// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2001.
// File: TFILT.CXX
// Contents: Text Filter
// History: 16-Jul-93 AmyA Created
// 23-Feb-94 KyleP Cleaned up
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <scode.h>
#include <tfilt.hxx>
#include <pfilter.hxx>
#include <codepage.hxx>
// has to be COMMON_PAGE_SIZE multiple
GUID const guidStorage = PSGUID_STORAGE;
extern "C" GUID CLSID_CTextIFilter;
extern ULONG g_cbMaxTextFilter;
// Member: CTextIFilter::CTextIFilter, public
// Synopsis: Constructor
// History: 16-Jul-93 AmyA Created.
CTextIFilter::CTextIFilter( LCID locale ) : _idChunk(1), _bytesReadFromChunk(0), _pwszFileName(0), _pStream(0), _fUniCode(FALSE), _fBigEndian(FALSE), _fContents(FALSE), _fNSS(FALSE), _locale(locale), _fDBCSSplitChar(FALSE) { //
// We need a code page for MultiByteToWideChar.
_ulCodePage = LocaleToCodepage( locale );
_fDBCSCodePage = IsDBCSCodePage( _ulCodePage ); }
// Member: CTextIFilter::~CTextIFilter, public
// Synopsis: Destructor
// History: 16-Jul-93 AmyA Created.
CTextIFilter::~CTextIFilter() { delete [] _pwszFileName;
if ( 0 != _pStream ) _pStream->Release(); }
// Member: CTextIFilter::Init, public
// Synopsis: Initializes instance of text filter
// Arguments: [grfFlags] -- Flags for filter behavior
// [cAttributes] -- Number of strings in array ppwcsAttributes
// [aAttributes] -- Array of attribute strings
// [pFlags] -- Must be zero for Cairo V1
// History: 16-Jul-93 AmyA Created.
// 23-Feb-94 KyleP Cleaned up.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTextIFilter::Init( ULONG grfFlags, ULONG cAttributes, FULLPROPSPEC const * aAttributes, ULONG * pFlags ) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Text files only support the 'contents' attribute.
if( cAttributes > 0 ) { //
// Known, safe cast
CFullPropSpec const * pAttrib = (CFullPropSpec const *)aAttributes;
if ( pAttrib == 0 ) return E_FAIL;
for ( ULONG i = 0; i < cAttributes; i++ ) { if ( pAttrib[i].IsPropertyPropid() && pAttrib[i].GetPropertyPropid() == PID_STG_CONTENTS && memcmp( &pAttrib[i].GetPropSet(), &guidStorage, sizeof(guidStorage) ) == 0 ) { break; } }
if ( i < cAttributes ) _fContents = TRUE; else _fContents = FALSE; } else if ( 0 == grfFlags || (grfFlags & IFILTER_INIT_APPLY_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES) ) { _fContents = TRUE; } else _fContents = FALSE;
// Open memory-mapped file
if ( 0 != _pwszFileName ) { if ( _mmStream.Ok() ) { _mmStreamBuf.Rewind(); } else { if ( !_fNSS ) { TRY { _mmStreamBuf.Rewind(); _mmStream.Close(); _mmStream.Open( _pwszFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING );
if ( _mmStream.Ok() ) _mmStreamBuf.Init( &_mmStream ); else { sc = ( STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED == GetLastError() ? // Open sets the last error
FILTER_E_PASSWORD : FILTER_E_ACCESS ); } } CATCH( CException, e ) { if ( e.GetErrorCode() == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT ) ) { _fNSS = TRUE; sc = S_OK; } else { sc = ( STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED == e.GetErrorCode() ? FILTER_E_PASSWORD : FILTER_E_ACCESS ); } } END_CATCH; } } }
// ...or, Memory mapped stream
else if ( 0 != _pStream ) { if ( _mmIStream.Ok() ) { _mmStreamBuf.Rewind(); } else { TRY { _mmIStream.Close(); _mmIStream.Open( _pStream );
if ( _mmIStream.Ok() ) _mmStreamBuf.Init( &_mmIStream ); else { sc = ( STG_E_ACCESSDENIED == GetLastError() ? FILTER_E_PASSWORD : FILTER_E_ACCESS ); } } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = ( STG_E_ACCESSDENIED == e.GetErrorCode() ? FILTER_E_PASSWORD : FILTER_E_ACCESS ); } END_CATCH; } }
// Might as well try filtering properties.
