Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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37 lines
821 B

  1. [version]
  2. signature="$CHICAGO$"
  3. SetupClass=BASE
  4. [DefaultInstall]
  5. CopyFiles=ThisDll.sys.install
  6. AddReg=ThisDll.Add.Reg,ThisDll.Uninst.Reg
  7. [CabViewInstall]
  8. CopyFiles=ThisDll.sys.install
  9. AddReg=ThisDll.Add.Reg,ThisDll.Uninst.Reg
  10. [DefaultUninstall]
  11. DelFiles=ThisDll.sys.install
  12. DelReg=ThisDll.Add.Reg,ThisDll.Uninst.Reg
  13. [ThisDll.Add.Reg]
  14. HKCR,CLSID\%CLSID_DirectInput%\InProcServer32,,,"%11%\%SubDir%\%ThisDll%"
  15. HKCR,CLSID\%CLSID_DirectInput%\InProcServer32,ThreadingModel,,"Apartment"
  16. [ThisDll.sys.install]
  17. dinput.dll
  18. [DestinationDirs]
  19. ThisDll.sys.install=11,%SubDir% ; to System\%SubDir%
  20. [SourceDisksNames]
  21. 55="DirectInput 3.0","",1
  22. [SourceDisksFiles]
  23. %ThisDll%=55
  24. [Strings]
  25. SubDir = "DIRECTX"
  26. ThisDll = "Dinput.dll"
  27. CLSID_DirectInput="{25E609E0-B259-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}"