Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. [ServicesToDisable]
  2. f,"%systemroot%\system32\mfc42loc.dll","=6.00.8168.0",,,,ntcompat.inf,"PICTUREIT2000",0x00000002,"=0x35887682"
  3. [PICTUREIT2000] ; PictureIt 2000 delete localized version of mfc42loc.dll
  4. DelFiles = PICTUREIT2000_delFile
  5. [PICTUREIT2000_delFile]
  6. mfc42loc.dll
  7. [Strings]
  8. AVM_Client = "P�riph�rique RNIS client AVM"
  9. DirectMusic = "DirectMusic"
  10. Damini_Name = "Logiciel miniport d'acc�s dynamic 3Com"
  11. Daprot_Name = "Logiciel miniport d'acc�s dynamic 3Com"
  12. Eicon_Diva = "Cartes clients Diva Eicon"
  13. palmusb = "Adaptateur USB Palm"
  14. cw10 = "Pilote de carte r�seau sans fil � base Intersil"
  15. Winnov = "Logiciel Winnov Videum"
  16. ndcprtns = "Logiciel AP bas� sur Intersil"
  17. IBM_UMS = "Service UMS IBM"
  18. ALKB2K = "Pilote de filtrage pour clavier et souris Altiris"
  19. ACLIENT = "Service client Altiris"
  20. CiManager = "Gestionnaire Intel CI"
  21. CPQPWREX="Extension du shell de gestion d'alimentation Compaq"
  22. gsnw = "Services passerelle pour NetWare"
  23. Hard_Disk_Monitor = "Contr�leur de disque dur"
  24. i2cnt = "Pilote Via SMBus"
  25. McVirus = "McAfee VirusScan NT"
  26. McVirus32 = "Network Associates VirusScan NT"
  27. CrashMon = "McAfee Crash Monitor"
  28. Mgactrl_grp = "Matrox Powerdesk NT"
  29. SYSTEMSOFTCWDT = "Installer CardWizard"
  30. SBS45FaxClient = "Client Microsoft Fax Server"
  31. SBS50FaxClient = "Client Partage de t�l�copie Microsoft"
  32. SBS50FaxServer = "Serveur de t�l�copie partag� Microsoft"
  33. W2KFax = "Services de t�l�copie"
  34. pstrip1 = "PowerStrip.lnk"
  35. pstrip2 = "Online Documentation.lnk"
  36. pstrip3 = "Release Notes.lnk"
  37. cardwizard = "CardWizard pour Windows NT"
  38. phoenix = "PHOENIX CARD EXECUTIVE"
  41. Daytona_prof = "TBS Daytona"
  42. cpqdiag = "Diagnostics Compaq pour Windows NT"
  43. cpqinf = "Centre d'informations Compaq"
  44. evian = "Contr�leur Raid Promise"
  45. iocreatedrvlnk = "Create Drive Shortcuts.lnk"
  46. iocopymachine = "Iomega Copy Machine.lnk"
  47. iotoolsnthlp = "Iomega Tools NT Help.lnk"
  48. ioparaccel = "Parallel Port Accelerator.lnk"
  49. iormvdrvlnk = "Remove Drive Shortcuts.lnk"
  50. io1stepbck = "1-Step Backup.lnk"
  51. io1steprst = "1-Step Restore.lnk"
  52. ionttools = "Iomega Tools NT.lnk"
  53. ioqcktools = "Quick Tools.lnk"
  54. ioqcktools2 = "Iomega Quick Tools.lnk"
  55. ioicons = "Iomega Icons.lnk"
  56. iostartopt = "Iomega Startup Options.lnk"
  57. iorefresh = "Refresh.lnk"
  58. iomegaware = "IomegaWare.lnk"
  59. TCAUDIAG_PRF1="Utilitaires pour carte r�seau 3Com"
  60. ZipM98 = "ZipMagic 98"
  61. ENSQAUDM_PRF1 = "M�langeur AudioPCI ENSONIQ"
  62. NAV5_PRF1="Norton AntiVirus AutoProtect"
  63. NAV5_GRP1="D�marrage"
  64. NAV5_PRF2="Norton AntiVirus"
  65. HPMTTSM = "HP TopTools for Notebooks"
  66. HPMTTSM2 = "DMI HP"
  67. HPMTTSM3="Logiciel DMI HP Brio"
  69. HPMTTSM5="HP TopTools for Desktops"
  70. HPPRESREADY = "HP Presentation Ready - doit �tre r�install� apr�s la mise � niveau"
  71. cpqcwsetup = "Installation de Cardware"
  72. NetshieldNt = "Network Associates NetShield NT"
  73. CFGSAFE_GRP1 = "D�marrage"
  74. DIRECTCD_GRP = "Adaptec DirectCD"
  75. cs4281 = "Pilote audio pour Crystal CS4281 SoundFusion (TM)"
  76. piixide2 = "Contr�leur PIIX IDE 2"
  77. intlsisl = "Possibilit� de contr�leur RAID sur canal z�ro non compatible - Cliquez sur D�tails."