// Re-initialize
_idChunk = 1; _bytesReadFromChunk = 0; _fDBCSSplitChar = FALSE;
return sc; }
// Member: CTextIFilter::GetChunk, public
// Synopsis: Gets the next chunk and returns chunk information in ppStat
// Arguments: [ppStat] -- for chunk information
// History: 16-Jul-93 AmyA Created.
// Error checking
if ( _fNSS ) return FILTER_E_END_OF_CHUNKS;
if ( (IsFileBased() && !_mmStream.Ok()) || (IsStreamBased() && !_mmIStream.Ok()) ) return FILTER_E_ACCESS;
if ( !_fContents || _mmStreamBuf.Eof() ) return FILTER_E_END_OF_CHUNKS;
// Is the file to big? If so, stop filtering now
if ( (ULONGLONG) _mmStreamBuf.CurrentOffset() > (ULONGLONG) g_cbMaxTextFilter ) return FILTER_E_PARTIALLY_FILTERED;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
TRY { _mmStreamBuf.Map( TEXT_FILTER_CHUNK_SIZE ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { return FILTER_E_ACCESS; } END_CATCH;
_bytesReadFromChunk = 0;
// If this is the first time we've touched the file, determine if it
// is a UniCode or ASCII stream. The first two bytes of all UniCode
// plain text streams are 0xff 0xfe
WCHAR const wcUniCode = 0xfeff; WCHAR const wcBigUniCode = 0xfffe;
if ( _idChunk == 1 ) { //
// Are there at least two bytes in file?
if ( _mmStreamBuf.Size() >= 2 ) { if ( *(WCHAR *)(_mmStreamBuf.Get()) == wcUniCode && _mmStreamBuf.Size() % sizeof(WCHAR) == 0 ) { _fUniCode = TRUE; _bytesReadFromChunk += sizeof(WCHAR); } else if ( *(WCHAR *)(_mmStreamBuf.Get()) == wcBigUniCode && _mmStreamBuf.Size() % sizeof(WCHAR) == 0 ) { _fUniCode = TRUE; _fBigEndian = TRUE; _bytesReadFromChunk += sizeof(WCHAR); } else _fUniCode = FALSE; } else _fUniCode = FALSE; }
pStat->idChunk = _idChunk; pStat->flags = CHUNK_TEXT; pStat->locale = _locale; pStat->attribute.guidPropSet = guidStorage; pStat->attribute.psProperty.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; pStat->attribute.psProperty.propid = PID_STG_CONTENTS; pStat->breakType = CHUNK_NO_BREAK; pStat->idChunkSource = _idChunk; pStat->cwcStartSource = 0; pStat->cwcLenSource = 0;
return sc; }
// Member: CTextIFilter::GetText, public
// Synopsis: Retrieves text from current chunk
// Arguments: [pcwcBuffer] -- count of UniCode characters in buffer
// [awcBuffer] -- buffer for text
// History: 16-Jul-93 AmyA Created.
// 30-Aug-94 Bartoszm Rewrote
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTextIFilter::GetText( ULONG * pcwcOutput, WCHAR * awcOutput ) { if ( 0 == awcOutput || 0 == pcwcOutput ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
if ( !_fContents || _fNSS ) { *pcwcOutput = 0; return FILTER_E_NO_MORE_TEXT; }
if ( 0 == *pcwcOutput ) { if ( _bytesReadFromChunk == _mmStreamBuf.Size() ) { return FILTER_E_NO_MORE_TEXT; }
if ( _fUniCode ) { ULONG ccInput = _mmStreamBuf.Size() - _bytesReadFromChunk; ccInput /= sizeof(WCHAR);
// Handle bogus Unicode file with an odd byte count.
