<%@ Control Language='C#' ClassName='PublisherAssertionControl' Inherits='UDDI.Web.UddiControl' %> <%@ Register TagPrefix='uddi' Namespace='UDDI.Web' Assembly='uddi.web' %> <%@ Register TagPrefix='uddi' Tagname='BusinessSelector' Src='../controls/businessselector.ascx' %> <%@ Import Namespace='System.Data' %> <%@ Import Namespace='UDDI.API' %> <%@ Import Namespace='UDDI.API.Business' %> <%@ Import Namespace='UDDI.API.ServiceType' %> <%@ Import Namespace='UDDI' %> <%@ Import Namespace='UDDI.Diagnostics' %> <%@ Import Namespace='UDDI.Web' %>
<script language='C#' runat='server'> protected AssertionStatusItemCollection statusItems; protected DataView relationships; protected string businessKey; protected bool allowEdit = false; public void RefreshDataGrids() { PopulateDataGrid( false ); if( allowEdit ) PopulateRequestsDataGrid(); } public void Initialize( string businessKey, bool allowEdit ) { this.businessKey = businessKey; this.allowEdit = allowEdit; panelRequests.Visible = allowEdit; grid.Columns[ 7 ].Visible = allowEdit && grid.EditItemIndex < 0; grid.Columns[ 8 ].Visible = allowEdit; }
protected void Page_Init( object sender, EventArgs e ) { // // Localization // grid.Columns[ 6 ].HeaderText = Localization.GetString( "HEADING_PUBLISHER_ASSERTIONS" ); grid.Columns[ 7 ].HeaderText = Localization.GetString( "HEADING_STATUS" ); grid.Columns[ 8 ].HeaderText = Localization.GetString( "HEADING_ACTIONS" );
gridRequests.Columns[ 6 ].HeaderText = Localization.GetString( "HEADING_PUBLISHER_ASSERTIONS" ); gridRequests.Columns[ 7 ].HeaderText = Localization.GetString( "HEADING_STATUS" ); gridRequests.Columns[ 8 ].HeaderText = Localization.GetString( "HEADING_ACTIONS" ); } protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if( !Page.IsPostBack ) { PopulateDataGrid( false ); if( allowEdit ) PopulateRequestsDataGrid(); } relationships = GetRelationships(); }
protected Control GetControl( string id, int cell ) { return grid.Items[ grid.EditItemIndex ].Cells[ cell ].FindControl( id ); } protected void GetStatusItems() { if( null == statusItems ) { statusItems = new AssertionStatusItemCollection(); statusItems.Get( CompletionStatusType.Complete ); if( allowEdit ) { statusItems.Get( CompletionStatusType.FromKeyIncomplete ); statusItems.Get( CompletionStatusType.ToKeyIncomplete ); } } } protected void PopulateDataGrid( bool createNewRow ) { string pending = Localization.GetString( "HEADING_PUBLISHER_ASSERTION_PENDING" ); string complete = Localization.GetString( "HEADING_PUBLISHER_ASSERTION_COMPLETE" );
DataTable table = new DataTable(); DataRow row;
int index = 0; table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "Index", typeof( int ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "Status", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "FromKey", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "ToKey", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "TModelKey", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "KeyName", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "KeyValue", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "TModelName", typeof( string ) ) ); // // Walk through the collection of publisher assertions. // if( allowEdit ) { GetStatusItems(); foreach( AssertionStatusItem statusItem in statusItems ) { // // Make sure that this business is referenced by either the to or // from key of the assertion. // if( statusItem.FromKey != businessKey && statusItem.ToKey != businessKey ) continue;
