// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// Contents: Proximity Cursor. Computes intersection of multiple
// cursors with rank computed based on word occurrance
// proximity.
// Classes: CProxCursor
// History: 14-Apr-92 AmyA Created.
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <misc.hxx>
#include <curstk.hxx>
#include "proxcur.hxx"
// Member: CProxCursor::CProxCursor, public
// Synopsis: Create a cursor that merges a number of cursors.
// Arguments: [cCursor] -- count of cursors
// [curArray] -- pointers to cursors (aquired to an array)
// [maxDist] -- the maximum distance between occurrences
// Notes: All cursors must come from the same index
// and the same property
// History: 15-Apr-92 AmyA Created
CProxCursor::CProxCursor( unsigned cCursor, COccCurStack& curStack, LONG maxDist ) : _cCur ( cCursor ), _maxDist ( maxDist ), _rank ( rankInvalid ) { COccCursor *pCur = curStack.Get(0); _occHeap.MakeHeap ( _cCur, curStack.AcqStack() );
Win4Assert ( pCur != 0 );
_iid = pCur->IndexId(); _pid = pCur->Pid();
// NTRAID#DB-NTBUG9-84004-2000/07/31-dlee Indexing Service internal cursors aren't optimized to use shortest cursors first
_wid = pCur->WorkId(); _logWidMax = Log2(pCur->MaxWorkId());
// Member: CProxCursor::WorkId, public
// Synopsis: Get current work id.
// History: 17-Apr-92 AmyA Created
WORKID CProxCursor::WorkId() { return _wid; }
// Member: CProxCursor::NextWorkID, public
// Synopsis: Move to next work id
// Returns: Target work id or widInvalid if no more wid's for current key
// History: 17-Apr-92 AmyA Created
WORKID CProxCursor::NextWorkId() { _rank = rankInvalid;
// NTRAID#DB-NTBUG9-84004-2000/07/31-dlee Indexing Service internal cursors aren't optimized to use shortest cursors first
_wid = _occHeap.Top()->NextWorkId(); FindConjunction(); return _wid; }
// Member: CProxCursor::HitCount, public
// Synopsis: Returns smallest HitCount of all keys in current wid.
// Requires: _wid set to any of the current wid's
// Returns: smallest occurrence count of all keys in wid.
// History: 17-Apr-92 AmyA Created
// Notes: If there is no conjunction in current wid, returns 0.
ULONG CProxCursor::HitCount() { if ( _rank == rankInvalid ) _rank = CalculateRank(); // This needs to be called before HitCount
// so taht the occurrence information in
// the children cursors will be valid when
// its called.
COccCursor **aCur = _occHeap.GetVector();
ULONG count = aCur[0]->HitCount();
for ( unsigned i = 1; i < _cCur; i++ ) { ULONG newcount = aCur[i]->HitCount();
if ( newcount < count ) count = newcount; }
return count; }
void CProxCursor::RatioFinished (ULONG& denom, ULONG& num) { COccCursor **vector = _occHeap.GetVector();
denom = 1; num = 0;
for (unsigned i=0; i < _cCur; i++) { ULONG d, n; vector[i]->RatioFinished(d, n); if (d == n) { // done if any cursor is done
denom = d; num = n; Win4Assert( denom > 0 ); break; } else if (d > denom) { // the one with largest denom
// is the most meaningful
denom = d; num = n; } else if (d == denom && n < num ) { num = n; // be pessimistic
} } }
// Member: CProxCursor::Rank, public
// Synopsis: Checks to see if CalculateRank has been called. If not, calls
// it.
// Requires: _wid set to any of the current wid's
// Returns: _rank
// History: 20-Apr-92 AmyA Created
LONG CProxCursor::Rank() { if ( _rank == rankInvalid ) _rank = CalculateRank();
return _rank; }
// Member: CProxCursor::FindConjunction, private
// Synopsis: Find nearest conjunction of all the same work id's
// Requires: _wid set to any of the current wid's
// Modifies: [_wid] to point to conjunction or to widInvalid
// History: 15-Apr-92 AmyA Copied from CAndCursor.
// Notes: If cursors are in conjunction, no change results
void CProxCursor::FindConjunction () { BOOL change; COccCursor **aCur = _occHeap.GetVector(); do { change = FALSE;
// NTRAID#DB-NTBUG9-84004-2000/07/31-dlee Indexing Service internal cursors aren't optimized to use shortest cursors first
// for all cursors in turn try to align them on _wid
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cCur; i++ ) {
// increment cursor to or past current _wid
// or exit when exhausted
while ( aCur[i]->WorkId() < _wid ) { if ( aCur[i]->NextWorkId() == widInvalid ) { _wid = widInvalid; return; } }
// if overshot, try again with new _wid
if ( aCur[i]->WorkId() > _wid ) { _wid = aCur[i]->WorkId(); change = TRUE; break; } }
} while ( change ); }
// Member: CProxCursor::CalculateRank, private
// Synopsis: Assigns a rank based on the shortest distance between an
// occurrence of each child.