  78. ptircomm = "Emulateur s�rie Puma IR"
  79. ptirpro = "Protocole Puma IR"
  80. ptobphy = "Pilote Puma IR"
  81. tivoli = "Tivoli Remote Control"
  82. buslogic = "Contr�leur Buslogic SCSI"
  83. cpqfws2e = "Contr�leur Compaq Fast-Wide SCSI"
  84. fd16_700 = "Contr�leur Future Domain SCSI"
  85. fireport = "Contr�leur Diamond Fireport SCSI"
  86. flashpnt = "Contr�leur Flashpoint SCSI"
  87. ncrc710 = "Contr�leur NCR 710 SCSI"
  88. BlackIce21cn = "BlackICE Defender 2.1.cn"
  89. atpw2k = "Outils d'administration Windows 2000"
  90. atpxp = "Jeu d'outils d'administration"
  91. HSFADDREMOVE = "Entr�e Conexant HSF dans Ajout/Suppression de programmes"
  92. nVidiaNT4Upgrade = "Entr�e des pilotes d'affichage NVIDIA Windows NT 4.0 dans Ajout/Suppression de programmes"
  93. 3DlabsUpgrade = "Entr�e du pilote 3Dlabs dans Ajout/Suppression de programmes"
  94. isvgina = "Logiciel de substitution d'ouverture de session"
  95. PC-cillin2000 = "PC-cillin 2000"
  96. CarbonCopy32 = "Carbon Copy 32"
  97. syshwcfg = "XPoint Easy Backup"
  98. OmniPagePro10 = "OmniPage Pro 10"
  99. OnStor2k = "Pilote OnSpecLink Storage Class"
  100. Melco2 = "Carte CompactFlash / SmartMedia MCR-U2 MELCO INC."
  101. HyperDsk = "Contr�leur RAID Hyperdisk AMI"
  102. wmsv4="Serveur Windows Media 4.x"
  103. epcfw2k = "Pilote CompactFlash sur port parall�le"
  104. epssfd2k = "Pilote SmartMedia sur port parall�le"
  105. SFU2.0_NFS_CLIENT = "Client NFS pour Services pour Unix 2.0"
  106. SFU2.0_NFS_CLIENT_RDR = "Redirecteur du Client NFS pour Services pour Unix 2.0"
  107. SAKIT = "Microsoft Server Appliance Kit"
  108. ilinknet = "Service r�seau Sony i.LINK(1394)"
  109. fa312nd5 = "Pilote de la carte Fast Ethernet FA330/FA312/FA311 NETGEAR"
  110. amb8002 = "Carte PC Card AmbiCom 16-Bit 10Mbits/s Ethernet"
  111. ce2n5 = "Carte Xircom CreditCard Ethernet IIps"
  112. cpqndis5 = "Carte r�seau Compaq Ethernet PCMCIA"
  113. LANEPIC5 = "SMSC LANEPIC Ethernet 10/100"
  114. tdkcd31 = "LAK-CD031 TDK pour PCMCIA"
  115. smcpwr2n = "Carte Ethernet SMC EtherPower II 10/100"
  116. dlh5xnd5 = "Carte D-link 10/100 Ethernet � base DL10050"
  117. brzwlan = "Carte sans fil BreezeNET"
  118. Et32nt = "Carte KTI ET32/Px Series PCI"
  119. EL515 = "Carte Fast EtherLink III ISAPNP"
  120. elnk3 = "3Com EtherLink III"
  121. srwlnd5 = "Carte r�seau PC sans fil 3CRWE62092A 3Com"
  122. aspndis3 = "Carte sans fil BayStack Nortel"
  123. RLNET5 = "Carte RadioLAN/10 RadioNET"
  124. WLANDRV2 = "Carte sans fil Raytheon RayLink"
  125. F3ab18xi = "Carte Ethernet ISAPNP Fujitsu"
  126. F3ab18xj = "Carte Fujitsu FMV-J181/2"
  127. EPRO4 = "Carte Ethernet Intel EtherExpressPro 10 ISAPNP"
  128. ex10 = "Carte Ethernet Intel EtherExpress 10 ISAPNP"
  129. tpro4 = "Carte Token Ring ISAPNP TokenExpressoPro Intel"
  130. e100isa4 = "Carte Ethernet 10/100 ISA"
  131. el589nd5 = "Carte PC Card 3Com EtherLink III LAN (3C589x)"
  132. EL574ND4 = "Carte PC Card 3Com 3C574/3CXSH572BT TX Fast EtherLink"
  133. PCNTN5HL = "Carte r�seau � base AMD PCnet-Home"
  134. bcm42u = "Carte r�seau t�l�phone USB compatible Broadcom"
  135. bcm42xx5 = "Carte ligne t�l�phonique � diffusion large"
  136. lne100 = "Carte PCI Fast Ethernet Linksys LNE100Tx Version 2.0"
  137. W940ND = "Carte Winbond W89C940-Based Ethernet"
  138. w926nd = "Carte Ethernet Winbond W89C926 Based PCMCIA"
  139. ibmexmp = "Carte PC Card IBM EtherJet"
  140. d100ib5 = "Carte r�seau InBusiness(TM) 10/100 Intel(R)"
  141. lne100tx = "Carte Fast Ethernet LNE100TX Version 1.0"
  142. ngrpci = "Carte Fast Ethernet FA310TX NETGEAR"
  143. netflx3 = "Compaq NetFlex 10 et 10/100 (p�riph�riques � base Netflx3)"
  144. AEIWL_Name = "Pilote de la carte r�seau sans fil MiniPCI Actiontec PRISM"
  145. CPQTeam_Name = "Logiciel Compaq de collaboration et configuration r�seau"
  146. NMSSVC_Name = "Logiciel Intel PROSet d'�quilibrage de charge r�seau version 3.99 et ant�rieures"
  147. cpqfcac = "Pilote de contr�leurs de classe SCSI Compaq StorageWorks Fibre Channel Array"
  148. prlntss = "Pilote de syst�me de stockage Compaq ProLiant"
  149. cpqcisse = "Pilote de notification Compaq Smart Array 5x"
  150. cpqdaen = "Pilote de notification d'�v�nements Compaq Drive Array"
  151. custhal = "Custom HAL"
  152. 3ComDA = "3Com DynamicAccess"
  153. 3cxm356 = "Modem 3com/MHZ 3CXM356 PCCARD WIN"
  154. @@:@s:gateway = "XLink Omni NFS Gateway 4.0"
  155. AironetWinDGS = "WinDGS"
  156. CiscoAironet = "Utilitaire Aironet Client"
  157. DECjensen = "Digital DECpc AXP 150"
  158. EiconTA = "Logiciel pour modem Eicon DIVA T-A ISDN"
  159. IBMsmapint = "Pilote SMAPI IBM ThinkPad"
  160. IBMtppwr = "Pilote SMAPI de gestion d'alimentation pour IBM ThinkPad"
  161. OlicomLANScout = "Olicom LANScout"
  162. OlicomLANScoutManager = "Gestionnaire Olicom LANScout"
  163. OlicomRapidConfig = "Olicom RapidConfig/ATM"
  164. OlicomRapidGuide = "Guide des op�rations RapidFire 616x"
  165. OlicomRapidOnlineDoc = "Documentation en ligne RapidFire 616X"
  166. a8940 = "Carte Adaptec IEEE-1394"
  167. accel3d = "Carte vid�o AccelPro MX"
  168. acsremoved = "Le syst�me d'exploitation Windows Server ne prend plus en charge le service ACS (Admission Control Service). D�sinstallez ACS avant de faire la mise � niveau."
