using System; using System.Data; using System.Collections; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Xml.Serialization; using UDDI; using UDDI.Diagnostics;
namespace UDDI.API.Business { public class Contact { //
// Attribute: useType
[ XmlAttribute( "useType" ) ] public string UseType;
// Element: description
private DescriptionCollection descriptions;
[ XmlElement( "description" ) ] public DescriptionCollection Descriptions { get { if( null == descriptions ) descriptions = new DescriptionCollection();
return descriptions; }
set { descriptions = value; } }
// Element: personName
[ XmlElement( "personName" ) ] public string PersonName { get{ return personName; } set{ personName = value; } } private string personName;
// Element: phone
private PhoneCollection phones;
[ XmlElement( "phone" ) ] public PhoneCollection Phones { get { if( null == phones ) phones = new PhoneCollection();
return phones; }
set { phones = value; } }
// Element: email
private EmailCollection emails;
[ XmlElement( "email" ) ] public EmailCollection Emails { get { if( null == emails ) emails = new EmailCollection();
return emails; }
set { emails = value; } }
// Element: address
private AddressCollection addresses; [ XmlElement( "address" ) ] public AddressCollection Addresses { get { if( null == addresses ) addresses = new AddressCollection();
return addresses; }
set { addresses = value; } }
public Contact() { } public Contact( string personName, string useType ) { PersonName = personName; UseType = useType; }
internal void Validate() { Debug.Enter(); Utility.ValidateLength( ref UseType, "useType", UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UseType ); Utility.ValidateLength( ref personName, "personName", UDDI.Constants.Lengths.PersonName ); Descriptions.Validate(); Emails.Validate(); Phones.Validate(); Addresses.Validate(); Debug.Leave(); } public void Save( string businessKey ) { //
// Create a command object to invoke the stored procedure
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "net_businessEntity_contact_save", ConnectionManager.GetConnection() ); cmd.Transaction = ConnectionManager.GetTransaction(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; //
// Parameters
cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@businessKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@useType", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UseType ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@personName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.PersonName ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@contactID", SqlDbType.BigInt ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
// Set parameter values and execute query
SqlParameterAccessor parmacc = new SqlParameterAccessor( cmd.Parameters ); parmacc.SetGuidFromString( "@businessKey", businessKey ); parmacc.SetString( "@personName", PersonName ); parmacc.SetString( "@useType", UseType );
// Move out parameters into local variables
long ContactID = parmacc.GetLong( "@contactID" );
// Save sub-objects
Descriptions.Save( ContactID, EntityType.Contact ); Phones.Save( ContactID ); Emails.Save( ContactID ); Addresses.Save( ContactID ); }
public void Get( int contactId ) { SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_businessEntity_contact_get_batch" ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@contactId", SqlDbType.BigInt ); sp.Parameters.SetLong( "@contactId", contactId );
SqlDataReaderAccessor reader = null; ArrayList addressIDs = new ArrayList();
try { //
// net_businessEntity_contact_get_batch will return the objects contained in a business in the following order:
// - descriptions
// - phones
// - emails
// - addresses
reader = sp.ExecuteReader();
// Read the descriptions
Descriptions.Read( reader );
// Read the phones
if ( true == reader.NextResult() ) { Phones.Read( reader ); }
// Read the emails
if ( true == reader.NextResult() ) { Emails.Read( reader ); }
// Read the addresses
if ( true == reader.NextResult() ) { addressIDs = Addresses.Read( reader ); } } finally { if( reader != null ) { reader.Close(); } }
// These calls will make separate sproc calls, so we have to close our reader first.
