// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// File: propfilt.cxx
// Contents: Code to filter properties on files
// Classes: COLEPropertyEnum
// CDocStatPropertyEnum
// History: 93-Oct-18 DwightKr Created
// 94-May-23 DwightKr Converted OFS to use OLE interfaces
// 95-Feb-07 KyleP Rewrote
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <propspec.hxx>
#include <ciguid.hxx>
#include <tgrow.hxx>
#include "propfilt.hxx"
static CFullPropSpec psAttr( guidStorage, PID_STG_ATTRIBUTES ); static CFullPropSpec psSize( guidStorage, PID_STG_SIZE );
// Function: CheckResult
// Synopsis: DebugOut and Throw on an error
// Arguments: [hr] -- result code to be tested
// [pcError] -- debugout string for debug builds
// History 95-Dec-19 dlee created
static inline void CheckResult( HRESULT hr, char * pcError ) { if ( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_IERROR, pcError, hr )); THROW( CException( hr ) ); } } //CheckResult
// Member: CDocStatPropertyEnum::CDocStatPropertyEnum, public
// Synopsis: Constructor
CDocStatPropertyEnum::CDocStatPropertyEnum( ICiCOpenedDoc * Document ) : _PropertyStorage( 0 ) { //
// Safely get property storage
{ IPropertyStorage *PropertyStorage; HRESULT hr = Document->GetStatPropertyEnum( &PropertyStorage );
CheckResult( hr, "Could not get stat property storage %x\n" );
_PropertyStorage.Set( PropertyStorage ); }
// Safely get property enumerator
{ IEnumSTATPROPSTG *PropertyEnum; HRESULT hr = _PropertyStorage->Enum( &PropertyEnum );
CheckResult( hr, "Could not get property enum %x\n" );
_PropertyEnum.Set( PropertyEnum ); } }
// Member: CDocStatPropertyEnum::~CDocStatPropertyEnum, public
// Synopsis: Destructor
// History: 93-Nov-27 DwightKr Created
CDocStatPropertyEnum::~CDocStatPropertyEnum() { }
// Member: CDocStatPropertyEnum::GetPropertySetLocale, public
// Synopsis: Get locale if available
// Arguments: [locale] - Locale
// Returns: HRESULT from property storage
HRESULT CDocStatPropertyEnum::GetPropertySetLocale(LCID & locale) { return ::GetPropertySetLocale(_PropertyStorage.GetPointer(), locale); }
// Member: CDocStatPropertyEnum::CacheVariant, public
// Synopsis: Load a specfied variant into the cache
// Arguments: [propid] - PROPID specifying what to load
// Returns: HRESULT from property storage
HRESULT CDocStatPropertyEnum::CacheVariant( PROPID propid ) { //
// Set up propspec for property read
PROPSPEC prspec; prspec.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; prspec.propid = propid;
// Read out the property value
PROPVARIANT var; HRESULT hr = _PropertyStorage->ReadMultiple( 1, &prspec, &var );
if (!SUCCEEDED( hr )) { return hr; }
// Set up storage variant
switch ( var.vt ) { case VT_I8: _varCurrent.SetI8( var.hVal ); break;
case VT_LPWSTR: _varCurrent.SetLPWSTR( var.pwszVal );
if ( !_varCurrent.IsValid() ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
case VT_UI4: _varCurrent.SetUI4( var.lVal ); break;
case VT_FILETIME: _varCurrent.SetFILETIME( var.filetime ); break;
default: ciDebugOut(( DEB_IERROR, "Unknown storage type %x\n", var.vt )); break; }
PropVariantClear( &var );
return hr; }
// Member: CDocStatPropertyEnum::Next, public
// Synopsis: Move to next property
// Arguments: [ps] -- Property Specification returned
// Returns: Property value, or 0 if end of properties.