  169. adaptecperc2 = "Contr�leur Advanced RAID d'Adaptec"
  170. aic789x = "Adaptec AIC789x"
  171. aicdrv = "Adaptec AICDRV"
  172. alisnd ="Pilote audio ALI NT4"
  173. allegro3 = "Allegro3"
  174. als4000 = "Advance Logic, Inc. ALS4000"
  175. ;apfiltr = "Alps Pointing Device" ;georger - sync bdd/ntcompat entries - bug270295
  176. ark= "Acc�l�rateur vid�o ARK"
  177. aspi = "Adaptec ASPI32"
  178. assetci = "Informations de num�ro de s�rie IBM"
  179. at3d = "Pilote vid�o Alliance ProMotion"
  180. atakmini = "Atakmini"
  181. atapipd = "IBM PIIX Bus Master"
  182. atmhelpr = "ATMhelper"
  183. auddrive = "Pilote audio ESS h�rit�"
  184. avmdrv32 = "Fast AV Master"
  185. avpgatek = "Antivirus F-Secure"
  186. award = "Award Cardware"
  187. bayman = "Softex BayManager"
  188. cards = "Card Executive"
  189. cardware = "Pilote Compaq CardWare"
  190. cb325 = "Carte Silicom FastEthernet CardBus"
  191. cbus2_mp = "Architecture C-bus Corollary"
  192. cbusmc_mp = "Architecture Micro Channel C-bus Corollary"
  193. ccntdrv = "Tablette Calcomp"
  194. cda1000 = "Carte h�te Adaptec ARO/AAA RAID"
  195. cdr4vsd = "Pilote de filtrage Adaptec CD-R"
  196. cfgsafe = "ConfigSafe pour Windows NT"
  197. cheyennealert = "Serveur d'alertes Cheyenne"
  198. cheyenneanti = "Serveur antivirus Cheyenne InocuLAN"
  199. cheyenneauto = "Serveur de t�l�chargement Cheyenne"
  200. cheyenneexchange = "Serveur antivirus Cheyenne InocuLAN Exchange"
  201. ;cheyennefilter = "Cheyenne Filter Driver" ;georger - sync bdd/ntcompat entries - bug388307
  202. cheyennefloppy = "Pilote de lecteur de disquettes Cheyenne"
  203. cic = "CIC Manta Handwriter"
  204. cirque = "Pilotes Cirque CruiseCat"
  205. cldvd = "D�codeur DVD Creative Labs"
  206. cmosa = "Client OpenManage Dell"
  207. cmpci = "Pilote audio CMedia 8738 NT4.0"
  208. cmtos = "Toshiba Client Manager"
  209. cnr117 = "P�riph�rique disquettes/bandes Seagate/Conner"
  210. cnr157 = "Seagate STT8000A"
  211. cpq32fs2 = "Pilote de contr�leur Compaq CPQ32FS2 SCSI"
  212. cpqasm = "Pilote du contr�leur de gestion de syst�me avanc� HP ProLiant"
  213. cpqdiag_ds = "Diagnostics Compaq pour Windows NT"
  214. cpqeasypoint4 = "Compaq EasyPoint IV - doit �tre r�install� apr�s la mise � niveau"
  215. cpqmpd = "P�riph�rique CD-ROM Compaq Notebook Expansion Base"
  216. cpqmulti = "Logiciel Compaq Windows NT Multibay"
  217. cpqpnpmg = "Compaq PnP Manager pour Windows NT 4.0"
  218. cpqrcmc = "Service Remote Monitor de Compaq"
  219. cpqrs = "Compaq Remote ROM Flash et Remote Security"
  220. cpqsmrt2 = "Compaq CPQSMRT2"
  221. csa64xx = "Carte CMD 64xx 32 bits IDE"
  222. ctz_crdl = "Citizen Cradle Reader"
  223. cwbaudio = "Pilote audio CrystalWare"
  224. d3nt = "Pilote Iomega Click!"
