// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2001.
// File: PARTN.CXX
// Contents: Content Index Partition
// Classes: CPartition
// History: 22-Mar-91 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: Unique index ID is created from byte sized per partition
// index ID and Partition ID shifted left by 8.
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <rwex.hxx>
#include <cifailte.hxx>
#include "partn.hxx"
#include "pindex.hxx"
#include "indxact.hxx"
#include "mmerglog.hxx"
#include "mindex.hxx"
#include "resman.hxx"
// Member: CPartition::CPartition, public
// Synopsis: Constructor for partition
// Arguments:
// [wid] -- wid used for the change log
// [partId] -- partition id
// [storage] -- used to create files
// [frmwrkParams] -- registry params to use
// History: 3-Apr-91 BartoszM Created.
CPartition::CPartition ( WORKID wid, PARTITIONID partID, PStorage& storage, CCiFrameworkParams & frmwrkParams ) : _sigPartition(eSigPartition), _frmwrkParams( frmwrkParams ), _id ( partID ), _queryCount(0), _changes( wid, storage, frmwrkParams ), _widMasterLog(widInvalid), _widNewMaster(widInvalid), _widCurrentMaster(widInvalid), _widChangeLog(wid), _iidNewMasterIndex(CIndexId( iidInvalid, partidInvalid ) ), _pRWStore(0), _pOldMasterIndex(0), _pMMergeIndSnap(0), _storage(storage), _fCleaningUp(FALSE) { // Fill the set of available index id's
_setPersIid.Fill(); _setPersIid.Remove( iidInvalid );
_wlid = MAX_PERS_ID + 1; }
// Member: CPartition::~CPartition, public
// Synopsis: Destructor for partition
// History: 4-Apr-91 BartoszM Created.
CPartition::~CPartition () { delete _pRWStore; delete _pMMergeIndSnap;
CIndex* pIndex;
// If a MasterMerge is in progress, the master index has an indexsnap
// shot with references to participating indexes. That must be deleted
// first.
pIndex = GetCurrentMasterIndex(); if ( 0 != pIndex ) { _idxlst.Remove( pIndex->GetId() ); delete pIndex; }
while ( (pIndex = _idxlst.RemoveTop()) != 0 ) { delete pIndex; } }
// Member: CPartition::LokEmpty, public
// Synopsis: Initialize a empty partition
// History: 14-Nov-94 DwightKr Created.
void CPartition::LokEmpty() { _widMasterLog = widInvalid; _widNewMaster = widInvalid; _widCurrentMaster = widInvalid; _iidNewMasterIndex = CIndexId( iidInvalid, partidInvalid );
delete _pRWStore; _pRWStore = NULL;
_pOldMasterIndex = NULL;
delete _pMMergeIndSnap; _pMMergeIndSnap = NULL;
_changes.LokEmpty(); }
#define _CompUL(x,y) ((*(x)) > (*(y)) ? 1 : (*(x)) == (*(y)) ? 0 : -1)
#define _SwapUL(x,y) { ULONG _t = *(x); *(x) = *(y); *(y) = _t; }
inline static void _AddRootUL(ULONG x,ULONG n,ULONG *p) { ULONG _x = x; ULONG _j = (2 * (_x + 1)) - 1;
while (_j < n) { if (((_j + 1) < n) && (_CompUL(p + _j,p + _j + 1) < 0)) _j++; if (_CompUL(p + _x,p + _j) < 0) { _SwapUL(p + _x,p + _j); _x = _j; _j = (2 * (_j + 1)) - 1; } else break; } } //_AddRootUL
void SortULongArray(ULONG *pulItems,ULONG cItems) { if (cItems == 0) return;
long z;
for (z = (((long) cItems + 1) / 2) - 1; z >= 0; z--) { _AddRootUL(z,cItems,pulItems); }
for (z = cItems - 1; z != 0; z--) { _SwapUL(pulItems,pulItems + z); _AddRootUL(0,(ULONG) z,pulItems); } } //_SortULongArray
// Member: CPartition::LokQueryMergeIndexes, public
// Arguments: [count] -- returns count of indexes in the array
// [mt] -- type of merge
// Returns: Array of indexes to be merged
// History: 4-Apr-91 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
CIndex** CPartition::LokQueryMergeIndexes ( unsigned& count, MergeType mt ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Query %s (%d)\n", (mt == mtWordlist) ? "wordlists" : "merge indexes", _idxlst.Count() ));
int cInd = _idxlst.Count(); ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, " Merge indexes: " ));
CIndex** indexes = new CIndex* [ cInd ]; SByteArray sapIndex( indexes );
unsigned cIndSoFar = 0;
CForIndexIter iter(_idxlst);
if ( mtMaster == mt ) { //
// Don't include wordlists in a master merge. Must use only
// persistent indexes.
