Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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46 lines
981 B

  1. [Version]
  2. Signature="$WINDOWS NT$"
  3. Class=Volume
  4. ClassGuid={71A27CDD-812A-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}
  5. Provider=%MSFT%
  6. LayoutFile=layout.inf
  7. [ClassInstall32.NT]
  8. AddReg=volume_class_addreg
  9. [volume_class_addreg]
  10. HKR,,,,%VolumeClassName%
  11. HKR,,EnumPropPages32,,"StorProp.Dll,VolumePropPageProvider"
  12. HKR,,SilentInstall,,1
  13. HKR,,NoInstallClass,,1
  14. HKR,,Icon,,"-53"
  15. HKR,,Installer32,,"syssetup.dll,VolumeClassInstaller"
  16. [DestinationDirs]
  17. DefaultDestDir = 12 ; DIRID_DRIVERS
  18. [Manufacturer]
  19. %MSFT%=MSFT
  20. [MSFT]
  21. %STORAGE\Volume.DeviceDesc%=volume_install,STORAGE\Volume
  22. [volume_copyfiles]
  23. volsnap.sys
  24. [volume_install.NT]
  25. CopyFiles=volume_copyfiles
  26. [volume_install.NT.Services]
  27. AddService=volsnap,2,volume_ServiceInstallSection
  28. [volume_ServiceInstallSection]
  29. DisplayName=%VolumeClassName%
  30. ServiceType=1
  31. StartType=0
  32. ErrorControl=1
  33. ServiceBinary = %12%\volsnap.sys
  34. [volume_install.Interfaces]
  35. AddInterface={53F5630D-B6BF-11D0-94F2-00A0C91EFB8B}