messed up. Eventually, FilterDone
// should be split into FilterDone and
// CommitWordList.
{ //=============================================
CPriLock lock ( _resman.GetMutex() ); // Resman is under lock till the end of block
if ( _resman.IsEmpty() ) // Content index empty
{ _resman.GetDocList().LokClear(); return STATUS_CANCELLED; }
// Special cases:
// 1. partition has been deleted
// - entries in changes and fresh have been removed
// - delete wordlist and return
// 2. wordlist is empty
// - delete wordlist
// - update changes
// 3. no available index id's
// - put docList back into changes
// - delete word list
// - force merge
// 4. no success statuses
// - delete word list
iid = _resman.LokMakeWordlistId (partid);
if (iid == iidInvalid) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_IWARN, "Invalid partition, Deleting wordlist\n" ));
_pWordList.Delete(); _resman.GetDocList().LokClear();
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "CFilterManager::FilterDone " "new wordlist id %lx\n", iid ));
Win4Assert( iid != iidInvalid );
_pWordList->SetId ( iid );
BOOL successes = FALSE; for ( unsigned iDoc = 0; iDoc < cDocuments; iDoc++ ) { switch ( _docList.Status(iDoc) ) { case TOO_MANY_RETRIES: case TOO_MANY_SECQ_RETRIES: if ( !fRetryFailures ) { //
// Save the state of the retry failures in the retry
// fail list before they are overwritten.
_retryFailList = _docList; fRetryFailures = TRUE; } // NOTE: fall through
case TOO_MANY_BLOCKS_TO_FILTER: successes = TRUE; _pWordList->MarkWidUnfiltered(iDoc); _resman.GetDocList().SetStatus( iDoc, SUCCESS ); break;
case SUCCESS: _resman.IncrementFilteredDocumentCount(); successes = TRUE; break;
// If push filtering, abort the wid. If pull filtering,
// add the wid to the sec queue so that filtering can be
// re-attempted later.
if ( _fPushFiltering ) _resman.NoFailAbortWid( _docList.Wid(iDoc), _docList.Usn(iDoc) ); else { _resman.GetDocList().LokIncrementSecQRetryCount(iDoc); _resman.LokAddToSecQueue( partid, _docList.Wid(iDoc), _docList.VolumeId( iDoc ), _docList.SecQRetries( iDoc ) ); }
_resman.GetDocList().SetStatus( iDoc, WL_NULL );
// WL_NULL is returned when the filter deliberately does
// not return any data. Like DELETED, but we need to also
// delete any existing data in the index.
case WL_NULL: _pWordList->DeleteWidData(iDoc); // NOTE: fall through
case DELETED: successes = TRUE; break;
case WL_IGNORE: _pWordList->DeleteWidData(iDoc); if ( iDoc == cDocuments - 1 ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, ">> Not all filtered\n" )); fDone = FALSE; } break;
case PENDING: Win4Assert( !"Ci Daemon Still returning Pending" ); //
// NOTE: Fall through is deliberate - should remove PENDING
// when we find out we don't need it.
case PREEMPTED: //
// NOTE: Fall through is deliberate.
default: ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE,"++++ %d'th document" " with fake wid %d and wid %ld failed: status %d\n", iDoc, iDocToFakeWid(iDoc), _docList.Wid(iDoc), _docList.Status(iDoc) ));
// something went wrong during filtering. Delete all data
// associated with this workid.
_resman.GetDocList().LokIncrementRetryCount(iDoc); _pWordList->DeleteWidData(iDoc);
Win4Assert( _docList.Retries(iDoc) <= (_resman.GetRegParams().GetFilterRetries()+1) );
// If push filtering abort the wid. If pull filtering add it back
// to the change log for re-filtering at a later time.
if ( _fPushFiltering ) _resman.NoFailAbortWid( _docList.Wid(iDoc), _docList.Usn(iDoc) ); else _resman.LokReFileDocument( partid, _docList.Wid(iDoc), _docList.Usn(iDoc), _docList.VolumeId(iDoc), _docList.Retries(iDoc), _docList.SecQRetries(iDoc) );
break; }
if ( !successes ) // only invalid data in word list
{ ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "CFilterManager::FilterDone " "deleting wordlist with invalid data\n" )); _pWordList.Delete();
sc = FDAEMON_W_EMPTYWORDLIST; } else if ( !_resman.LokTransferWordlist ( _pWordList ) ) { //
// If push filtering, abort all wids. If pull filtering,
// refile all wids.
if ( _fPushFiltering) _resman.NoFailAbortWidsInDocList(); else _resman.NoFailReFile( _resman.GetDocList() );
if ( fDone && (WL_IGNORE != aStatus[cDocuments-1]) ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "CFilterManager::FilterDone " "clearing doclist\n" )); _resman.GetDocList().LokClear(); }
_resman.LokUpdateCounters(); // Update # filtred documents
} //==========================================
// Notification of failed docs cannot be done under lock.
if ( fRetryFailures ) { for ( unsigned iDoc = 0; iDoc < cDocuments; iDoc++ ) { if ( ( _retryFailList.Status(iDoc) == TOO_MANY_RETRIES || _retryFailList.Status(iDoc) == TOO_MANY_SECQ_RETRIES ) && CI_NOT_REACHABLE != aStatus[iDoc] ) _resman.ReportFilterFailure (_retryFailList.Wid(iDoc)); } }
return sc; }
// Member: CFilterManager::StoreValue
// Synopsis: Store a property value.
