// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// File: PComp.hxx
// Contents: Persistent index compressor, and decompressor
// Classes: CCoder, CKeyComp, CPersComp
// History: 03-Jul-91 KyleP Created
// 05-Nov-91 BartoszM Restructured to use CCoder
// 05-Dec-93 w-PatG Restructured to use CKeyComp
// Notes: The CKeyComp class is under development, testing phase.
// Several revisions must be made to increase the amount of
// inheritence, and improve the coding algorithm used by CKeyComp.
#pragma once
#include <keycur.hxx>
#include <misc.hxx>
#include <pdir.hxx>
#include "bitstm.hxx"
#define LINK_MAX_BITS (CI_PAGE_SHIFT + 8) // The max. value of "link" of the persistent index
#define LINK_MAX_VALUE ( 1 << LINK_MAX_BITS ) //
const unsigned OccDeltaBits = 7; // Bits to initially store an
// occurrence delta.
class CPageBuffer;
// Class: CCoder
// Purpose: Common class for encoding/decoding of compressed data
// Interface:
// History: 05-Nov-91 BartoszM Created
class CCoder { public:
CCoder(WORKID widMax);
CCoder(WORKID widMax, const CKeyBuf& keyInit);
CCoder(CCoder& orig);
virtual ~CCoder();
#if DEVL == 1
void Dump(); #endif
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf); #endif
UINT AverageWidBits ( UINT cWid );
void SetAverageBits ( UINT cWid ) { _cbitAverageWid = AverageWidBits ( cWid ); }
const WORKID _widMaximum; // Maximum workid in current index
CKeyBuf _key;
WORKID _wid;
UINT _cbitAverageWid; // Log of the average WorkId delta.
__forceinline UINT CCoder::AverageWidBits ( UINT cWid ) { ciAssert ( cWid != 0 ); ciAssert ( _widMaximum / cWid != 0 ); UINT x = Log2(_widMaximum / cWid); ciAssert ( x <= ULONG_BITS ); ciAssert ( x > 0 ); return x; }
// Class: CKeyComp (kcomp)
// Purpose: Key compressor
// Interface: (Under development)
// History: 12-Nov-93 w-PatG Created.
// Notes: Derived class that lies between base class CCoder and further
// derived class CPersCoder.
const LONGLONG eSigKeyComp = 0x20504d4f4359454bi64; // "KEYCOMP"
class CKeyComp: public CCoder { public:
CKeyComp(CPhysIndex& phIndex, WORKID widMax, BOOL fUseLinks = TRUE); CKeyComp(CPhysIndex& phIndex, WORKID widMax, const BitOffset & bitOffRestart, const BitOffset & bitOffSplitKey, const CKeyBuf & splitKey, BOOL fUseLinks = TRUE);
void PutKey(const CKeyBuf * pkey, BitOffset & bitOffCurKey);
__forceinline void GetOffset( BitOffset & bitOff ) { _bitStream.GetOffset( bitOff ); }
__forceinline BOOL IsAtSentinel() { return _key.IsMaxKey(); }
#if DEVL == 1
void Dump(); #endif
void ZeroToEndOfPage() { _bitStream.ZeroToEndOfPage(); }
void InitSignature() { _bitStream.InitSignature(); }
void WriteFirstKeyFull() { _fWriteFirstKeyFull = TRUE; }
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf); #endif
void FreeStream() { _bitStream.FreeStream(); _bitStreamLink.FreeStream(); }
void BitCompress(ULONG ul, unsigned cbitAverage);
void IBitCompress(ULONG ul, unsigned cbitAverage, unsigned bitSize);
void PutPSSize ( unsigned cPrefix, unsigned cSuffix );
void PutPid ( PROPID pid );
const LONGLONG _sigKeyComp; //
CPhysIndex & _phIndex; // The Physical Index for the bitstream
CWBitStream _bitStream; // must be created first
BOOL _fUseLinks; CPBitStream _bitStreamLink;
BitOffset _bitOffCurKey; // These two bitOffsets are used to rewind
BitOffset _bitOffLastKey; // the compressor to the previous key.
BOOL _fWriteFirstKeyFull; // Write first key on each page fully
// Class: CKeyDeComp (kdcomp)
// Purpose: Persistent key de-compressor
// Interface:
// History: 09-Jul-91 KyleP Created.