row = table.NewRow(); row[ 0 ] = index; row[ 2 ] = statusItem.FromKey; row[ 3 ] = statusItem.ToKey; row[ 4 ] = statusItem.KeyedReference.TModelKey; row[ 5 ] = statusItem.KeyedReference.KeyName; row[ 6 ] = statusItem.KeyedReference.KeyValue; row[ 7 ] = statusItem.KeyedReference.TModelKey;
// // Get the status of the assertion. It is either complete, // pending (the from or to key references another publisher // that has not yet accepted the assertion), or a request // (another publisher is requesting a publisher assertion). // if( CompletionStatusType.Complete == statusItem.CompletionStatus ) { row[ 1 ] = complete; } else if( CompletionStatusType.ToKeyIncomplete == statusItem.CompletionStatus ) { if( null != statusItem.KeysOwned.ToKey ) continue; else row[ 1 ] = pending; } else { if( null != statusItem.KeysOwned.FromKey ) continue; else row[ 1 ] = pending; } table.Rows.Add( row ); index ++; } } else { FindRelatedBusinesses find = new FindRelatedBusinesses(); find.BusinessKey = businessKey; RelatedBusinessList relatedList = find.Find(); foreach( RelatedBusinessInfo relatedInfo in relatedList.RelatedBusinessInfos ) { foreach( KeyedReference keyedReference in relatedInfo.SharedRelationshipsFrom.KeyedReferences ) { row = table.NewRow(); row[ 0 ] = index; row[ 1 ] = complete; row[ 2 ] = businessKey; row[ 3 ] = relatedInfo.BusinessKey; row[ 4 ] = keyedReference.TModelKey; row[ 5 ] = keyedReference.KeyName; row[ 6 ] = keyedReference.KeyValue; row[ 7 ] = keyedReference.TModelKey; table.Rows.Add( row ); index ++; }
foreach( KeyedReference keyedReference in relatedInfo.SharedRelationshipsTo.KeyedReferences ) { row = table.NewRow(); row[ 0 ] = index; row[ 1 ] = complete; row[ 2 ] = relatedInfo.BusinessKey; row[ 3 ] = businessKey; row[ 4 ] = keyedReference.TModelKey; row[ 5 ] = keyedReference.KeyName; row[ 6 ] = keyedReference.KeyValue; row[ 7 ] = keyedReference.TModelKey; table.Rows.Add( row ); index ++; } } } // // If this is an add operation, add a new blank row so the data grid // has something to work with. // if( createNewRow ) { row = table.NewRow();
row[ 0 ] = index; row[ 1 ] = ""; row[ 2 ] = ""; row[ 3 ] = ""; row[ 4 ] = ""; row[ 5 ] = ""; row[ 6 ] = ""; row[ 7 ] = "";
table.Rows.Add( row ); index ++; } grid.DataSource = table.DefaultView; grid.DataBind(); }
protected void PopulateRequestsDataGrid() { DataTable table = new DataTable(); DataRow row;
int index = 0; table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "Index", typeof( int ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "Status", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "FromKey", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "ToKey", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "TModelKey", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "KeyName", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "KeyValue", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "TModelName", typeof( string ) ) ); // // Walk through the collection of publisher assertions. // GetStatusItems();
foreach( AssertionStatusItem statusItem in statusItems ) { // // Make sure that this business is referenced by either the to or // from key of the assertion. // if( statusItem.FromKey != businessKey && statusItem.ToKey != businessKey ) continue;
row = table.NewRow(); row[ 0 ] = index; row[ 1 ] = ""; row[ 2 ] = statusItem.FromKey; row[ 3 ] = statusItem.ToKey; row[ 4 ] = statusItem.KeyedReference.TModelKey; row[ 5 ] = statusItem.KeyedReference.KeyName; row[ 6 ] = statusItem.KeyedReference.KeyValue; row[ 7 ] = statusItem.KeyedReference.TModelKey;
