#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
const D3DVALUE __HUGE_PWR2 = 1024.0f*1024.0f*2.0f;
// This function should be called every time FVF ID is changed
// All pv flags, input and output FVF id should be set before calling the
// function.
void UpdateComponentOffsets (DWORD dwFVFIn, LPDWORD pNormalOffset, LPDWORD pDiffOffset, LPDWORD pSpecOffset, LPDWORD pTexOffset) { DWORD dwOffset = 0;
switch( dwFVFIn & D3DFVF_POSITION_MASK ) { case D3DFVF_XYZ: dwOffset = sizeof(D3DVECTOR); break; case D3DFVF_XYZB1: dwOffset = sizeof(D3DVECTOR) + sizeof(D3DVALUE); break; case D3DFVF_XYZB2: dwOffset = sizeof(D3DVECTOR) + 2*sizeof(D3DVALUE); break; case D3DFVF_XYZB3: dwOffset = sizeof(D3DVECTOR) + 3*sizeof(D3DVALUE); break; case D3DFVF_XYZB4: dwOffset = sizeof(D3DVECTOR) + 4*sizeof(D3DVALUE); break; case D3DFVF_XYZB5: dwOffset = sizeof(D3DVECTOR) + 5*sizeof(D3DVALUE); break; default: DPFM(0,TNL,("Unable to compute offsets, strange FVF bits set")); }
*pNormalOffset = dwOffset;
if (dwFVFIn & D3DFVF_NORMAL) dwOffset += sizeof(D3DVECTOR); if (dwFVFIn & D3DFVF_RESERVED1) dwOffset += sizeof(D3DVALUE);
// Offset to the diffuse color
*pDiffOffset = dwOffset;
if (dwFVFIn & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE) dwOffset += sizeof(DWORD);
// Offset to the specular color
*pSpecOffset = dwOffset;
if (dwFVFIn & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) dwOffset += sizeof(DWORD);
// Offset to the texture data
*pTexOffset = dwOffset; }
// SetupFVFData:
// Compute Output FVF and the size of output vertices
void RRProcessVertices::SetupFVFData(BOOL bFogEnabled, BOOL bSpecularEnabled) {
// Compute number of texture coordinates
m_dwNumTexCoords = FVF_TEXCOORD_NUMBER(m_dwFVFIn);
// Compute output FVF
// If normal is present we have to compute specular and diffuse
// Otherwise set these bits the same as input.
// Not that normal should not be present for XYZRHW position type
if (m_dwTLState & RRPV_DOLIGHTING) { m_qwFVFOut |= D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR; } else { m_qwFVFOut |= (m_dwFVFIn & (D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR)); }
// Always set specular flag if fog is enabled
// if (this->rstates[D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGENABLE])
if (bFogEnabled) { m_qwFVFOut |= D3DFVF_SPECULAR; } // Clear specular flag if specular disabled
// else if (!this->rstates[D3DRENDERSTATE_SPECULARENABLE])
else if (!bSpecularEnabled && !(m_dwFVFIn & D3DFVF_SPECULAR)) { m_qwFVFOut &= ~D3DFVF_SPECULAR; }
// Reserve space for point size, if needed
if (m_dwTLState & RRPV_DOCOMPUTEPOINTSIZE) { m_qwFVFOut |= D3DFVF_S; } #endif
// Reserve space for eye space info, if needed
// Set up number of texture coordinates and copy texture formats
m_qwFVFOut |= (m_dwNumTexCoords << D3DFVF_TEXCOUNT_SHIFT) | (m_dwFVFIn & 0xFFFF0000);
// Compute size of texture coordinates
// This size is the same for input and output FVFs,
// because for DX7 drivers they have number of texture and texture formats
m_dwTextureCoordSizeTotal = 0; ComputeTextureCoordSize(m_dwFVFIn, m_dwTexCoordSize, &m_dwTextureCoordSizeTotal);
// Compute output size
m_dwOutputVtxSize = GetFVFVertexSize( m_qwFVFOut ); m_position.dwStride = GetFVFVertexSize( m_dwFVFIn );