  225. daytona = "Utilitaires audio TBS, TBS Audio Station 2, application TBS Music"
  226. decatapi = "Pilote Atapi de Digital Equipment Corp"
  227. dellps = "Pilote Dell 410 d'extinction automatique"
  228. dellth = "Pilote Dell 410 d'extinction thermique"
  229. deskon = "DeskOn - System start"
  230. DeskView = "DeskView"
  231. deskwol = "DeskWOL - Wake On LAN"
  232. directcd = "Logiciel Adaptec DirectCD"
  233. dlc = "Pilote Microsoft de protocole DLC"
  234. atalk = "Protocole Appletalk"
  235. dmisl = "Couche de service DMI IBM"
  236. dmusic = "Pilote Direct Music"
  237. dock = "Logiciel de station d'accueil Softex"
  238. docksvc = "Services de station d'accueil Ultra 2000"
  239. drvncdb = "HP Colorado Backup II 6.0"
  240. ds1wdm = "Pilote audio Yamaha DS1 WDM"
  241. dsmigrat = "Migration des services d'annuaire"
  242. dsmigratpath = "%systemdrive%\Program Files\dsmigrat\dsmigrat.dll"
  243. duplexwrite = "Logiciel Siemens DuplexWrite"
  244. eacmos = "Eacmos"
  245. eaps2kbd = "Eaps2kbd"
  246. eawdmfd = "Easy Access Buttons"
  247. el575nd5 = "Pilote el575nd5"
  248. elsa1 = "Elsa1"
  249. elsa2 = "Elsa2"
  250. emu10k="Pilote Creative SBLive"
  251. emu10kx="Pilote Creative Audigy"
  252. ensqaudm = "M�langeur AudioPCI ENSONIQ"
  253. ensqio = "Ensqio"
  254. essm2e = "Pilote Maestro M2E pour notebook Toshiba"
  255. eusbmsd = "SanDisk USB ImageMate"
  256. exide = "Pilote Toshiba pour disque DMA TECRA"
  257. exch55 = "Microsoft Exchange 5.5"
  258. faboot = "Full Armor Boot"
  259. fazam = "Full Armor Zero Administration"
  260. fidmou = "Touchpad Fujitsu Takamisawa - doit �tre r�install� apr�s la mise � niveau"
  261. flow7 = "FlowCharter 7"
  262. fujitsu = "Fujitsu"
  263. gdtx = "Contr�leur SCSI ICP-Vortex"
  264. genius = "Pilotes Genius Easyscroll"
  265. gfx40 = "GFX40"
  266. glint = "Cartes bas�es sur Glint"
  267. halhook = "Outil de sondage Compaq"
  268. hdmib = "HardDrive Monitor pour Siemens Serverview"
  269. hdmon = "Moniteur de disque dur"
  270. hercpwr = "Hercules PowerTools"
  271. hollywoodplus = "D�codeur REALMagic Hollywood Plus de Sigma Designs"
  272. hpdmi = "Composant d'interface HP Desktop Management"
  273. hpextkbd = "Clavier �tendu Hewlett-Packard C4734"
  274. hpntlock = "HP Lock pour NT4"
  275. hponetouchomni500msg="HP OneTouch"
  276. hponetouchomnixe3msg="HP OneTouch"
  277. hpcimsg = "Interface de configuration HP"
  278. hpsmart = "HP Brio PC Smart Disk Monitor 1.0"
  279. hpsparnt = "HP OfficeJet 1150C"
  280. hptoptools = "Agent HP TopTools for Desktops"
  281. hptoptoolsidm = "Gestionnaire de p�riph�riques HP TopTools"
  282. hptp4track="Pilote IBM Trackpoint - doit �tre r�install� apr�s la mise � niveau"
  283. hptwotrack="Pilote IBM Trackpoint - doit �tre r�install� apr�s la mise � niveau"
  284. iamdrv = "Pilote logiciel AtGuard"
  285. iamserv = "Service logiciel AtGuard"
  286. iavboot4 = "Moniteur temps r�el IBM AntiVirus"
  287. ibmdmibios = "IBM DMI BIOS Instrumentation pour Windows NT"
  288. ibmir = "Pilote IBM IRDA faible d�bit"
  289. ibmmpg = "D�codeur IBM MPEG-2"
  290. ibmraid = "Carte SCSI IBM ServeRAID II"
  291. ibmtp4 = "Pilote pour souris IBM TwoTrack"
  292. ibmvc = "Capture vid�o IBM 9397"
  293. ibmwc = "Utilitaires IBM"
  294. icsupgrd = "Partage de connexion Internet (ICS)"
  295. ils = "Site Server ILS"
  296. imgatapi = "Pilote ATAPI Iomega"
  297. initio = "Initio INI-910"
  298. intelata = "Intel Ultra ATA"
  299. intelapp = "Application SpeedStep d'Intel"
  300. intelatadriver = "Pilote Ultra ATA d'Intel"
  301. IntelSpeedStepLink = "Application de technologie Intel(R) SpeedStep(TM)"
  302. intellimouse = "Logiciel Microsoft IntelliPoint"
  303. iomega = "Lecteur Iomega ZIP pour port parall�le"
  304. iomegnt = "Contr�leur Iomega SCSI PCI Jaz/Zip"
  305. iphasei = "Module IP Interphase x526 Fibre Channel"
  306. iphases = "Pilote SCSI Interphase x526 Fibre Channel"
  307. isotp4 = "Protocole ISO/TP4"
  308. kbstuff = "Pilote de clavier SMS Remote Control"