if ( 0 == ccInput ) { return FILTER_E_NO_MORE_TEXT; } } return S_OK; }
if ( _fDBCSSplitChar ) { //
// Convert DBCS lead byte from the previous mapping and the trail byte (first
// char) from this mapping to Unicode
Win4Assert( IsDBCSLeadByteEx( _ulCodePage, _abDBCSInput[0] ) );
_abDBCSInput[1] = * (BYTE *) _mmStreamBuf.Get();
if ( 1 == *pcwcOutput ) { //
// In the DBCS case, output buffer must be bigger than one byte
return E_INVALIDARG; }
ULONG cwcActual = MultiByteToWideChar( _ulCodePage, 0, (char *) _abDBCSInput, 2, awcOutput, *pcwcOutput ); if ( cwcActual == 0 ) { //
// Input buffer is 2 bytes, and output buffer is 2k, hence there
// should be ample space
Win4Assert( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER );
return E_FAIL; }
*pcwcOutput = cwcActual; _bytesReadFromChunk = 1; _fDBCSSplitChar = FALSE;
return S_OK; }
if ( _bytesReadFromChunk == _mmStreamBuf.Size() ) _fDBCSSplitChar = FALSE; else { _fDBCSSplitChar = _fDBCSCodePage && _bytesReadFromChunk == _mmStreamBuf.Size() - 1 && IsDBCSLeadByteEx( _ulCodePage, *( (BYTE *) _mmStreamBuf.Get() + _bytesReadFromChunk ) ); }
if ( _bytesReadFromChunk == _mmStreamBuf.Size() || _fDBCSSplitChar ) { if ( _fDBCSSplitChar ) { //
// Store the DBCS lead byte for conversion as part of next chunk.
// This works across chunks because the chunks are emitted
// with CHUNK_NO_BREAK break type.
_abDBCSInput[0] = *( (BYTE *) _mmStreamBuf.Get() + _bytesReadFromChunk ); }
*pcwcOutput = 0; return FILTER_E_NO_MORE_TEXT; }
Win4Assert( _mmStreamBuf.Size() >= _bytesReadFromChunk );
SCODE sc = S_OK; ULONG ccInput = _mmStreamBuf.Size() - _bytesReadFromChunk; BYTE* pbInput = (BYTE*) _mmStreamBuf.Get() + _bytesReadFromChunk; ULONG cwcOutput = *pcwcOutput; // size of the output buffer
if ( _fUniCode ) { ccInput /= sizeof(WCHAR);
// Handle bogus Unicode file with an odd byte count.
if ( 0 == ccInput ) { *pcwcOutput = 0; return FILTER_E_NO_MORE_TEXT; } }
// ASCII text must be converted to UniCode.
// UniCode text must be folded into pre-composed characters
// There is no guarantee about how many UniCode characters it takes
// to represent a single multi-byte character. Most of the time, it
// takes 1 UniCode character to represent 1 ASCII character.
// MultiByteToWideChar returns 0 and sets LastError to
// ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if all characters in the input buffer cannot
// be translated in the output space provided.
// We'll assume a fairly optimistic target count of 1:1 translations
// (7/8 of all characters) and deal with the overflow when it occurs.
// Let's try to convert this many characters from the input buffer
ULONG cInputChar = 1 + cwcOutput / 2 + cwcOutput / 4 + cwcOutput / 8;
// Don't overflow
if (cInputChar > ccInput) cInputChar = ccInput;
// Translate
ULONG cwcActual = 0;
do { if ( _fUniCode ) { if ( _fBigEndian ) { TRY { XArray<WCHAR> xTmp( cInputChar );
for ( ULONG i = 0; i < cInputChar; i++ ) xTmp[i] = MAKEWORD( pbInput[ sizeof WCHAR * i + 1 ], pbInput[ sizeof WCHAR * i ] );
cwcActual = FoldStringW( MAP_PRECOMPOSED, xTmp.GetPointer(), cInputChar, awcOutput, cwcOutput );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "before %#x, after %#x\n", pbInput, awcOutput )); } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); break; } END_CATCH } else { cwcActual = FoldStringW( MAP_PRECOMPOSED, (WCHAR*) pbInput, cInputChar, awcOutput, cwcOutput ); } } else { //
// If last char is a DBCS lead byte, then don't convert the last char
if ( _fDBCSCodePage && IsLastCharDBCSLeadByte( pbInput, cInputChar ) ) { Win4Assert( cInputChar > 1 ); cInputChar--; }
cwcActual = MultiByteToWideChar( _ulCodePage, 0, (char*) pbInput, cInputChar, awcOutput, cwcOutput); }
if ( 0 == cwcActual ) { if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER && cInputChar >= 2 ) { cInputChar /= 2; } else { Win4Assert( !"Can't translate single char" ); sc = E_FAIL; break; } }
} while ( cwcActual == 0 );
if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { *pcwcOutput = cwcActual; if ( _fUniCode ) _bytesReadFromChunk += cInputChar * sizeof(WCHAR); else _bytesReadFromChunk += cInputChar; } else *pcwcOutput = 0;
return sc; }
// Member: CTextIFilter::GetValue, public
// Synopsis: No value chunks for plain text.