// History: 95-Feb-07 KyleP Created
CStorageVariant const * CDocStatPropertyEnum::Next( CFullPropSpec & ps ) { //
// Get the next property in the enumeration
STATPROPSTG StatPropStg; ULONG cFetched; HRESULT hr = _PropertyEnum->Next( 1, &StatPropStg, &cFetched );
// If we failed or there were no more to fetch, then we're done
if (!SUCCEEDED( hr ) || 0 == cFetched) return 0;
Win4Assert( NULL == StatPropStg.lpwstrName );
// Load the property returned by the enumeration
hr = CacheVariant( StatPropStg.propid );
if (!SUCCEEDED( hr )) return 0;
// Set guid and propid for full property set
ps.SetPropSet( guidStorage ); ps.SetProperty( StatPropStg.propid );
// Return the cached property
return &_varCurrent; } //Next
// Member: COLEPropertySetEnum::Next, public
// Synopsis: Move to next property set
// Returns: Pointer to GUID of property set. 0 if at end of sets.
// History 95-Dec-19 dlee created
GUID const * COLEPropertySetEnum::Next() { if ( 0 == _xPropSetEnum.GetPointer() ) return 0;
// Have we exhaused the current buffer of property sets? If so, then
// load up another buffer.
if ( _iPropSet == _cPropSets ) { _iPropSet = 0; _cPropSets = 0;
HRESULT hr = _xPropSetEnum->Next( cMaxSetsCached, _aPropSets, &_cPropSets );
CheckResult( hr, "PropSetEnum->Next failed hr = 0x%x\n" ); }
if ( _cPropSets > 0 ) { _iPropSet++; return &_aPropSets[ _iPropSet - 1 ].fmtid; } else { return 0; } } //Next
// Member: COLEPropertySetEnum::COLEPropertySetEnum, public
// Synopsis: Opens a storage, property set storage, and enumerator
// Arguments: [Document] -- opened document
// History 95-Dec-19 dlee created
COLEPropertySetEnum::COLEPropertySetEnum( ICiCOpenedDoc *Document ) : _cPropSets( 0 ), _iPropSet( 0 ), _fIsStorage( FALSE ) { IPropertySetStorage * pPropertySetStorage; HRESULT hr = Document->GetPropertySetEnum( &pPropertySetStorage );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { if (FILTER_S_NO_PROPSETS != hr) { _fIsStorage = TRUE;
// Save away property set storage
_xPropSetStg.Set( pPropertySetStorage );
IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG *pPropSetEnum; hr = _xPropSetStg->Enum( &pPropSetEnum );
if ( E_NOTIMPL == hr ) { _fIsStorage = FALSE; _xPropSetStg.Free(); } else { CheckResult( hr, "PropSetStg->Enum() failed hr = 0x%x\n" ); _xPropSetEnum.Set( pPropSetEnum ); } } } else { // don't raise just because it wasn't a docfile
if ( STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS != hr ) CheckResult( hr, "StgOpenStorage() failed hr = 0x%x\n" ); } } //COLEPropertySetEnum
// Member: COLEPropertyEnum::COLEPropertyEnum, public
// Synopsis: Constructor for class that enumerates all properties on
// a docfile.
// Arguments: [Document] -- opened document
// History 95-Dec-19 dlee created
COLEPropertyEnum::COLEPropertyEnum( ICiCOpenedDoc * Document ) : _pguidCurrent( 0 ), _PropSetEnum( Document ), _Codepage( CP_ACP ), _cValues( 0 ), _iCurrent( 0 ), _fCustomOfficePropset( FALSE ) { Document->AddRef( ); _xDocument.Set( Document ); _pguidCurrent = _PropSetEnum.Next();
END_CONSTRUCTION( COLEPropertyEnum ); } //COLEPropertyEnum
// Member: COLEPropertyEnum::GetPropertySetLocale, public
// Synopsis: Gets locale, if any.