// Now compute the input FVF dependent offsets used by the Geometry loop
UpdateComponentOffsets (m_dwFVFIn, &m_dwNormalOffset, &m_dwDiffuseOffset, &m_dwSpecularOffset, &m_dwTexOffset); return; }
// SavePrimitiveData
void ReferenceRasterizer::SavePrimitiveData( DWORD dwFVFIn, LPVOID pVtx, UINT cVertices, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE PrimType ) { //
// 1) Save the incoming information
m_primType = PrimType; m_position.lpvData = pVtx;
// Force some state changes if the FVF is different
if( dwFVFIn != m_dwFVFIn ) { m_dwDirtyFlags |= RRPV_DIRTY_COLORVTX; }
m_dwFVFIn = dwFVFIn; m_dwNumVertices = cVertices;
// No indices to work with
m_dwNumIndices = 0; m_pIndices = NULL; }
void ReferenceRasterizer::SavePrimitiveData( DWORD dwFVFIn, LPVOID pVtx, UINT cVertices, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE PrimType, LPWORD pIndices, UINT cIndices ) { //
// 1) Save the incoming information
m_primType = PrimType; m_position.lpvData = pVtx;
// Force some state changes if the FVF is different
if( dwFVFIn != m_dwFVFIn ) { m_dwDirtyFlags |= RRPV_DIRTY_COLORVTX; }
m_dwFVFIn = dwFVFIn; m_dwNumVertices = cVertices;
m_dwNumIndices = cIndices; m_pIndices = pIndices; }
// Process primitives implementation:
// 1) Compute FVF info
// 2) Grow buffers to the requisite size
// 3) Initialize clipping state
// 4) Update T&L state
// 5) Transform, Light and compute clipping for vertices
// 6) Clip and Draw the primitives
HRESULT ReferenceRasterizer::ProcessPrimitive( BOOL bIndexedPrim ) { HRESULT ret = D3D_OK; DWORD dwVertexPoolSize = 0;
// Update T&L state (must be before FVFData is set up)
// Update Lighting and related state and flags
if ((ret = UpdateTLState()) != D3D_OK) return ret;
// Compute Output FVF and the size of output vertices
// Clipping information depends both on the output FVF computation
// and the other State, so do it here after both have been computed
if (m_dwTLState & RRPV_DOCLIPPING) { // Figure out which pieces need to be interpolated in new vertices.
m_clipping.dwInterpolate = 0; if (GetRenderState()[D3DRENDERSTATE_SHADEMODE] == D3DSHADE_GOURAUD) { m_clipping.dwInterpolate |= RRCLIP_INTERPOLATE_COLOR; if (m_qwFVFOut & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) { m_clipping.dwInterpolate |= RRCLIP_INTERPOLATE_SPECULAR; } } if (GetRenderState()[D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGENABLE]) { m_clipping.dwInterpolate |= RRCLIP_INTERPOLATE_SPECULAR; }
if (FVF_TEXCOORD_NUMBER(m_dwFVFIn) != 0) { m_clipping.dwInterpolate |= RRCLIP_INTERPOLATE_TEXTURE; }
if (m_dwTLState & RRPV_DOCOMPUTEPOINTSIZE) { m_clipping.dwInterpolate |= RRCLIP_INTERPOLATE_S; }
if (m_dwTLState & RRPV_DOPASSEYENORMAL) { m_clipping.dwInterpolate |= RRCLIP_INTERPOLATE_EYENORMAL; }
if (m_dwTLState & RRPV_DOPASSEYEXYZ) { m_clipping.dwInterpolate |= RRCLIP_INTERPOLATE_EYEXYZ; }
// Clear clip union and intersection flags
m_clipIntersection = 0; m_clipUnion = 0;
HRESULT hr = S_OK; HR_RET( UpdateClippingData( GetRenderState()[D3DRENDERSTATE_CLIPPLANEENABLE] )); }
// This needs to be updated bbecause the rasterizer part of
// the Reference Driver uses it.
