* DynaRes * * replacment for ChangeDisplaySettings EnumDisplaySettings to allow * changing the bitdepth on the fly * * ToddLa * */ #ifdef IS_16
#include "ddraw16.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <print.h>
#include "gdihelp.h"
#include "dibeng.inc"
#define BABYSIT // if this is defined, work around bugs in the display driver
#define O95_HACK // enable the Office95 (any app bar) hack to prevent icons from being squished
#define SPI_HACK // enable the SPI_SETWORKAREA hack, when a app bar is up.
\*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #undef Assert
#undef DPF
#ifdef DEBUG
static void CDECL DPF(char *sz, ...) { char ach[128]; lstrcpy(ach, "QuickRes: "); wvsprintf(ach+10, sz, (LPVOID)(&sz+1)); #ifdef DIRECT_DRAW
dprintf(2, ach); #else
lstrcat(ach, "\r\n"); OutputDebugString(ach); #endif
} static void NEAR PASCAL __Assert(char *exp, char *file, int line) { DPF("Assert(%s) failed at %s line %d.", (LPSTR)exp, (LPSTR)file, line); DebugBreak(); } #define Assert(exp) ( (exp) ? (void)0 : __Assert(#exp,__FILE__,__LINE__) )
#define Assert(f)
#define DPF ; / ## /
extern void FAR PASCAL SetMagicColors(HDC, DWORD, WORD); extern UINT FAR PASCAL AllocCStoDSAlias(UINT); extern void FAR PASCAL Death(HDC); extern void FAR PASCAL Resurrection(HDC,LONG,LONG,LONG);
static char szClassName[] = "DynaResFullscreenWindow"; static char szDIBENG[] = "DIBENG"; static char szDISPLAY[] = "DISPLAY"; static char szUSER[] = "USER"; extern LONG FAR PASCAL DIBENG_Control(LPVOID,UINT,LPVOID,LPVOID);
extern HINSTANCE hInstApp;
extern bInOurSetMode; #else
BOOL bInOurSetMode; #endif
BOOL fNewDibEng; BOOL fDirectDrawDriver;
BOOL InitDynaRes(void); void PreStartMenuHack(DEVMODE FAR *); void StartMenuHack(DEVMODE FAR *); BOOL ForceSoftwareCursor(BOOL); BOOL IsMatrox(void);
void PatchDisplay(int oem, BOOL patch); void PatchControl(BOOL patch); LONG FAR PASCAL _loadds Control(LPVOID lpDevice,UINT function,LPVOID lp_in_data,LPVOID lp_out_data);
#undef ChangeDisplaySettings
LONG WINAPI RealChangeDisplaySettings(LPDEVMODE pdm, DWORD flags) { return ChangeDisplaySettings(pdm, flags & ~CDS_EXCLUSIVE); }
LONG DDAPI DD16_ChangeDisplaySettings(LPDEVMODE pdm, DWORD flags) #else
LONG WINAPI DynaChangeDisplaySettings(LPDEVMODE pdm, DWORD flags) #endif
{ LONG err; HDC hdc; int rc,bpp,w,h; int new_rc,new_bpp; HWND hwnd=NULL;
bInOurSetMode = TRUE;
flags &= ~CDS_EXCLUSIVE;
if (!InitDynaRes()) { err = ChangeDisplaySettings(pdm, flags); bInOurSetMode = FALSE; return err; }
if (flags & CDS_TEST) { err = ChangeDisplaySettings(pdm, flags | CDS_EXCLUSIVE); bInOurSetMode = FALSE; return err; }
if (flags & CDS_FULLSCREEN) PreStartMenuHack(pdm);
// try changing the mode normaly first
// if it works, we are done.