  309. kmw = "Kensington MouseWorks"
  310. laplink = "TSI Remote Control Service"
  311. laplnk2k = "LapLink"
  312. ldcm = "Gestionnaire de clients Intel LANDesk"
  313. ldcm1 = "Moniteur de notification Intel LDCM"
  314. ldcm2 = "Intel LDCM OSCI"
  315. ldcm3 = "Intel LDCM CiSmBios"
  316. lexdlc= "Port r�seau Lexmark DLC"
  317. lexmark1 = "Pilote d'imprimante Lexmark"
  318. lextcp= "Port r�seau Lexmark TCP/IP"
  319. lhacm = "Format d'enregistreur de sons Lernout and Hauspie"
  320. liquidaudio = "Pilote Liquid Audio"
  321. lm75 = "Moniteur thermique d'unit� centrale IBM"
  322. lm78ci = "Moniteur de syst�me PC IBM"
  323. lmrepl = "R�plicateur d'annuaire"
  324. logitech = "Pilotes de souris Logitech MouseWare"
  325. logkeycomm = "Logitech Key Commander"
  326. ltmodem = "Pilote de modem Lucent Technologies"
  327. ma_delta="Carte d'interface M Audio Delta/Audiophile"
  328. macd98 = "MacDrive 98"
  329. maestro = "Pilote audio ESS Maestro h�rit�"
  330. maestro0 = "Pilote BTC Extended Keyboard Hotbuttons"
  331. maxsuperd = "Lecteur Maxell Parallel LS-120 SuperDisk"
  332. mca_up = "IBM PS/2 ou autre PC � base Micro Channel"
  333. mcafeecr = "McAfee Crash Monitor"
  334. mcfilter = "McAfee VirusScan"
  335. mcis = "Internet Authentication Service, Commercial Edition (IAS/C)"
  336. megaraid = "Pilote Megaraid"
  337. mgactrl = "Utilitaires Powerdesk"
  338. missing_proc_feat = "Les fonctionnalit�s requises du processeur ne sont pas pr�sentes"
  339. mkecr56x = "Interface CD-ROM Panasonic"
  340. mps_mca_mp = "PC Micro Channel MPS multiprocesseur"
  341. msp1c = "Microsoft Proxy Client 1.0"
  342. msp1s = "Microsoft Proxy Server 1.0"
  343. msp2s = "Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0"
  344. mssql65 = "Microsoft SQL Server 6.5"
  345. msss3 = "Microsoft Site Server 3.0"
  346. mstock65 = "Metastock 6.5"
  347. multipath = "Logiciel Siemens MultiPath"
  348. mvaudio = "Carte audio Media Vision"
  349. mwave = "Pilote IBM MWAVE"
  350. mwavedsp = "Pilote de modem IBM Thinkpad pour NT4"
  351. mwkmuch="Carte son Multi!Wav Digital"
  352. mx400="Pilote audio Diamond MX400 NT4.0"
  353. n40s3 = "Carte vid�o Colorgraphic Pro Lightning V+"
  354. nav5 = "Norton AntiVirus"
  355. nbf = "Pilote Microsoft de protocole NETBEUI"
  356. ncr_mp = "PC Micro Channel multiprocesseur NCR"
  357. ncrc810 = "Pilote NCR/Symbios/LSI 8xx"
  358. netfbase = "Netfinity Support Program"
  359. nma2nt = "Pilote Neomagic h�rit�"
  360. nmsmsAgent="Agent Network Monitor 1.x"
  361. nmxnt = "Pilote NT4 NMXNT"
  362. ntmidi = "MIDI NT"
  363. nwcli32 = "Novell Client 32"
  364. oak611 = "Oak Tech Audia 3D"
  365. oilchg25 = "Oil Change 2.5"
  366. onstream = "Lecteur de bandes OnStream SC30, SC50, SI50, DI30, DP30 ou USB30"
  367. opl3sa = "Pilote audio Yamaha OPL3 h�rit�"
  368. orb = "Lecteur portable Orb"
  369. ;otman5 = "Backup Exec" ;georger - sync bdd/ntcompat entries - bug 374722/412013
  370. palm = "3com HotSync Manager"
  371. panadvdram = "Pilote DVD-RAM"
  372. panda = "Panda Anti-Virus"
  373. parallel = "Pilote de classe de port parall�le pour Windows NT4 et Windows 2000"
  374. pcany = "PCAnywhere Host Service"
  375. pcanyw92 = "pcAnywhere 9.2"
  376. pccs = "System Soft PCCS"
  377. pcenable = "System Soft PCENABLE"
  378. pcpnp="PC Card Director pour Windows NT 4.0"
  379. pedge = "Pilote de contr�leur RAID Dell PowerEdge"
  380. pelmouse = "Mouse Suite"
  381. pfs = "OnStream Echo"
  382. ph97r40= "Carte vid�o Philips Pipeline"
  383. phoenixad = "Pilote Phoenix de gestion de l'alimentation"
  384. phoenixpm = "Utilitaire Phoenix de gestion de l'alimentation"
  385. piixide = "Contr�leur IDE Intel PIIX"
  386. plscsi = "Carte SCSI Prolific"
  387. power = "Gestion avanc�e de l'alimentation Softex/Phoenix"
  388. powpath = "Logiciel EMC Power Path"
  389. ps2cont = "Pilotes de souris Contour"
  390. pscan = "Moniteur temps r�el PC-cillin pour NT"
  391. pstrip = "PowerStrip"
