Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. ; -- NETMSCLI.INX --
  2. ;
  3. ; Client For Microsoft Networks.
  4. ;
  5. ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  6. [Version]
  7. Signature = "$Windows NT$"
  8. Class = NetClient
  9. ClassGUID = {4d36e973-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  10. Provider = %Msft%
  11. LayoutFile = layout.inf
  12. [Manufacturer]
  13. %Msft%=MSFT
  14. [MSFT]
  15. %MSClient_Desc% = MSClient.ndi, MS_MSCLIENT
  16. ;
  17. ; Install Sections
  18. ;
  19. [MSClient.ndi]
  20. AddReg = MSClient.ndi.AddReg, MSClient.AddReg, CSC.AddReg
  21. Characteristics = 0x80 ; NCF_HAS_UI
  22. [MSClient.ndi.Remove]
  23. DelReg = MSClient.DelReg
  24. ;
  25. ; Services Sections
  26. ;
  27. [MSClient.ndi.Services]
  28. AddService = Alerter,, Alerter_Service_Inst, Alerter_Evt
  29. AddService = Browser,0x10, Browser_Service_Inst, Browser_Evt
  30. AddService = LanmanWorkstation,,Workstation_Service_Inst, Workstation_Evt, , Workstation
  31. AddService = Netlogon, 0x90, Netlogon_Service_Inst, Netlogon_Evt
  32. AddService = Messenger,, Messenger_Service_Inst
  33. AddService = Rdbss,, Rdbss_Service_Inst, Rdbss_Evt
  34. AddService = MrxSmb,, Rdr_Service_Inst, Rdr_Evt
  35. DelService = Replicator
  36. ; RPC Configuration (from NT 4.0)
  37. AddService = NtLmSsp,, NtLmSsp_Service_Inst
  38. AddService = RpcLocator, 0x10, RpcLocator_Service_Inst
  39. ;
  40. ; Remove services
  41. ;
  42. [MSClient.ndi.Remove.Services]
  43. DelService = Alerter
  44. DelService = Browser
  45. DelService = LanmanWorkstation
  46. DelService = Netlogon
  47. DelService = Messenger
  48. DelService = Rdbss
  49. DelService = MrxSmb
  50. DelService = NtLmSsp
  51. DelService = RpcLocator
  52. ;
  53. ; Service Install Sections
  54. ;
  55. [Alerter_Service_Inst]
  56. DisplayName = %Alerter_Display%
  57. ServiceType = 0x20 ;SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS
  58. StartType = 4 ;SERVICE_DISABLED
  59. ErrorControl = 1
  60. ServiceBinary = %11%\svchost.exe -k LocalService
  61. Dependencies = LanmanWorkstation
  62. StartName = "NT AUTHORITY"\LocalService
  63. AddReg = MSClient.Alerter.AddReg
  64. Description = %Alerter_Desc%
  65. [Browser_Service_Inst]
  66. DisplayName = %Browser_Display%
  67. ServiceType = 0x20 ;SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS
  68. @@!b:StartType = 2 ;SERVICE_AUTO_START
  69. @b:StartType = 3 ;SERVICE_DEMAND_START
  70. ErrorControl = 1
  71. ServiceBinary = %11%\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
  72. Dependencies = LanmanWorkstation, LanmanServer
  73. StartName = LocalSystem
  74. AddReg = MSClient.Browser.AddReg
  75. Description = %Browser_Desc%
  76. [Workstation_Service_Inst]
  77. DisplayName = %LanmanWorkstation_Display%
  78. ServiceType = 0x20 ;SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS
  79. StartType = 2 ;SERVICE_AUTO_START
  80. ErrorControl = 1
  81. ServiceBinary = %11%\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
  82. LoadOrderGroup = NetworkProvider
  83. StartName = LocalSystem
  84. AddReg = MSClient.Workstation.AddReg
  85. Description = %LanmanWorkstation_Desc%
  86. [NetLogon_Service_Inst]
  87. DisplayName = %NetLogon_Display%
  88. ServiceType = 0x20 ;SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS
  89. StartType = 3 ;SERVICE_DEMAND_START
  90. ErrorControl = 1
  91. ServiceBinary = %11%\lsass.exe
  92. LoadOrderGroup = MS_WindowsRemoteValidation
  93. Dependencies = LanmanWorkstation
  94. StartName = LocalSystem
  95. AddReg = MSClient.NetLogon.AddReg
  96. Description = %NetLogon_Desc%
  97. [Messenger_Service_Inst]
  98. DisplayName = %Messenger_Display%
  99. ServiceType = 0x20 ;SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS
  100. StartType = 4 ;SERVICE_DISABLED
  101. ErrorControl = 1
  102. ServiceBinary = %11%\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
