// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1993 - 1998.
// File: ColDesc.hxx
// Contents: Column, sort, and categorization set descriptors
// Classes: SSortKey
// CSortSetBase
// CSortSet
// CColumnSetBase
// CColumnSet
// CCategorizationSet
// CCategorizationSetBase
// History: 18-Jun-93 KyleP Created
// 14 Jun 94 AlanW Added classes for large tables.
#pragma once
#include <sstream.hxx> // PSerStream
// Class: SSortKey
// Purpose: A sort key, with ColumnID translated to PropID
// Notes:
class SSortKey { public: SSortKey( ) : pidColumn(0), dwOrder(0), locale(0) { }
SSortKey(PROPID pid, ULONG dwOrd, LCID loc = 0) : pidColumn(pid), dwOrder(dwOrd), locale(loc) { }
PROPID pidColumn; // Property ID
ULONG dwOrder; // ascending or descending, Nulls first or last
LCID locale; // locale for collation order
class CColumnSet : public CColumnSetBase { public:
CColumnSet(unsigned size = arraySize);
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; CColumnSet( PDeSerStream & stm, BOOL fNewFormat = FALSE ); };
class CSortSet : public CSortSetBase { public:
CSortSet(unsigned size = arraySize);
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; CSortSet( PDeSerStream & stm );
// Checks if the propId exists in the sortset
inline BOOL Exists( const PROPID propId ) const { for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < Count(); ii++) { if ( propId == Get(ii).pidColumn ) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } };
class CCategSpec { public:
unsigned Type() const { return _ulCategType; }
virtual void Marshall(PSerStream & stm ) const { stm.PutULong( _ulCategType ); }
protected: CCategSpec( unsigned CategType ) : _ulCategType( CategType ) {}
ULONG _ulCategType; };
class CUniqueCategSpec : public CCategSpec { public: CUniqueCategSpec(CCategSpec const &CatSpec) : CCategSpec( CATEGORIZE_UNIQUE ) {} CUniqueCategSpec() : CCategSpec( CATEGORIZE_UNIQUE ) {} CUniqueCategSpec( PDeSerStream &stm ) : CCategSpec( CATEGORIZE_UNIQUE ) {}
void Marshall( PSerStream &stm ) const { CCategSpec::Marshall( stm ); } };
class CBucketCategSpec : public CCategSpec { public: CBucketCategSpec(CCategSpec const & CatSpec) : CCategSpec( CATEGORIZE_BUCKETS ) {} CBucketCategSpec( BUCKETCATEGORIZE const & range ) : CCategSpec( CATEGORIZE_BUCKETS ) {} CBucketCategSpec( PDeSerStream &stm ) : CCategSpec( CATEGORIZE_BUCKETS ) {}
void Marshall( PSerStream &stm ) const { CCategSpec::Marshall( stm ); }
private: BUCKETCATEGORIZE _bucket; };
class CRangeCategSpec : public CCategSpec { public: CRangeCategSpec(CCategSpec const &CatSpec) : CCategSpec( CATEGORIZE_RANGE ) {} CRangeCategSpec( RANGECATEGORIZE const & range ) : CCategSpec( CATEGORIZE_RANGE ) {} CRangeCategSpec( PDeSerStream &stm ) : CCategSpec( CATEGORIZE_RANGE ) {}
void Marshall( PSerStream &stm ) const { CCategSpec::Marshall( stm ); }
private: RANGECATEGORIZE _range; };
class CCategorizationSpec { public: CCategorizationSpec( CCategorizationSpec const & rCatSpec );
CCategorizationSpec( CCategSpec * pCateg, unsigned cCol ) : _xSpec( pCateg ), _csColumns( cCol ) { }
CCategorizationSpec( CATEGORIZATION &Categ ) : _xSpec( 0 ), _csColumns( Categ.csColumns.cCol ) { if (CATEGORIZE_UNIQUE == Categ.ulCatType) _xSpec.Set( new CUniqueCategSpec() ); else if (CATEGORIZE_BUCKETS == Categ.ulCatType) _xSpec.Set( new CBucketCategSpec( Categ.bucket ) ); else if (CATEGORIZE_RANGE == Categ.ulCatType) _xSpec.Set( new CRangeCategSpec( Categ.range ) ); else Win4Assert(!"Unsupported categorization type!"); }
CCategorizationSpec( PDeSerStream &stm );
~CCategorizationSpec() {}
unsigned Type() const { return _xSpec->Type(); }
const CCategSpec & GetCategSpec( ) const { return _xSpec.GetReference(); }
const CColumnSet & GetColumnSet( ) const { return _csColumns; }
void SetColumn( PROPID pid, unsigned iPosition ) { _csColumns.Add( pid, iPosition ); }
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const;
XPtr<CCategSpec> _xSpec; CColumnSet _csColumns; // columns that can be bound to
DECL_DYNARRAY( CCategorizationSetBase, CCategorizationSpec );
class CPidMapper;
class CCategorizationSet : public CCategorizationSetBase { public:
CCategorizationSet( CCategorizationSet const & rCateg );
CCategorizationSet(unsigned size = arraySize); CCategorizationSet( unsigned size, CATEGORIZATIONSET *pSet, SORTSET *pSort, CPidMapper &pidMap );
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; CCategorizationSet( PDeSerStream & stm );
void Add( CCategorizationSpec * pSpec, unsigned i ) { CCategorizationSetBase::Add( pSpec, i ); if (i >= _cCat) _cCat = i+1; }
ULONG Count() const { return _cCat; }
ULONG _cCat; };
DECLARE_SMARTP( CategorizationSet );