// Arguments: [locale] -- locale, if any
// History 99-Mar-24 KrishnaN created
HRESULT COLEPropertyEnum::GetPropertySetLocale(LCID & locale) {
XInterface<IPropertyStorage> xPropStorage;
IPropertyStorage *pPropStg = 0; HRESULT hr = _PropSetEnum.GetPSS()->Open( FMTID_UserDefinedProperties, STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, &pPropStg );
if (FAILED(hr)) { Win4Assert(0 == pPropStg); ciDebugOut(( DEB_IERROR, "PropSetStg->Open() failed hr = 0x%x\n", hr )); return hr; }
Win4Assert( 0 != pPropStg );
xPropStorage.Set( pPropStg );
return ::GetPropertySetLocale(xPropStorage.GetPointer(), locale); }
// Member: COLEPropertyEnum::FillCache, private
// Synopsis: Loads the next property values for the current or next
// property set.
// History 95-Dec-19 dlee created
BOOL COLEPropertyEnum::FillCache() { do { // all out of property sets?
if ( 0 == _pguidCurrent ) { //
// If we are to filter the custom office propertyset, then do it
// after we've filtered all other properties.
if ( _fCustomOfficePropset ) { _fCustomOfficePropset = FALSE; _pguidCurrent = &FMTID_UserDefinedProperties; } else { return FALSE; } }
// If this is the office property set, then we need to also try
// to filter the office CUSTOM property set.
if ( *_pguidCurrent == FMTID_SummaryInformation ) { _fCustomOfficePropset = TRUE; }
// Open the property storage if not yet open
if ( 0 == _xPropStorage.GetPointer() ) { IPropertyStorage *pPropStg; HRESULT hr = _PropSetEnum.GetPSS()->Open( *_pguidCurrent, STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, &pPropStg );
// The special second-section property set will return a
// special failure code if it doesn't exist. Check for this
// code and ignore the property set.
// OLE returns STG_E_FILENOTFOUND and the shell returns E_FAIL
if ( ( ( E_FAIL == hr ) || ( STG_E_FILENOTFOUND == hr ) ) && ( FMTID_UserDefinedProperties == *_pguidCurrent ) ) { return FALSE; }
CheckResult( hr, "PropSetStg->Open() failed hr = 0x%x\n" );
Win4Assert( 0 != pPropStg );
if ( 0 == pPropStg ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "IPropertySetStorage::Open( ) returned null property set and hr = 0x%x\n", hr ));
_pguidCurrent = _PropSetEnum.Next(); continue; }
_xPropStorage.Set( pPropStg );
// Look for codepage
hr = _xPropStorage->ReadMultiple( 1, &psCodepage, &varCodepage );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && VT_I2 == varCodepage.vt && varCodepage.iVal != CP_WINUNICODE ) _Codepage = (unsigned short) varCodepage.iVal; else _Codepage = CP_ACP;
Win4Assert( 0 == _xPropEnum.GetPointer() );
IEnumSTATPROPSTG *pPropEnum; hr = pPropStg->Enum( &pPropEnum ); CheckResult( hr, "PropStg->Enum() failed hr = 0x%x\n" ); _xPropEnum.Set( pPropEnum ); }
HRESULT hr = _xPropEnum->Next( cMaxValuesCached, _aSPS, &_cValues ); CheckResult( hr, "PropEnum->Next failed sc = 0x%x\n" );
if ( _cValues > 0 ) { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cValues; i++ ) { if ( 0 != _aSPS[i].lpwstrName) { _aPropSpec[i].ulKind = PRSPEC_LPWSTR; _aPropSpec[i].lpwstr = _aSPS[i].lpwstrName; } else { _aPropSpec[i].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; _aPropSpec[i].propid = _aSPS[i].propid; } }
hr = _xPropStorage->ReadMultiple( _cValues, _aPropSpec, _aPropVals );
CheckResult( hr, "ReadMultiple failed sc = 0x%x\n" );
// HACK #274: Translate the Ole summary information LPSTR in LPWSTR
// Makes these properties compatible with HTML filter
// equivalents.
