Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. [Strings]
  2. ;================================ Accounts ============================================================================
  3. ;Specified in UI code - Accounts: Administrator account status
  4. ;Specified in UI code - Accounts: Guest account status
  5. ;Specified in UI code - Accounts: Rename administrator account
  6. ;Specified in UI code - Accounts: Rename guest account
  7. LimitBlankPasswordUse = "����: �ܼ� �α׿� �� ���� �������� �� ��ȣ ���� ����"
  8. ;================================ Audit ===============================================================================
  9. AuditBaseObjects="����: �۷ι� �ý��� ��ü�� ���� �׼��� ����"
  10. FullPrivilegeAuditing="����: ���� �� ���� ���� ������ ����"
  11. CrashOnAuditFail="����: ���� ���縦 �α��� �� ���� ���� ���� �ý��� ����"
  12. ;================================ Devices =============================================================================
  13. AllocateDASD="��ġ: �̵��� �̵��� ���� �� ������ ����"
  14. AllocateDASD0="Administrators"
  15. AllocateDASD1="Administrators �� Power Users"
  16. AllocateDASD2="Administrators �� Interactive Users"
  17. AddPrintDrivers="��ġ: �����ڰ� ������ �����̹��� ��ġ�� �� ���� ��"
  18. AllocateCDRoms="��ġ: ���÷� �α׿��� �����ڸ��� CD-ROM�� �׼��� ����"
  19. AllocateFloppies="��ġ: ���÷� �α׿��� �����ڸ��� �÷��� �����̺꿡 �׼��� ����"
  20. DriverSigning="��ġ: �������� ���� �����̹� ��ġ ����"
  21. DriverSigning0="�۾� �Ϸ�"
  22. DriverSigning1="�����ϸ鼭 ��ġ ������"
  23. DriverSigning2="��ġ ���� �� ��"
  24. UndockWithoutLogon="��ġ: �α׿��� �ʿ� ���� ��ŷ ���� ����"
  25. ;================================ Domain controller ====================================================================
  26. SubmitControl="������ ��Ʈ�ѷ�: Server Operator�� �۾��� �������ϵ��� ����"
  27. RefusePWChange="������ ��Ʈ�ѷ�: ��ǻ�� ���� ��ȣ ���� �ź�"
  28. LDAPServerIntegrity = "������ ��Ʈ�ѷ�: LDAP ���� ���� �ʿ�"
  29. LDAPServer1 = "����"
  30. LDAPServer2 = "���� �ʿ�"
  31. ;================================ Domain member ========================================================================
  32. DisablePWChange="������ ������: ��ǻ�� ���� ��ȣ ���� ���� �� ��"
  33. MaximumPWAge="������ ������: ��ǻ�� ���� ��ȣ �ִ� ���� �Ⱓ"
  34. SignOrSeal="������ ������: ���� ä�� �����͸� ������ ��ȣȭ �Ǵ� ����(�׻�)"
  35. SealSecureChannel="������ ������: ���� ä��: ���� ä�� �����͸� ������ ��ȣȭ(�����ϸ�)"
  36. SignSecureChannel="������ ������: ���� ä��: ���� ä�� �����͸� ������ ����(�����ϸ�)"
  37. StrongKey="������ ������: ���� ���� Ű ��û(Windows 2000 �Ǵ� �� �̻�)"
  38. ;================================ Interactive logon ====================================================================
  39. DisableCAD = "��ȭ�� �α׿�: [CTRL+ALT+DEL]�� ������ �ʿ� ����"