  392. pumacsm = "Gestionnaire d'installation Pumatech Intellisync Connection"
  393. pwricon="Compaq Window NT PowerControl"
  394. qic117 = "Lecteur de bandes QIC117 g�n�rique"
  395. qs_up = "Digital Multia MultiClient Desktop"
  396. qt3 = "Quicktime 3.0"
  397. quicken2000 = "Quicken 2000"
  398. rcentrl = "Application Ring Central Fax"
  399. rchelp = "Assistant vid�o SMS Remote Control"
  400. reachout = "Stac Reachout Enterprise"
  401. riptide = "Pilote audio Rockwell Riptide"
  402. roxioburning = "Support de gravage de CD roxio"
  403. rtcphoenix = "RTC Phoenix Client"
  404. s100 = "Pilote audio Dimond S100 (ESS Allegro) NT4.0"
  405. s3color = "Applet S3 Video du Panneau de configuration"
  406. s3knldrv = "Contr�leur audio S3 Sonic Vibes"
  407. s3knljs = "Contr�leur audio S3 Sonic Vibes (joystick)"
  408. sb16snd = "Pilote SoundBlaster 16 h�rit�"
  409. sbawe32 = "Pilote SoundBlaster AWE32 h�rit�"
  410. sbpcint4 = "Sbpcint4"
  411. scandrv = "Pilote de scanneur Plustek"
  412. scidrv = "Pilote d'interface de configuration syst�me Toshiba"
  413. tscidrv = "Pilote d'interface de configuration syst�me Toshiba"
  414. tsbselbay = "Toshiba Selectable Bay Service"
  415. tsbds = "Toshiba Docking Service"
  416. SCM_USB_Compact_Flash = "Lecteur de cartes USB SCM/Memorex CompactFlash"
  417. scsigold = "Carte h�te SIIG SCSI Pro Gold"
  418. sd120ppd = "Lecteur Imation LS-120 sur port parall�le"
  419. sftmodem = "Pilote Softmodem"
  420. sgcomp = "Pilote Silicon Graphics Cobalt Graphics (pour NT 4.0 uniquement)"
  421. sgiusb00 = "Pilote Silicon Graphics pour clavier/souris USB (pour NT 4.0 uniquement)"
  422. sgkrmp = "Pilote Silicon Graphics Cobalt-2 Graphics (pour NT 4.0 uniquement)"
  423. sgptmp = "Pilote Silicon Graphics Cobalt-3 Graphics (pour NT 4.0 uniquement)"
  424. sharshtl = "P�riph�rique de stockage Shuttle Sharer pour port parall�le"
  425. siigc = "Pilote PCI SIIG Cyber"
  426. sisv = "Carte vid�o SiS 62xx"
  427. siwvid = "Numega SoftICE"
  428. skusbkbf = "Clavier IBM Rapid Access"
  429. sla30nd5 = "Carte PC Card r�seau sans fil Symbol Spectrum24"
  430. slnt7554 = "Modem SmartLink non pris en charge"
  431. smnt40 = "smnt40"
  432. sms11 = "Systems Management Server 1.1"
  433. sms12 = "Systems Management Server 1.2"
  434. sms2 = "Systems Management Server 2.0"
  435. sms2sp3 = "Systems Management Server 2.0 (Service Pack 3)"
  436. sna2 = "SNA Server 2.0"
  437. sna21 = "SNA Server 2.1"
  438. sna211 = "SNA Server 2.11"
  439. sna3 = "SNA Server 3.0"
  440. sna4 = "SNA Server 4.0"
  441. snd801nt = "Syst�me audio Diamond DT(R) DT0398(TM)"
  442. snd93x = "Carte son Opti 931"
  443. sndblst = "Pilote SoundBlaster h�rit�"
  444. sndsys = "Pilote Windows Sound System h�rit�"
  445. snidpms = "Pilote Siemens DPMS"
  446. soff = "Application IBM SoftOff"
  447. soff_nt = "Pilote IBM SoftOff"
  448. sonymemstick = "Pilote Sony Memory Stick"
  449. sonyjdu = "Utilitaire Sony Jog Dial"
  450. sqlwin5 = "SQL Windows Edition 5"
  451. sscntrl = "Pilote de filtrage Dr. Solomon's WinGuardNT"
  452. sscpvivo = "Carte son Ensoniq Vivo"
  453. ssi365 = "Assistant System Soft Card"
  454. sspcic = "System Soft SSPCIC"
  455. sspower = "System Soft Power Profiler"
  456. stbmvp = "Pilote STB MVPPro"
  457. stdat3 = "Archive Python"
  458. stlthg46 = "STLTHG46"
  459. stordgr = "Contr�leur Storage Dimensions DGR/DGR Ultra RAIDPro"
  460. sttscsi3 = "Conner CTT8000-S"
  461. symc8xx = "Pilote Symbios Logic SYMC8XX"
  462. synaptic = "Logiciel Synaptics TouchPad"
  463. sysmgmt = "System Management Service de Compaq"
  464. tcaudiag = "3Com TCAUDIAG"
  465. tdifiltr = "i.Share 3.0 NT"
  466. TITSB = "Wireless LAN Enabler pour NT"
  467. tlntsvr = "Serveur Telnet"
  468. tmaster = "P�riph�riques de jeu ThrustMaster"
  469. tmdigpro = "Thrustmaster Nascar(R) Pro Digital(TM)"
  470. tmdualag = "Contr�leur de jeu Guillemot analogique double"
  471. tos3comwin = "Modem 3com-Noteworty 54k"
  472. tosdvd = "Lecteur DVD Toshiba 7000"