Addresses.Populate( addressIDs );
#if never
// Call get method on sub-objects personName and UseType
// should have been populate by contacts.get() method;
Descriptions.Get( contactId, EntityType.Contact ); Phones.Get( contactId ); Emails.Get( contactId ); Addresses.Get( contactId ); #endif
} }
public class ContactCollection : CollectionBase { internal void Validate() { foreach( Contact c in this ) { c.Validate(); } } public void Save( string businessKey ) { //
// Walk collection and call save on individual contact instances
foreach( Contact c in this ) { c.Save( businessKey ); } } public void Get( string businessKey ) { //
// Create a command object to invoke the stored procedure net_get_contacts
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor cmd = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_businessEntity_contacts_get" ); //
// Input parameters
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@businessKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, ParameterDirection.Input ); cmd.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@businessKey", businessKey ); //
// Run the stored procedure
SqlDataReaderAccessor reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); ArrayList contactIds = null; try { contactIds = Read( reader ); } finally { reader.Close(); }
Populate( contactIds ); #if never
const int ContactIdIndex = 0; const int UseTypeIndex = 1; const int PersonNameIndex = 2; ArrayList contactIds = new ArrayList();
// Create a command object to invoke the stored procedure net_get_contacts
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "net_businessEntity_contacts_get", ConnectionManager.GetConnection() ); cmd.Transaction = ConnectionManager.GetTransaction(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
// Input parameters
cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@businessKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
// Set parameter values
SqlParameterAccessor populator = new SqlParameterAccessor( cmd.Parameters ); populator.SetGuidFromString( "@businessKey", businessKey );
// Run the stored procedure
SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { SqlDataReaderAccessor dracc = new SqlDataReaderAccessor( rdr );
// The contacts will be contained in the result set
while( rdr.Read() ) { //
// construct a new contact from the data in this row, fully populate contact and add to collection
Add( new Contact( dracc.GetString( PersonNameIndex ), dracc.GetString( UseTypeIndex ) ) ); contactIds.Add( dracc.GetInt( ContactIdIndex ) ); } } finally { rdr.Close(); }
int i = 0; foreach( Contact contact in this ) { contact.Get( (int) contactIds[ i++ ] ); } #endif
public ArrayList Read( SqlDataReaderAccessor reader ) { const int ContactIdIndex = 0; const int UseTypeIndex = 1; const int PersonNameIndex = 2; ArrayList contactIds = new ArrayList();
// The contacts will be contained in the result set
while( reader.Read() ) { //
// construct a new contact from the data in this row, fully populate contact and add to collection
contactIds.Add( reader.GetInt( ContactIdIndex ) ); Add( new Contact( reader.GetString( PersonNameIndex ), reader.GetString( UseTypeIndex ) ) ); }
return contactIds; }
public void Populate( ArrayList contactIds ) { int i = 0; foreach( Contact contact in this ) { contact.Get( (int) contactIds[ i++ ] ); } } public Contact this[ int index ] { get { return ( Contact)List[index]; } set { List[ index ] = value; } }
public int Add() { return List.Add( new Contact() ); }
public int Add( string personName ) { return List.Add( new Contact( personName, null ) ); }
public int Add( string personName, string useType ) { return List.Add( new Contact( personName, useType ) ); }
public int Add( Contact value ) { return List.Add( value ); }
public void Insert( int index, Contact value ) { List.Insert( index, value ); }
public int IndexOf( Contact value ) { return List.IndexOf( value ); }
public bool Contains( Contact value ) { return List.Contains( value ); }
public void Remove( Contact value ) { List.Remove( value ); }
public void CopyTo( Contact[] array ) { foreach( Contact contact in array ) Add( contact ); }
public Contact[] ToArray() { return (Contact[])InnerList.ToArray( typeof( Contact ) ); }
public void Sort() { InnerList.Sort( new ContactComparer() ); }
internal class ContactComparer : IComparer { public int Compare( object x, object y ) { Contact entity1 = (Contact)x; Contact entity2 = (Contact)y;
// Check for null PersonName.
if( null==entity1.PersonName && null==entity2.PersonName ) return 0; else if( null==entity1.PersonName ) return -1;
else if( null==entity2.PersonName ) return 1;
else return string.Compare( entity1.PersonName, entity2.PersonName, true ); } } } }