// // Get the status of the assertion. It is either complete, // pending (the from or to key references another publisher // that has not yet accepted the assertion), or a request // (another publisher is requesting a publisher assertion). // if( CompletionStatusType.Complete == statusItem.CompletionStatus ) continue; else if( CompletionStatusType.ToKeyIncomplete == statusItem.CompletionStatus && null == statusItem.KeysOwned.ToKey ) continue; else if( CompletionStatusType.FromKeyIncomplete == statusItem.CompletionStatus && null == statusItem.KeysOwned.FromKey ) continue; table.Rows.Add( row ); index ++; } gridRequests.DataSource = table.DefaultView; gridRequests.DataBind(); if( 0 == index ) { noRecords.Visible = true; //gridRequests.Visible = false; } else { noRecords.Visible = false; //gridRequests.Visible = true; } }
protected DataView GetBusinessNames() { DataTable table = new DataTable(); DataRow row;
table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "BusinessKey", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "Name", typeof( string ) ) ); FindBusiness find = new FindBusiness(); find.Names.Add( null, "%" ); BusinessList businessList = find.Find(); BusinessInfoCollection businessInfos = businessList.BusinessInfos; businessInfos.Sort(); foreach( BusinessInfo businessInfo in businessInfos ) { row = table.NewRow(); row[ 0 ] = businessInfo.BusinessKey; row[ 1 ] = businessInfo.Names[ 0 ].Value; table.Rows.Add( row ); }
return table.DefaultView; } protected DataView GetRelationships() { DataTable table = new DataTable(); DataRow row;
table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "Index", typeof( int ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "TModelKey", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "TModelName", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "KeyName", typeof( string ) ) ); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "KeyValue", typeof( string ) ) ); FindTModel find = new FindTModel(); find.Name = "%"; find.CategoryBag = new KeyedReferenceCollection(); find.CategoryBag.Add( "types", "relationship", "uuid:C1ACF26D-9672-4404-9D70-39B756E62AB4" ); TModelList tModelList = find.Find();
int index = 0; foreach( TModelInfo tModelInfo in tModelList.TModelInfos ) { int taxonomyID = Taxonomy.GetTaxonomyID( tModelInfo.TModelKey ); if( taxonomyID >= 0 ) { DataView viewTaxonomyValues = Taxonomy.GetTaxonomyChildrenRoot( taxonomyID ); foreach( DataRowView rowTaxonomyValues in viewTaxonomyValues ) { row = table.NewRow(); row[ 0 ] = index; row[ 1 ] = tModelInfo.TModelKey; row[ 2 ] = tModelInfo.Name; row[ 3 ] = rowTaxonomyValues[ "keyName" ]; row[ 4 ] = rowTaxonomyValues[ "keyValue" ]; table.Rows.Add( row ); index ++; } } } return table.DefaultView; } protected void Assertion_OnUpdate( object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e ) { Page.Validate(); if( Page.IsValid ) { DropDownList relationship = (DropDownList)e.Item.FindControl( "relationship" ); HtmlInputRadioButton from = (HtmlInputRadioButton)grid.Items[ grid.EditItemIndex ].Cells[ 6 ].FindControl( "from" ); HtmlInputRadioButton to = (HtmlInputRadioButton)grid.Items[ grid.EditItemIndex ].Cells[ 6 ].FindControl( "to" ); UddiLabel otherBusinessKey = (UddiLabel)GetControl( "otherBusinessKey", 6 ); PublisherAssertion assertion = new PublisherAssertion(); DataRowView keyedReference = relationships[ Convert.ToInt32( relationship.SelectedItem.Value ) ]; assertion.KeyedReference = new KeyedReference(); assertion.KeyedReference.TModelKey = (string)keyedReference[ "TModelKey" ]; assertion.KeyedReference.KeyName = (string)keyedReference[ "KeyName" ]; assertion.KeyedReference.KeyValue = (string)keyedReference[ "KeyValue" ]; if( from.Checked ) { assertion.FromKey = businessKey; assertion.ToKey = otherBusinessKey.Text; } else { assertion.FromKey = otherBusinessKey.Text; assertion.ToKey = businessKey; } assertion.Save(); grid.EditItemIndex = -1; CancelEditMode(); PopulateDataGrid( false ); PopulateRequestsDataGrid(); } }
protected void Assertion_OnCancel( object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e ) { grid.EditItemIndex = -1; CancelEditMode(); PopulateDataGrid( false ); PopulateRequestsDataGrid(); }
protected void Assertion_OnDelete( object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e ) { grid.EditItemIndex = -1; PublisherAssertion assertion = new PublisherAssertion(); DataGridItem item = grid.Items[ e.Item.ItemIndex ];
assertion.FromKey = item.Cells[ 1 ].Text; assertion.ToKey = item.Cells[ 2 ].Text; assertion.KeyedReference.TModelKey = item.Cells[ 3 ].Text; assertion.KeyedReference.KeyName = item.Cells[ 4 ].Text; assertion.KeyedReference.KeyValue = item.Cells[ 5 ].Text; assertion.Delete(); PopulateDataGrid( false ); PopulateRequestsDataGrid(); }
protected void Assertion_OnAccept( object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e ) { PublisherAssertion assertion = new PublisherAssertion(); DataGridItem item = gridRequests.Items[ e.Item.ItemIndex ];
assertion.FromKey = item.Cells[ 1 ].Text; assertion.ToKey = item.Cells[ 2 ].Text; assertion.KeyedReference.TModelKey = item.Cells[ 3 ].Text; assertion.KeyedReference.KeyName = item.Cells[ 4 ].Text; assertion.KeyedReference.KeyValue = item.Cells[ 5 ].Text; assertion.Save(); PopulateDataGrid( false ); PopulateRequestsDataGrid(); }
protected void Assertion_OnAdd( object sender, EventArgs e ) { grid.EditItemIndex = grid.Items.Count; SetEditMode(); PopulateDataGrid( true ); DataView businesses = GetBusinessNames();
Panel selectPanel = (Panel)GetControl( "selectPanel", 6 ); Panel directionPanel = (Panel)GetControl( "directionPanel", 6 ); selectPanel.Visible = true; directionPanel.Visible = false; grid.Columns[ 7 ].Visible = false; }
protected void Assertion_OnItemCommand( object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e ) { switch( e.CommandName.ToLower() ) { case "accept": Assertion_OnAccept( sender, e ); break; } } protected void Selector_OnSelect( object sender, string key, string name ) { UddiLabel otherBusiness = (UddiLabel)GetControl( "otherBusiness", 6 ); UddiLabel otherBusinessKey = (UddiLabel)GetControl( "otherBusinessKey", 6 ); UddiLabel leftOtherBusiness = (UddiLabel)GetControl( "leftOtherBusiness", 6 ); UddiLabel rightOtherBusiness = (UddiLabel)GetControl( "rightOtherBusiness", 6 ); otherBusinessKey.Text = key; otherBusiness.Text = name; leftOtherBusiness.Text = name; rightOtherBusiness.Text = name;
Panel selectPanel = (Panel)GetControl( "selectPanel", 6 ); Panel directionPanel = (Panel)GetControl( "directionPanel", 6 );
UddiButton add = (UddiButton)GetControl( "add", 7 ); add.Enabled = true; selectPanel.Visible = false; directionPanel.Visible = true; }
