* * Copyright (C) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: rgblt.cpp * Content: Direct3D lighting * ***************************************************************************/
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "light.h"
#include "drawprim.hpp"
//#define _USE_ASM_
#ifdef _X86_
#ifdef _USE_ASM_
#endif _X86_
#endif _USE_ASM_
static LIGHT_VERTEX_FUNC_TABLE lightVertexTable = { Directional1C, Directional2, PointSpot1C, PointSpot2, PointSpot1C, PointSpot2 };
HRESULT D3DFE_InitRGBLighting(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI) { LIST_INITIALIZE(&lpDevI->specular_tables); lpDevI->specular_table = NULL;
STATESET_INIT(lpDevI->lightstate_overrides); lpDevI->lightVertexFuncTable = &lightVertexTable;
lpDevI->lighting.activeLights = NULL;
return (D3D_OK); }
void D3DFE_DestroyRGBLighting(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI) { SpecularTable *spec; SpecularTable *spec_next;
for (spec = LIST_FIRST(&lpDevI->specular_tables); spec; spec = spec_next) { spec_next = LIST_NEXT(spec,list); D3DFree(spec); }
while (LIST_FIRST(&lpDevI->materials)) { LPD3DFE_MATERIAL lpMat; lpMat = LIST_FIRST(&lpDevI->materials); LIST_DELETE(lpMat, link); D3DFree(lpMat); } }
HRESULT D3DHEL_ApplyFog(D3DFE_LIGHTING* driver, int count, D3DLIGHTDATA* data) { D3DTLVERTEX *v; size_t v_size; D3DVALUE fog_start = driver->fog_start; D3DVALUE fog_end = driver->fog_end; D3DVALUE fog_length = RLDDIFInvert16(fog_end - fog_start); int i;
v = (D3DTLVERTEX*)data->lpOut; v_size = data->dwOutSize;
for (i = count; i; i--) { D3DVALUE w; int f; if ((v->rhw < D3DVAL(1)) && (v->rhw > 0)) w = RLDDIFInvert24(v->rhw); else w = v->rhw; if (w < fog_start) f = 255; else if (w >= fog_end) f = 0; else f = VALTOFXP(DECPREC(RLDDIFMul16(fog_end - w, fog_length), 8), 8); if (f > 255) f = 255; if (f < 0) f = 0; v->specular = RGBA_SETALPHA(v->specular, f); v = (D3DTLVERTEX*)((char*)v + v_size); } return D3D_OK; }
static void inverseRotateVector(D3DVECTOR* d, D3DVECTOR* v, D3DMATRIXI* M) { D3DVALUE vx = v->x; D3DVALUE vy = v->y; D3DVALUE vz = v->z; d->x = RLDDIFMul16(vx, M->_11) + RLDDIFMul16(vy, M->_12) + RLDDIFMul16(vz, M->_13); d->y = RLDDIFMul16(vx, M->_21) + RLDDIFMul16(vy, M->_22) + RLDDIFMul16(vz, M->_23); d->z = RLDDIFMul16(vx, M->_31) + RLDDIFMul16(vy, M->_32) + RLDDIFMul16(vz, M->_33); }
static void inverseTransformVector(D3DVECTOR* d, D3DVECTOR* v, D3DMATRIXI* M) { D3DVALUE vx = v->x; D3DVALUE vy = v->y; D3DVALUE vz = v->z; vx -= M->_41; vy -= M->_42; vz -= M->_43; d->x = RLDDIFMul16(vx, M->_11) + RLDDIFMul16(vy, M->_12) + RLDDIFMul16(vz, M->_13); d->y = RLDDIFMul16(vx, M->_21) + RLDDIFMul16(vy, M->_22) + RLDDIFMul16(vz, M->_23); d->z = RLDDIFMul16(vx, M->_31) + RLDDIFMul16(vy, M->_32) + RLDDIFMul16(vz, M->_33); }
* Every time the world matrix is modified the lighting vectors have to * change to match the model space of the new data to be rendered */
#define SMALLISH (1e-2)
#define ONEISH(v) (fabs(v - 1.0f) < SMALLISH)
static int getMatrixScale(D3DMATRIXI* m, D3DVECTOR* s) { s->x = (m->_11 * m->_11 + m->_12 * m->_12 + m->_13 * m->_13); s->y = (m->_21 * m->_21 + m->_22 * m->_22 + m->_23 * m->_23); s->z = (m->_31 * m->_31 + m->_32 * m->_32 + m->_33 * m->_33);
if (ONEISH(s->x) && ONEISH(s->y) && ONEISH(s->z)) return FALSE; else { s->x = (D3DVALUE)(1.0f / s->x); s->y = (D3DVALUE)(1.0f / s->y); s->z = (D3DVALUE)(1.0f / s->z); return TRUE; } }
static int getMatrixScale2(D3DMATRIXI *m, D3DVECTOR *s) { float det;
