// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// File: NodeXpr.cxx
// Contents: Internal expression classes
// Classes: CXpr
// History: 11-Sep-91 KyleP Created
// 23-Jan-95 t-colinb Added Support for RTVector in
// CNodeXpr::IsMatch
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <xpr.hxx>
#include <parse.hxx>
// Member: CNodeXpr::CNodeXpr, public
// Synopsis: Initialze an empty node.
// Arguments: [type] -- Type of node (AND, OR, etc.)
// [cInit] -- A hint about the number of expressions which
// will be added to this node.
// Signals: ???
// History: 05-Dec-91 KyleP Created.
CNodeXpr::CNodeXpr ( CXpr::NodeType type, unsigned cInit ) : CXpr ( type ), _cXpr( 0 ), _size( cInit ) { _aXpr = new CXpr* [cInit]; }
// Member: CNodeXpr::CNodeXpr, public
// Synopsis: Copy constructor
// Arguments: [nxpr] -- Node to copy from.
// Signals: ???
// History: 11-Dec-91 KyleP Created.
CNodeXpr::CNodeXpr( CNodeXpr & nxpr ) : CXpr ( nxpr.NType() ) { _cXpr = nxpr._cXpr; _size = nxpr._cXpr; _weight = nxpr._weight;
_aXpr = new CXpr * [ _size ]; RtlZeroMemory( _aXpr, _size * sizeof( CXpr * ) );
TRY { for ( int i = _cXpr-1; i >= 0; i-- ) _aXpr[i] = nxpr._aXpr[i]->Clone(); } CATCH( CException, e ) { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cXpr; i++ ) delete _aXpr[i];
delete _aXpr; RETHROW(); } END_CATCH }
// Member: CNodeXpr::~CNodeXpr, public
// Synopsis: Destroy subexpressions and cursor (if any)
// Signals: ???
// History: 05-Dec-91 KyleP Created.
CNodeXpr::~CNodeXpr () { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cXpr; i++ ) delete _aXpr[i];
delete _aXpr; }
// Member: CNodeXpr::Clone, public
// Returns: A copy of this node.
// Signals: ???
// Derivation: From base class CXpr, Always override in subclasses.
// History: 11-Dec-91 KyleP Created.
CXpr * CNodeXpr::Clone() { return( new CNodeXpr( *this ) ); }
// Member: CNodeXpr::SelectIndexing, public
// Effects: Selects indexing for children.
// History: 03-Nov-94 KyleP Created.
// Notes: Index selection is only applicable for AND nodes.
void CNodeXpr::SelectIndexing( CIndexStrategy & strategy ) { BOOL fModeChange;
if ( NType() == NTAnd ) fModeChange = strategy.SetAndMode(); else if ( NType() == NTOr ) fModeChange = strategy.SetOrMode(); else { strategy.SetUnknownBounds(); return; }
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cXpr; i++ ) _aXpr[i]->SelectIndexing( strategy );
if ( fModeChange ) strategy.DoneWithBoolean(); }
// Member: CNodeXpr::IsLeaf, public
// Returns: FALSE. Nodes are never leaf expressions.
// Derivation: From base class CXpr, Frequently override in subclasses.
// History: 12-Dec-91 KyleP Created.
BOOL CNodeXpr::IsLeaf() const { return FALSE; }
// Member: CNodeXpr::AddChild, public
// Synopsis: Add an expression to the node.
// Arguments: [child] -- Expression to add.
// Signals: ???
// History: 12-Dec-91 KyleP Created.
// Notes: Once an expression has been added to a node it is owned
// by that node. (e.g., no one else should delete it)
void CNodeXpr::AddChild ( CXpr* child ) { Win4Assert( child );
if ( _cXpr < _size ) { _aXpr[_cXpr++] = child; } else { CXpr ** newArray = new CXpr * [ 2 * _size ]; memcpy( newArray, _aXpr, _cXpr * sizeof( CXpr * ) );
Win4Assert( _cXpr == _size ); newArray[_cXpr++] = child;
delete _aXpr; _size *= 2; _aXpr = newArray; } }
// Member: CNodeXpr::HitCount, public
// Returns: Sum for OR, Min for AND
// History: 01-May-91 KyleP Created.
