// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 2000.
// File: qryspec.hxx
// Contents: ICommandTree implementation for OFS file stores
// Classes: CQuerySpec
// History: 30 Jun 1995 AlanW Created
#pragma once
#include <rowset.hxx>
#include <rstprop.hxx>
#include <oldquery.hxx>
#include <dberror.hxx>
#include <impiunk.hxx>
#include <srvprvdr.h> // IServiceProperties
#include <proputl.hxx>
#include <proprst.hxx>
#include <session.hxx>
class CColumnsInfo; class CColumnSet;
// CRootQueryStatus::_dwStatus flags
enum COMMAND_STATUS_FLAG { CMD_TEXT_SET = 0x00000001, // Command text was set
CMD_TEXT_PREPARED = 0x00000002, // Command is prepared
CMD_TEXT_TOTREE = 0x00000004, // Tells SetCommandTree not to delete the command text
CMD_TREE_BUILT = 0x00000008, CMD_OWNS_TREE = 0x00000010, // fCopy was FALSE during SetCommandTree
CMD_COLINFO_NOTPREPARED = 0x00000020, // ColumnsInfo should return DB_E_NOTPREPARED
CMD_EXEC_RUNNING = 0x10000000, // Command is executing
// Class: CRootQuerySpec
// Purpose: Base query spec, implements OLE-DB command object
// History: 30 Jun 1995 AlanW Created
// 10-31-97 danleg ICommandText & ICommandPrepare added
typedef BOOL (*PFNCHECKTREENODE) (const CDbCmdTreeNode * pNode );
class CRootQuerySpec : public ICommandText, public ICommandPrepare, /* public ICommandTree, */ public ICommandProperties, /* public ICommandValidate, */ public IQuery, public IAccessor, public IConvertType, public IServiceProperties { public:
// IUnknown methods.
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) ( THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppiuk ) { return _pControllingUnknown->QueryInterface(riid,ppiuk); }
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef) (THIS) { return _pControllingUnknown->AddRef(); }
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release) (THIS) {return _pControllingUnknown->Release(); }
// ICommand methods
STDMETHOD(Cancel) ( );
STDMETHOD(Execute) ( IUnknown * pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, DBPARAMS * pParams, DBROWCOUNT * pcRowsAffected, IUnknown * * ppRowset);
STDMETHOD(GetDBSession) ( REFIID riid, IUnknown ** ppSession );
// ICommandText methods
STDMETHOD(GetCommandText) ( GUID * pguidDialect, LPOLESTR * ppwszCommand );
STDMETHOD(SetCommandText) ( REFGUID rguidDialect, LPCOLESTR pwszCommand );
// ICommandPrepare methods
STDMETHOD(Prepare) ( ULONG cExpectedRuns ); STDMETHOD(Unprepare) ( );
// ICommandTree methods
STDMETHOD(FindErrorNodes) ( const DBCOMMANDTREE* pRoot, ULONG * pcErrorNodes, DBCOMMANDTREE *** prgErrorNodes);
STDMETHOD(FreeCommandTree) ( DBCOMMANDTREE ** ppRoot );
STDMETHOD(GetCommandTree) ( DBCOMMANDTREE ** ppRoot );
STDMETHOD(SetCommandTree) ( DBCOMMANDTREE * * ppRoot, DBCOMMANDREUSE dwCommandReuse, BOOL fCopy);
#if 0
// ICommandValidate not yet implemented
// ICommandValidate methods
STDMETHOD(ValidateCompletely) ( );
STDMETHOD(ValidateSyntax) ( ); #endif // 0 // not implemented now.