protected void Change_OnClick( object sender, EventArgs e ) { UddiButton add = (UddiButton)GetControl( "add", 7 ); add.Enabled = false; Panel selectPanel = (Panel)GetControl( "selectPanel", 6 ); Panel directionPanel = (Panel)GetControl( "directionPanel", 6 ); BusinessSelector selector = (BusinessSelector)GetControl( "selector",6 ); selectPanel.Visible = true; directionPanel.Visible = false; selector.ResetControl(); } </script>
<asp:DataGrid ID='grid' Cellpadding='4' Cellspacing='0' Border='0' Width='100%' AutoGenerateColumns='false' DataKeyField='Index' OnItemCommand='Assertion_OnItemCommand' OnDeleteCommand='Assertion_OnDelete' OnUpdateCommand='Assertion_OnUpdate' OnCancelCommand='Assertion_OnCancel' ShowFooter='True' ItemStyle-VerticalAlign='top' Runat='Server'> <EditItemStyle CssClass='tableEditItem' /> <HeaderStyle CssClass='tableHeader' /> <ItemStyle CssClass='tableItem' /> <AlternatingItemStyle CssClass='tableAlternatingItem' /> <FooterStyle CssClass='tableFooter' /> <Columns> <asp:BoundColumn DataField='Index' Visible='false' ReadOnly='true' /> <asp:BoundColumn DataField='FromKey' Visible='false' ReadOnly='true' /> <asp:BoundColumn DataField='ToKey' Visible='false' ReadOnly='true' /> <asp:BoundColumn DataField='TModelKey' Visible='false' ReadOnly='true' /> <asp:BoundColumn DataField='KeyName' Visible='false' ReadOnly='true' /> <asp:BoundColumn DataField='KeyValue' Visible='false' ReadOnly='true' />
<asp:TemplateColumn> <ItemTemplate> <uddi:UddiLabel Text='<%# Lookup.BusinessName( ((DataRowView)Container.DataItem )[ "FromKey" ].ToString() ) %>' Runat='Server' /> <img src='../images/redarrow.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0'> <uddi:UddiLabel Text='<%# Lookup.BusinessName( ((DataRowView)Container.DataItem )[ "ToKey" ].ToString() ) %>' Runat='Server' /><br> (<uddi:UddiLabel Text='<%# ((DataRowView)Container.DataItem )[ "KeyValue" ].ToString() %>' Runat='Server' />) </ItemTemplate> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:Panel ID='selectPanel' Runat='server'> <uddi:UddiLabel Text='[[TAG_SELECT_BUSINESS_FOR_RELATIONSHIP]]' CssClass='lightHeader' Runat='server' /><br> <br> <uddi:BusinessSelector ID='selector' OnSelect='Selector_OnSelect' Runat='server' /> </asp:Panel> <asp:Panel ID='directionPanel' Runat='server'> <uddi:UddiLabel Text='[[TAG_OTHER_BUSINESS]]' CssClass='header' Runat='server' /><br> <uddi:UddiLabel ID='otherBusiness' Runat='server' /> <uddi:UddiLabel ID='otherBusinessKey' Visible='false' Runat='server' /> <uddi:UddiButton Text='[[BUTTON_CHANGE]]' OnClick='Change_OnClick' Runat='server' /><br> <br> <uddi:UddiLabel Text='[[TAG_RELATIONSHIP]]' CssClass='lightHeader' Runat='server' /><br> <asp:DropDownList ID='relationship' DataSource='<%# relationships %>' DataTextField='KeyValue' DataValueField='Index' Runat='server' /><br> <br> <uddi:UddiLabel Text='[[TAG_DIRECTION]]' CssClass='lightHeader' Runat='server' /><br> <input id='from' type='radio' checked='true' runat='server' /> <b><uddi:UddiLabel Text='<%# Lookup.BusinessName( businessKey ) %>' Runat='server' /></b> <img src='../images/redarrow.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0'> <uddi:UddiLabel ID='rightOtherBusiness' Runat='server' /><br> <input id='to' type='radio' runat='server' /> <uddi:UddiLabel ID='leftOtherBusiness' Runat='server' /> <img src='../images/redarrow.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0'> <b><uddi:UddiLabel Text='<%# Lookup.BusinessName( businessKey ) %>' Runat='server' /></b><br> </asp:Panel> </EditItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateColumn>