#ifdef BABYSIT
bInOurSetMode = (BOOL)2; PatchControl(TRUE); err = ChangeDisplaySettings(pdm, flags); PatchControl(FALSE); bInOurSetMode = TRUE; #else
err = ChangeDisplaySettings(pdm, flags); #endif
if (err == DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { if (flags & CDS_FULLSCREEN) StartMenuHack(pdm); bInOurSetMode = FALSE; return err; }
// if the mode is not valid dont even try.
err = ChangeDisplaySettings(pdm, CDS_EXCLUSIVE | CDS_TEST);
if (err != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { bInOurSetMode = FALSE; return err; }
// get the current settings
hdc = GetDC(NULL); rc = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, RASTERCAPS); bpp = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PLANES) * GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL); w = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES); h = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES); ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
// dont try to do a invalid change
if (pdm && (pdm->dmFields & DM_BITSPERPEL)) { if ((int)pdm->dmBitsPerPel == bpp) { bInOurSetMode = FALSE; return DISP_CHANGE_FAILED; }
if (bpp <= 4 && (int)pdm->dmBitsPerPel != bpp) { bInOurSetMode = FALSE; return DISP_CHANGE_RESTART; }
if (bpp > 4 && (int)pdm->dmBitsPerPel <= 4) { bInOurSetMode = FALSE; return DISP_CHANGE_RESTART; } }
// bring up a "cover" window to hide all the activity of the mode
// change from the user. and brings up a wait cursor
// NOTE this does a little more than just hide the mode change
// from the user, it also makes sure to set a MONO hourglass cursor
// some display drivers dont like a software cursor being active
// durring a mode set, so we give them a mono one.
if (TRUE || !(flags & CDS_FULLSCREEN)) { #define OCR_WAIT_DEFAULT 102
cls.lpszClassName = szClassName; cls.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); cls.hInstance = hInstApp; cls.hIcon = NULL; cls.hCursor = (HCURSOR)LoadImage(NULL,MAKEINTRESOURCE(OCR_WAIT_DEFAULT),IMAGE_CURSOR,0,0,0); cls.lpszMenuName = NULL; cls.style = CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT | CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS; cls.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProc; cls.cbWndExtra = 0; cls.cbClsExtra = 0;
hwnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST|WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, szClassName, szClassName, WS_POPUP|WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 10000, 10000, NULL, NULL, hInstApp, NULL);
if (hwnd == NULL) { bInOurSetMode = FALSE; return DISP_CHANGE_FAILED; }
SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); // we want cursor focus
SetCursor(cls.hCursor); // set wait cursor.
} #endif
// no one gets to draw until we are done.
DPF("Begin mode change from %dx%dx%d....", w,h,bpp);
// first thing we have to do is convert all DDBs and Pattern brushs
// to DIBSections so they will still work after the mode has changed.
// convert all icons so they can be drawn correctly.
if (!fNewDibEng && !(flags & CDS_FULLSCREEN)) { //ConvertIcons();
#ifdef BABYSIT
// the matrox driver is broken
// it has a global variable for bPaletized mode, and it only
// reads it if the mode is 8bpp.
if (!fDirectDrawDriver && bpp == 8 && IsMatrox()) { static char szSystemIni[] = "system.ini"; static char szPalettized[] = "palettized"; static char szZero[] = "0"; static DEVMODE dm; dm.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); dm.dmFields = DM_BITSPERPEL|DM_PELSWIDTH|DM_PELSHEIGHT; dm.dmBitsPerPel = 8; dm.dmPelsWidth = 640; dm.dmPelsHeight = 480;
DPF("**BABYSIT** Fixing the broken Matrox driver...."); WritePrivateProfileString(szDISPLAY,szPalettized,szZero,szSystemIni); err = ChangeDisplaySettings(&dm, CDS_RESET | CDS_FULLSCREEN); WritePrivateProfileString(szDISPLAY,szPalettized,NULL,szSystemIni); } #endif
// some drivers are total broken and we need to
// route some of its entry points to the DIBENG
// WARNING this can break some remote control programs!
#ifdef BABYSIT
if (!fDirectDrawDriver) { DPF("**BABYSIT** turning off OEMOutput...."); PatchDisplay(8, TRUE); // route OEMOutput to the DIBENG
DPF("**BABYSIT** turning off OEMDibBlt...."); PatchDisplay(19, TRUE); // route OEMDibBlt to the DIBENG
} #endif
// change the display settings.
