using System; using System.Data; using System.Collections; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.IO; using System.Security.Principal; using System.Xml; using System.Text; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Globalization;
using UDDI.Diagnostics;
namespace UDDI { //
// 739955 - Make sure date is parsed in the same format it was written.
public class UDDILastResetDate { private const string dateTimeFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"; private static DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo;
static UDDILastResetDate() { dateTimeFormatInfo = new DateTimeFormatInfo();
// When you specify a '/' in a date/time format string, this tells the DateTime
// class to use the default Date Separator, not the character '/'. Same goes
// for ':' and Time Separator.
// So all we do is change the defaults to '/' and ':'.
dateTimeFormatInfo.DateSeparator = "/"; dateTimeFormatInfo.TimeSeparator = ":"; }
public static DateTime Get() { return DateTime.ParseExact( Config.GetString( "Security.KeyLastResetDate" ), dateTimeFormat, dateTimeFormatInfo ); }
public static void Set( DateTime dateTime ) { Config.SetString( "Security.KeyLastResetDate", dateTime.ToString( dateTimeFormat, dateTimeFormatInfo ) ); } }
public class Constants { public const int ReadLockTimeout = 120000; // milliseconds
// Subtract this offset from error numbers that come from our DB layer to get an
// ErrorType value. This offset is added in our DB to keep us away from SQL-defined
// error numbers.
public const int ErrorTypeSQLOffset = 50000; public const string OwningBusinessTModelKey = "uuid:4064c064-6d14-4f35-8953-9652106476a9";
public const string UDDITypeTaxonomyTModelKey = "uuid:c1acf26d-9672-4404-9d70-39b756e62ab4"; public const string UDDITypeTaxonomyWSDLSpecKeyValue = "wsdlSpec";
public const int Run = 1; public class Site { public const string Version = ""; } public class Passport { public const int TimeWindow = 14400; } public class Web { public const int HttpsPort = 443; public const int HttpPort = 80; public const int BetaSite = 0; public const int TestSite = 0; public const string SiteStatus = "open"; public const string OutageStart = ""; public const string OutageEnd = ""; public const int EnableRegistration = 1; } public class Security { public const int HTTPS = 1; } public class Debug { public const int StackTrace = 0; } public class Lengths { //public const int Behavior = 1;
//public const int ReplicationBehavior = 2;
public const int AccessPoint = 255; public const int AddressLine = 80; public const int AuthInfo = 4096; public const int AuthorizedName = 255; //public const int BindingKey = 41;
//public const int BusinessKey = 41;
//public const int ServiceKey = 41;
public const int Key = 41; public const int TModelKey = 255;
public const int Description = 255; public const int DiscoveryURL = 255; public const int Email = 255; public const int HostingRedirector = 41; public const int InstanceParms = 255; public const int KeyName = 255; public const int KeyType = 16; public const int KeyValue = 255; //public const int MaxRows = 5;
public const int Name = 255; public const int Operator = 48; public const int OverviewURL = 255; public const int PersonName = 255; public const int Phone = 50; public const int SortCode = 10; public const int UploadRegister = 255; public const int URLType = 16; public const int UseType = 255; public const int UserID = 450;
// additional lengths
public const int ConfigName = 450; public const int ConfigValue = 4000; public const int Context = 20; public const int IsoLangCode = 17; public const int generic = 20; public const int OperatorName = 450; public const int CertSerialNo = 450; public const int PublisherStatus = 256; public const int SoapReplicationURL = 4000; public const int CertIssuer = 225; public const int CertSubject = 225; public const int Certificate = 225; public const int CompanyName = 100; public const int City = 100; public const int StateProvince = 100; public const int PostalCode = 100; public const int Country = 100; public const int Tier = 256; } }
public enum EntityType { TModel = 0, BusinessEntity = 1, BusinessService = 2, BindingTemplate = 3, Contact = 4, TModelInstanceInfo = 5, InstanceDetail = 6, TModelOverviewDoc = 7, InstanceDetailOverviewDoc = 8 } public enum KeyedReferenceType { CategoryBag = 1, IdentifierBag = 2, Assertion = 3 } public enum ErrorType { E_success = 0, E_nameTooLong = 10020, E_tooManyOptions = 10030, E_unrecognizedVersion = 10040, E_unsupported = 10050, E_authTokenExpired = 10110, E_authTokenRequired = 10120, E_operatorMismatch = 10130, // Deprecated.
E_userMismatch = 10140, E_unknownUser = 10150, E_accountLimitExceeded = 10160, E_invalidKeyPassed = 10210, E_invalidURLPassed = 10220, // Deprecated.
E_keyRetired = 10310, E_busy = 10400, // Deprecated.
