// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991-2000.
// File: Parstree.hxx
// Contents: Converts OLE-DB command tree into CColumns, CSort, CRestriction
// Classes: CParseCommandTree
// History: 31 May 95 AlanW Created
#pragma once
// What is good value? One that prevents stack overflow.
class CParseCommandTree { public: CParseCommandTree( void ) : _cols( 0 ), _sort( 0 ), _prst( 0 ), _categ( 0 ), _pidmap( ), _scError( S_OK ), _pErrorNode( 0 ), _cMaxResults( 0 ), _cFirstRows( 0 ), _cScopes( 0 ), _xaMachines( SCOPE_COUNT_GROWSIZE ), _xaScopes( SCOPE_COUNT_GROWSIZE ), _xaCatalogs( SCOPE_COUNT_GROWSIZE ), _xaFlags( SCOPE_COUNT_GROWSIZE ), _cRecursionLimit( RECURSION_LIMIT ) { }
~CParseCommandTree( void );
void ParseTree( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree );
CRestriction* ParseExpression( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree );
CPidMapperWithNames & GetPidmap() { return _pidmap; }
CColumnSet & GetOutputColumns() { return _cols; } CSortSet & GetSortColumns() { return _sort; } CRestriction * GetRestriction() { return _prst; } CCategorizationSet & GetCategorization() { return _categ; }
CRestriction * AcquireRestriction() { CRestriction * pRst = _prst; _prst = 0; return pRst; }
ULONG GetMaxResults() { return _cMaxResults; }
void SetMaxResults( ULONG cMaxResults ) { _cMaxResults = cMaxResults; }
ULONG GetFirstRows() { return _cFirstRows; }
void SetFirstRows( ULONG cFirstRows ) { _cFirstRows = cFirstRows; }
void GetScopes( unsigned & cScopes, XGrowable<const WCHAR *,SCOPE_COUNT_GROWSIZE> & xaScopes, XGrowable<ULONG,SCOPE_COUNT_GROWSIZE> & xaFlags, XGrowable<const WCHAR *,SCOPE_COUNT_GROWSIZE> & xaCatalogs, XGrowable<const WCHAR *,SCOPE_COUNT_GROWSIZE> & xaMachines ) { if ( 0 < _cScopes ) { xaScopes.Copy( _xaScopes.Get(), _cScopes, 0 ); xaMachines.Copy( _xaMachines.Get(), _cScopes, 0 ); xaCatalogs.Copy( _xaCatalogs.Get(), _cScopes, 0 ); xaFlags.Copy( _xaFlags.Get(), _cScopes, 0 ); cScopes = _cScopes; } }
protected: void ParseProjection( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree ); void ParseProjectList( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree, CColumnSet & Cols ); void ParseSort( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree ); void ParseSortList( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree ); void ParseRestriction( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree ); void ParseCategorization( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree ); CRestriction* ParseContentExpression( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree ); void ParseTopNode( CDbCmdTreeNode *pTree ); void ParseFirstRowsNode( CDbCmdTreeNode *pTree ); void ParseScope( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree ); void ParseScopeListElements( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree ); void ParseMultiScopes( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree );
private: void VerifyOperatorType( CDbCmdTreeNode * pNode, DBCOMMANDOP OpType ); void VerifyValueType( CDbCmdTreeNode * pNode, DBVALUEKIND ValueType ); unsigned CheckOperatorArity( CDbCmdTreeNode * pNode, int cOperands );
void SetError( CDbCmdTreeNode * pNode, SCODE scErr = E_INVALIDARG );
PROPID GetColumnPropSpec( CDbCmdTreeNode * pNode, CFullPropSpec & Prop ); BOOL GetValue( CDbCmdTreeNode * pNode , CStorageVariant & val );
void CheckRecursionLimit() { if ( 0 == _cRecursionLimit ) THROW( CException(QUERY_E_TOOCOMPLEX) ); _cRecursionLimit--; }
// The results of the parse
CRestriction* _prst; // restriction expression (select clause)
// CATEGORIZATIONSET _categ; // categorization set (nesting nodes)
CStorageVariant _tmpValue; // used for temporary value retrieval
ULONG _cMaxResults; // limit on # query results
ULONG _cFirstRows;
CColumnSet _cols; // columns in the project list
CSortSet _sort; // sort specification
CCategorizationSet _categ; // categorization specifications
CPidMapperWithNames _pidmap; // properties and names used
ULONG _cRecursionLimit; // Limits how many nodes we can visit
// stack protection.
// Scope information
ULONG _cScopes; XGrowable<WCHAR const *,SCOPE_COUNT_GROWSIZE> _xaMachines; XGrowable<WCHAR const *,SCOPE_COUNT_GROWSIZE> _xaScopes; XGrowable<WCHAR const *,SCOPE_COUNT_GROWSIZE> _xaCatalogs; XGrowable<ULONG,SCOPE_COUNT_GROWSIZE> _xaFlags;
// Error information
SCODE _scError; // first error code
CDbCmdTreeNode* _pErrorNode; // first node with error
// Method: CParseCommandTree::VerifyValueType, private
// Synopsis: Verify that a tree node has the proper argument type
// Arguments: [pNode] -- CDbCmdTreeNode node to check
// [eKind] -- expected value kind
// Returns: nothing.
// History: 31 May 95 AlanW Created
inline void CParseCommandTree::VerifyValueType( CDbCmdTreeNode* pNode, DBVALUEKIND eKind) { if (pNode->GetValueType() != eKind) SetError(pNode, E_INVALIDARG); }
// Method: CParseCommandTree::VerifyOperatorType, private
// Synopsis: Verify that a tree node has the proper operator
// Arguments: [pNode] -- CDbCmdTreeNode node to check
// [op] -- expected operator value
// Returns: nothing.
// History: 31 May 95 AlanW Created
inline void CParseCommandTree::VerifyOperatorType( CDbCmdTreeNode* pNode, DBCOMMANDOP op ) { if (pNode->GetCommandType() != op) SetError(pNode, E_INVALIDARG); }