m_qwFVFControl = m_qwFVFOut;
// Grow buffers to the requisite size
// Size of the buffer required to transform into
dwVertexPoolSize = m_dwNumVertices * m_dwOutputVtxSize;
// Grow TLVBuf if required
if (dwVertexPoolSize > this->m_TLVBuf.GetSize()) { if (this->m_TLVBuf.Grow(dwVertexPoolSize) != D3D_OK) { DPFM(0,TNL,("Could not grow TL vertex buffer")); ret = DDERR_OUTOFMEMORY; return ret; } } this->m_pvOut = this->m_TLVBuf.GetAddress();
// Grow ClipFlagBuf if required
if (GetRenderState()[D3DRENDERSTATE_CLIPPING]) { DWORD size = m_dwNumVertices * sizeof(RRCLIPCODE); if (size > this->m_ClipFlagBuf.GetSize()) { if (this->m_ClipFlagBuf.Grow(size) != D3D_OK) { DPFM(0,TNL,("Could not grow clip buffer")); ret = DDERR_OUTOFMEMORY; return ret; } } this->m_pClipBuf = (RRCLIPCODE *)this->m_ClipFlagBuf.GetAddress(); }
// Transform, Light and compute clipping for vertices
if (ProcessVertices()) { // If the entire primitive lies outside the view frustum, quit
// without drawing
return D3D_OK; }
// Clip and Draw the primitives
if (bIndexedPrim) { if (!NeedClipping((m_dwTLState & RRPV_GUARDBAND), m_clipUnion)) { ret = DoDrawOneIndexedPrimitive( this, m_dwOutputVtxSize, (PUINT8) m_pvOut, m_pIndices, m_primType, m_dwNumIndices ); } else { ret = DrawOneClippedIndexedPrimitive(); } } else { if (!NeedClipping((m_dwTLState & RRPV_GUARDBAND), m_clipUnion)) { ret = DoDrawOnePrimitive( this, m_dwOutputVtxSize, (PUINT8) m_pvOut, m_primType, m_dwNumVertices ); } else { ret = DrawOneClippedPrimitive(); } }
#if 0
D3DFE_UpdateClipStatus(this); #endif //0
return ret; }
// ReferenceRasterizer::UpdateTLState
// Updates transform and lighting related state
HRESULT ReferenceRasterizer::UpdateTLState() { HRESULT hr = D3D_OK;
// Update Geometry Loop flags based on the current state set
// Need to compute the Min of what is in the FVF and the renderstate.
m_numVertexBlends = min( GetRenderState()[D3DRENDERSTATE_VERTEXBLEND], ((m_dwFVFIn & D3DFVF_POSITION_MASK) >> 1) - 2 );
// Check prim type to see if point size computation is needed
// Need to set this before the transform state is set
m_dwTLState &= ~RRPV_DOCOMPUTEPOINTSIZE; switch(m_primType) { case D3DPT_POINTLIST: m_dwTLState |= RRPV_DOCOMPUTEPOINTSIZE; break; } #endif
m_dwTLState &= ~(RRPV_DOPASSEYENORMAL|RRPV_DOPASSEYEXYZ); for ( DWORD dwStage=0; dwStage<D3DHAL_TSS_MAXSTAGES; dwStage++ ) { // check for disabled stage (subsequent are thus inactive)
if ( GetTextureStageState(dwStage)[D3DTSS_COLOROP] == D3DTOP_DISABLE ) { break; }
// Fog or not:
// Compute fog if: 1) Fogging is enabled
// 2) VertexFog mode is not FOG_NONE
// 3) TableFog mode is FOG_NONE
// If both table and vertex fog are not FOG_NONE, table fog
// is applied.