s->x = (float)sqrt(m->_11*m->_11 + m->_12*m->_12 + m->_13*m->_13); s->y = (float)sqrt(m->_21*m->_21 + m->_22*m->_22 + m->_23*m->_23); s->z = (float)sqrt(m->_31*m->_31 + m->_32*m->_32 + m->_33*m->_33);
if (ONEISH(s->x) && ONEISH(s->y) && ONEISH(s->z)) { return FALSE; } else { det = m->_11*(m->_22*m->_33 - m->_23*m->_32) - m->_12*(m->_21*m->_33 - m->_23*m->_31) + m->_13*(m->_21*m->_32 - m->_22*m->_31);
if (det<0.0) { s->x = (-s->x); s->y = (-s->y); s->z = (-s->z); }
// prevent 0 scales from sneaking through
if (fabs(s->x) < 0.0001) s->x = 0.0001f; if (fabs(s->y) < 0.0001) s->y = 0.0001f; if (fabs(s->z) < 0.0001) s->z = 0.0001f;
return TRUE; } } // end of getMatrixScale2()
// Every time the world matrix is modified or lights data is changed the
// lighting vectors have to change to match the model space of the new data
// to be rendered.
// Every time light data is changed or material data is changed or lighting
// state is changed, some pre-computed lighting values sould be updated
void D3DFE_UpdateLights(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI) { D3DFE_LIGHTING& LIGHTING = lpDevI->lighting; D3DI_LIGHT *light = LIGHTING.activeLights; D3DVECTOR t; D3DMATRIXI *world; D3DMATRIXI *camera; D3DMATERIAL *mat; D3DVECTOR cameraModel; D3DVECTOR cameraWorld; D3DVECTOR cameraModelNorm; // Normalized
D3DVECTOR scale1; D3DVECTOR scale2; D3DVECTOR oneOverScale; BOOL cameraModelNormComputed = FALSE; BOOL scale1Computed = FALSE; // For light 1
BOOL scale2Computed = FALSE; // For light 2
BOOL need_scale1; BOOL need_scale2; BOOL specular; // TRUE, if specular component sould be computed
world = &lpDevI->transform.world; camera = &lpDevI->transform.view; t.x = -camera->_41; t.y = -camera->_42; t.z = -camera->_43;
// transform the eye into world coords.
inverseRotateVector(&cameraWorld, &t, camera);
// now transform eye into model space
inverseTransformVector(&cameraModel, &cameraWorld, world); }
if (lpDevI->dwFEFlags & (D3DFE_MATERIAL_DIRTY | D3DFE_LIGHTS_DIRTY)) { mat = &LIGHTING.material; if (lpDevI->specular_table && lpDevI->rstates[D3DRENDERSTATE_SPECULARENABLE]) { specular = TRUE; lpDevI->dwFEFlags |= D3DFE_COMPUTESPECULAR; } else { specular = FALSE; lpDevI->dwFEFlags &= ~D3DFE_COMPUTESPECULAR; }
LIGHTING.materialAlpha = FTOI(D3DVAL(255) * mat->diffuse.a); if (LIGHTING.materialAlpha < 0) LIGHTING.materialAlpha = 0; else if (LIGHTING.materialAlpha > 255) LIGHTING.materialAlpha = 255 << 24; else LIGHTING.materialAlpha <<= 24;
LIGHTING.currentSpecTable = lpDevI->specular_table->table;
if (!(lpDevI->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_RAMP)) { LIGHTING.diffuse0.r = LIGHTING.ambient_red * mat->ambient.r + mat->emissive.r * D3DVAL(255); LIGHTING.diffuse0.g = LIGHTING.ambient_green * mat->ambient.g + mat->emissive.g * D3DVAL(255); LIGHTING.diffuse0.b = LIGHTING.ambient_blue * mat->ambient.b + mat->emissive.b * D3DVAL(255); } }
while (light) { if (lpDevI->dwFEFlags & D3DFE_NEED_TRANSFORM_LIGHTS) { if (light->type != D3DLIGHT_DIRECTIONAL) { // Transform light position to the model space
t.x = light->position.x - world->_41; t.y = light->position.y - world->_42; t.z = light->position.z - world->_43; inverseRotateVector(&light->model_position, &t, world); }