for ( ; !_idxlst.AtEnd(iter); _idxlst.Advance(iter) ) { CIndexId iid = iter->GetId(); if ( iid.IsPersistent() && !iter->IsZombie() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "%lx, ", iter->GetId() ));
iter->Reference(); indexes[cIndSoFar++] = iter.GetIndex(); } } } else { Win4Assert( mtShadow == mt || mtWordlist == mt || mtAnnealing == mt || mtIncrBackup || mtDeletes == mt );
// Get the sizes of all persistent indexes that might be in the merge
ULONG aSizes[ MAX_PERS_ID ]; ULONG cPersistent = 0;
{ CForIndexIter iterSize( _idxlst ); for ( ; !_idxlst.AtEnd( iterSize ); _idxlst.Advance( iterSize ) ) { if ( !iterSize->IsMaster() && !iterSize->InMasterMerge() ) { CIndexId iid = iterSize->GetId();
if ( iid.IsPersistent() ) { ULONG cp = iterSize->Size(); //DbgPrint( " pers index %d is size %#x pages\n", cPersistent, cp );
aSizes[ cPersistent++ ] = cp; } } } }
// Find the size of the index with 1/3 smaller and 2/3 larger indexes
ULONG aMedian[ MAX_PERS_ID ]; RtlCopyMemory( &aMedian, &aSizes, cPersistent * sizeof ULONG ); SortULongArray( (ULONG *) &aMedian, cPersistent ); ULONG cpAtOneThird = aMedian[ cPersistent / 3 ];
// Wordlists come first in the iteration. Add them all to the merge.
for ( ; !_idxlst.AtEnd(iter); _idxlst.Advance(iter) ) { CIndexId iid = iter->GetId();
if ( iid.IsPersistent() ) break;
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "%lx, ", iter->GetId() )); Win4Assert ( !iter->IsZombie() ); iter->Reference(); indexes[cIndSoFar++] = iter.GetIndex(); }
// If we are doing a shadow merge, we must not have more than the maximum
// allowed count of indexes - so merge as to have at most that number.
if ( mtShadow == mt || mtAnnealing == mt || mtIncrBackup == mt || mtDeletes == mt ) { unsigned cMaxRemaining;
// Count is decremented by 1 to account for the new index that will
// be created.
BOOL fAnyPersistent = TRUE;
if ( mtDeletes == mt ) { cMaxRemaining = _frmwrkParams.GetMaxIndexes() - 1; } else if ( mtShadow == mt ) { cMaxRemaining = 0;
// Don't use any persistent indexes in the merge if
// there are free slots available.
if ( cPersistent < _frmwrkParams.GetMaxIndexes() ) fAnyPersistent = FALSE; } else if ( mtAnnealing == mt ) { cMaxRemaining = _frmwrkParams.GetMaxIdealIndexes() - 1; } else { cMaxRemaining = 0; }
ULONG cSoFar = 0;
if ( fAnyPersistent ) { while ( !_idxlst.AtEnd(iter) && (cInd - cIndSoFar > cMaxRemaining) ) { CIndexId iid = iter->GetId(); ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "pers: %lx, ", iter->GetId() )); Win4Assert ( !iter->IsZombie() ); if ( !iter->IsMaster() && !iter->InMasterMerge() ) { //
// We should skip over the master index and indexes
// participating in a master merge for a shadow merge.