E_fatalError = 10500, E_languageError = 10060, E_invalidCategory = 20000, // Deprecated. Use E_invalidValue
E_categorizationNotAllowed = 20100, // Deprecated. Use E_valueNotAllowed
E_invalidValue = 20200, E_valueNotAllowed = 20210, E_invalidProjection = 20230, E_assertionNotFound = 30000, E_messageTooLarge = 30110, // TODO: Error codes duplicated?
E_invalidCompletionStatus = 30100, // TODO: Error codes duplicated?
E_transferAborted = 30200, E_requestDenied = 30210, E_publisherCancelled = 30220, E_secretUnknown = 30230 }
public enum QueryType { Get = 0, Find = 1 }
// Use this enumerated type to determine where the UDDIException instance is being
// used.
public enum UDDITextContext { API, UI, EventLog, FileLog }
// This class should be used for any message that the user would see. Depending on the
// context, this class will localize it's message as the system locale, or the user's locale.
public class UDDIText { private string defaultLocaleText; private string textName; private object[] textFormatParts; public UDDIText( string textName ) : this( textName, null ) { }
public UDDIText( string textName, params object[] textFormatParts ) { this.textName = textName; this.textFormatParts = textFormatParts; defaultLocaleText = ConstructString( Localization.GetStringLocalMachineCulture( textName ) ); }
public string GetText() { return defaultLocaleText; }
public override string ToString() { return defaultLocaleText; }
public string GetText( UDDITextContext context ) { switch( context ) { case UDDITextContext.API: { return defaultLocaleText; } case UDDITextContext.UI: { return ConstructString( Localization.GetString( textName ) ); } case UDDITextContext.EventLog: { return defaultLocaleText; } case UDDITextContext.FileLog: { return defaultLocaleText; } default: { return defaultLocaleText; } } }
private string ConstructString( string stringToConstruct ) { if( null != textFormatParts ) { stringToConstruct = string.Format( stringToConstruct, textFormatParts ); }
return stringToConstruct; } }
public class UDDIException : ApplicationException { private UDDIText uddiText; public UDDIException() : this( ErrorType.E_fatalError, "", null ) { }
public UDDIException( ErrorType number, string errorMsgName ) : this( number, errorMsgName, null ) { }
public UDDIException( ErrorType number, string errorMsgName, params object[] errorMsgFormatParts ) : this( number, new UDDIText( errorMsgName, errorMsgFormatParts ) ) { } public UDDIException( ErrorType number, UDDIText uddiText ) { this.uddiText = uddiText; this.Number = number; }
// GetMessage will localize the exception message depending on who is
// using the exception. Currently, in all cases we localize the message
// using the server local, except if the exception is coming from the
// UI.
public string GetMessage( UDDITextContext context ) { return uddiText.GetText( context ); }
public override string Message { get { return uddiText.GetText(); } }
public override string ToString() { return uddiText.GetText(); }
public ErrorType Number = 0; }
public class Conversions { public static string EntityNameFromID( EntityType entityType ) { switch( entityType ) { case EntityType.BusinessEntity: return "businessEntity";
case EntityType.BusinessService: return "businessService";
case EntityType.BindingTemplate: return "bindingTemplate";
case EntityType.TModel: return "tModel";
default: return null; } }
/// ****************************************************************
/// public GuidFromKey [static]
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Converts "uuid:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" keys to
/// a standard GUID.
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <param name="key">
/// The key to convert.
/// </param>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <returns>
/// The equivalent GUID.
/// </returns>
/// ****************************************************************
public static Guid GuidFromKey( string key ) { Debug.VerifyKey( key );
return new Guid( key.Substring(5) ); }
/// ****************************************************************
/// public KeyFromGuid [static]
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Converts standard GUIDs to a key of the form
/// "uuid:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <param name="guid">
/// The GUID to convert.
/// </param>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <returns>
/// The equivalent key.
/// </returns>
/// ****************************************************************
public static string KeyFromGuid( Guid guid ) { if( null == (object)guid ) return null;
return "uuid:" + Convert.ToString( guid ); }
/// ****************************************************************
/// public KeyFromGuid [static]
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Converts standard GUIDs to a key of the form
/// "uuid:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <param name="guid">
/// The GUID to convert.
/// </param>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <returns>
/// The equivalent key.
/// </returns>
/// ****************************************************************
public static string KeyFromGuid( string guid ) { if( null == guid ) return null;
return "uuid:" + guid; }
public static string GuidStringFromKey( string key ) { //
// Convert uuid:E31A569A-AEFF-4468-BA4D-2BF22FE4ACEE
// to string type without uuid:
// Example: E31A569A-AEFF-4468-BA4D-2BF22FE4ACEE
string NewGuidStr = "";
switch ( key ) { case null: NewGuidStr = null; break;
case "": NewGuidStr = ""; break;
default: Debug.VerifyKey( key ); NewGuidStr = new Guid( key.Substring(5) ).ToString(); break; } return( NewGuidStr ); } }
/// ********************************************************************
/// public class Utility
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
public class Utility { public enum LengthBehavior { Ignore = 0, Truncate = 1, ThrowException = 2 };
/// ****************************************************************
/// public Iff [static]
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Returns a particular value depending on whether the given
/// expression is true or false. Useful for web page templates
/// where arbitrary expressions cannot be evaluated, but
/// functions that take expressions as arguments can be
/// evaluated.