if (light->version == 1) { if (!scale1Computed) { need_scale1 = getMatrixScale(world, &scale1); scale1Computed = TRUE; } if (!need_scale1) light->flags |= D3DLIGHTI_UNIT_SCALE; else { if (light->type != D3DLIGHT_DIRECTIONAL) { light->model_position.x *= scale1.x; light->model_position.y *= scale1.y; light->model_position.z *= scale1.z; } } } else { if (!scale2Computed) { need_scale2 = getMatrixScale2(world, &scale2); scale2Computed = TRUE; } if (!need_scale2) light->flags |= D3DLIGHTI_UNIT_SCALE; else { light->model_scale.x = scale2.x; light->model_scale.y = scale2.y; light->model_scale.z = scale2.z; oneOverScale.x = D3DVAL(1)/scale2.x; oneOverScale.y = D3DVAL(1)/scale2.y; oneOverScale.z = D3DVAL(1)/scale2.z; light->flags &= ~D3DLIGHTI_UNIT_SCALE; } }
if (light->type != D3DLIGHT_POINT) { if (light->type == D3DLIGHT_PARALLELPOINT) { light->model_direction = light->model_position; } else { // Transform light direction to the model space
inverseRotateVector(&light->model_direction, &light->direction, world); VecNeg(light->model_direction, light->model_direction); } if (light->version != 1 && need_scale2) { // apply scale here before normalizing
light->model_direction.x *= oneOverScale.x; light->model_direction.y *= oneOverScale.y; light->model_direction.z *= oneOverScale.z; } if (need_scale1 || need_scale2 || light->type == D3DLIGHT_PARALLELPOINT) VecNormalizeFast(light->model_direction); }
if (light->version == 1) { if (!cameraModelNormComputed) { VecNormalizeFast2(cameraModel, cameraModelNorm); cameraModelNormComputed = TRUE; }
if (light->type == D3DLIGHT_DIRECTIONAL) { t = light->model_direction; } else { t = light->model_position; } // calc halfway vector
VecNormalizeFast(t); VecAdd(t, cameraModelNorm, light->halfway); VecNormalizeFast(light->halfway); } else { // We want to compare cameraWorld position with the light to
// see if they match
if (fabs(light->position.x-cameraWorld.x) < 0.0001 && fabs(light->position.y-cameraWorld.y) < 0.0001 && fabs(light->position.z-cameraWorld.z) < 0.0001) { light->flags |= D3DLIGHTI_LIGHT_AT_EYE; } else { light->flags &= ~D3DLIGHTI_LIGHT_AT_EYE; }
// store location of eye in model space
if (light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_UNIT_SCALE) { light->model_eye = cameraModel; } else { light->model_eye.x = cameraModel.x * oneOverScale.x; light->model_eye.y = cameraModel.y * oneOverScale.y; light->model_eye.z = cameraModel.z * oneOverScale.z; if (light->type == D3DLIGHT_POINT || light->type == D3DLIGHT_SPOT) { light->model_position.x *= oneOverScale.x; light->model_position.y *= oneOverScale.y; light->model_position.z *= oneOverScale.z; } } } }
if (lpDevI->dwFEFlags & (D3DFE_MATERIAL_DIRTY | D3DFE_LIGHTS_DIRTY)) { if (!(lpDevI->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_RAMP)) { light->local_diffR = D3DVAL(255) * mat->diffuse.r * light->red; light->local_diffG = D3DVAL(255) * mat->diffuse.g * light->green; light->local_diffB = D3DVAL(255) * mat->diffuse.b * light->blue;
light->local_specR = D3DVAL(255) * mat->specular.r * light->red; light->local_specG = D3DVAL(255) * mat->specular.g * light->green; light->local_specB = D3DVAL(255) * mat->specular.b * light->blue; } else { light->local_diffR = light->shade; light->local_specR = light->shade; }
if (specular && !(light->flags & D3DLIGHT_NO_SPECULAR)) light->flags |= D3DLIGHTI_COMPUTE_SPECULAR; else light->flags &= ~D3DLIGHTI_COMPUTE_SPECULAR; }