  40. DontDisplayLastUserName = "��ȭ�� �α׿�: ������ ������ �̸� ǥ�� �� ��"
  41. LegalNoticeText = "��ȭ�� �α׿�: �α׿� �õ��ϴ� �����ڿ� ���� �޽��� �ؽ�Ʈ"
  42. LegalNoticeCaption = "��ȭ�� �α׿�: �α׿� �õ��ϴ� �����ڿ� ���� �޽��� ����"
  43. CachedLogonsCount = "��ȭ�� �α׿�: ij���� �α׿��� Ƚ��(������ ��Ʈ�ѷ��� ���� �Ұ����� ����)"
  44. PasswordExpiryWarning = "��ȭ�� �α׿�: ��ȣ ���� ���� �����ڿ��� ��ȣ�� �����ϵ��� ������Ʈ"
  45. ForceUnlockLogon = "��ȭ�� �α׿�: ��ũ�����̼� ���� ������ ���� ������ ��Ʈ�ѷ� ���� �ʿ�"
  46. ScForceOption = "��ȭ�� �α׿�: ����Ʈ ī�� �ʿ�"
  47. ScRemove = "��ȭ�� �α׿�: ����Ʈ ī�� ���� ����"
  48. ScRemove0 = "�۾� ����"
  49. ScRemove1 = "��ũ�����̼� ����"
  50. ScRemove2 = "���� �α׿���"
  51. ;================================ Microsoft network client =============================================================
  52. RequireSMBSignRdr="Microsoft ��Ʈ��ũ Ŭ���̾�Ʈ: ������ ���� ����(�׻�)"
  53. EnableSMBSignRdr="Microsoft ��Ʈ��ũ Ŭ���̾�Ʈ: ������ ���� ����(�������� ������ ����)"
  54. EnablePlainTextPassword="Microsoft ��Ʈ��ũ Ŭ���̾�Ʈ: Ÿ�� SMB ������ ��ȣȭ���� ���� ��ȣ�� ����"
  55. ;================================ Microsoft network server =============================================================
  56. AutoDisconnect="Microsoft ��Ʈ��ũ ����: ���� ������ �ߴ��ϱ� ���� �ʿ��� ���� �ð�"
  57. RequireSMBSignServer="Microsoft ��Ʈ��ũ ����: ������ ���� ����(�׻�)"
  58. EnableSMBSignServer="Microsoft ��Ʈ��ũ ����: ������ ���� ����(Ŭ���̾�Ʈ���� ������ ����)"
  59. EnableForcedLogoff="Microsoft ��Ʈ��ũ ����: �α׿� �ð��� �����Ǹ� Ŭ���̾�Ʈ ���� ����"
  60. ;================================ Network access =======================================================================
  61. ;Specified in UI code - Network access: Allow anonymous SID/Name translation
  62. DisableDomainCreds = "��Ʈ��ũ �׼���: ��Ʈ��ũ ������ ���� �ڰ� ������ �����ҳ� .NET Passport ���� �� ��"
  63. RestrictAnonymousSAM = "��Ʈ��ũ �׼���: SAM ������ �͸� ���� ���� �� ��"
  64. RestrictAnonymous = "��Ʈ��ũ �׼���: SAM ������ ������ �͸� ���� ���� �� ��"
  65. EveryoneIncludesAnonymous = "��Ʈ��ũ �׼���: Everyone ���� ������ �͸� �����ڿ��� ����"
  66. RestrictNullSessAccess = "��Ʈ��ũ �׼���: ������ �������� ������ ���� �͸� �׼��� ����"
  67. NullPipes = "��Ʈ��ũ �׼���: �͸����� �׼����� �� �ִ� ������ ������"
  68. NullShares = "��Ʈ��ũ �׼���: �͸����� �׼����� �� �ִ� ����"
  69. AllowedPaths = "��Ʈ��ũ �׼���: �������� �׼����� �� �ִ� ������Ʈ�� ���� �� ���� ����"
  70. AllowedExactPaths = "��Ʈ��ũ �׼���: �������� �׼����� �� �ִ� ������Ʈ�� ����"
  71. ForceGuest = "��Ʈ��ũ �׼���: ���� ������ ���� ���� �� ����"
  72. Classic = "�Ϲ� - ���� �����ڸ� �״��� ����"
  73. GuestBased = "�Խ�Ʈ ���� - ���� �����ڸ� �Խ�Ʈ�� ����"
  74. ;================================ Network security =====================================================================
