// Microsoft OLE DB Parser object
// (C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999.
// @doc
// @module IParserSession.CPP | IParserSession object implementation
#pragma hdrstop
#include "msidxtr.h"
#include <ciexcpt.hxx>
// CViewData::CViewData ------------------------------------
// @mfunc Constructor
CViewData::CViewData() : m_pwszViewName( 0 ), m_pwszCatalogName( 0 ), m_pctProjectList( 0 ), m_pCScopeData( 0 ) { }
// CViewData::CViewData ------------------------------------
// @mfunc Destructor
CViewData::~CViewData() { delete [] m_pwszViewName; delete [] m_pwszCatalogName;
DeleteDBQT(m_pctProjectList); if ( 0 != m_pCScopeData ) m_pCScopeData->Release(); }
// CViewList::CViewList ------------------------------------
// @mfunc Constructor
CViewList::CViewList() : m_pViewData( 0 ) { }
// CViewList::~CViewList -----------------------------------
// @mfunc Destructor
CViewList::~CViewList() { CViewData* pViewData = m_pViewData; CViewData* pNextViewData = NULL; while( NULL != pViewData ) { pNextViewData = pViewData->m_pNextView; delete pViewData; pViewData = pNextViewData; } }
// CImpIParserSession::CImpIParserSession ------------------------------------
// @mfunc Constructor
CImpIParserSession::CImpIParserSession( const GUID* pGuidDialect, // in | dialect for this session
IParserVerify* pIPVerify, // in |
IColumnMapperCreator* pIColMapCreator, // in |
CViewList* pGlobalViewList ) : // in |
m_pLocalViewList( 0 ) { assert( pGuidDialect && pIPVerify && pIColMapCreator );
m_cRef = 1;
m_pwszCatalog = NULL; m_pwszMachine = NULL;
m_pGlobalViewList = pGlobalViewList; m_globalDefinitions = FALSE;
m_pColumnMapper = NULL; m_pCPropertyList = NULL;
InitializeCriticalSection( &m_csSession );
m_pIPVerify = pIPVerify; m_pIPVerify->AddRef();
m_pIColMapCreator = pIColMapCreator; m_pIColMapCreator->AddRef();
m_GuidDialect = *pGuidDialect;
if ( DBGUID_MSSQLTEXT == m_GuidDialect ) m_dwSQLDialect = DBDIALECT_MSSQLTEXT; else if ( DBGUID_MSSQLJAWS == m_GuidDialect ) m_dwSQLDialect = DBDIALECT_MSSQLJAWS; else assert( DBGUID_MSSQLTEXT == m_GuidDialect || DBGUID_MSSQLJAWS == m_GuidDialect ); }
// CImpIParserSession::~CImpIParserSession -----------------------------------
// @mfunc Destructor
CImpIParserSession::~CImpIParserSession() { if( 0 != m_pIPVerify ) m_pIPVerify->Release();
if( 0 != m_pIColMapCreator ) m_pIColMapCreator->Release();
delete [] m_pwszCatalog; delete [] m_pwszMachine;
delete m_pCPropertyList; delete m_pLocalViewList;
DeleteCriticalSection( &m_csSession ); }
// @mfunc FInit
// Initialize member vars that could potentially fail.
HRESULT CImpIParserSession::FInit( LPCWSTR pwszMachine, // in | provider's current machine
CPropertyList** ppGlobalPropertyList ) // in | caller's property list
{ assert( 0 == m_pCPropertyList ); assert( 0 != pwszMachine && 0 == m_pwszMachine );
SCODE sc = S_OK; TRY { XPtrST<WCHAR> xMachine( CopyString(pwszMachine) ); XPtr<CPropertyList> xpPropertyList( new CPropertyList(ppGlobalPropertyList) ); XPtr<CViewList> xpLocalViewList( new CViewList() );
Win4Assert( 0 == m_pCPropertyList ); m_pCPropertyList = xpPropertyList.Acquire();
Win4Assert( 0 == m_pLocalViewList ); m_pLocalViewList = xpLocalViewList.Acquire();
m_pwszMachine = xMachine.Acquire(); } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH
return sc; }
// CImpIParserSession::QueryInterface ----------------------------------
// @mfunc Returns a pointer to a specified interface. Callers use
// QueryInterface to determine which interfaces the called object
// supports.