if (lpDevI->dwFEFlags & D3DFE_LIGHTS_DIRTY) { light->lightVertexFunc = NULL; if (light->version == 1) { switch (light->type) { case D3DLIGHT_PARALLELPOINT: case D3DLIGHT_DIRECTIONAL: light->lightVertexFunc = lpDevI->lightVertexFuncTable->directional1; break; case D3DLIGHT_POINT: if (lpDevI->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_RAMP) { light->lightVertexFunc = PointSpotXCRamp; } else { light->lightVertexFunc = lpDevI->lightVertexFuncTable->point1; } break; case D3DLIGHT_SPOT: if (lpDevI->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_RAMP) { light->lightVertexFunc = PointSpotXCRamp; } else { light->lightVertexFunc = lpDevI->lightVertexFuncTable->spot1; } break; } } else { switch (light->type) { case D3DLIGHT_PARALLELPOINT: case D3DLIGHT_DIRECTIONAL: { #ifdef _X86_
#ifdef _USE_ASM_
if (light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_UNIT_SCALE && !(lpDevI->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_RAMP) && !(lpDevI->dwFEFlags & D3DFE_COLORVERTEX)) { if (light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_COMPUTE_SPECULAR) light->lightVertexFunc = Directional2P5S; else light->lightVertexFunc = Directional2P5; } else #endif _USE_ASM_
#endif // _X86_
light->lightVertexFunc = lpDevI->lightVertexFuncTable->directional2; break; } case D3DLIGHT_POINT: if (lpDevI->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_RAMP) { light->lightVertexFunc = PointSpotXCRamp; } else { light->lightVertexFunc = lpDevI->lightVertexFuncTable->point2; } break; case D3DLIGHT_SPOT: if (lpDevI->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_RAMP) { light->lightVertexFunc = PointSpotXCRamp; } else { light->lightVertexFunc = lpDevI->lightVertexFuncTable->spot2; } break; } } }
light = light->next; }
lpDevI->dwFEFlags &= ~(D3DFE_MATERIAL_DIRTY | D3DFE_NEED_TRANSFORM_LIGHTS | D3DFE_LIGHTS_DIRTY); } // end of updateLights()
inline D3DVALUE COMPUTE_DOT_POW(D3DFE_LIGHTING *ldrv, D3DVALUE dot) { ldrv->specularComputed = TRUE; if (dot < 1.0f) { int indx; float v; dot *= 255.0f; indx = (int)dot; dot -= indx; v = ldrv->currentSpecTable[indx]; return v + (ldrv->currentSpecTable[indx+1] - v)*dot; } else return 1.0f; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void COMPUTE_SPECULAR(LPD3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES pv, D3DVALUE dot, D3DI_LIGHT *light) { D3DFE_LIGHTING &ldrv = pv->lighting; if (FLOAT_CMP_POS(dot, >=, ldrv.specThreshold)) { D3DVALUE power; power = COMPUTE_DOT_POW(&ldrv, dot); if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_RAMP) { ldrv.specular.r += light->shade * power; } else if (!(pv->dwFlags & D3DPV_COLORVERTEXS)) { ldrv.specular.r += light->local_specR * power; ldrv.specular.g += light->local_specG * power; ldrv.specular.b += light->local_specB * power; } else { ldrv.specular.r += light->red * ldrv.vertexSpecular.r * power; ldrv.specular.g += light->green * ldrv.vertexSpecular.g * power; ldrv.specular.b += light->blue * ldrv.vertexSpecular.b * power; } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void COMPUTE_SPECULAR_ATT(LPD3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES pv, D3DVALUE dot, D3DI_LIGHT *light, D3DVALUE att) { D3DFE_LIGHTING &ldrv = pv->lighting; if (FLOAT_CMP_POS(dot, >=, ldrv.specThreshold)) { D3DVALUE power; power = COMPUTE_DOT_POW(&ldrv, dot); power *= att; if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_RAMP) { ldrv.specular.r += light->shade * power; } else if (!