  473. tpchrsrv = "Gestion d'alimentation IBM ThinkPad"
  474. tpconfig1= "Utilitaires de configuration ThinkPad"
  475. tpfuel = "ThinkPad Fuel"
  476. tpfuel_name="Fuel"
  477. tpfuel_dir="ThinkPad"
  478. tppmport = "Extension d'alimentation IBM ThinkPad"
  479. tppwrmon = "Moniteur d'alimentation IBM ThinkPad"
  480. tridwnw = "Pilotes audio Trident 4D Wave"
  481. tsb24cd = "Lecteur de CD-ROM Toshiba 24x"
  482. tsbapm = "Toshiba Power Management System pour Windows NT"
  483. tsbasd = "Logiciel d'extinction automatique Toshiba"
  484. tsbhddpw ="Utilitaire de mot de passe pour disque dur Toshiba"
  485. tsbmc = "Contr�leur de souris Toshiba"
  486. tsbvcap = "Logiciel de capture vid�o Toshiba"
  487. tt128 = "IXMICRO Twin Turbo 128"
  488. ultra66 = "Contr�leur Ultra IDE Promise"
  489. umax = "VistaScan v2.40"
  490. usbkbdwm = "Clavier et souris NEC USB"
  491. viadriver = "Pilote IDE VIA Bus Master"
  492. wacomdrv = "P�riph�rique Wacom d'�criture num�rique"
  493. wcgodrv = "Pilotes de cam�ras Creative Video Blaster WebCam Go et Go Plus"
  494. waveart = "Rockwell Wave Artist"
  495. wce21 = "Services Windows CE"
  496. winachsf = "Modem Conexant HSF non pris en charge"
  497. winmdm = "P�riph�rique WinModem"
  498. winner="Carte vid�o Elsa Gloria L/MX"
  499. wmcacaa = "Modem Compaq Global MiniPCI 56K V.90 par 3COM"
  500. wscan316 = "WebScanX 3.1.6"
  501. wtcls2k = "Pilotes de tablette Pablo"
  502. YACXG="Pilotes audio Yamaha AC-XG NT4"
  503. ydsxgdk="P�riph�rique de station d'accueil YAMAHA DS-XG (WDM)"
  504. YMHSoftSynth="Yamaha SoftSynthesizer S-YXG50"
  505. zmntmon = "Zip Magic 98"
  506. @*:;
  507. @*:;printupg stuff = mikaelho
  508. @*:;
  509. unidrv4 ="Imprimante"
  510. minpw20 ="Imprimante"
  511. xeroxwct ="Xerox WorkCentre 450cp"
  512. hpmon = "Moniteur HP de port r�seau"
  513. hpjetmon = "Port HP JetDirect"
  514. REXSERA="Pilote Xircom REX 6000 MicroPDA REXSERA"
  515. REXSERE="Pilote Xircom REX 6000 MicroPDA REXSERE"
  516. REXSERPD="Pilote Xircom REX 6000 MicroPDA REXSERPD"
  517. RexService="Pilote Xircom REX 6000 MicroPDA"
  518. NECJ09="Carte d'interface NEC R8100 PC-9801N-J09"
  519. hpmon_regkey = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Hewlett-Packard Network Port"
  520. sdselect = "Chemin Olympus CAMEDIA SmartDisk Flash"
  521. @*:;
  522. @*:;WIA stuff = IssaK
  523. @*:;
  524. W2K_INBOX_TWAIN_DS = "Pilote TWAIN Inbox pour Windows 2000"
  525. WIA_HPI_USB = "HP PhotoSmart S20"
  526. WIA_ARTEC_AS6E = "Scanneur Artec AS6E"
  527. WIA_ACER = "Scanneur Acer"
  528. WIA_VISIONEER_5300 = "Scanneur Visioneer"
  529. WIA_VISIONEER_6100 = "Scanneur Visioneer 6100 ou OneTouch"
  530. WIA_HP_3300C = "Scanneur Hewlett-Packard ScanJet"
  531. WIA_HP_4300C = "Scanneur Hewlett-Packard ScanJet 3400C/4300C"
  532. WIA_HP_5300C = "Scanneur Hewlett-Packard ScanJet 5300C"
  533. WIA_MICROTEK = "Scanneur Microtek"
  534. WIA_KODAK_4800 = "Appareil photo Kodak 4800 ou Kodak DC-290"
  535. WIA_CANONSCAN_620P = "Scanneur Canon CanoScan 620P"
  536. WIA_CANONSCAN_S100 = "Canon PowerShot ELPH S100"
  537. WIA_PLUSTEK_12000T = "Plustek 12000T"
  538. wdm_inaec = "Pilote Intel AEC"
  539. @*:;
  540. @*:;jamesb bulk changes
  541. @*:;
  542. spxio8pser = "Pilote Specialix I/O8+"
  543. spxslxosser = "Pilote Specialix SX"
  544. spxrio = "Pilote Specialix RIO"
  545. spxspxdriver = "Pilote Specialix SPX PortDirector"
  546. spxsxdriver = "Pilote Specialix SX PortDirector"
  547. spxio8driver = "Pilote Specialix I/O8+ PortDirector"
  548. spxspeeddriver = "Pilote Specialix SPEED PortDirector"
  549. @*:;
  550. @*:;String substitutions that include localizable parts
  551. @*:;-Currently the parser cannot handle %string% insode quotes and
  552. @*:;so we need the entire string in this section
  553. @*:;
  554. dccmanpath = "%systemdrive%\Program Files\windows ce services\dccman.exe"
  555. snmpagents = "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Siemens\SNMPAgents\Agents\HD_MIB.DLL"