// 22-Nov-93 w-PatG Converted from CPersDeComp
// Notes: One of the key requirements for using de-compressors is
// that if an operation fails because the end of page was
// reached, that *same* operation must be the first one
// performed on the following compressor.
const LONGLONG eSigKeyDeComp = 0x504d4f434459454bi64; // "KEYDCOMP"
class CKeyDeComp: public CCoder, public CKeyCursor { public:
CKeyDeComp( PDirectory& pDir, INDEXID iid, CPhysIndex& phIndex, WORKID widMax, BOOL fUseLinks = TRUE, BOOL fUseDir = TRUE );
CKeyDeComp( PDirectory& pDir, INDEXID iid, CPhysIndex& phIndex, BitOffset& posKey, const CKeyBuf& keyInit, const CKey* pKey, WORKID widMax, BOOL fUseLinks = TRUE, BOOL fUseDir = TRUE );
CKeyDeComp( CKeyDeComp & decomp );
const CKeyBuf * GetKey();
const CKeyBuf * GetNextKey();
virtual const CKeyBuf * GetNextKey( BitOffset * pBitOff );
virtual const CKeyBuf * GetKey( BitOffset * pBitOff );
void GetOffset( BitOffset & bitOff );
void FreeStream() { _bitStream.FreeStream(); }
void RefillStream() { _bitStream.RefillStream(); }
// Unused. Required for inheritance.
OCCURRENCE Occurrence();
OCCURRENCE NextOccurrence();
ULONG OccurrenceCount();
OCCURRENCE MaxOccurrence();
WORKID WorkId();
WORKID NextWorkId();
ULONG HitCount();
#if DEVL == 1
void Dump(); #endif
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf); #endif
const CKeyBuf* SeekKey(const CKey* pKey);
ULONG BitUnCompress(unsigned cbitAverage);
ULONG IBitUnCompress(unsigned cbitAverage, ULONG ulPartial);
void LoadKey();
void LoadPSSize ( unsigned& cPrefix, unsigned& cSuffix );
void LoadPid ();
BOOL IsAtSentinel() const { return _fAtSentinel; }
const LONGLONG _sigKeyDeComp;
CRBitStream _bitStream;
BOOL _fUseLinks;
BitOffset _bitOffNextKey;
PDirectory& _pDir;
BOOL _fUseDir; BOOL _fAtSentinel; // TRUE if at sentinel (end) key.
CPhysIndex & _physIndex;
#if (CIDBG == 1)
BOOL _fLastKeyFromDir; // TRUE if last key looked up in directory
BOOL _fDummy; // to keep chk/free size the same
// Class: CPersComp (pcomp)
// Purpose: Persistent index compressor
// Interface:
// History: 03-Jul-91 KyleP Created.
// 02-Dec-93 w-PatG Altered to use CKeyComp.
const LONGLONG eSigPersComp = 0x504d4f4353524550i64; // "PERSCOMP"
class CPersComp: public CKeyComp { public: CPersComp(CPhysIndex& phIndex, WORKID widMax); CPersComp(CPhysIndex& phIndex, WORKID widMax, const BitOffset & bitOffRestart, const BitOffset & bitoffSplitKey, const CKeyBuf & splitKey );
void PutKey(const CKeyBuf * pkey, ULONG cWorkId, BitOffset & bitOffCurKey);
void PutWorkId(WORKID wid, OCCURRENCE maxOcc, ULONG cOccurrence);
inline void PutOccurrence(OCCURRENCE occ);
#if DEVL == 1
void Dump(); #endif
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf); #endif
void FreeStream() { _bitStreamPatch.FreeStream(); CKeyComp::FreeStream(); }
inline void BackSpace();
void SetCWIDAccuracy();
void PatchWidCount ();
void PutWidCount ( ULONG cWorkId );
void SkipWidCount ();
void PutMaxOccurrence( OCCURRENCE maxOcc );
const LONGLONG _sigPersComp;
unsigned _cWidActual; // Used to decide if the originally
unsigned _cWidProposed; // Original WorkId count. Used to
// allocate space for the count.
CPBitStream _bitStreamPatch; // Used to back patch wid count
// created after main _bitStream
#if DEVL == 1
unsigned _cOccLeft; // ciVerify the specified number of
inline void CPersComp::BackSpace() { _bitStream.Seek(_bitOffCurKey); if ( _fUseLinks ) _bitStreamLink.Seek(_bitOffLastKey);
_phIndex.SetUsedPagesCount( _bitOffCurKey.Page() + 1 ); _cWidProposed = _cWidActual; _key.SetCount( 0 ); }
// Class: CPersDeComp (pdcomp)
// Purpose: Persistent index de-compressor
// Interface:
// History: 09-Jul-91 KyleP Created.