if ( FMTID_SummaryInformation == *_pguidCurrent ) { for ( i = 0; i < _cValues; i++ ) { if ( ( VT_LPSTR == _aPropVals[i].Type() ) && ( 0 != _aPropVals[i].GetLPSTR() ) ) { // ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Converting \"%s\" to Unicode\n", _aPropVals[i].GetLPSTR() ));
unsigned cc = strlen( _aPropVals[i].GetLPSTR() ) + 1;
XGrowable<WCHAR> xwcsProp( cc + (cc * 10 / 100) ); // 10% fluff
unsigned ccT = 0;
while ( 0 == ccT ) { ccT = MultiByteToWideChar( _Codepage, 0, // precomposed used of the codepage supports it
_aPropVals[i].GetLPSTR(), cc, xwcsProp.Get(), xwcsProp.Count() );
if ( 0 == ccT ) { if ( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == GetLastError() ) { unsigned ccNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar( _Codepage, 0, // precomposed used of the codepage supports it
_aPropVals[i].GetLPSTR(), cc, 0, 0 ); Win4Assert( ccNeeded > 0 );
xwcsProp.SetSize( ccNeeded ); } else { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Error %d converting %s to codepage 0x%x\n", GetLastError(), _aPropVals[i].GetLPSTR(), _Codepage ));
ccT = 0; break; } } }
if ( ccT != 0 ) _aPropVals[i].SetLPWSTR( xwcsProp.Get() ); } } }
return TRUE; } else { // move on to the next property set
_xPropEnum.Acquire()->Release(); _xPropStorage.Acquire()->Release();
_pguidCurrent = _PropSetEnum.Next(); } } while ( TRUE );
Win4Assert( !"never-never code path" ); return FALSE; } //FillCache
// Member: COLEPropertyEnum::Next, public
// Synopsis: Moves to next property
// Arguments: [ps] -- Content index propspec returned here
// Returns: Pointer to property value. 0 if at end.
// History 95-Dec-19 dlee created
CStorageVariant const * COLEPropertyEnum::Next( CFullPropSpec & ps ) { //
// If we have exhausted the cache, then try to fill it
if ( _cValues == _iCurrent && !FillCache() ) { return 0; }
// If the document is being requested, bail out
BOOL fInUse; _xDocument->IsInUseByAnotherProcess( &fInUse );
if ( fInUse ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Oplock broken while filtering OLE properties\n" )); QUIETTHROW( CException( STATUS_OPLOCK_BREAK_IN_PROGRESS ) ); }
// Set up the full property spec
ps.SetPropSet( *_pguidCurrent );
if ( PRSPEC_LPWSTR == _aPropSpec[_iCurrent].ulKind ) ps.SetProperty( _aPropSpec[_iCurrent].lpwstr ); else ps.SetProperty( _aPropSpec[_iCurrent].propid );
return( (CStorageVariant const *) &_aPropVals[_iCurrent-1] ); } //Next
// Member: COLEPropertyEnum::FreeCache, private
// Synopsis: Frees memory for the loaded properties and their specs
// History 95-Dec-19 dlee created
void COLEPropertyEnum::FreeCache() { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cValues; i++ ) { PropVariantClear( (PROPVARIANT *) (void *) ( & _aPropVals[ i ] ) ); if ( PRSPEC_LPWSTR == _aPropSpec[i].ulKind ) CoTaskMemFree( _aSPS[i].lpwstrName ); }
_iCurrent = 0; _cValues = 0; } //FreeCache
// Member: GetPropertySetLocale
// Synopsis: Reads the locale, if any, from property storage
// History 99-Mar-24 KrishnaN created
HRESULT GetPropertySetLocale(IPropertyStorage *pPropStorage, LCID & locale) { Win4Assert(0 != pPropStorage );
ps.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; ps.propid = PID_LOCALE;
// Get the locale for properties
HRESULT hr = pPropStorage->ReadMultiple (1, &ps, &prop); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(prop.vt == VT_EMPTY) { hr = E_FAIL; } else { Win4Assert(prop.vt == VT_UI4); locale = prop.ulVal; // PropVariantClear(&prop);
} }
return hr; }