  556. intellisync = "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Intellisync\txcsm.exe"
  557. intelatapf = "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Intel\IntelATA\IntelATA.exe"
  558. naipath = "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Network Associates\VirusScan NT\VsTskMgr.exe"
  559. palmvii = "%systemdrive%\program files\franklin covey\planner\palm\hotsync.exe"
  560. hponetouchomni500path="%SystemDrive%\Program Files\HP One-Touch\OneTouch.Exe"
  561. hponetouchomnixe3path="%SystemDrive%\Program Files\One-Touch\CP32NBTN.Exe"
  562. @*:;
  563. @*:; Unsupported video adapters - PeterA
  564. @*:;
  565. 3dfx1 = "Puce acc�l�ratrice 3dfx Interactive Inc Voodoo Voodoo 3D"
  566. 3dfx2 = "Acc�l�rateur 3dfx Voodoo2 3D"
  567. 3Dlabs3 = "Acc�l�rateur 3Dlabs, Inc. Ltd GLint 500TX Sapphire 3D"
  568. 3Dlabs4 = "Processeur 3Dlabs, Inc. Ltd GLint Delta Geometry"
  569. 3Dlabs5 = "Acc�l�rateur 3Dlabs, Inc. Ltd GLint MX 3D"
  570. 3Dlabs6 = "3Dlabs, Inc. Ltd GLint Gamma G1"
  571. 3Dlabs7 = "3Dlabs, Inc. Ltd GLint R3"
  572. Alliance8 = "Alliance Semiconductor CA - acc�l�rateur USA ProVideo 6424"
  573. Alliance9 = "Alliance Semiconductor CA - USA AT25 ProMotion-AT3D"
  574. ARK10 = "Acc�l�rateur ARK Logic, Inc ARK2000PV Stingray"
  575. Avance11 = "Acc�l�rateur Avance Logic Inc. ALG2301"
  576. Chips12 = "Acc�l�rateur Chips And Technologies 65555 VGA"
  577. videodevice = "P�riph�rique vid�o"
  578. Chromatic15 = "Processeur Chromatic Research Inc Mpact Media"
  579. Macronix16 = "Macronix International Co. Ltd. MX86251"
  580. Matrox17 = "Acc�l�rateur Matrox MGA-PX2085 Ultima/Atlas"
  581. Matrox18 = "Acc�l�rateur Matrox MGA-I Ultima/Impression"
  582. NEC19 = "Acc�l�rateur NEC Corporation PoverVR PCX2 3D"
  583. NEC20 = "Processeur graphique NEC Corporation PowerVR Neon 250 PowerVR s�rie II"
  584. OldAllegroAudioDriver = "Supprimer le pr�c�dent pilote audio Allegro (version lors de la mise � niveau"
  585. Rendition21 = "Rendition Inc Verite 2000"
  586. S324 = "Acc�l�rateur S3 Incorporated Vision 964"
  587. S325 = "S3 Incorporated 86C362/86C368 Trio3D2x & Trio3D2x+ AGP"
  588. S332 = "S3 Incorporated 86C410 Savage 2000"
  589. Sigma33 = "Acc�l�rateur Sigma Designs Corp. REALmagic64/GX"
  590. Silicon34 = "Acc�l�rateur graphique Silicon Integrated System SiS 6215 PCI"
  591. Tseng35 = "Acc�l�rateur Tseng Labs ET4000W32P-A"
  592. Tseng36 = "Acc�l�rateur Tseng Labs ET4000W32P-C"
  593. Tseng37 = "Acc�l�rateur Tseng Labs ET4000W32P-D"
  594. Tseng38 = "Moteur graphique Tseng Labs ET6000"
  595. Weitek42 = "Acc�l�rateur Weitek P9000"
  596. %winsip% = "Services SIP"
  597. @*:;
  598. @*:; NTBUG 493913
  599. @*:;
  600. ipsperf = "ipsperf"
  601. nfrdperf = "nfrdperf"
  602. %ipx-rras% = "Serveur de routage et d'acc�s distant pour IPX"
  603. @*:; NTBUG 658877
  604. rssservice = "Services de stockage �tendu"
  605. @*:;
  606. @*:; NTBUG 658875
  607. @*:;
  608. %VPN-Ports% = "Configuration du port pour le routage et le service d'acc�s � distance"
  609. @*:;
  610. @*:; Unsupported audio devices 727124
  611. @*:;
  612. Aureal8810 = "P�riph�rique audio Aureal 8810"
  613. Aureal8820 = "P�riph�rique audio Aureal 8820"
  614. Aureal8830 = "P�riph�rique audio Aureal 8830"
  615. AurealGameport = "P�riph�rique de port de jeux Aureal"
  616. AztechAudio= "P�riph�rique audio Aztech 2320"
  617. CreativeIsaAudio= "P�riph�rique audio Creative SoundBlaster ISA"
  618. CrystalIsaAudio="P�riph�riques audio Cirrus Logic ISA"
  619. Ensoniq1370 = "P�riph�rique audio Ensoniq ES1370"
  620. Ensoniq1371 = "P�riph�rique audio Ensoniq ES1371"
  621. ESS1969 = "P�riph�rique audio ESS 1969"
  622. ESSSolo = "P�riph�rique audio ESS Solo"
  623. ESSIsa = "P�riph�rique audio ESS ISA"
  624. ESSMaestro="P�riph�rique audio ESS Maestro"
  625. NeoMagicNM5= "P�riph�rique audio NeoMagic NM5"
  626. NeoMagicNM6= "P�riph�rique audio NeoMagic NM6"
  627. YamahaDS1Audio = "Pilote audio Yamaha DS-1"
  628. YamahaOPL3Audio = "Pilote audio Yamaha OPL3"