// @rdesc HResult indicating the status of the method
// @flag S_OK | Interface is supported and ppvObject is set.
// @flag E_NOINTERFACE | Interface is not supported by the object
// @flag E_INVALIDARG | One or more arguments are invalid.
STDMETHODIMP CImpIParserSession::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, //@parm IN | Interface ID of the interface being queried for.
LPVOID * ppv ) //@parm OUT | Pointer to interface that was instantiated
{ if( 0 == ppv ) return ResultFromScode(E_INVALIDARG);
if( (riid == IID_IUnknown) || (riid == IID_IParserSession) ) *ppv = (LPVOID)this; else *ppv = 0;
// If we're going to return an interface, AddRef it first
if( 0 != *ppv ) { ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef(); return NOERROR; }
return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE); }
// CImpIParserSession::AddRef ------------------------------------------
// @mfunc Increments a persistence count for the object
// @rdesc Current reference count
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CImpIParserSession::AddRef (void) { return InterlockedIncrement( (long*) &m_cRef); }
// CImpIParserSession::Release -----------------------------------------
// @mfunc Decrements a persistence count for the object and if
// persistence count is 0, the object destroys itself.
// @rdesc Current reference count
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CImpIParserSession::Release (void) { assert( m_cRef > 0 );
ULONG cRef = InterlockedDecrement( (long *) &m_cRef ); if( 0 == cRef ) { delete this; return 0; }
return cRef; }
// @func CImpIParserSession::ToTree
// Transform a given text command to a valid command tree
// @rdesc HRESULT
// S_OK - Text was translated into DBCOMMANDTREE
// these parsed successfully. NOTE: *ppTree and
// *ppPTProperties will be null.
// E_OUTOFMEMORY - low on resources
// E_FAIL - unexpected error
// E_INVALIDARG - pcwszText, ppCommandTree, or ppPTProperties
// was a NULL pointer.
STDMETHODIMP CImpIParserSession::ToTree( LCID lcid, LPCWSTR pcwszText, DBCOMMANDTREE** ppCommandTree, IParserTreeProperties** ppPTProperties ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IColumnMapper* pIColumnMapper = NULL;
assert(pcwszText && ppCommandTree && ppPTProperties);
if ( 0 == pcwszText || 0 == ppCommandTree || 0 == ppPTProperties ) hr = ResultFromScode(E_INVALIDARG); else { *ppCommandTree = 0; *ppPTProperties = 0;
CAutoBlock cab( &m_csSession );
// Clear some member variables for this pass through the parser
SetLCID( lcid ); SetGlobalDefinition( FALSE );
// Attempt to get the interface for accessing the built-in properties
// This is done on each call to the parser in case different commands
// use a different catalog, which is part of the
// GetColumnMapper parameter list.
if( SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pIColMapCreator->GetColumnMapper(LOCAL_MACHINE, GetDefaultCatalog(), &pIColumnMapper)) ) { SetColumnMapperPtr(pIColumnMapper); } else { goto ParseErr; }
try { XInterface<CImpIParserTreeProperties> xpPTProps;
xpPTProps.Set( new CImpIParserTreeProperties() );
hr = xpPTProps->FInit(GetDefaultCatalog(), GetDefaultMachine()); if (FAILED(hr) ) THROW( CException(hr) );
MSSQLLexer Lexer; MSSQLParser Parser(this, xpPTProps.GetPointer(), Lexer);
// callee needs this to post parser errors when Parse() fails
*ppPTProperties = xpPTProps.Acquire();
Parser.yyprimebuffer( (LPWSTR)pcwszText ); Parser.ResetParser();
#ifdef DEBUG
Parser.yydebug = getenv("YYDEBUG") ? 1 : 0; #endif
// Actually parse the text producing a tree
hr = Parser.Parse(); if ( FAILED(hr) ) goto ParseErr;
// return the DBCOMMANDTREE
*ppCommandTree = Parser.GetParseTree();
#ifdef DEBUG
if (getenv("PRINTTREE")) { if ( *ppCommandTree ) { cout << "OLE DB Command Tree" << endl; cout << pcwszText << endl << **ppCommandTree << endl << endl;
// Retrieve CiRestriction
VARIANT vVal; VariantInit(&vVal); if( SUCCEEDED((*ppPTProperties)->GetProperties(PTPROPS_CIRESTRICTION, &vVal)) ) if( V_BSTR(&vVal) ) cout << "CiRestriction: " << (LPWSTR)V_BSTR(&vVal) << endl; VariantClear(&vVal); } } #endif
if ( 0 == *ppCommandTree ) { hr = ResultFromScode(DB_S_NORESULT);
// Spec states that this should be NULL when DB_S_NORESULTs is returned.
(*ppPTProperties)->Release(); *ppPTProperties = 0; goto ParseErr; } } catch( CException e ) { #ifdef DEBUG
if (getenv("PRINTTREE")) cout << "At catch(...)!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl; #endif
hr = e.GetErrorCode(); } catch(...) { hr = E_FAIL; }
pIColumnMapper = GetColumnMapperPtr(); if ( 0 != pIColumnMapper ) { pIColumnMapper->Release(); pIColumnMapper = NULL; SetColumnMapperPtr(NULL); } }
return hr; }
// @func CImpIParserSession::FreeTree
// Free memory associated with a given command tree.
// @rdesc HRESULT
// S_OK - command tree released
// E_FAIL - tree could not be freed
// E_INVALIDARG - ppTree was a NULL pointer
STDMETHODIMP CImpIParserSession::FreeTree( DBCOMMANDTREE** ppTree ) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
if ( 0 == ppTree ) sc = E_INVALIDARG; else { if ( 0 != *ppTree ) DeleteDBQT( *ppTree ); // todo: put error returns on DeleteDBQT
*ppTree = 0; }
return sc; }
// @func CImpIParserSession::SetCatalog
// Establish the current catalog for this parser session.
// @rdesc HRESULT
// S_OK - method successful
// E_OUTOFMEMORY - low on resources
// E_FAIL - unexpected error
// E_INVALIDARG - pcwszCatalog was a NULL pointer (DEBUG ONLY)
STDMETHODIMP CImpIParserSession::SetCatalog( LPCWSTR pcwszCatalog ) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
if ( 0 == pcwszCatalog ) return E_INVALIDARG;
TRY { XPtrST<WCHAR> xCatalog( CopyString(pcwszCatalog) );
delete [] m_pwszCatalog; m_pwszCatalog = xCatalog.Acquire();
} CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH
return sc; }
// @func Locate a view, if defined, in the view list
// @rdesc HRESULT
CViewData* CViewList::FindViewDefinition( LPWSTR pwszViewName, // @parm IN | name of view being defined
LPWSTR pwszCatalogName ) // @parm IN | name of catalog view is to be defined in
{ CViewData* pViewData = m_pViewData; while (NULL != pViewData) { if ( 0 == _wcsicmp(pViewData->m_pwszViewName, pwszViewName) ) { // pwszCatalogName will be null for built-in views which match all catalogs
if ( 0 == pViewData->m_pwszCatalogName ) break; if ( 0 == _wcsicmp(pViewData->m_pwszCatalogName, pwszCatalogName) ) break; } pViewData = pViewData->m_pNextView; } return pViewData; }