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <param name="expression">
/// The boolean result of an expression.
/// </param>
/// <param name="trueReturnValue">
/// The object to return if the expression is true.
/// </param>
/// <param name="falseReturnValue">
/// The object to return if the expression is false.
/// </param>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <returns>
/// The value of trueReturnValue if the expression is true,
/// otherwise falseReturnValue.
/// </returns>
/// ****************************************************************
public static object Iff( bool expression, object trueReturnValue, object falseReturnValue ) { if( expression ) return trueReturnValue; else return falseReturnValue; }
/// ****************************************************************
/// public StringEmpty [static]
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Checks if a string is empty.
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <param name="str">
/// The string to check.
/// </param>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <returns>
/// True if the string is empty or null.
/// </returns>
/// ****************************************************************
public static bool StringEmpty( string str ) { if( null == str ) return true;
return String.Empty == str; }
/// ****************************************************************
/// public CollectionEmpty [static]
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Checks if a collection is empty.
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <param name="col">
/// The collection to check.
/// </param>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <returns>
/// True if the collection is empty or null.
/// </returns>
/// ****************************************************************
public static bool CollectionEmpty( ICollection col ) { if( null == col || 0 == col.Count ) return true;
return false; }
/// ****************************************************************
/// public ValidateLength [static]
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Removes leading and trailing whitespace.
/// The resulting string is then truncated to the specified length.
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <param name="str">
/// The string to check.
/// </param>
/// <param name="field">
/// The attribute or element from which the string came.
/// </param>
/// <param name="maxLength">
/// The maximum length for the string.
/// </param>
/// ****************************************************************
public static void ValidateLength( ref string str, string field, int maxLength ) { if( Utility.StringEmpty( str ) ) return;
// Remove leading and trailing whitespace
str = str.Trim();
// FixCRLF( ref str );
if( str.Length > maxLength ) { Debug.Write( SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Data, "String is too long" ); Debug.Write( SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Data, "Trimmed length is " + str.Length.ToString() ); Debug.Write( SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Data, "Trimmed String follows:\n" + str ); Debug.Write( SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Data, "Trimmed field follows:\n" + field );
for( int i=0; i<str.Length; i++ ) { Debug.Write( SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Data, i.ToString() + ": " + str[i].ToString() + " -- 0x" + Convert.ToInt32( str[i] ).ToString( "x" ) ); }
LengthBehavior mode;
if( ContextType.Replication == Context.ContextType ) mode = (LengthBehavior)Config.GetInt( "Length.ReplicationBehavior", (int)LengthBehavior.ThrowException ); else mode = (LengthBehavior)Config.GetInt( "Length.Behavior", (int)LengthBehavior.Truncate );
if( LengthBehavior.Truncate == mode ) { str = str.Substring( 0, maxLength ); str = str.Trim(); } else if( LengthBehavior.ThrowException == mode ) { #if never
throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_nameTooLong, "Field " + field + " exceeds maximum length" ); #endif
throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_nameTooLong, "UDDI_ERROR_FIELD_TOO_LONG", field ); } } }
// Strip out the non-printable characters
public static string XmlEncode( string str ) { StringBuilder newstring = new StringBuilder();
foreach( char ch in str ) { //#x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] |
if( 0x09 == ch || 0x0A == ch || 0x0D == ch || ( ch >= 0x20 && ch <= 0xD7FF ) || ( ch >= 0xE000 && ch <= 0xFFFD ) ) { newstring.Append( ch ); } }
return newstring.ToString(); }
public static string GetDefaultPublisher() { //
// TODO: Need to do the right thing here
return "System"; }
// TODO: remove once we have verified .NET does this for us
private static void FixCRLF( ref string str ) { char[] bytes = new char[ str.Length ]; int n = 0; int length = str.Length;
for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { //
// If the char is not a CR write it out
if( 0x0D != str[ i ] ) bytes[ n++ ] = str[ i ]; else { //
// If a CRLF combo is found or we are on a CR
// at the end of the string write out a LF
if( ( ( i != length - 1 ) && ( 0x0A != str[ i + 1 ] ) ) || ( i == length - 1 ) ) { bytes[ n++ ] = (char) 0x0A; } } }
str = new string( bytes, 0, n ); }
/// ****************************************************************
/// public ValidateLength [static]
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Checks that a string is shorter than a given maximum and longer than the specified
/// minimum. It also removes any leading or trailing whitespace.