  103. Dependencies = LanmanWorkstation, NetBIOS, PlugPlay, RpcSS
  104. StartName = LocalSystem
  105. AddReg = MSClient.Messenger.AddReg
  106. Description = %Messenger_Desc%
  107. [Rdr_Service_Inst]
  108. DisplayName = %Rdr_Desc%
  109. ServiceType = 2 ;SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER
  110. StartType = 1 ;SERVICE_SYSTEM_START
  111. ErrorControl = 1
  112. ServiceBinary = %12%\mrxsmb.sys
  113. LoadOrderGroup = Network
  114. Description = %Rdr_Desc%
  115. [Rdbss_Service_Inst]
  116. DisplayName = %Rdbss_Desc%
  117. ServiceType = 2 ;SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER
  118. StartType = 1 ;SERVICE_SYSTEM_START
  119. ErrorControl = 1
  120. ServiceBinary = %12%\rdbss.sys
  121. LoadOrderGroup = Network
  122. Description = %Rdbss_Desc%
  123. [RpcLocator_Service_Inst]
  124. DisplayName = %RpcLocator_Display%
  125. ServiceType = 0x10 ;SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
  126. StartType = 3 ;SERVICE_DEMAND_START
  127. ErrorControl = 1
  128. ServiceBinary = %11%\locator.exe
  129. Dependencies = LanmanWorkstation
  130. StartName = "NT AUTHORITY"\NetworkService
  131. AddReg = MSClient.RpcLocator.AddReg
  132. Description = %RpcLocator_Desc%
  133. [NtLmSsp_Service_Inst]
  134. DisplayName = %NtLmSsp_Display%
  135. ServiceType = 0x20 ;SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS
  136. StartType = 3 ;SERVICE_DEMAND_START
  137. ErrorControl = 1
  138. ServiceBinary = %11%\lsass.exe
  139. StartName = LocalSystem
  140. Description = %NtLmSsp_Desc%
  141. ;
  142. ; Del Registry section
  143. ;
  144. [MSClient.DelReg]
  145. HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, 1
  146. HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, 18
  147. HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, 68
  148. HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, DefaultProvider
  149. HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, DefaultAuthLevel
  150. @@:@6:HKLM, Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, 1
  151. @@:@6:HKLM, Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, 18
  152. @@:@6:HKLM, Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, 68
  153. @@:@6:HKLM, Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, DefaultProvider
  154. @@:@6:HKLM, Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, DefaultAuthLevel
  155. ;
  156. ; Add Registry sections
  157. ;
  158. [MSClient.ndi.AddReg]
  159. HKR, Ndi, ClsID, 0, {57C06EAA-8784-11D0-83D4-00A0C911E5DF}
  160. HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, LanmanWorkstation
  161. HKR, Ndi, CoServices, 0x10000,"LanmanWorkstation", "Alerter", "Browser", "Netlogon", "Messenger", "NtLmSsp", "RpcLocator"
  162. HKR, Ndi, ExcludeSetupStartServices, 0x10000,"Alerter", "Browser", "Netlogon", "Messenger", "NtLmSsp", "RpcLocator"
  163. HKR, Ndi, HelpText, 0, "@netcfgx.dll,-50002"
  164. HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "winnet5"
  165. HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "netbios,netbios_smb"
  166. ;
  167. ; Add CSC (Client-side-caching) items
  168. ;
  169. [CSC.AddReg]
  170. HKLM, System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MRxSmb\Parameters, CscEnabled, 0x10001, 1
  171. ;
  172. ; Values for RPC service
  173. ;
  174. [MSClient.AddReg]
  175. HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, 1, , secur32.dll
  176. HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, 18, , secur32.dll
  177. HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, 68, , netlogon.dll
  178. @@:@6:HKLM, Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, 1, , secur32.dll
  179. @@:@6:HKLM, Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, 18, , secur32.dll
  180. @@:@6:HKLM, Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, 68, , netlogon.dll
  181. ;
  182. ; LanmanWorkstation network and print provider stuff
  183. ;
  184. [MSClient.Workstation.AddReg]