// Also skip indexes > 4 times the size of the 1/3 median.
if ( ( mtShadow != mt ) || ( aSizes[cSoFar] < ( 4 * cpAtOneThird) ) ) { iter->Reference(); indexes[cIndSoFar++] = iter.GetIndex(); } cSoFar++; } else { #if DBG==1
if ( iter->InMasterMerge() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "ShadowMergeSet:Skipping over 0x%X - Already in MMergeSet\n", iter->GetId() )); } #endif // DBG==1
} _idxlst.Advance(iter); } } } }
count = cIndSoFar; ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "\n" ));
sapIndex.Acquire(); return indexes; } //LokQueryMergeIndexes
// Member: CPartition::LokQueryIndexesForBackup
// Synopsis: Snaps persistent indexes for backup. For a full backup, all
// persistent indexes are returned. For an incremental backup,
// only the shadow indexes are returned.
// Arguments: [count] - on output, count of indexes
// [fFull] - Flag indicating if it is a full backup.
// Returns: Array of pointers to refcounted indexes.
// History: 3-18-97 srikants Created
CIndex** CPartition::LokQueryIndexesForBackup ( unsigned& count, BOOL fFull ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "LokQueryIndexesForBackup (%s)\n", fFull ? "Full" : "Incremental" ));
int cInd = _idxlst.Count(); ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, " Backup indexes: " ));
CIndex** indexes = new CIndex* [ cInd ]; SByteArray sapIndex( indexes );
unsigned cIndSoFar = 0;
CForIndexIter iter(_idxlst);
// Don't include wordlists . Must use only persistent indexes.
for ( ; !_idxlst.AtEnd(iter); _idxlst.Advance(iter) ) { CIndexId iid = iter->GetId(); if ( iid.IsPersistent() && !iter->IsZombie() ) { if ( !fFull && iter.GetIndex()->IsMaster() ) { //
// For an incremental backup, skip the master index.
continue; }
// We should never have an in-progress merge while doing the
// save.
Win4Assert( ! iter.GetIndex()->IsMasterMergeIndex() ); ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "%lx, ", iter->GetId() ));
iter->Reference(); indexes[cIndSoFar++] = iter.GetIndex(); } }
count = cIndSoFar; ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "\n" ));
sapIndex.Acquire(); return indexes; }
// Member: CPartition::LokCheckMerge, public
// Synopsis: Checks if there is need to merge
// Arguments: [mt] -- type of merge
// History: 4-Apr-91 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
BOOL CPartition::LokCheckMerge( MergeType mt ) { if ( mt == mtShadow ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Partition: check shadow merge\n" ));
if ( _idxlst.CountWlist() >= _frmwrkParams.GetMaxWordlists() ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "Shadow merge, reason: wordlists %d >= %d \n", _idxlst.CountWlist(), _frmwrkParams.GetMaxWordlists() )); return TRUE; }
if ( LokCheckWordlistMerge() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "Shadow merge, reason: wordlist size > %d\n", _frmwrkParams.GetMinSizeMergeWordlist() )); return TRUE; } } else if ( mt == mtAnnealing ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Partition: check annealing merge\n" ));
if ( _idxlst.Count() > _frmwrkParams.GetMaxIdealIndexes() || _idxlst.CountWlist() > 0 ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "Annealing merge, reason: too many indices %d >= %d, %d wordlists \n", _idxlst.Count(), _frmwrkParams.GetMaxIdealIndexes(), _idxlst.CountWlist() )); return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// Member: CPartition::LokCheckWordlistMerge, public
// Synopsis: Checks if there is need to merge due to excessive wordlist
// memory consumption.
// History: 12-Jan-1999 KyleP Created.