// Notes: HitCount only makes sense for content clauses. If there
// are any non-content clauses then HitCount will return 0.
ULONG CNodeXpr::HitCount( CRetriever & obj ) { ULONG result;
switch ( NType() ) { case NTAnd: { result = 0;
for (int i = Count()-1; i >= 0; i--) { ULONG thisChild = GetChild( i )->HitCount( obj ); result = (thisChild) ? min( result, thisChild ) : result; } } break;
case NTOr: { result = 0;
for (int i = Count()-1; i >= 0; i--) { ULONG thisChild = GetChild( i )->HitCount( obj ); if ( 0 != thisChild ) { result += GetChild( i )->HitCount( obj ); } else { result = 0; break; } } } break;
default: result = 0; break; }
return( result ); }
// Member: CNodeXpr::Rank, public
// Returns: Sum for OR, Min for AND
// History: 01-May-91 KyleP Created.
LONG CNodeXpr::Rank( CRetriever & obj ) { LONG result;
switch ( NType() ) { case NTAnd: { result = MAX_QUERY_RANK;
for (int i = Count()-1; i >= 0; i--) { result = min( result, GetChild( i )->Rank( obj ) ); } } break;
case NTOr: { result = 0;
for (int i = Count()-1; i >= 0; i--) { result += GetChild( i )->Rank( obj ); }
result /= Count(); } break;
default: result = 0; break; }
return( result ); }
// Member: CNodeXpr::IsMatch, public
// Arguments: [obj] -- The objects table. [obj] is already positioned
// to the record to test.
// [wid] -- Workid of object to which [obj] is positioned.
// Returns: TRUE if the current record satisfies the relation.
// Signals: ???
// History: 20-Nov-91 KyleP Created.
// 23-Jan-95 t-colinb Added Support for RTVector in
BOOL CNodeXpr::IsMatch( CRetriever & obj ) { Win4Assert( NType() == NTAnd || NType() == NTOr || NType() == NTVector );
// If some portion of the node has been indexed, adjust the cursor to
// the wid we're looking for.
WORKID widCur = widInvalid; BOOL result;
switch ( NType() ) { case NTAnd: result = TRUE; { for (int i = Count()-1; result && i >= 0; i--) { result = GetChild( i )->IsMatch( obj ); } } break;
case NTOr: case NTVector: result = FALSE; { for (int i = Count()-1; !result && i >= 0; i--) { result = GetChild( i )->IsMatch( obj ); } } break;
default: result = FALSE; break; }
return result; }
// Member: CNodeXpr::RemoveChild, public
// Synopsis: Removes a node.
// Arguments: [iPos] -- Position of node to remove.
// Requires: [iPos] is a valid node.
// Returns: The child node which was removed.
// History: 19-Nov-91 KyleP Created.
// Notes: CNodeXpr does not guarantee the position of nodes across
// calls to RemoveChild.
CXpr* CNodeXpr::RemoveChild ( unsigned iPos ) { Win4Assert ( iPos <= _cXpr );
CXpr * pxp = _aXpr[iPos]; _aXpr[iPos] = _aXpr[ _cXpr - 1 ]; _cXpr--;
#if (CIDBG == 1)
_aXpr[ _cXpr ] = 0; #endif
return( pxp ); }
// Member: CVectorXpr::CVectorXpr, public
// Synopsis: Constructs a vector expression.
// Arguments: [type] -- Type of node (AND, OR, etc.)
// [cInit] -- A hint about the number of expressions
// which will be added.
// [RankMethod] -- Method used to compute rank.
// History: 24-Jul-92 KyleP Created
CVectorXpr::CVectorXpr( unsigned cInit, ULONG RankMethod ) : CNodeXpr( CXpr::NTVector, cInit ), _ulRankMethod( RankMethod ) { }