// Requires: _wid set to any of the current wid's, at least two child
// cursors.
// Returns: calculated rank
// History: 17-Apr-92 AmyA Created
// Notes: If there is no conjunction in current wid, returns 0.
// New Rank computation:
// rank = cOcc*Log2(_widMax)*normalizedProximity(distMin)
// where,
// cOcc = hits_with_dist(distMin)
// where normalizedProximity(i) = ProxDefault[i]/MAX_QUERY_RANK
// The idea is that we are looking for the combination of occurrences (one
// for each child cursor) that is closest together for the current wid. To
// do this, we only need to look at two of the child cursors from a set: the
// one with the smallest occurrence and the one furthest from it. We look
// at these sets in a loop, getting the next occurrence on the cursor with
// the smallest occurrence, then reheaping to find the new smallest
// occurrence, and then finding the occurrence furthest from it. By getting
// the next occurrence on the cursor with the smallest occurrence, we are
// guaranteeing that we will not skip over a set of cursors that are closer
// together. If you need proof of this, draw a picture with the cursors
// represented as parallel lines and the occurrences as hash marks on those
// lines and step through the algorithm. Remember that we start this
// function while all the child cursors are at thier smallest occurrence
// within the current wid, since this function needs to be called before any
// work with occurrences is done within a wid.
LONG CProxCursor::CalculateRank() { Win4Assert ( _cCur >= 2 );
ULONG distMin = _maxDist + 1; unsigned cOcc = 0; // #hits at distMin
// loop through occurrence combinations to find the set of occurrences
// for different cursors that are the closest together
do { // Get smallest occurrence
_occHeap.Reheap(); OCCURRENCE smallOcc = _occHeap.Top()->Occurrence();
COccCursor **aCur = _occHeap.GetVector();
OCCURRENCE largeOcc = aCur[1]->Occurrence();
// loop through all occurrences (except the first, which is the
// smallest and the second) to find the occurrence furthest from the
// smallest.
for ( unsigned count = 2; count < _cCur; count++ ) { OCCURRENCE newOcc = aCur[count]->Occurrence(); if ( newOcc > largeOcc ) largeOcc = newOcc; }
if (largeOcc - smallOcc < PROX_MAX) { if (largeOcc - smallOcc < distMin) { distMin = largeOcc - smallOcc; cOcc = 1; // reset # hits
} else if (largeOcc - smallOcc == distMin) { cOcc++; } } // else children are too far apart to affect rank
// get the next occurrence on the cursor with the smallest occurrence
} while ( _occHeap.Top()->NextOccurrence() != OCC_INVALID );
if (distMin >= PROX_MAX) { return(0); } LONG rank = cOcc * _logWidMax * ProxDefault[distMin] / MAX_QUERY_RANK; if (rank > MAX_QUERY_RANK) { rank = MAX_QUERY_RANK; } return rank; }
// Member: CProxCursor::Hit, public
// Synopsis: Hits current child (indexed by _iCur)
// History: 07-Sep-92 MikeHew Created
// Notes: Hit() should not be called more than once, except by
// NextHit()
// The occurrence heap is assumed valid upon entry, and remains
// valid on exit.
LONG CProxCursor::Hit() { Win4Assert ( _cCur >= 2 ); COccCursor **aCur = _occHeap.GetVector();
// Make sure none of the cursors are empty
for ( unsigned i=0; i<_cCur; ++i ) { if ( aCur[i]->IsEmpty() ) return rankInvalid; }
// Starting with smallest occurrence, loop through all cursors,
// Hitting() each one and searching for the largest occurrence.
OCCURRENCE largeOcc = _occHeap.Top()->Occurrence(); OCCURRENCE smallOcc = largeOcc;
for ( i=0; i<_cCur; ++i ) { aCur[i]->Hit();
OCCURRENCE thisOcc = aCur[i]->Occurrence();
if ( thisOcc > largeOcc ) { largeOcc = thisOcc; }
// get the next occurrence on the cursor with the smallest occurrence
unsigned dist = largeOcc - smallOcc;
if (dist >= PROX_MAX) return(0); return ProxDefault[dist]; }
// Member: CProxCursor::NextHit, public
// Synopsis: calls NextOccurrence() on smallest child, then
// returns Hit() if NextOccurrence() is valid
// History: 07-Sep-92 MikeHew Created
// Notes: NextHit() should not be called after returning rankInvalid
LONG CProxCursor::NextHit() { if ( _occHeap.Top()->NextOccurrence() == OCC_INVALID ) { return rankInvalid; }
return Hit(); }