Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. ; Print Services for Macintosh
  2. ;
  3. ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  4. [Version]
  5. Signature="$Windows NT$"
  6. LayoutFile=layout.inf
  7. Provider=%Msft%
  8. [MacPrint]
  9. Uninstall = MacPrint.Remove
  10. StartServices = MacPrint
  11. DependOnComponents = MS_AppleTalk
  12. [MacPrint.Services]
  14. AddService = MacPrint, 0x10, MacPrint_Service_Inst, MacPrint_Evt, Application
  15. [MacPrint.Remove]
  16. DelReg = MacPrint.Remove.DelReg
  17. [MacPrint.Remove.Services]
  18. DelService = MacPrint
  19. [MacPrint.Remove.DelReg]
  20. HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\AppleTalk Print Monitor"
  21. [MacPrint_Service_Inst]
  22. DisplayName = %MacPrint_Display%
  23. ServiceType = %SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS%
  24. StartType = %SERVICE_AUTO_START%
  25. ErrorControl = 1
  26. ServiceBinary = %11%\sfmprint.exe
  27. Dependencies = AppleTalk, Spooler
  28. StartName = LocalSystem
  29. AddReg = MacPrint_AddReg
  30. Description = %MacPrint_Desc%
  31. [MacPrint_AddReg]
  32. HKR,"Parameters",,%FLG_ADDREG_KEYONLY% ; just create empty key
  33. [MacPrint_Evt]
  34. AddReg = MacPrint_Evt_AddReg
  35. [MacPrint_Evt_AddReg]
  36. HKR,, EventMessageFile, %REG_EXPAND_SZ%, "%SystemRoot%\system32\sfmprint.exe"
  37. HKR,, CategoryMessageFile, %REG_EXPAND_SZ%, "%SystemRoot%\system32\sfmprint.exe"
  38. HKR,, CategoryCount, %REG_DWORD%, 5
  39. HKR,, TypesSupported, %REG_DWORD%, 7
  40. ; Add additional entry to Application event log.
  41. HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\AppleTalk Print Monitor", EventMessageFile, %REG_EXPAND_SZ%, "%SystemRoot%\system32\sfmmon.dll"
  42. HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\AppleTalk Print Monitor", CategoryMessageFile, %REG_EXPAND_SZ%, "%SystemRoot%\system32\sfmmon.dll"
  43. HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\AppleTalk Print Monitor", CategoryCount, %REG_DWORD%, 4
  44. HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\AppleTalk Print Monitor", TypesSupported, %REG_DWORD%, 7