  185. HKR, Parameters, , 0x0010 ; no values. This is required for LanmanWorkstation to start
  186. HKR, NetworkProvider, Name, 0, %NetproviderName%
  187. HKR, NetworkProvider, ProviderPath, 0x20000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\ntlanman.dll"
  188. HKR, Parameters, ServiceDll, 0x20000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\wkssvc.dll"
  189. [MSClient.ndi.NetworkProvider]
  190. DeviceName = LanmanRedirector
  191. [MSClient.ndi.PrintProvider]
  192. PrintProviderName = "LanMan Print Services"
  193. PrintProviderDll = win32spl.dll
  194. DisplayName = %LanmanPrintProvider%
  195. ;
  196. ; Params for NetLogon
  197. ;
  198. [MSClient.NetLogon.AddReg]
  199. HKR, Parameters, Update, 0, no
  200. ;
  201. ; Params for Alerter
  202. ;
  203. [MSClient.Alerter.AddReg]
  204. HKR, Parameters, AlertNames, 0x10000, ""
  205. HKR, Parameters, ServiceDll, 0x20000, "%SystemRoot%\system32\alrsvc.dll"
  206. ;
  207. ; Params for Browser
  208. ;
  209. @*: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  210. @*: Warning! If you make changes to the following section, make sure to make the
  211. @*: same changes under: ..\netcfg\msclicfg\mscliobj.cpp!CMSClient::HrRestoreRegistry
  212. @*: This section is not used during upgrade.
  213. @*:
  214. @*: See Bug #88386 - deonb
  215. @*: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  216. [MSClient.Browser.AddReg]
  217. @@:HKR, Parameters, IsDomainMaster, 0, FALSE
  218. @w:HKR, Parameters, MaintainServerList, 0, Auto
  219. @s:HKR, Parameters, MaintainServerList, 0, Yes
  220. HKR, Parameters, ServiceDll, 0x20000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\browser.dll"
  221. ;
  222. ; Params for Messenger
  223. ;
  224. [MSClient.Messenger.AddReg]
  225. HKR, Parameters, ServiceDll, 0x20000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\msgsvc.dll"
  226. ;
  227. ; RPC Locator Keys
  228. ;
  229. [MSClient.RpcLocator.AddReg]
  230. HKR, Parameters, ExpirationAge, 0x10001, 3600
  231. ;
  232. ; Add Winsock Paramters Key
  233. ; (32-bit platforms only since AF_NETBIOS for 32-bit on 64-bit systems not
  234. ; supported.)
  235. ;
  236. @@:@3:[MSClient.ndi.Winsock]
  237. @@:@3:AddSock = MSClient.Install.AddWinsock
  238. @@:@3:[MSClient.Install.AddWinsock]
  239. @@:@3:TransportService=NetBIOS
  240. @@:@3:HelperDllName="%SystemRoot%\System32\wshnetbs.dll"
  241. @@:@3:MaxSockAddrLength=0x14
  242. @@:@3:MinSockAddrLength=0x14
  243. ;
  244. ; Event log registry stuff
  245. ;
  246. [Alerter_Evt]
  247. AddReg = Alerter_Evt_AddReg
  248. [Netlogon_Evt]
  249. AddReg = Netlogon_Evt_AddReg
  250. [Browser_Evt]
  251. AddReg = Browser_Evt_AddReg
  252. [Workstation_Evt]
  253. AddReg = Workstation_Evt_AddReg
  254. [Rdbss_Evt]
  255. AddReg = Rdbss_Evt_AddReg
  256. [Rdr_Evt]
  257. AddReg = Rdr_Evt_AddReg
  258. [Alerter_Evt_AddReg]
  259. HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netmsg.dll"
  260. HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 0x00000007
  261. [Netlogon_Evt_AddReg]
  262. HKR,, ParameterMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\kernel32.dll"
  263. HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netmsg.dll"
  264. HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 0x00000007
  265. [Browser_Evt_AddReg]
  266. HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll"
  267. HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 0x00000007
  268. [Workstation_Evt_AddReg]
  269. HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netmsg.dll"
  270. HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 0x00000007
  271. [Rdbss_Evt_AddReg]
  272. HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll"
  273. HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 0x00000007
  274. [Rdr_Evt_AddReg]
  275. HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll;%%SystemRoot%%\System32\iologmsg.dll"
  276. HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 0x00000007