<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderStyle-Width='150px'> <ItemTemplate> <uddi:UddiLabel Text='<%# ((DataRowView)Container.DataItem )[ "Status" ] %>' Runat='server' /> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateColumn>
<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderStyle-Width='160px'> <ItemTemplate> <uddi:UddiButton CommandName='Delete' Text='[[BUTTON_DELETE]]' Width='70px' CssClass='button' CausesValidation='false' EditModeDisable='true' Runat='server' /> </ItemTemplate> <EditItemTemplate> <nobr> <uddi:UddiButton ID='add' CommandName='Update' Text='[[BUTTON_ADD]]' Width='70px' CssClass='button' CausesValidation='true' Enabled='false' Runat='server' /> <uddi:UddiButton CommandName='Cancel' Text='[[BUTTON_CANCEL]]' Width='70px' CssClass='button' CausesValidation='false' Runat='server' /> </nobr> </EditItemTemplate> <FooterTemplate> <uddi:UddiButton Text='[[BUTTON_ADD_ASSERTION]]' Width='152px' CssClass='button' OnClick='Assertion_OnAdd' CausesValidation='false' EditModeDisable='true' Runat='Server' /> </FooterTemplate> </asp:TemplateColumn> </Columns> </asp:DataGrid> <asp:Panel ID='panelRequests' Runat='server'> <br> <br> <uddi:UddiLabel Text='[[TEXT_PUBLISHER_ASSERTION_REQUESTS]]' Runat='server' /><br> <br> <asp:DataGrid ID='gridRequests' Width='100%' Border='0' Cellpadding='4' Cellspacing='0' AutoGenerateColumns='false' DataKeyField='Index' OnItemCommand='Assertion_OnItemCommand' OnDeleteCommand='Assertion_OnDelete' OnUpdateCommand='Assertion_OnUpdate' OnCancelCommand='Assertion_OnCancel' ItemStyle-VerticalAlign='top' Runat='Server'> <EditItemStyle CssClass='tableEditItem' /> <AlternatingItemStyle CssClass='tableAlternatingItem' /> <HeaderStyle CssClass='tableHeader' /> <ItemStyle CssClass='tableItem' /> <FooterStyle CssClass='tableFooter' /> <Columns> <asp:BoundColumn DataField='Index' Visible='false' ReadOnly='true' /> <asp:BoundColumn DataField='FromKey' Visible='false' ReadOnly='true' /> <asp:BoundColumn DataField='ToKey' Visible='false' ReadOnly='true' /> <asp:BoundColumn DataField='TModelKey' Visible='false' ReadOnly='true' /> <asp:BoundColumn DataField='KeyName' Visible='false' ReadOnly='true' /> <asp:BoundColumn DataField='KeyValue' Visible='false' ReadOnly='true' />
<asp:TemplateColumn> <ItemTemplate> <uddi:UddiLabel Text='<%# Lookup.BusinessName( ((DataRowView)Container.DataItem )[ "FromKey" ].ToString() ) %>' Runat='Server' /> <img src='../images/redarrow.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0'> <uddi:UddiLabel Text='<%# Lookup.BusinessName( ((DataRowView)Container.DataItem )[ "ToKey" ].ToString() ) %>' Runat='Server' /><br> (<uddi:UddiLabel Text='<%# ((DataRowView)Container.DataItem )[ "KeyValue" ].ToString() %>' Runat='Server' />) </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateColumn>
<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderStyle-Width='150px'> <ItemTemplate> <uddi:UddiLabel Text='[[HEADING_PUBLISHER_ASSERTION_REQUESTED]]' Runat='server' /> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateColumn>
<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderStyle-Width='160px'> <ItemTemplate> <uddi:UddiButton CommandName='Accept' Text='[[BUTTON_ACCEPT]]' Width='70px' CssClass='button' CausesValidation='false' EditModeDisable='true' Runat='server' /> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateColumn> </Columns> </asp:DataGrid><br> <div style='padding-left: 5px'> <uddi:UddiLabel ID='noRecords' Text='[[TEXT_NO_REQUESTS]]' Visible='false' Runat='server' /> </div> </asp:Panel>