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
BOOL CPartition::LokCheckWordlistMerge() { unsigned size = 0;
for ( CForIndexIter iter (_idxlst); !_idxlst.AtEnd(iter); _idxlst.Advance(iter) ) { CIndexId iid = iter->GetId();
if ( iid.IsPersistent() ) break;
Win4Assert( !iter->IsZombie() );
size += iter.GetIndex()->Size(); }
return ( size > _frmwrkParams.GetMinSizeMergeWordlist() ); }
// Member: CPartition::LokGetIndexes, public
// Synopsis: Returns an array of index pointers
// Arguments: [cInd] -- count of returned indexes
// History: 07-Oct-91 BartoszM Created
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
unsigned CPartition::LokGetIndexes ( CIndex** apIndex ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "CPartition::GetIndexes\n" )); if ( _idxlst.Count() == 0 ) return 0;
unsigned cInd = 0; for (CForIndexIter iter (_idxlst); !_idxlst.AtEnd(iter); _idxlst.Advance(iter)) { Win4Assert ( !iter->IsZombie() ); iter->Reference(); apIndex[cInd] = iter.GetIndex(); cInd++ ; } return cInd; }
// Member: CPartition::LokMakeWlstId, public
// Synopsis: Return unique volatile index id
// History: 12-Apr-91 BartoszM Created.
INDEXID CPartition::LokMakeWlstId () { Win4Assert ( _wlid > MAX_PERS_ID ); ULONG hint = _wlid; CIndexId iid;
for(;;) { iid = CIndexId ( hint, _id ); for ( CForIndexIter iter = _idxlst; !_idxlst.AtEnd(iter); _idxlst.Advance(iter) ) { if ( iter->GetId() == iid ) break; }
// wrap around
if ( hint >= MAX_VOL_ID ) hint = MAX_PERS_ID + 1;
Win4Assert ( hint != _wlid );
if (_idxlst.AtEnd(iter) ) break; } _wlid = hint; return iid; }
// Member: CPartition::LokMakePersId, public
// Synopsis: Return unique persistent index id
// History: 12-Apr-91 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
INDEXID CPartition::LokMakePersId () { int piid = _setPersIid.FirstElement(); if ( piid == EOS ) { Win4Assert ( piid != EOS ); return iidInvalid; }
_setPersIid.Remove ( piid );
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "New pers index id %x\n", piid ));
CIndexId iid ( piid, _id );
#if CIDBG==1
// There musn't be an index already with the same iid.
Win4Assert( 0 == LokGetIndex(iid) && "Adding Duplicate Index" ); #endif // CIDBG==1
return iid; }
void CPartition::RegisterId ( CIndexId iid ) {
int persid = iid.PersId(); _setPersIid.Remove ( persid ); }
// Member: CPartition::FreeIndexId, public
// Synopsis: Recycle index id
// History: 08-Oct-91 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
void CPartition::FreeIndexId ( CIndexId iid ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Free index id %lx\n", iid )); if ( iid.IsPersistent() ) { int persid = iid.PersId(); _setPersIid.Add ( persid ); } }
#if CIDBG==1
CIndex * CPartition::LokGetIndex( CIndexId iid) { CForIndexIter iter(_idxlst);
for ( ; !_idxlst.AtEnd(iter); _idxlst.Advance(iter) ) { CIndexId iidCurr = iter->GetId(); if ( iidCurr == iid ) { return iter.GetIndex(); } }
return 0; }
#endif // CIDBG==1
// Member: CPartition::AddIndex, public
// Synopsis: Add a newly created index (wordlist)
// Arguments: [pIndex] -- index to be added
// History: 26-Apr-91 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
void CPartition::AddIndex ( CIndex* pIndex ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Partition: Adding index %lx\n", pIndex->GetId() ));
#if CIDBG==1
// This index must not already exist in the list.