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <param name="str">
/// The string to check.
/// </param>
/// <param name="field">
/// The attribute or element from which the string came.
/// </param>
/// <param name="maxLength">
/// The maximum length for the string.
/// </param>
/// <param name="minLength">
/// The minimum length for the string.
/// </param>
/// ****************************************************************
// TODO: This function should call the other overload for ValidateLength
public static void ValidateLength( ref string str, string field, int maxLength, int minLength ) { int length = 0; if( null != str ) { //
// Remove leading and trailing whitespace
str = str.Trim(); // FixCRLF( ref str );
length = str.Length; }
if( length < minLength ) { #if never
throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_fatalError, "Value for '" + field + "' does not meet minimum length requirement of " + minLength.ToString() ); #endif
throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_fatalError, "UDDI_ERROR_FIELD_TOO_SHORT", field, minLength.ToString() ); }
if( null != str && length > maxLength ) { LengthBehavior mode;
if( ContextType.Replication == Context.ContextType ) mode = (LengthBehavior)Config.GetInt( "Length.ReplicationBehavior", (int)LengthBehavior.ThrowException ); else mode = (LengthBehavior)Config.GetInt( "Length.Behavior", (int)LengthBehavior.Truncate );
if( LengthBehavior.Truncate == mode ) { str = str.Substring( 0, maxLength ); str = str.Trim(); } else if( LengthBehavior.ThrowException == mode ) { #if never
throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_nameTooLong, "Field " + field + " exceeds maximum length" ); #endif
throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_nameTooLong, "UDDI_ERROR_FIELD_TOO_LONG", field ); } } }
/// ****************************************************************
/// public ParseDelimitedToken [static]
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a token from a string given the delimiter that
/// immediately preceeds (and optionally, the delimiter that
/// follows) the desired token.
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <param name="beginDelimiter">
/// The starting delimiter.
/// </param>
/// <param name="endDelimiter">
/// [Optional] The ending delimiter. This can be null.
/// </param>
/// <param name="text">
/// The string to search.
/// </param>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <returns>
/// The token, if successful. Otherwise, null.
/// </returns>
/// ****************************************************************
public static string ParseDelimitedToken( string beginDelimiter, string endDelimiter, string text ) { Debug.Assert( null != beginDelimiter, "beginDelimiter cannot be null" ); Debug.Assert( null != text, "text cannot be null" );
// Find the beginning of the starting delimiter. Add the length to
// give the starting position of the token.
int startPos = text.IndexOf( beginDelimiter );
if( -1 == startPos ) return null;
startPos += beginDelimiter.Length;
// Find the ending delimiter. If no ending delimiter was specified, then
// simply return the remaining string after the beginning delimiter.
if( null == endDelimiter ) return text.Substring( startPos );
int endPos = text.IndexOf( endDelimiter, startPos );
if( -1 == endPos ) return null;
return text.Substring( startPos, endPos - startPos ); }
/// ****************************************************************
/// public IsValidKey [static]
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Checks to see if the entity associated with a key actually
/// exists in the database.
/// </summary>
/// ****************************************************************
// TODO: This function need to be re-written
public static void IsValidKey( EntityType entityType, string key ) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "net_key_validate", ConnectionManager.GetConnection() ); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@entityTypeID", SqlDbType.TinyInt ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@entityKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
SqlParameterAccessor parmacc = new SqlParameterAccessor( cmd.Parameters );
parmacc.SetShort( "@entityTypeID", (short)entityType );
// Check for a tModel key vs other
if( key.ToLower().StartsWith( "uuid:" ) ) { if( entityType != EntityType.TModel ) { //throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_invalidKeyPassed, "Only TModel Keys can start with uuid:" );
throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_invalidKeyPassed, "UDDI_ERROR_INVALID_TMODEL_KEY" ); }
parmacc.SetGuidFromKey( "@entityKey", key ); } else { if( EntityType.TModel == entityType ) { //throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_invalidKeyPassed, "Only TModel Keys can start with uuid:" );
throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_invalidKeyPassed, "UDDI_ERROR_INVALID_TMODEL_KEY" ); } try { parmacc.SetGuidFromString( "@entityKey", key ); } catch( Exception ) { //throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_invalidKeyPassed, "Key has invalid format" );
throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_invalidKeyPassed, "UDDI_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_FORMAT" ); } }
cmd.ExecuteScalar(); } }
public class UTF8EncodedStringWriter : StringWriter { private System.Text.UTF8Encoding utfEncoding; public UTF8EncodedStringWriter() : base() { utfEncoding = new UTF8Encoding(); } public override Encoding Encoding { get { return utfEncoding; } } } }