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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1998
// File: mmscbuf.cxx
// Contents: Memory Mapped Stream buffer for consecutive buffer mapping
// Classes: CMmStreamConsecBuf
// History: 22-Jul-93 AmyA Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <mmscbuf.hxx>
// Member: CMmStreamConsecBuf::CMmStreamConsecBuf, public
// Synopsis: Constructor
// History: 22-Jul-93 AmyA Created
CMmStreamConsecBuf::CMmStreamConsecBuf() : _pMmStream(0) { _liOffset.QuadPart = 0; }
// Member: CMmStreamConsecBuf::Map, public
// Synopsis: Map next consecutive part of file
// Arguments: [cb] -- size of the mapped area
// History: 22-Jul-93 AmyA Created
void CMmStreamConsecBuf::Map( ULONG cb ) { Win4Assert( 0 != _pMmStream );
if ( Get() != 0 ) _pMmStream->Unmap( *this );
LARGE_INTEGER liNewOffset; LARGE_INTEGER liStreamSize={_pMmStream->SizeLow(), _pMmStream->SizeHigh()};
liNewOffset.QuadPart = cb + _liOffset.QuadPart;
if ( liNewOffset.QuadPart > liStreamSize.QuadPart ) { cb = (ULONG)(liStreamSize.QuadPart - _liOffset.QuadPart); liNewOffset = liStreamSize; }
_pMmStream->Map( *this, cb, _liOffset.LowPart, _liOffset.HighPart );
_liOffset = liNewOffset; }
// Member: CMmStreamConsecBuf::Init, public
// Synopsis: Initizializes CMmStreamConsecBuf
// Arguments: [pMmStream] -- pointer to the CMmStream from which to fill
// the buffer
// History: 22-Jul-93 AmyA Created
void CMmStreamConsecBuf::Init( PMmStream * pMmStream ) { _pMmStream = pMmStream; _liOffset.QuadPart = 0; }
// Member: CMmStreamConsecBuf::Rewind, public
// Synopsis: Rewind file to beginning.
// History: 13-Dec-93 AmyA Created
void CMmStreamConsecBuf::Rewind() { if ( 0 != Get() ) { Win4Assert( 0 != _pMmStream );
_pMmStream->Unmap( *this ); }
_liOffset.QuadPart = 0; }
// Member: CMmStreamConsecBuf::Eof, public
// Synopsis: Returns whether end of file has been hit
// Returns: FALSE if there is still more file to be mapped. TRUE
// otherwise.
// History: 22-Jul-93 AmyA Created
BOOL CMmStreamConsecBuf::Eof() { Win4Assert( 0 != _pMmStream ); return( ( (ULONG) _liOffset.HighPart == _pMmStream->SizeHigh() ) && ( _liOffset.LowPart == _pMmStream->SizeLow() ) ); }