CIndexId iid = pIndex->GetId(); Win4Assert( 0 == LokGetIndex( iid ) && "Adding Duplicate Index" ); #endif // CIDBG==1
_idxlst.Add ( pIndex );
// Member: CPartition::Swap, public
// Synopsis: Replace old indexes with a new one (after merge)
// Old indexes are removed from the list
// and marked 'deleted' for later deletion
// Arguments: [xact] -- transaction
// [pIndexNew] -- index to be added
// [cInd] -- count of indexes to be removed
// [aiidOld] -- indexes to be removed
// History: 26-Apr-91 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
void CPartition::Swap ( CMergeTrans& xact, CIndex * pIndexNew, unsigned cInd, INDEXID aIidOld[] ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Partition: Swap in %lx for \n", pIndexNew->GetId() ));
// Indexes will be deleted when transaction commits
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cInd; i++ ) { _idxlst.Remove ( aIidOld[i] ); xact.LogSwap (); }
// The master index was added to the index list at the BEGINNING of the
// master merge. Hence we don't need to add it here.
if ( !pIndexNew->IsMaster() ) {
#if CIDBG==1
// This index must not already exist in the list.
CIndexId iid = pIndexNew->GetId(); Win4Assert( 0 == LokGetIndex( iid ) && "Adding Duplicate Index" ); #endif // CIDBG==1
_idxlst.Add ( pIndexNew ); }
_changes.LokRemoveIndexes ( xact, cInd, aIidOld ); }
// Function: LokQueryMMergeIndexes
// Synopsis: Gets the list on indexes participating in the master merge
// based on the list of indexes stored in the master merge log.
// Arguments: [count] -- Will have the number of participating
// indexes.
// [objMMLog] -- The Recoverable Storage Object for the master
// merge log.
// History: 4-01-94 srikants Created
// Notes: The indexes are NOT reference counted here because they
// are expected to have been reference counted during startup.
CIndex ** CPartition::LokQueryMMergeIndexes( unsigned & count, PRcovStorageObj & objMMLog ) {
// Iterator for the master log.
CMMergeIdxListIter iterMMLog( objMMLog ); count = iterMMLog.Count(); Win4Assert( 0 != count );
CIndex** indexes = new CIndex* [ count ]; SByteArray sapIndex(indexes);
ULONG cIndSoFar = 0;
for ( CForIndexIter iter(_idxlst) ; !_idxlst.AtEnd(iter); _idxlst.Advance(iter) ) { CIndexId iid = iter->GetId(); if ( iid.IsPersistent() && iterMMLog.Found( iid) ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "%lx, ", iter->GetId() )); Win4Assert ( !iter->IsZombie() ); indexes[cIndSoFar++] = iter.GetIndex(); iter->Reference(); iter->SetInMasterMerge(); }
Win4Assert( cIndSoFar == count ); sapIndex.Acquire();
return(indexes); }
void CPartition::SerializeMMergeIndexes( unsigned count, const CIndex * aIndexes[], PRcovStorageObj & objMMLog ) {
CNewMMergeLog mmLog ( objMMLog );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { const CIndex * pIndex = aIndexes[i]; Win4Assert( pIndex->IsPersistent() );
CIndexId iid(pIndex->GetId()); mmLog.AddPersistentIndex( iid ); }
// Member: CPartition::GetCurrentMasterIndex, public
// Synopsis: Returns the current master index for this partition.
// History: 13-Apr-94 DwightKr Created.
CPersIndex * CPartition::GetCurrentMasterIndex() { for (CForIndexIter iter(_idxlst); !_idxlst.AtEnd(iter); _idxlst.Advance(iter) ) { if ( iter->IsMaster() ) { Win4Assert( iter->IsPersistent() ); return (CPersIndex*) iter.GetIndex(); } }
return 0; }
// Member: CPartition::LokZombify, public
// Synopsis: Zombify all indexes, and delete the MMlog, if any. Ownership
// of the indexes is transferred to the caller.
// History: 13-Apr-94 DwightKr Created.
CIndex ** CPartition::LokZombify(unsigned & cInd ) { //
// Get list of current indexes
CIndex ** paIndex = new CIndex *[ _idxlst.Count() ]; cInd = LokGetIndexes( paIndex );
// Zombify each index, and remove it from the in-memory index list
for (unsigned i=0; i<cInd; i++) { paIndex[i]->Zombify(); _idxlst.Remove( paIndex[i]->GetId() ); }
return paIndex; }