(pv->dwFlags & D3DPV_COLORVERTEXS)) { ldrv.specular.r += light->local_specR * power; ldrv.specular.g += light->local_specG * power; ldrv.specular.b += light->local_specB * power; } else { ldrv.specular.r += light->red * ldrv.vertexSpecular.r * power; ldrv.specular.g += light->green * ldrv.vertexSpecular.g * power; ldrv.specular.b += light->blue * ldrv.vertexSpecular.b * power; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Directional2(LPD3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES pv, D3DI_LIGHT *light, D3DLIGHTINGELEMENT *in) { D3DFE_LIGHTING &ldrv = pv->lighting; D3DVALUE dot; dot = VecDot(light->model_direction, in->dvNormal); if (FLOAT_GTZ(dot)) { if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_RAMP) { ldrv.diffuse.r += light->shade * dot; } else if (!(pv->dwFlags & D3DPV_COLORVERTEX)) { ldrv.diffuse.r += light->local_diffR * dot; ldrv.diffuse.g += light->local_diffG * dot; ldrv.diffuse.b += light->local_diffB * dot; } else { ldrv.diffuse.r += light->red * ldrv.vertexDiffuse.r * dot; ldrv.diffuse.g += light->green * ldrv.vertexDiffuse.g * dot; ldrv.diffuse.b += light->blue * ldrv.vertexDiffuse.b * dot; }
if (light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_COMPUTE_SPECULAR) { D3DVECTOR h; // halfway vector
D3DVECTOR eye; // incident vector ie vector from eye
// calc incident vector
if (light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_UNIT_SCALE) { VecSub(in->dvPosition, light->model_eye, eye); } else { // note that model_eye has already been divided by scale
// in setup
eye.x = in->dvPosition.x*light->model_scale.x - light->model_eye.x; eye.y = in->dvPosition.y*light->model_scale.y - light->model_eye.y; eye.z = in->dvPosition.z*light->model_scale.z - light->model_eye.z; } // normalize
// calc halfway vector
VecSub(light->model_direction, eye, h);
dot = VecDot(h, in->dvNormal);
if (FLOAT_GTZ(dot)) { dot *= ISQRTF(VecLenSq(h)); COMPUTE_SPECULAR(pv, dot, light); } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PointSpot2(LPD3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES pv, D3DI_LIGHT *light, D3DLIGHTINGELEMENT *in) { D3DFE_LIGHTING &ldrv = pv->lighting; D3DVALUE dot; D3DVALUE dist; // Distance from light to the vertex
D3DVALUE dist2; D3DVECTOR d; // Direction to light
if (light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_UNIT_SCALE) { VecSub(light->model_position, in->dvPosition, d); } else { d.x = light->model_position.x - in->dvPosition.x * light->model_scale.x; d.y = light->model_position.y - in->dvPosition.y * light->model_scale.y; d.z = light->model_position.z - in->dvPosition.z * light->model_scale.z; }
// early out if out of range or exactly on the vertex
dist2 = d.x*d.x + d.y*d.y + d.z*d.z; if (FLOAT_CMP_POS(dist2, >=, light->range_squared) || FLOAT_EQZ(dist2)) return;
// Calc dot product of light dir with normal. Note that since we
// didn't normalize the direction the result is scaled by the distance.
dot = VecDot(d, in->dvNormal);
if (FLOAT_GTZ(dot)) { // ok, so now we actually need the real dist
dist = SQRTF(dist2);
// calc attenuation
att = 0.0f; if (light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_ATT0_IS_NONZERO) { att += light->attenuation0; } if (light->flags & (D3DLIGHTI_ATT1_IS_NONZERO | D3DLIGHTI_ATT2_IS_NONZERO)) { float att1 = (light->range - dist) / light->range;
if (light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_ATT1_IS_NONZERO) { att += light->attenuation1 * att1; } if (light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_ATT2_IS_NONZERO) { att += light->attenuation2 * att1 * att1; } }
dist = D3DVAL(1)/dist;
if (light->type == D3DLIGHT_SPOT) { D3DVALUE cone_dot; // Calc dot product of direction to light with light direction to
// be compared anganst the cone angles to see if we are in the light.