if (GetRenderState()[D3DRENDERSTATE_RANGEFOGENABLE]) { m_dwTLState |= RRPV_RANGEFOG; } else { m_dwTLState &= ~RRPV_RANGEFOG; } } else { m_dwTLState &= ~(RRPV_DOFOG | RRPV_RANGEFOG); }
// Something changed in the transformation state
// Recompute digested transform state
// Something changed in the lighting state
if ((m_dwTLState & RRPV_DOLIGHTING) && (m_dwDirtyFlags & RRPV_DIRTY_LIGHTING)) { //
// Compute Colorvertex flags only if the lighting is enabled
m_dwTLState &= ~RRPV_COLORVERTEXFLAGS; m_lighting.pAmbientSrc = &m_lighting.matAmb; m_lighting.pDiffuseSrc = &m_lighting.matDiff; m_lighting.pSpecularSrc = &m_lighting.matSpec; m_lighting.pEmissiveSrc = &m_lighting.matEmis; m_lighting.pDiffuseAlphaSrc = &m_lighting.materialDiffAlpha; m_lighting.pSpecularAlphaSrc = &m_lighting.materialSpecAlpha; if (GetRenderState()[D3DRENDERSTATE_COLORVERTEX]) { switch( GetRenderState()[D3DRENDERSTATE_AMBIENTMATERIALSOURCE] ) { case D3DMCS_MATERIAL: break; case D3DMCS_COLOR1: { if (m_dwFVFIn & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE) { m_dwTLState |= (RRPV_VERTEXDIFFUSENEEDED | RRPV_COLORVERTEXAMB); m_lighting.pAmbientSrc = &m_lighting.vertexDiffuse; } } break; case D3DMCS_COLOR2: { if (m_dwFVFIn & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) { m_dwTLState |= (RRPV_VERTEXSPECULARNEEDED | RRPV_COLORVERTEXAMB); m_lighting.pAmbientSrc = &m_lighting.vertexSpecular; } } break; }
switch( GetRenderState()[D3DRENDERSTATE_DIFFUSEMATERIALSOURCE] ) { case D3DMCS_MATERIAL: break; case D3DMCS_COLOR1: { if (m_dwFVFIn & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE) { m_dwTLState |= (RRPV_VERTEXDIFFUSENEEDED | RRPV_COLORVERTEXDIFF); m_lighting.pDiffuseSrc = &m_lighting.vertexDiffuse; m_lighting.pDiffuseAlphaSrc = &m_lighting.vertexDiffAlpha; } } break; case D3DMCS_COLOR2: { if (m_dwFVFIn & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) { m_dwTLState |= (RRPV_VERTEXSPECULARNEEDED | RRPV_COLORVERTEXDIFF); m_lighting.pDiffuseSrc = &m_lighting.vertexSpecular; m_lighting.pDiffuseAlphaSrc = &m_lighting.vertexSpecAlpha; } } break; }
switch( GetRenderState()[D3DRENDERSTATE_SPECULARMATERIALSOURCE] ) { case D3DMCS_MATERIAL: break; case D3DMCS_COLOR1: { if (m_dwFVFIn & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE) { m_dwTLState |= (RRPV_VERTEXDIFFUSENEEDED | RRPV_COLORVERTEXSPEC); m_lighting.pSpecularSrc = &m_lighting.vertexDiffuse; m_lighting.pSpecularAlphaSrc = &m_lighting.vertexDiffAlpha; } } break; case D3DMCS_COLOR2: { if (m_dwFVFIn & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) { m_dwTLState |= (RRPV_VERTEXSPECULARNEEDED | RRPV_COLORVERTEXSPEC); m_lighting.pSpecularSrc = &m_lighting.vertexSpecular; m_lighting.pSpecularAlphaSrc = &m_lighting.vertexSpecAlpha; } } break; }