// 02-Dec-93 w-PatG Altered to use CKeyComp.
// Notes: One of the key requirements for using de-compressors is
// that if an operation fails because the end of page was
// reached, that *same* operation must be the first one
// performed on the following compressor.
const LONGLONG eSigPersDeComp = 0x504d434453524550i64; // "PERSDCMP"
class CPersDeComp: public CKeyDeComp { public:
CPersDeComp( PDirectory& pDir, INDEXID iid, CPhysIndex& phIndex, WORKID widMax, BOOL fUseLinks = TRUE, BOOL fUseDir = TRUE );
CPersDeComp( PDirectory& pDir, INDEXID iid, CPhysIndex& phIndex, BitOffset& posKey, const CKeyBuf& keyInit, const CKey* pKey, WORKID widMax, BOOL fUseLinks = TRUE, BOOL fUseDir = TRUE);
CPersDeComp(CPersDeComp& orig);
const CKeyBuf * GetNextKey();
const CKeyBuf * GetNextKey( BitOffset * pbitOff );
WORKID WorkId();
WORKID NextWorkId();
ULONG WorkIdCount();
OCCURRENCE Occurrence();
OCCURRENCE NextOccurrence();
OCCURRENCE MaxOccurrence() { return _maxOcc; }
ULONG OccurrenceCount();
ULONG HitCount() { return OccurrenceCount(); }
void RatioFinished ( ULONG& denom, ULONG& num );
#if DEVL == 1
void Dump(); #endif
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf); #endif
void LoadKey();
void FinishKeyLoad();
void LoadWorkId();
void LoadOccurrence();
void LoadFirstOccurrence();
void LoadWidCount ();
void LoadMaxOccurrence();
const LONGLONG _sigPersDeComp;
// 'Current' state of the decompressor. These values are always
// valid and are returned by the various Get functions.
// 'Transient' state. Helps the decompressor figure out what/where
// its decompressing.
BOOL _fcwidAccurate; ULONG _cWidLeft; ULONG _cOccLeft; };
// Member: CPersComp::PutOccurrence, public
// Synopsis: Store an occurrence for the current WorkId.
// Arguments: [occ] -- The occurrence to store.
// Modifies: [occ] is added to the persistent index.
// History: 08-Jul-91 KyleP Created.
__forceinline void CPersComp::PutOccurrence(OCCURRENCE occ) { ciAssert(occ != OCC_INVALID); ciAssert(occ > _occ); ciAssert(_cOccLeft > 0);
ciDebugOut (( DEB_PCOMP | DEB_NOCOMPNAME,"%d ", occ ));
BitCompress(occ - _occ, OccDeltaBits);
_occ = occ;
#if CIDBG == 1
_cOccLeft--; #endif
// Member: CKeyComp::BitCompress, private
// Synopsis: Compress and store a number.
// Arguments: [ul] -- Number to store.
// [cbitAverage] -- Minimum number of bits to store.
// Algorithm: First, store the bottom cbitAverage bits.
// while there are more bits to store
// store a 1 bit indicating more to follow
// store the next n bits, where n = 2, 3, 4, ...
// store a 0 bit indicating end of sequence
// History: 08-Jul-91 KyleP Created.
// 06-Dec-93 w-PatG Moved from CPersComp.
__forceinline void CKeyComp::BitCompress(ULONG ul, unsigned cbitAverage) { ciAssert(cbitAverage > 0); ciAssert(cbitAverage <= ULONG_BITS );
unsigned bitSize = Log2(ul);
// If bitSize < cbitAverage then rightshift
// to make it cbitAverage and store cbitAverage bits
// plus the signal bit (0 = done, 1 = more)
if (bitSize <= cbitAverage) { //
// Store cbitAverage bits of ul
// plus a trailing 0 bit for end-of-sequence
// cbitAverage == ULONG_BITS (maximum!) is a special case,
// no trailing bit is used.
if (cbitAverage < ULONG_BITS) _bitStream.PutBits(ul << 1, cbitAverage + 1); else { ciAssert(cbitAverage == ULONG_BITS); _bitStream.PutBits(ul, ULONG_BITS); } } else IBitCompress(ul, cbitAverage, bitSize); }
__forceinline PROPID CKeyDeComp::Pid() { return GetKey()? _key.Pid(): pidInvalid; }