// Note that cone_dot is still scaled by dist
cone_dot = VecDot(d, light->model_direction);
cone_dot*= dist; // Normalizing
if (FLOAT_CMP_POS(cone_dot, <=, light->cos_phi_by_2)) return;
// modify att if in the region between phi and theta
if (FLOAT_CMP_POS(cone_dot, <, light->cos_theta_by_2)) { D3DVALUE val; val = (cone_dot - light->cos_phi_by_2) * light->inv_theta_minus_phi; if (!(light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_LINEAR_FALLOFF)) { val = POWF(val, light->falloff); } att *= val; } }
dot *= dist*att;
if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_RAMP) { ldrv.diffuse.r += light->shade * dot; } else if (!(pv->dwFlags & D3DPV_COLORVERTEX)) { ldrv.diffuse.r += light->local_diffR * dot; ldrv.diffuse.g += light->local_diffG * dot; ldrv.diffuse.b += light->local_diffB * dot; } else { ldrv.diffuse.r += light->red * ldrv.vertexDiffuse.r * dot; ldrv.diffuse.g += light->green * ldrv.vertexDiffuse.g * dot; ldrv.diffuse.b += light->blue * ldrv.vertexDiffuse.b * dot; }
if (light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_COMPUTE_SPECULAR) { D3DVECTOR eye; D3DVECTOR h; // normalize light direction
d.x *= dist; d.y *= dist; d.z *= dist;
if (light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_LIGHT_AT_EYE) { h = d; } else { // calc incident vector
if (light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_UNIT_SCALE) { VecSub(in->dvPosition, light->model_eye, eye); } else { // note that model_eye has already been divided by scale in setup
eye.x = in->dvPosition.x*light->model_scale.x - light->model_eye.x; eye.y = in->dvPosition.y*light->model_scale.y - light->model_eye.y; eye.z = in->dvPosition.z*light->model_scale.z - light->model_eye.z; } // normalize
// calc halfway vector
VecSub(d, eye, h); VecNormalizeFast(h); } dot = VecDot(h, in->dvNormal);
COMPUTE_SPECULAR_ATT(pv, dot, light, att); } } } // end of Point2()
void Directional1C(LPD3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES pv, D3DI_LIGHT *light, D3DLIGHTINGELEMENT *in) { D3DFE_LIGHTING &ldrv = pv->lighting; D3DVALUE dot; dot = VecDot(light->model_direction, in->dvNormal); if (FLOAT_GTZ(dot)) { if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_RAMP) { ldrv.diffuse.r += light->shade * dot; } else { ldrv.diffuse.r += light->local_diffR * dot; ldrv.diffuse.g += light->local_diffG * dot; ldrv.diffuse.b += light->local_diffB * dot; } if (light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_COMPUTE_SPECULAR) { dot = VecDot(light->halfway, in->dvNormal); COMPUTE_SPECULAR(pv, dot, light); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PointSpot1C(LPD3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES pv, D3DI_LIGHT *light, D3DLIGHTINGELEMENT *in) { D3DFE_LIGHTING &ldrv = pv->lighting; D3DVECTOR d; D3DVALUE dot; VecSub(light->model_position, in->dvPosition, d); dot = VecDot(d, in->dvNormal); if (FLOAT_GTZ(dot)) { D3DVALUE dist2; D3DVALUE dist; D3DVALUE att; D3DVALUE big = D3DVAL(1000); // if 1/att < 0.001 do not compute color
dist2 = VecDot(d, d); if (FLOAT_EQZ(dist2)) return; dist = SQRTF(dist2); att = light->attenuation0 + light->attenuation1 * dist + light->attenuation2 * dist2;
if (FLOAT_CMP_POS(att, >, big)) return;
if (FLOAT_CMP_PONE(att, >)) att *= dist; else att = dist; att = D3DVAL(1) / att; if (light->type == D3DLIGHT_SPOT) { D3DVALUE cone_dot; // Calc dot product of direction to light with light direction to
// be compared anganst the cone angles to see if we are in the light.
// Note that cone_dot is still scaled by dist
cone_dot = VecDot(d, light->model_direction); cone_dot /= dist;
if (FLOAT_CMP_POS(cone_dot, <=, light->cos_phi_by_2)) return;
if (FLOAT_CMP_POS(cone_dot, <, light->cos_theta_by_2)) { att *= D3DVAL(1)-(light->cos_theta_by_2-cone_dot)*light->falloff; } }
dot *= att;
if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_RAMP) { ldrv.diffuse.r += light->shade * dot; } else { ldrv.diffuse.r += light->local_diffR * dot; ldrv.diffuse.g += light->local_diffG * dot; ldrv.diffuse.b += light->local_diffB * dot; }
if (light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_COMPUTE_SPECULAR) { dot = VecDot(light->halfway, in->dvNormal); COMPUTE_SPECULAR_ATT(pv, dot, light, att); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PointSpotXCRamp(LPD3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES pv, D3DI_LIGHT *light, D3DLIGHTINGELEMENT *in) { D3DFE_LIGHTING &ldrv = pv->lighting; D3DVECTOR d; D3DVALUE dot; VecSub(light->model_position, in->dvPosition, d); dot = VecDot(d, in->dvNormal); if (FLOAT_GTZ(dot)) { D3DVALUE dist2; D3DVALUE dist; D3DVALUE att; D3DVALUE big = D3DVAL(1000); // if 1/att < 0.001 do not compute color
dist2 = VecDot(d, d); if (FLOAT_EQZ(dist2)) return; dist = SQRTF(dist2); if (light->version == 1) { att = light->attenuation0 + light->attenuation1 * dist + light->attenuation2 * dist2;
if (FLOAT_CMP_PONE(att, >)) att *= dist; else att = dist; att = D3DVAL(1) / att; } else { // dist is normalized to light range
float att1 = (light->range-dist)/light->range; att = light->attenuation0 + light->attenuation1 * att1 + light->attenuation2 * att1*att1; }
if (light->type == D3DLIGHT_SPOT) { D3DVALUE cone_dot; // Calc dot product of direction to light with light direction to
// be compared anganst the cone angles to see if we are in the light.
