#include "uddi.xp.h"
// Add your new Extended Stored Procedure from a Visual Studio Data Project,
// or using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager, or by executing the following
// SQL command:
// sp_addextendedproc 'xp_reset_key', 'uddi.xp.dll'
// You may drop the extended stored procedure by using the SQL command:
// sp_dropextendedproc 'xp_reset_key'
// You may release the DLL from the Server (to delete or replace the file), by
// using the SQL command:
// DBCC xp_reset_key(FREE)
// sp_addextendedproc 'xp_reset_key', 'uddi.xp.dll'
// sp_dropextendedproc 'xp_reset_key'
// exec xp_reset_key
// DBCC xp_reset_key(FREE)
RETCODE xp_reset_key( SRV_PROC *srvproc ) { DBSMALLINT i = 0; DBCHAR spName[ MAXNAME ]; DBCHAR spText[ MAXTEXT ]; CHAR bReadBuffer[ 255 ]; DWORD cbReadBuffer = 0; DBINT cnt = 0; DBINT rows = 0; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; STARTUPINFOA si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES saPipe; HANDLE hReadPipe = NULL; HANDLE hWritePipe = NULL; DWORD dwExitCode = 0; BOOL fSendRowNotFailed = TRUE;
// Name of this procedure
_snprintf( spName, MAXNAME, "xp_reset_key" ); spName[ MAXNAME - 1 ] = 0x00;
// Send a text message
_snprintf( spText, MAXTEXT, "UDDI Services Extended Stored Procedure: %s\n", spName ); spText[ MAXTEXT - 1 ] = 0x00;
srv_sendmsg( srvproc, SRV_MSG_INFO, 0, (DBTINYINT)0, (DBTINYINT)0, NULL, 0, 0, spText, SRV_NULLTERM );
string strResetKeyFile = GetUddiInstallDirectory(); if( 0 == strResetKeyFile.length() ) { ReportError( srvproc, "GetUddiInstallDirectory" ); return FAIL; }
strResetKeyFile += "\\resetkey.exe";
_snprintf( spText, MAXTEXT, "Resetkey.exe Installed at location: %s\n", strResetKeyFile.c_str() ); spText[ MAXTEXT - 1 ] = 0x00;
srv_sendmsg( srvproc, SRV_MSG_INFO, 0, (DBTINYINT)0, (DBTINYINT)0, NULL, 0, 0, spText, SRV_NULLTERM );
// Create child process to execute the command string. Use an
// anonymous pipe to read the output from the command and send
// any results to the client.
// In order for the child process to be able to write
// to the anonymous pipe, the handle must be marked as
// inheritable by child processes by setting the
// SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES.bInheritHandle flag to TRUE.
saPipe.nLength = sizeof( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ); saPipe.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; saPipe.bInheritHandle = TRUE; fSuccess = CreatePipe( &hReadPipe, // read handle
&hWritePipe, // write handle
&saPipe, // security descriptor
0 ); // use default pipe buffer size
if( !fSuccess ) { ReportError( srvproc, "CreatePipe", GetLastError() ); return FAIL; } //
// Now we must set standard out and standard error to the
// write end of the pipe. Once standard out and standard
// error are set to the pipe handle, we must close the pipe
// handle so that when the child process dies, the write end
// of the pipe will close, setting an EOF condition on the pipe.
memset( &si, 0, sizeof(si) ); si.cb = sizeof(si); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; si.hStdOutput = hWritePipe; si.hStdError = hWritePipe;
// Set the fInheritHandles parameter to TRUE so that open
// file handles will be inheritied. We can close the child
// process and thread handles as we won't be needing them.
// The child process will not die until these handles are
// closed.
char params[ 6 ]; params[ 0 ] = 0x00; strncat( params, " /now", 6 ); params[ 5 ] = 0x00;
fSuccess = CreateProcessA( strResetKeyFile.c_str(), // filename
params, // command line for child
NULL, // process security descriptor
NULL, // thread security descriptor
TRUE, // inherit handles?
0, // creation flags
NULL, // inherited environment address
NULL, // startup dir; NULL = start in current
&si, // pointer to startup info (input)
&pi ); // pointer to process info (output)
if (!fSuccess) { ReportError( srvproc, "CreateProcess", GetLastError() ); return FAIL; } //
// We need to close our instance of the inherited pipe write
// handle now that it's been inherited so that it will actually
// close when the child process ends. This will put an EOF
// condition on the pipe which we can then detect.
fSuccess = CloseHandle( hWritePipe ); if( !fSuccess ) { ReportError( srvproc, "CloseHandle", GetLastError() );
CloseHandle( pi.hThread ); CloseHandle( pi.hProcess ); return FAIL; }
string strOutput = "";
// Now read from the pipe until EOF condition reached.
do { cnt = 0; while( ( cnt < ( sizeof( bReadBuffer ) / sizeof( bReadBuffer[0] ) ) ) && ( 0 != (fSuccess = ReadFile( hReadPipe, // read handle
&bReadBuffer[cnt], // buffer for incoming data
1, // number of bytes to read
&cbReadBuffer, // number of bytes actually read
NULL ) ) ) ) { if( !fSuccess ) { if( ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE == GetLastError() ) { break; }
// Child has died
ReportError( srvproc, "CloseHandle", GetLastError() ); CloseHandle( pi.hThread ); CloseHandle( pi.hProcess );
return FAIL; }
if( '\n' == bReadBuffer[ cnt ] ) { break; } else { cnt++; } }
if( fSuccess && cbReadBuffer ) { if( !cnt ) { bReadBuffer[ 0 ] = ' '; cnt = 1; }
// Remove carriage return if it exists
// if( 0x0D == bReadBuffer[ cnt-1 ] )
// {
// cnt--;
// }
if( cnt >= 0 ) { bReadBuffer[ cnt ] = 0x00;
// Send program output back as information
strOutput.append( bReadBuffer, cnt );
srv_sendmsg( srvproc, SRV_MSG_INFO, 0, (DBTINYINT)0, (DBTINYINT)0, NULL, 0, 0, bReadBuffer, cnt ); } } } while( fSuccess && cbReadBuffer );
OutputDebugStringA( strOutput.c_str() ); //
// Close the trace file, pipe handles
CloseHandle( hReadPipe ); if( !GetExitCodeProcess( pi.hProcess, &dwExitCode ) || dwExitCode != 0 ) { ReportError( srvproc, "GetExitCodeProcess", dwExitCode ); return FAIL; } CloseHandle( pi.hThread ); CloseHandle( pi.hProcess );
return XP_NOERROR ; }