switch( GetRenderState()[D3DRENDERSTATE_EMISSIVEMATERIALSOURCE] ) { case D3DMCS_MATERIAL: break; case D3DMCS_COLOR1: { if (m_dwFVFIn & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE) { m_dwTLState |= (RRPV_VERTEXDIFFUSENEEDED | RRPV_COLORVERTEXEMIS); m_lighting.pEmissiveSrc = &m_lighting.vertexDiffuse; } } break; case D3DMCS_COLOR2: { if (m_dwFVFIn & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) { m_dwTLState |= (RRPV_VERTEXSPECULARNEEDED | RRPV_COLORVERTEXEMIS); m_lighting.pEmissiveSrc = &m_lighting.vertexSpecular; } } break; } }
// If specular is needed in the output and has been provided
// in the input, force the copy of specular data
// Update the remaining light state
HR_RET(UpdateLightingData()); }
if ((m_dwTLState & RRPV_DOFOG) && (m_dwDirtyFlags & RRPV_DIRTY_FOG)) { HR_RET(UpdateFogData()); }
return hr; }
// RRProcessVertices method implementations
inline void MakeRRCOLOR( RRCOLOR *out, DWORD inputColor ) { out->r = (D3DVALUE)RGBA_GETRED( inputColor ); out->g = (D3DVALUE)RGBA_GETGREEN( inputColor ); out->b = (D3DVALUE)RGBA_GETBLUE( inputColor ); }
// RRProcessVertices::ComputeClipCodes
RRCLIPCODE RRProcessVertices::ComputeClipCodes(RRCLIPCODE* pclipIntersection, RRCLIPCODE* pclipUnion, FLOAT x_clip, FLOAT y_clip, FLOAT z_clip, FLOAT w_clip, FLOAT fPointSize) { // if true, need to deal with point size for clipping
BOOL bPointSize = (fPointSize > 1.0f); D3DVALUE xx = w_clip - x_clip; D3DVALUE yy = w_clip - y_clip; D3DVALUE zz = w_clip - z_clip;
// if (x < 0) clip |= RRCLIP_LEFTBIT;
// if (x >= we) clip |= RRCLIP_RIGHTBIT;
// if (y < 0) clip |= RRCLIP_BOTTOMBIT;
// if (y >= we) clip |= RRCLIP_TOPBIT;
// if (z < 0) clip |= RRCLIP_FRONTBIT;
// if (z >= we) clip |= RRCLIP_BACKBIT;
RRCLIPCODE clip = ((AS_INT32(x_clip) & 0x80000000) >> (32-RRCLIP_LEFTBIT)) | ((AS_INT32(y_clip) & 0x80000000) >> (32-RRCLIP_BOTTOMBIT))| ((AS_INT32(z_clip) & 0x80000000) >> (32-RRCLIP_FRONTBIT)) | ((AS_INT32(xx) & 0x80000000) >> (32-RRCLIP_RIGHTBIT)) | ((AS_INT32(yy) & 0x80000000) >> (32-RRCLIP_TOPBIT)) | ((AS_INT32(zz) & 0x80000000) >> (32-RRCLIP_BACKBIT));