// Note that cone_dot is still scaled by dist
cone_dot = VecDot(d, light->model_direction); cone_dot /= dist;
if (FLOAT_CMP_POS(cone_dot, <=, light->cos_phi_by_2)) return;
if (FLOAT_CMP_POS(cone_dot, <, light->cos_theta_by_2)) { att *= D3DVAL(1)-(light->cos_theta_by_2-cone_dot)*light->falloff; } }
dot *= att;
if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_RAMP) { ldrv.diffuse.r += light->shade * dot; } else { ldrv.diffuse.r += light->local_diffR * dot; ldrv.diffuse.g += light->local_diffG * dot; ldrv.diffuse.b += light->local_diffB * dot; }
if (light->version == 1) { // no attenuation of specular for ramp for version == 1
att = 1.0F; } if (light->flags & D3DLIGHTI_COMPUTE_SPECULAR) { dot = VecDot(light->halfway, in->dvNormal); COMPUTE_SPECULAR_ATT(pv, dot, light, att); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
SpecularTable* CreateSpecularTable(D3DVALUE power) { SpecularTable* spec; int i; float delta = 1.0f/255.0f; float v;
D3DMalloc((void**)&spec, sizeof(SpecularTable));
if (spec == NULL) return NULL;
spec->power = power;
v = 0.0f; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { spec->table[i] = powf(v, power); v += delta; }
for (; i < 260; i++) spec->table[i] = 1.0f;
return spec; }
if (!lpMat) { lpDevI->lighting.hMat = NULL; return D3D_OK; }
#if DBG
// check for non-null bogus material handle
TRY { if (IsBadReadPtr(lpMat,sizeof(D3DFE_MATERIAL)) || (lpMat->mat.dwSize!=sizeof(D3DMATERIAL))) { D3D_ERR( "SetLightState: Invalid Material handle" ); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } } EXCEPT( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { D3D_ERR( "Exception encountered validating SetLightState material handle" ); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } #endif
D3DFE_LIGHTING& LIGHTING = lpDevI->lighting; LIGHTING.material = lpMat->mat; LIGHTING.hMat = hMat; lpDevI->dwFEFlags |= D3DFE_MATERIAL_DIRTY;
if (lpMat->mat.power > D3DVAL(0.001)) { SpecularTable* spec;
for (spec = LIST_FIRST(&lpDevI->specular_tables); spec; spec = LIST_NEXT(spec,list)) { if (spec->power == lpMat->mat.power) break; } if (spec == NULL) { spec = CreateSpecularTable(lpMat->mat.power); if (spec == NULL) return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; LIST_INSERT_ROOT(&lpDevI->specular_tables, spec, list); } lpDevI->specular_table = spec; LIGHTING.specThreshold = D3DVAL(pow(0.001, 1.0/lpMat->mat.power)); } else lpDevI->specular_table = NULL;
return D3D_OK; }
* Instruction emulation. */ HRESULT D3DHELInst_D3DOP_STATELIGHT(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, DWORD dwCount, LPD3DSTATE lpLset) { DWORD i;
for (i = 0; i < dwCount; i++) { DWORD type = (DWORD) lpLset[i].dlstLightStateType; HRESULT hr = D3D_OK;
