// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 2002.
// File: regprop.hxx
// Contents: Class for parsing cached properties as listed in the registry.
// Classes: CParseRegistryProperty
// History: 11-Nov-97 KyleP Created.
#pragma once
#include <ciguid.hxx>
#include <ctype.h>
// Class: CParseRegistryProperty
// Purpose: Parses a registry property entry
// History: 11-Nov-97 KyleP Created.
class CParseRegistryProperty { public:
inline CParseRegistryProperty( WCHAR *pValueName, ULONG uValueType, VOID *pValueData, ULONG uValueLength );
BOOL IsOk() { return _fOk; } CFullPropSpec & GetFPS() { return _fps; }
ULONG Type() { return _vt; }
ULONG Size() { return _cb; }
BOOL IsModifiable() { return _fModifiable; } DWORD StorageLevel() { return _dwStoreLevel; } private:
BOOL _fOk; // TRUE if parse succeeded
CFullPropSpec _fps; // Property stored here
ULONG _vt; // Datatype
ULONG _cb; // Size
BOOL _fModifiable; // Is this modifiable once entered into metabase?
DWORD _dwStoreLevel;// Storage level
// Class: CBuildRegistryProperty
// Purpose: Builds a registry property entry
// History: 11-Nov-97 KyleP Created.
class CBuildRegistryProperty { public:
inline CBuildRegistryProperty( CFullPropSpec const & fps, ULONG vt, ULONG cb, DWORD dwStoreLevel = SECONDARY_STORE, BOOL fModifiable = TRUE);
WCHAR const * GetValue() { return _xwcsValue.Get(); } WCHAR const * GetData() { return _xwcsData.Get(); }
XGrowable<WCHAR> _xwcsValue; XGrowable<WCHAR> _xwcsData; };
// Member: CParseRegistryProperty::CParseRegistryProperty, public
// Synopsis: Parses a registry entry for a property value
// Arguments: [pValueName] -- Name of value (should be FULLPROPSPEC)
// [pValueType] -- Value type. Should be REG_SZ
// [pValueData] -- Data (should be "<type>,<size>"
// [uValueLength] -- Size of [pValueData]
// History: 10-Nov-97 KyleP Created
inline CParseRegistryProperty::CParseRegistryProperty( WCHAR *pValueName, ULONG uValueType, VOID *pValueData, ULONG uValueLength ) : _fOk( FALSE ), _dwStoreLevel( SECONDARY_STORE ), _fModifiable( TRUE ) { //
// Format is GUID [PROPID | "PropName"] = datatype,length[,storagelevel[,fModifiable]]
// storagelevel, if absent, defaults to Secondary Store.
// fModifiable, if absent, defaults to TRUE.
do { //
// Has to be at least 38 characters long (36 for guid plus space + name/number)
unsigned cc = wcslen(pValueName);
if ( cc < 38 || pValueName[36] != L' ' ) break;
if ( REG_SZ != uValueType ) break;
// Parse GUID
GUID guid; pValueName[36] = 0;
if ( !ParseGuid( pValueName, guid ) ) break;
_fps.SetPropSet( guid );
pValueName[36] = L' ';
// Parse number/name
PROPID pid = 0;
for ( WCHAR * p = pValueName + 37; *p; p++ ) { if ( !isdigit(*p) ) { pid = 0; break; }
pid = pid * 10 + *p - L'0'; }
if ( 0 == pid ) { if ( !_fps.SetProperty( pValueName + 37 ) ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) ); } else _fps.SetProperty( pid );
// Parse data type
_vt = 0;
for ( p = (WCHAR *)pValueData; *p && isdigit(*p); p++ ) _vt = _vt * 10 + *p - L'0';
if ( L',' != *p ) break;
_cb = 0;
for ( p++; *p && isdigit(*p); p++ ) _cb = _cb * 10 + *p - L'0'; //
// Parse storage level
if ( L',' == *p ) { _dwStoreLevel = 0; for ( p++; *p && isdigit(*p); p++ ) _dwStoreLevel = _dwStoreLevel * 10 + *p - L'0'; // if we don't see a primary or a secondary store signature,
// consider the registry string corrupt.
if (PRIMARY_STORE != _dwStoreLevel && SECONDARY_STORE != _dwStoreLevel) break; } //
// Parse modifiability
if ( L',' == *p ) { int iVal = 0; for ( p++; *p && isdigit(*p); p++ ) iVal = iVal * 10 + *p - L'0'; // if we don't see a TRUE (1) or FALSE (0) signature,
// consider the registry string corrupt.
if (0 != iVal && 1 != iVal) break; _fModifiable = BOOL(iVal); }
_fOk = TRUE;
} while(FALSE); }
// Member: CBuildRegistryProperty::CBuildRegistryProperty, public
// Synopsis: Builds property registry entry from components
// Arguments: [fps] -- Property
// [vt] -- Data type
// [cb] -- Size of data in cache
// [dwStoreLevel] -- Property storage level
// [fModifiable] -- Can property metadata be modified once set?
// History: 10-Nov-97 KyleP Created
inline CBuildRegistryProperty::CBuildRegistryProperty( CFullPropSpec const & fps, ULONG vt, ULONG cb, DWORD dwStoreLevel, BOOL fModifiable ) { GUID const & guid = fps.GetPropSet();
unsigned cc = 36 + 10 + 2; // GUID + space + MAX_INT + null
if ( fps.IsPropertyName() ) cc += wcslen( fps.GetPropertyName() );
_xwcsValue.SetSize( cc );
swprintf( _xwcsValue.Get(), L"%08lX-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X ", guid.Data1, guid.Data2, guid.Data3, guid.Data4[0], guid.Data4[1], guid.Data4[2], guid.Data4[3], guid.Data4[4], guid.Data4[5], guid.Data4[6], guid.Data4[7] );
if ( fps.IsPropertyName() ) swprintf( _xwcsValue.Get() + 37, L"%ws", fps.GetPropertyName() ); else swprintf( _xwcsValue.Get() + 37, L"%u", fps.GetPropertyPropid() );
_xwcsData.SetSize( 35 ); // 3*MAX_INT + 3*comma + fModifiable + NULL =
// 3*10 + 3 + 1 + 1
swprintf( _xwcsData.Get(), L"%u,%u,%u,%u", vt, cb, dwStoreLevel, fModifiable?1:0 ); }