// History: 16-Jul-93 AmyA Created.
// Member: CTextIFilter::BindRegion, public
// Synopsis: Creates moniker or other interface for text indicated
// Arguments: [origPos] -- the region of text to be mapped to a moniker
// [riid] -- Interface to bind
// [ppunk] -- Output pointer to interface
// History: 16-Jul-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTextIFilter::BindRegion( FILTERREGION origPos, REFIID riid, void ** ppunk ) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// Member: CTextIFilter::GetClassID, public
// Synopsis: Returns the class id of this class.
// Arguments: [pClassID] -- the class id
// History: 16-Jul-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTextIFilter::GetClassID( CLSID * pClassID ) { *pClassID = CLSID_CTextIFilter; return S_OK; }
// Member: CTextIFilter::IsDirty, public
// Synopsis: Always returns S_FALSE since this class is read-only.
// History: 16-Jul-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTextIFilter::IsDirty() { return S_FALSE; // Since the filter is read-only, there will never be
// changes to the file.
// Function: WellKnownExtension
// Synopsis: Checks if the file extension is well-known to the text filter
// Arguments: [pwcFile] -- path of the file to be checked
// Returns: TRUE if the extension is well-known by the text filter
// History: 28-Jul-98 dlee Created.
BOOL WellKnownExtension( WCHAR const * pwcFile ) { //
// All we really care about is .dic and .txt files. Others have script
// code that is better broken by the neutral word breaker.
const WCHAR *aKnownExt[] = { L"dic", // MS spell-check custom word dictionary
L"txt", // L"wtx",
// L"bat",
// L"cmd",
// L"idq",
// L"ini",
// L"inx",
// L"reg",
// L"inf",
// L"vbs",
}; const unsigned cKnownExt = sizeof aKnownExt / sizeof aKnownExt[0];
WCHAR const * pwcExt = wcsrchr( pwcFile, '.' );
if ( 0 == pwcExt ) return FALSE;
pwcExt++; unsigned cwc = wcslen( pwcExt );
// all the entries in the array above are 3 long
if ( 3 == cwc ) { WCHAR awcExt[ 4 ];
unsigned cwcOut = LCMapString( LOCALE_NEUTRAL, LCMAP_LOWERCASE, pwcExt, 3, awcExt, 3 ); Win4Assert( 3 == cwcOut ); awcExt[ 3 ] = 0;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cKnownExt; i++ ) if ( !wcscmp( awcExt, aKnownExt[i] ) ) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } //WellKnownExtension
// Member: CTextIFilter::Load, public
// Synopsis: Loads the indicated file
// Arguments: [pszFileName] -- the file name
// [dwMode] -- the mode to load the file in
// History: 16-Jul-93 AmyA Created.
// Notes: dwMode must be either 0 or STGM_READ.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTextIFilter::Load(LPCWSTR pszFileName, DWORD dwMode) { if ( 0 == pszFileName ) return E_INVALIDARG;
if ( 0 != _pStream ) { _pStream->Release(); _pStream = 0; _mmIStream.Close(); }
if (_pwszFileName != 0) { delete _pwszFileName; _pwszFileName = 0; _mmStreamBuf.Rewind(); _mmStream.Close(); }
SCODE sc = S_OK; unsigned cc = 0;
TRY { //
// If it's a file the text filter knows how to filter, use the
// default system locale. Otherwise, use the neutral locale.
if ( WellKnownExtension( pszFileName ) ) lcid = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
if ( _locale != lcid ) { _locale = lcid; _ulCodePage = LocaleToCodepage( _locale ); _fDBCSCodePage = IsDBCSCodePage( _ulCodePage ); }
cc = wcslen( pszFileName ) + 1;
_pwszFileName = new WCHAR [cc];
wcscpy( _pwszFileName, pszFileName );
if ( _mmStream.Ok() ) _mmStreamBuf.Init( &_mmStream ); else sc = ( STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED == GetLastError() ? // Open sets the last error
FILTER_E_PASSWORD : FILTER_E_ACCESS ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { if ( e.GetErrorCode() == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT ) ) { _fNSS = TRUE; sc = S_OK; } else { sc = ( STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED == e.GetErrorCode() ? FILTER_E_PASSWORD : FILTER_E_ACCESS ); } } END_CATCH;
return sc; }
// Member: CTextIFilter::Save, public
// Synopsis: Always returns E_FAIL, since the file is opened read-only
// History: 16-Jul-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTextIFilter::Save(LPCWSTR pszFileName, BOOL fRemember) { return E_FAIL; // cannot be saved since it is read-only
// Member: CTextIFilter::SaveCompleted, public
// Synopsis: Always returns S_OK since the file is opened read-only
// History: 16-Jul-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTextIFilter::SaveCompleted(LPCWSTR pszFileName) { return E_FAIL; }
// Member: CTextIFilter::GetCurFile, public
// Synopsis: Returns a copy of the current file name
// Arguments: [ppszFileName] -- where the copied string is returned.