RRCLIPCODE clipBit = RRCLIP_USERCLIPPLANE0; for( DWORD j=0; j<RRMAX_USER_CLIPPLANES; j++) { if( m_xfmUserClipPlanes[j].bActive ) { RRVECTOR4& plane = m_xfmUserClipPlanes[j].plane; FLOAT fComp = 0.0f; if (bPointSize) { // if clipping point sprites, take the sprite size into account
// and set the user clip bit if the sprite might be clipped
FLOAT x_clip_size = fPointSize*0.5f*w_clip/m_ViewData.scaleX; FLOAT y_clip_size = fPointSize*0.5f*w_clip/m_ViewData.scaleY; fComp = (FLOAT)sqrt(x_clip_size*x_clip_size + y_clip_size*y_clip_size); } if( (x_clip*plane.x + y_clip*plane.y + z_clip*plane.z + w_clip*plane.w) < fComp ) { clip |= clipBit; } } clipBit <<= 1; }
if (clip == 0) { *pclipIntersection = 0; return clip; } else { if (m_dwTLState & RRPV_GUARDBAND) { // We do guardband check in the projection space, so
// we transform X and Y of the vertex there
D3DVALUE xnew = x_clip * m_ViewData.gb11 + w_clip * m_ViewData.gb41; D3DVALUE ynew = y_clip * m_ViewData.gb22 + w_clip * m_ViewData.gb42; D3DVALUE xx = w_clip - xnew; D3DVALUE yy = w_clip - ynew; clip |= ((AS_INT32(xnew) & 0x80000000) >> (32-RRCLIPGB_LEFTBIT)) | ((AS_INT32(ynew) & 0x80000000) >> (32-RRCLIPGB_BOTTOMBIT)) | ((AS_INT32(xx) & 0x80000000) >> (32-RRCLIPGB_RIGHTBIT)) | ((AS_INT32(yy) & 0x80000000) >> (32-RRCLIPGB_TOPBIT)); } if (bPointSize) { // point sprite could still be visible
// RRProcessVertices::ProcessVertices
RRCLIPCODE RRProcessVertices::ProcessVertices() { D3DVERTEX *pin = (D3DVERTEX*)m_position.lpvData; DWORD in_size = m_position.dwStride; DWORD inFVF = m_dwFVFIn;
D3DTLVERTEX *pout = (D3DTLVERTEX*)m_pvOut; DWORD out_size = m_dwOutputVtxSize; UINT64 outFVF = m_qwFVFOut;
RRCLIPCODE *pclip = m_pClipBuf; DWORD flags = m_dwTLState; RRCLIPCODE clipIntersection = ~0; RRCLIPCODE clipUnion = 0; DWORD count = m_dwNumVertices; D3DLIGHTINGELEMENT le; BOOL bVertexInEyeSpace = FALSE;
// Number of vertices to blend. i.e number of blend-matrices to
// use is numVertexBlends+1.
int numVertexBlends = m_numVertexBlends; m_lighting.outDiffuse = RR_DEFAULT_DIFFUSE; m_lighting.outSpecular = RR_DEFAULT_SPECULAR;
// The main transform loop
for (DWORD i = count; i; i--) { const D3DVECTOR *pNormal = (D3DVECTOR *)((LPBYTE)pin + m_dwNormalOffset);
float x_clip=0.0f, y_clip=0.0f, z_clip=0.0f, w_clip=0.0f; float inv_w_clip=0.0f; float *pBlendFactors = (float *)((LPBYTE)pin + sizeof( D3DVALUE )*3); float cumulBlend = 0; // Blend accumulated so far
ZeroMemory( &le, sizeof(D3DLIGHTINGELEMENT) );
// Transform vertex to the clipping space, and position and normal
// into eye space, if needed.