D3D_INFO(9, "HEL D3DOP_STATELIGHT: state = %d", type); if (IS_OVERRIDE(type)) { DWORD override = GET_OVERRIDE(type); if (lpLset[i].dwArg[0]) { D3D_INFO(9, "HEL D3DOP_STATELIGHT: setting override for state %d", override); STATESET_SET(lpDevI->lightstate_overrides, override); } else { D3D_INFO(9, "HEL D3DOP_STATELIGHT: clearing override for state %d", override); STATESET_CLEAR(lpDevI->lightstate_overrides, override); } continue; }
if (STATESET_ISSET(lpDevI->lightstate_overrides, type)) { D3D_INFO(9, "HEL D3DOP_STATELIGHT: state %d is overridden, ignoring", type); continue; }
D3DFE_LIGHTING& LIGHTING = lpDevI->lighting; switch (type) { case D3DLIGHTSTATE_MATERIAL: { D3D_INFO(6, "in HEL D3DOP_STATELIGHT. D3DLIGHTSTATE_MATERIAL found"); D3DMATERIALHANDLE hMat = (D3DMATERIALHANDLE)lpLset[i].dwArg[0]; if (hMat != lpDevI->lighting.hMat) { hr = SetMaterial(lpDevI, hMat); if (hr != D3D_OK) return hr; // Update ramp rasterizer if necessary
if(lpDevI->pfnRampService != NULL) { hr = CallRampService(lpDevI, RAMP_SERVICE_SETLIGHTSTATE, (DWORD)type, &(lpLset[i].dvArg[0]), TRUE); if (hr != D3D_OK) return hr; } } continue; } case D3DLIGHTSTATE_AMBIENT: { DWORD color = lpLset[i].dwArg[0]; D3D_INFO(6, "in HEL D3DOP_STATELIGHT. D3DLIGHTSTATE_AMBIENT found");
LIGHTING.ambient_red = D3DVAL(RGBA_GETRED(color)); LIGHTING.ambient_green = D3DVAL(RGBA_GETGREEN(color)); LIGHTING.ambient_blue = D3DVAL(RGBA_GETBLUE(color)); LIGHTING.ambient_save = lpLset[i].dwArg[0]; lpDevI->dwFEFlags |= D3DFE_MATERIAL_DIRTY; break; } case D3DLIGHTSTATE_FOGMODE: D3D_INFO(6, "in HEL D3DOP_STATELIGHT. D3DLIGHTSTATE_FOG_MODE found"); LIGHTING.fog_mode = (D3DFOGMODE)lpLset[i].dwArg[0]; SetFogFlags(lpDevI); break; case D3DLIGHTSTATE_FOGSTART: D3D_INFO(6, "in HEL D3DOP_STATELIGHT. D3DLIGHTSTATE_FOG_START found"); LIGHTING.fog_start = lpLset[i].dvArg[0]; if (lpDevI->dwFEFlags & D3DFE_FOGENABLED) lpDevI->dwFEFlags |= D3DFE_FOG_DIRTY; break; case D3DLIGHTSTATE_FOGEND: D3D_INFO(6, "in HEL D3DOP_STATELIGHT. D3DLIGHTSTATE_FOG_END found"); LIGHTING.fog_end = lpLset[i].dvArg[0]; if (lpDevI->dwFEFlags & D3DFE_FOGENABLED) lpDevI->dwFEFlags |= D3DFE_FOG_DIRTY; break; case D3DLIGHTSTATE_FOGDENSITY: D3D_INFO(6, "in HEL D3DOP_STATELIGHT. D3DLIGHTSTATE_FOG_DENSITY found"); LIGHTING.fog_density = lpLset[i].dvArg[0]; if (lpDevI->dwFEFlags & D3DFE_FOGENABLED) lpDevI->dwFEFlags |= D3DFE_FOG_DIRTY; break; case D3DLIGHTSTATE_COLORMODEL: D3D_INFO(6, "in HEL D3DOP_STATELIGHT. D3DLIGHTSTATE_COLORMODEL found"); LIGHTING.color_model = (D3DCOLORMODEL)lpLset[i].dwArg[0]; break; case D3DLIGHTSTATE_COLORVERTEX: D3D_INFO(6, "in HEL D3DOP_STATELIGHT. D3DLIGHTSTATE_COLORVERTEX found"); if (lpLset[i].dwArg[0]) lpDevI->dwFEFlags |= D3DFE_COLORVERTEX; else lpDevI->dwFEFlags &= ~D3DFE_COLORVERTEX; break;
default: D3D_WARN(1, "in HEL D3DOP_STATELIGHT. Invalid state type %d", lpLset[i].dlstLightStateType); return (DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS); }
// Update ramp rasterizer if necessary
hr = CallRampService(lpDevI, RAMP_SERVICE_SETLIGHTSTATE, (DWORD) type, &(lpLset[i].dvArg[0])); if (hr != D3D_OK) { return hr; } }
return (D3D_OK); }