  75. ;Specified in UI code - Network security: Enforce logon hour restrictions
  76. NoLMHash = "��Ʈ��ũ ����: ���� ��ȣ ���� �� Lan Manager �ؽ� �� ���� �� ��"
  77. LmCompatibilityLevel = "��Ʈ��ũ ����: LAN Manager ���� ����"
  78. LMCLevel0 = "LM & NTLM ���� ����"
  79. LMCLevel1 = "LM & NTLM - NTLMv2 ���� ���� ����(������ ����)"
  80. LMCLevel2 = "NTLM ���� ����"
  81. LMCLevel3 = "NTLMv2 ���丸 ����"
  82. LMCLevel4 = "NTLMv2 ���丸 ����\LM �ź�"
  83. LMCLevel5 = "NTLMv2 ���丸 ����\LM & NTLM �ź�"
  84. NTLMMinClientSec = "��Ʈ��ũ ����: NTLM SSP ���ݿ� ���� �ּ� ���� ���� (���� RPC ����) Ŭ���̾�Ʈ"
  85. NTLMMinServerSec = "��Ʈ��ũ ����: NTLM SSP ���ݿ� ���� �ּ� ���� ���� (���� RPC ����) ����"
  86. NTLMIntegrity = "�޽��� ���Ἲ �ʿ�"
  87. NTLMConfidentiality = "�޽��� ���м� �ʿ�"
  88. NTLMv2Session = "NTLMv2 ���� ���� �ʿ�"
  89. NTLM128 = "128��Ʈ ��ȣȭ �ʿ�"
  90. LDAPClientIntegrity = "��Ʈ��ũ ����: LDAP Ŭ���̾�Ʈ ���� �ʿ�"
  91. LDAPClient0 = "����"
  92. LDAPClient1 = "���� ����"
  93. LDAPClient2 = "���� �ʿ�"
  94. ;================================ Recovery console ====================================================================
  95. RCAdmin="���� �ܼ�: �ڵ� ���� �α׿� ����"
  96. RCSet="���� �ܼ�: ���� �����̺� �� ������ �÷��� ���� �� �׼��� ����"
  97. ;================================ Shutdown ============================================================================
  98. ShutdownWithoutLogon="�ý��� ����: �α׿����� �ʰ� �ý��� ���� ����"
  99. ClearPageFileAtShutdown="�ý��� ����: ���� �޸��� ������ ���� ����"
  100. ProtectionMode = "�ý��� ��ü: ���� �ý��� ��ü(��: �ɺ� ��ũ)�� ���� �⺻ ���� ������ ��ȭ"
  101. NoDefaultAdminOwner = "�ý��� ��ü: Administrators �׷��� �������� ���� �ۼ��� ��ü�� ���� �⺻ ������"
  102. DefaultOwner0 = "Administrators �׷�"
  103. DefaultOwner1 = "��ü �ۼ���"
  104. ObCaseInsensitive = "�ý��� ��ü: �� Windows ���� �ý��ۿ� ���� ��/�ҹ��� ���� ���� �� �� �ʿ�"
  105. ;================================ System cryptography =================================================================
  106. FIPS="�ý��� ��ȣȭ: ��ȣȭ, �ؽ�, ������ FIPS ȣȯ �˰����� ����"
  107. ForceHighProtection="�ý��� ��ȣȭ: ��ǻ�Ϳ� ������ ������ Ű�� ���� ������ Ű ��ȣ ����"
  108. CryptAllowNoUI="���ο� Ű�� �����ϰ� ������ �� ������ �Է� �ʿ� ����"
  109. CryptAllowNoPass="Ű�� ó�� ������ �� �����ڿ� ����"
  110. CryptUsePass="Ű�� ������ ������ ��ȣ�� �� �� �Է��ؾ� ��"
  111. ;================================ System Settings =====================================================================
  112. AuthenticodeEnabled = "�ý��� ����: ����Ʈ���� ���� ��å�� ���� Windows ���� ���Ͽ��� ������ ��Ģ ����"
  113. OptionalSubSystems = "�ý��� ����: ���� �ý���(�ɼ�)"
  114. Unit-Logons="�� �α׿�"
  115. Unit-Days="��"
  116. Unit-Minutes="��"
  117. Unit-Seconds="��"