for( int j=0; j<=numVertexBlends; j++) { float blend;
if( numVertexBlends == 0 ) { blend = 1.0f; } else if( j == numVertexBlends ) { blend = 1.0f - cumulBlend; } else { blend = pBlendFactors[j]; cumulBlend += pBlendFactors[j]; }
if (m_dwTLState & (RRPV_DOCOMPUTEPOINTSIZE|RRPV_DOPASSEYEXYZ|RRPV_DOLIGHTING)) { le.dvPosition.x += (pin->x*m_xfmToEye[j]._11 + pin->y*m_xfmToEye[j]._21 + pin->z*m_xfmToEye[j]._31 + m_xfmToEye[j]._41) * blend; le.dvPosition.y += (pin->x*m_xfmToEye[j]._12 + pin->y*m_xfmToEye[j]._22 + pin->z*m_xfmToEye[j]._32 + m_xfmToEye[j]._42) * blend; le.dvPosition.z += (pin->x*m_xfmToEye[j]._13 + pin->y*m_xfmToEye[j]._23 + pin->z*m_xfmToEye[j]._33 + m_xfmToEye[j]._43) * blend; }
if (m_dwTLState & (RRPV_DOPASSEYENORMAL|RRPV_DOLIGHTING)) { // Transform vertex normal to the eye space
// We use inverse transposed matrix
le.dvNormal.x += (pNormal->x*m_xfmToEyeInv[j]._11 + pNormal->y*m_xfmToEyeInv[j]._12 + pNormal->z*m_xfmToEyeInv[j]._13) * blend; le.dvNormal.y += (pNormal->x*m_xfmToEyeInv[j]._21 + pNormal->y*m_xfmToEyeInv[j]._22 + pNormal->z*m_xfmToEyeInv[j]._23) * blend; le.dvNormal.z += (pNormal->x*m_xfmToEyeInv[j]._31 + pNormal->y*m_xfmToEyeInv[j]._32 + pNormal->z*m_xfmToEyeInv[j]._33) * blend; }
// Apply WORLDj
x_clip += (pin->x*m_xfmCurrent[j]._11 + pin->y*m_xfmCurrent[j]._21 + pin->z*m_xfmCurrent[j]._31 + m_xfmCurrent[j]._41) * blend; y_clip += (pin->x*m_xfmCurrent[j]._12 + pin->y*m_xfmCurrent[j]._22 + pin->z*m_xfmCurrent[j]._32 + m_xfmCurrent[j]._42) * blend; z_clip += (pin->x*m_xfmCurrent[j]._13 + pin->y*m_xfmCurrent[j]._23 + pin->z*m_xfmCurrent[j]._33 + m_xfmCurrent[j]._43) * blend; w_clip += (pin->x*m_xfmCurrent[j]._14 + pin->y*m_xfmCurrent[j]._24 + pin->z*m_xfmCurrent[j]._34 + m_xfmCurrent[j]._44) * blend; }
if ((flags & RRPV_NORMALIZENORMALS) && (m_dwTLState & (RRPV_DOPASSEYENORMAL|RRPV_DOLIGHTING))) Normalize(le.dvNormal);
RRFVFExtractor VtxOut( pout, outFVF, FALSE );
FLOAT fPointSize = 0.0f; #ifdef __POINTSPRITES
if (m_dwTLState & RRPV_DOCOMPUTEPOINTSIZE) { FLOAT fDist = (FLOAT)sqrt(le.dvPosition.x*le.dvPosition.x + le.dvPosition.y*le.dvPosition.y + le.dvPosition.z*le.dvPosition.z); if (inFVF & D3DFVF_S) { RRFVFExtractor VtxIn( pin, inFVF, FALSE ); fPointSize = VtxIn.GetS(); } else { // from D3DRENDERSTATE_POINTSIZE
fPointSize = m_fPointSize; } fPointSize = fPointSize*(FLOAT)sqrt(1.0f/ (m_fPointAttA + m_fPointAttB*fDist + m_fPointAttC*fDist*fDist)); fPointSize = max(m_fPointSizeMin, fPointSize); fPointSize = min(RRMAX_POINT_SIZE, fPointSize); FLOAT *pfSOut = VtxOut.GetPtrS(); *pfSOut = fPointSize; } #endif
if (m_dwTLState & RRPV_DOPASSEYENORMAL) { FLOAT *pfEye = VtxOut.GetPtrEyeNormal(); pfEye[0] = le.dvNormal.x; pfEye[1] = le.dvNormal.y; pfEye[2] = le.dvNormal.z; }
if (m_dwTLState & RRPV_DOPASSEYEXYZ) { FLOAT *pfEye = VtxOut.GetPtrEyeXYZ(); pfEye[0] = le.dvPosition.x; pfEye[1] = le.dvPosition.y; pfEye[2] = le.dvPosition.z; }
// Compute clip codes if needed