// IQuery methods
STDMETHOD(AddPostProcessing) ( DBCOMMANDTREE * * ppRoot, BOOL fCopy);
STDMETHOD(GetCardinalityEstimate) ( DBORDINAL * pulCardinality);
// ICommandProperties methods
STDMETHOD(GetProperties) ( const ULONG cPropertySetIDs, const DBPROPIDSET rgPropertySetIDs[], ULONG * pcPropertySets, DBPROPSET ** prgPropertySets);
STDMETHOD(SetProperties) ( ULONG cPropertySets, DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[]);
// IAccessor methods
STDMETHOD(AddRefAccessor) (HACCESSOR hAccessor, ULONG * pcRefCount);
STDMETHOD(CreateAccessor) (DBACCESSORFLAGS dwBindIO, DBCOUNTITEM cBindings, const DBBINDING rgBindings[], DBLENGTH cbRowSize, HACCESSOR * phAccessor, DBBINDSTATUS rgStatus[]);
STDMETHOD(GetBindings) (HACCESSOR hAccessor, DBACCESSORFLAGS * pdwBindIO, DBCOUNTITEM * pcBindings, DBBINDING * * prgBindings) /*const*/;
STDMETHOD(ReleaseAccessor) (HACCESSOR hAccessor, ULONG * pcRefCount);
// IConvertType methods
STDMETHOD(CanConvert) (DBTYPE wFromType, DBTYPE wToType, DBCONVERTFLAGS dwConvertFlags );
// IServiceProperties methods
STDMETHOD(GetPropertyInfo) ( ULONG cPropertyIDSets, const DBPROPIDSET rgPropertyIDSets[ ], ULONG *pcPropertyInfoSets, DBPROPINFOSET **prgPropertyInfoSets, OLECHAR **ppDescBuffer );
STDMETHOD(SetRequestedProperties) ( ULONG cPropertySets, DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[ ] );
STDMETHOD(SetSuppliedProperties) ( ULONG cPropertySets, DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[ ]);
// Non-interface public methods
inline BOOL IsRowsetOpen() { return (HaveQuery() && _pInternalQuery->IsQueryActive()); }
// Build a Query Tree from SQL text
SCODE BuildTree( );
inline BOOL IsCommandSet() { return (_dwStatus & CMD_TEXT_SET); }
inline void ImpersonateOpenRowset() { _fGenByOpenRowset = TRUE; }
inline BOOL IsGenByOpenRowset() { return _fGenByOpenRowset; }
inline static BOOL IsValidFromVariantType( DBTYPE wTypeIn ) { DBTYPE wType = wTypeIn & VT_TYPEMASK;
return (! ((wType > VT_DECIMAL && wType < VT_I1) || (wType > VT_LPWSTR && wType < VT_FILETIME && wType != VT_RECORD) || (wType > VT_CLSID)) ); }
inline static BOOL IsVariableLengthType( DBTYPE wTypeIn ) { DBTYPE wType = wTypeIn & VT_TYPEMASK;
return wType == DBTYPE_STR || wType == DBTYPE_BYTES || wType == DBTYPE_WSTR || wType == DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC; } protected:
// Ctor / Dtor
CRootQuerySpec (IUnknown * pUnkOuter, IUnknown ** ppMyUnk, CDBSession * pSession=0); CRootQuerySpec ( CRootQuerySpec & src ); virtual ~CRootQuerySpec (); SCODE RealQueryInterface( REFIID ifid, void * *ppiuk ); // used by _pControllingUnknown
// in aggregation - does QI without delegating to outer unknown
// Scope access.
void SetDepth( DWORD dwDepth ) { _dwDepth = dwDepth; } DWORD Depth() { return _dwDepth; }
virtual PIInternalQuery * QueryInternalQuery() = 0;
void ReleaseInternalQuery() { if ( 0 != _pInternalQuery ) { _pInternalQuery->Release(); _pInternalQuery = 0; } }
// Syncronize access to the command object
CMutexSem _mtxCmd;
// Support Ole DB error handling
CCIOleDBError _DBErrorObj;
// Execution status flags
ULONG _dwStatus;
// Current SQL text, if any
WCHAR* _pwszSQLText;
// GUID for dialect of current text or tree
GUID _guidCmdDialect;
// Session that created this command, if any
XInterface<CDBSession> _xSession; XInterface<IParserSession> _xpIPSession; BOOL _fGenByOpenRowset;
void CreateParser();
void _FindTreeNodes( const CDbCmdTreeNode * pRoot, ULONG & rcMatchingNodes, XArrayOLE<DBCOMMANDTREE *> & rpMatchingNodes, PFNCHECKTREENODE pfnCheck, unsigned iDepth = 0);
void _CheckRootNode( const DBCOMMANDTREE* pRoot);
BOOL HaveQuery() { return ( 0 != _pInternalQuery ); }
CColumnsInfo * GetColumnsInfo();
void InitColumns( );
DWORD _dwDepth; // query depth
PIInternalQuery * _pInternalQuery; // PIInternalQuery to create rowsets
CDbCmdTreeNode * _pQueryTree; // the query tree
// For implementing ICommandProperties
CMRowsetProps _RowsetProps;
// IServiceProperties::GetPropertyInfo
CMDSPropInfo _PropInfo; //
// For implementing IColumnsInfo
CColumnsInfo * _pColumnsInfo; // implements IColumnsInfo
// Keeps track of accessors handed out by this object.
CAccessorBag _aAccessors; IUnknown * _pControllingUnknown; // outer unknown
friend class CImpIUnknown<CRootQuerySpec>; CImpIUnknown<CRootQuerySpec> _impIUnknown;
XInterface<IParser> _xIParser;
// Default catalog.
XArray<WCHAR> _xpwszCatalog; };