// History: 09-Aug-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTextIFilter::GetCurFile(LPWSTR * ppszFileName) { if ( _pwszFileName == 0 ) return E_FAIL;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
unsigned cc = wcslen( _pwszFileName ) + 1; *ppszFileName = (WCHAR *)CoTaskMemAlloc(cc*sizeof(WCHAR));
if ( *ppszFileName ) wcscpy( *ppszFileName, _pwszFileName ); else sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return sc; }
// Member: CTextIFilter::Load, public
// Synopsis: Loads the indicated stream
// Arguments: [pStm] -- The IStream
// History: 11-Feb-97 KyleP Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTextIFilter::Load( IStream * pStm ) { if ( 0 == pStm ) return E_INVALIDARG;
// Close any previously open stuff.
if ( 0 != _pStream ) { _pStream->Release(); _pStream = 0; _mmIStream.Close(); }
if (_pwszFileName != 0) { delete _pwszFileName; _pwszFileName = 0;
_mmStreamBuf.Rewind(); _mmStream.Close(); }
// Try to initialize map.
SCODE sc = S_OK;
TRY { _pStream = pStm; _pStream->AddRef();
_mmIStream.Open( pStm );
if ( _mmIStream.Ok() ) _mmStreamBuf.Init( &_mmIStream ); else { sc = ( STG_E_ACCESSDENIED == GetLastError() ? FILTER_E_PASSWORD : FILTER_E_ACCESS ); } } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = ( STG_E_ACCESSDENIED == e.GetErrorCode() ? FILTER_E_PASSWORD : FILTER_E_ACCESS ); } END_CATCH;
return sc; }
// Member: CTextIFilter::Save, public
// Synopsis: Always returns E_FAIL, since the stream is opened read-only
// Arguments: [pStm] -- Stream
// [fClearDirty] -- TRUE --> Clear dirty bit in stream
// History: 11-Feb-97 KyleP Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CTextIFilter::Save( IStream * pStm, BOOL fClearDirty ) { return E_FAIL; }
// Member: CTextIFilter::GetSizeMax, public
// Synopsis: Always returns E_FAIL, since the stream is opened read-only
// Arguments: [pcbSize] -- Size of stream needed to save object.
// History: 11-Feb-97 KyleP Created.
// Method: CTextIFilter::IsLastCharDBCSLeadByte
// Synopsis: Check if last byte in buffer is a DBCS lead byte
// Arguments: [pbIn] -- Input buffer
// [cChIn] -- Buffer length
// History: 6-Jan-96 SitaramR Created
BOOL CTextIFilter::IsLastCharDBCSLeadByte( BYTE *pbIn, ULONG cChIn ) { Win4Assert( IsDBCSCodePage( _ulCodePage ) );
for ( ULONG cCh=0; cCh<cChIn; cCh++ ) if ( IsDBCSLeadByteEx( _ulCodePage, pbIn[cCh] ) ) cCh++;
// If last char is DBCS lead byte, then cCh == cChIn + 1, else cCh == cChIin
return cCh != cChIn; }
// Method: CTextIFilter::IsDBCSCodePage
// Synopsis: Check if the codepage is a DBCS code page
// Arguments: [codePage] -- Code page to check
// History: 6-Jan-96 SitaramR Created
BOOL CTextIFilter::IsDBCSCodePage( ULONG ulCodePage ) { CPINFO cpInfo;
BOOL fSuccess = GetCPInfo( ulCodePage, &cpInfo );
if ( fSuccess ) { if ( cpInfo.LeadByte[0] != 0 && cpInfo.LeadByte[1] != 0 ) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "IsDBCSCodePage failed, 0x%x\n", GetLastError() )); return FALSE; }