if (m_dwTLState & RRPV_DOCLIPPING) { RRCLIPCODE clip = ComputeClipCodes(&clipIntersection, &clipUnion, x_clip, y_clip, z_clip, w_clip, fPointSize); if (clip == 0) { *pclip++ = 0; inv_w_clip = D3DVAL(1)/w_clip; } else { if (m_dwTLState & RRPV_GUARDBAND) { if ((clip & ~RRCLIP_INGUARDBAND) == 0) { // If vertex is inside the guardband we have to compute
// screen coordinates
inv_w_clip = D3DVAL(1)/w_clip; *pclip++ = (RRCLIPCODE)clip; goto l_DoScreenCoord; } } *pclip++ = (RRCLIPCODE)clip; // If vertex is outside the frustum we can not compute screen
// coordinates, hence store the clip coordinates
pout->sx = x_clip; pout->sy = y_clip; pout->sz = z_clip; pout->rhw = w_clip; goto l_DoLighting; } } else { // We have to check this only for DONOTCLIP case, because otherwise
// the vertex with "we = 0" will be clipped and screen coordinates
// will not be computed
// "clip" is not zero, if "we" is zero.
if (!FLOAT_EQZ(w_clip)) inv_w_clip = D3DVAL(1)/w_clip; else inv_w_clip = __HUGE_PWR2; }
pout->sx = x_clip * inv_w_clip * m_ViewData.scaleX + m_ViewData.offsetX; pout->sy = y_clip * inv_w_clip * m_ViewData.scaleY + m_ViewData.offsetY; pout->sz = z_clip * inv_w_clip * m_ViewData.scaleZ + m_ViewData.offsetZ; pout->rhw = inv_w_clip;
DWORD *pOut = (DWORD*)((char*)pout + 4*sizeof(D3DVALUE));
if (flags & RRPV_DOLIGHTING) { bVertexInEyeSpace = TRUE;
// If Diffuse color is needed, extract it for color vertex.
if (flags & RRPV_VERTEXDIFFUSENEEDED) { const DWORD color = *(DWORD*)((char*)pin + m_dwDiffuseOffset); MakeRRCOLOR(&m_lighting.vertexDiffuse, color); m_lighting.vertexDiffAlpha = color & 0xff000000; }
// If Specular color is needed and provided
// , extract it for color vertex.
if (flags & RRPV_VERTEXSPECULARNEEDED) { const DWORD color = *(DWORD*)((char*)pin + m_dwSpecularOffset); MakeRRCOLOR(&m_lighting.vertexSpecular, color); m_lighting.vertexSpecAlpha = color & 0xff000000; }
// Light the vertex
LightVertex( &le ); } else if (inFVF & (D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR)) { if (inFVF & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE) m_lighting.outDiffuse = *(DWORD*)((char*)pin + m_dwDiffuseOffset); if (inFVF & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) m_lighting.outSpecular = *(DWORD*)((char*)pin + m_dwSpecularOffset); }
// Compute Vertex Fog if needed
if (flags & RRPV_DOFOG) { FogVertex( *(D3DVECTOR*)(pin), &le, numVertexBlends, pBlendFactors, bVertexInEyeSpace ); }
if (outFVF & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE) *pOut++ = m_lighting.outDiffuse; if (outFVF & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) *pOut++ = m_lighting.outSpecular;;
{ memcpy(pOut, (char*)pin + m_dwTexOffset, m_dwTextureCoordSizeTotal); } pin = (D3DVERTEX*) ((char*) pin + in_size); pout = (D3DTLVERTEX*) ((char*) pout + out_size); }
if (flags & RRPV_DOCLIPPING) { m_clipIntersection = clipIntersection; m_clipUnion = clipUnion; } else { m_clipIntersection = 0; m_clipUnion = 0; }
// Returns whether all the vertices were off screen
return m_clipIntersection; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////