// @func Stores the information from a temporary view
// @rdesc S_OK | Valid
// E_INVALIDARG | Attempt to redefine a view in the specified catalog
// E_OUTOFMEMORY | Error result from HrQeTreeCopy or CopyScopeDataToView
HRESULT CViewList::SetViewDefinition( CImpIParserSession* pIParsSess, // @parm IN | IParserSession interface
CImpIParserTreeProperties* pIPTProps, // @parm IN | IParserTreeProperties interface
LPWSTR pwszViewName, // @parm IN | name of view being defined
LPWSTR pwszCatalogName,// @parm IN | name of catalog view is to be defined in
DBCOMMANDTREE* pctProjectList )// @parm IN | project list for the selected columns
{ SCODE sc = S_OK;
{ CViewData* pViewData = FindViewDefinition( pwszViewName, pwszCatalogName ); if( 0 != pViewData ) // this view already defined
return E_INVALIDARG; }
TRY { XPtr<CViewData> xpViewData( new CViewData() ); xpViewData->m_pwszViewName = CopyString( pwszViewName );
if ( 0 != pwszCatalogName ) xpViewData->m_pwszCatalogName = CopyString( pwszCatalogName );
sc = HrQeTreeCopy( &(xpViewData->m_pctProjectList), pctProjectList );
if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { //Save pointer to ScopeData object and up the refcount for our use.
xpViewData->m_pCScopeData = pIPTProps->GetScopeDataPtr(); xpViewData->m_pCScopeData->AddRef();
sc = pIPTProps->CreateNewScopeDataObject( pIParsSess->GetDefaultMachine() ); if( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { //@DEVNOTE: Anything added before the next two lines should
// go through the error_exit routine. WHY? Because we haven't
// added this node to our linked list until the next 2 lines.
xpViewData->m_pNextView = m_pViewData; m_pViewData = xpViewData.Acquire(); } } } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH
return sc; }
// @func Deletes the information for a temporary view.
// @rdesc HRESULT
HRESULT CViewList::DropViewDefinition( LPWSTR pwszViewName, // @parm IN | name of view being defined
LPWSTR pwszCatalogName ) // @parm IN | name of catalog view is defined in
{ CViewData* pViewData = m_pViewData; CViewData* pPrevViewData = NULL;
while (NULL != pViewData) { if ( 0 == _wcsicmp(pViewData->m_pwszViewName, pwszViewName) ) { // pwszCatalogName will be null for built-in views which match all catalogs
if ( 0 == pViewData->m_pwszCatalogName ) break; if ( 0 == _wcsicmp(pViewData->m_pwszCatalogName, pwszCatalogName) ) break; } pPrevViewData = pViewData; pViewData = pViewData->m_pNextView; }
if ( 0 == pViewData ) return E_FAIL;
// unlink the view
if ( 0 != pPrevViewData ) pPrevViewData->m_pNextView = pViewData->m_pNextView; else m_pViewData = pViewData->m_pNextView;
delete pViewData;
return S_OK; }
// @func Retrieves the information from a temporary view.
// This returns a DBCOMMANDTREE for use as a project list
// in the query specification. The scope information is
// stored in the compiler envirnment scope data.
// NULL | view not defined
// DBOP_catalog_name | verify catalog failed
// DBOP_project_list_anchor| success
DBCOMMANDTREE* CViewList::GetViewDefinition( CImpIParserTreeProperties* pIPTProps, LPWSTR pwszViewName, // @parm IN | name of view being defined
LPWSTR pwszCatalogName ) // @parm IN | name of catalog view is defined in
CViewData* pViewData = FindViewDefinition( pwszViewName, pwszCatalogName ); if( 0 != pViewData ) { // Take the pointer to the scope data stored in the view definition and
// AddRef the object so we have ownership rights in our current PTProps.
pIPTProps->ReplaceScopeDataPtr( pViewData->m_pCScopeData );
SCODE sc = HrQeTreeCopy( &pct, pViewData->m_pctProjectList ); if ( FAILED(sc) ) pct = 0; }
return pct; }