// Arguments: [widFake] -- Fake wid of object.
// [prop] -- Property descriptor
// [var] -- Value
// [fCanStore] -- Returns TRUE if this is a storable property
// History: 21-Dec-95 KyleP Created
SCODE CFilterManager::FilterStoreValue( WORKID widFake, CFullPropSpec const & ps, CStorageVariant const & var, BOOL & fCanStore ) { fCanStore = TRUE;
Win4Assert( widFake > 0 );
if ( widFake <= 0 ) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
widFake = FakeWidToIndex( widFake );
if ( widFake >= _docList.Count() ) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
return _resman.StoreValue( _docList.Wid( widFake ), ps, var, fCanStore ); }
// Member: CFilterManager::StoreSecurity
// Synopsis: Store a file's security descriptor.
// Arguments: [widFake] -- Fake wid of object.
// [pSD] -- pointer to security descriptor
// [cbSD] -- size in bytes of pSD
// [fCanStore] -- Returns TRUE if storae succeeded
// Notes: Used only for downlevel index
// History: 21-Dec-95 KyleP Created
SCODE CFilterManager::FilterStoreSecurity( WORKID widFake, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD, ULONG cbSD, BOOL & fCanStore ) { fCanStore = FALSE;
Win4Assert( widFake > 0 );
if ( widFake <= 0 ) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
widFake = FakeWidToIndex( widFake );
if ( widFake >= _docList.Count() ) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
fCanStore = _resman.StoreSecurity( _docList.Wid( widFake ), pSD, cbSD );
return S_OK; }
// Member: CFilterManager::FPSToPROPID, public
// Synopsis: Converts FULLPROPSPEC property to PROPID
// Arguments: [fps] -- FULLPROPSPEC representation of property
// [pid] -- PROPID written here on success
// Returns: S_OK on success
// History: 29-Dec-1997 KyleP Created.
SCODE CFilterManager::FPSToPROPID( CFullPropSpec const & fps, PROPID & pid ) { return _resman.FPSToPROPID( fps, pid ); }
#pragma warning( default : 4756 ) // overflow in constant arithmetic
// Member: CFilterManager::FilterMore, public
// Synopsis: Commits the current wordlist and creates a new one.
// Arguments: [aStatus] -- array of STATUS for the current document list
// [count] -- count for array
// History: 03-May-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE CFilterManager::FilterMore( const STATUS * aStatus, ULONG count ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "# CFilterManager::FilterMore\n" )); if ( _pWordList.IsNull() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "FilterMore: No wordlist active.\n" )); return( FDAEMON_E_NOWORDLIST ); }
SCODE sc = FilterDone( aStatus, count ); // Commits Word List
if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) // No problems occured
{ // _docList may have been cleared for an error condition.
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "CFilterManager::FilterMore " "_docList.Count() = %d\n", _docList.Count() ));
TRY { ciFAILTEST(STATUS_NO_MEMORY); if ( _docList.Count() != 0 ) NewWordList(); // Creates New Word List
} CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = e.GetErrorCode();
Win4Assert( _pWordList.IsNull() );
// If push filtering, abort wids. In pull filtering add these documents
// back to the change log so that they will get filtered later.
if ( _fPushFiltering ) _resman.NoFailAbortWidsInDocList(); else { if (!_resman.NoFailReFile ( _resman.GetDocList() )) sc = STATUS_CANCELLED; } } END_CATCH }
#if CIDBG==1
{ CPriLock lock(_resman.GetMutex()); Win4Assert( 0 == _docList.Count() && _pWordList.IsNull() || 0 != _docList.Count() && !_pWordList.IsNull() ); } #endif // CIDBG == 1
return sc; }
// Member: CFilterManager::NewWordList, public
// Synopsis: Creates word list
// History: 08-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
// 24-Nov-92 KyleP Retry pending documents
// 22-Mar-93 AmyA Split into NewWordList and
// CommitWordList
void CFilterManager::NewWordList() { unsigned cDocuments = _docList.Count(); Win4Assert ( cDocuments != 0 ); PARTITIONID partid = _docList.PartId();
WORKID widMax = _docList.WidMax(); CIndexId iid ( iidInvalid, partid );
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "NewWordlist. Temporary iid %lx\n", iid ));
_pWordList.Initialize ( iid, widMax );
// initialize the wid translation table
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cDocuments; i++ ) _pWordList->AddWid( _docList.Wid(i), _docList.VolumeId(i) ); }