DPF("Calling ChangeDisplaySettings...."); //
// NOTE USER will Yield unless CDS_FULLSCREEN is specifed
err = ChangeDisplaySettings(pdm, flags | CDS_EXCLUSIVE); DPF("....ChangeDisplaySettings returns %d", err);
// get the new settings
hdc = GetDC(NULL); new_rc = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, RASTERCAPS); new_bpp = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PLANES) * GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL); ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
// make sure the driver has not messed up its rastercaps!
// for example the QVision driver does not get this right.
if ((new_rc & RC_PALETTE) && new_bpp != 8) { DPF("**BABYSIT** drivers RC_PALETTE bit is messed up."); err = DISP_CHANGE_RESTART; // err = DISP_CHANGE_FAILED;
// if the driver failed the mode set things could be real messed up
// reset the current mode, to try to recover.
#ifdef BABYSIT
if (err != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { static DEVMODE dm; dm.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); dm.dmFields = DM_BITSPERPEL|DM_PELSWIDTH|DM_PELSHEIGHT|DM_DISPLAYFLAGS; dm.dmBitsPerPel = bpp; dm.dmPelsWidth = w; dm.dmPelsHeight = h; dm.dmDisplayFlags = 0;
DPF("**BABYSIT** mode set failed, going back to old mode."); ChangeDisplaySettings(&dm, CDS_RESET | CDS_EXCLUSIVE | CDS_FULLSCREEN); } #endif
// call Death/Resurection this will kick drivers in the head
// about the mode change
if (!fDirectDrawDriver && err == 0 && (pdm == NULL || (flags & CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY))) { hdc = GetDC(NULL); DPF("Calling Death/Resurection...."); SetCursor(NULL); Death(hdc); Resurrection(hdc,NULL,NULL,NULL); ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); }
// force a SW cursor, most drivers are broken and dont disable
// the HW cursor when changing modes.
#ifdef BABYSIT
if (!fDirectDrawDriver) { if (pdm == NULL && (flags & CDS_FULLSCREEN)) { DPF("**BABYSIT** restoring HW cursor (return from fullscreen mode)"); ForceSoftwareCursor(FALSE); } else if (err == 0 && (new_bpp > 8 || GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) < 640)) { DPF("**BABYSIT** Forcing a software cursor"); ForceSoftwareCursor(TRUE); } else { DPF("**BABYSIT** restoring HW cursor"); ForceSoftwareCursor(FALSE); } } #endif
#if 0 /// moved to Control patch
// we should now convert any DIBSections that used to be DDBs back to DDBs
// our code to find the right palette for a DDB is not too hot
// so a lot of DDBs will have wrong colors.
#if 1
ConvertBitmapsBack(FALSE); #else
ConvertBitmapsBack(!(flags & CDS_FULLSCREEN)); #endif
// let other apps draw.
// remove our "cover" window
if (hwnd) { DestroyWindow(hwnd); UnregisterClass(szClassName, hInstApp); }
// should we reload the wallpaper, because it got converted to
// a DDB by ConvertBitmapsBack
if (!(flags & CDS_FULLSCREEN)) { DPF("Reloading wallpaper..."); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, NULL, 0); }
// have all the apps deal with a color change
if (!(flags & CDS_FULLSCREEN)) { //
// if we just post the WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE message to all apps
// a hidden office window will go back and forth Invalidating
// other office apps and re-sending the WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE message
// you either stack overflow, hang or XL just flashes for a few
// minutes.
// the "fix" is to not post the WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE message to
// this hidden window, we also have to make sure not to call
// SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKPATTERN) later in the code.
HWND hwnd; HWND hwndX;
if (hwndX = FindWindow("File Open Message Window", "File Open Message Window")) {
for (hwnd = GetWindow(GetDesktopWindow(), GW_CHILD); hwnd; hwnd = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT)) { if (hwnd != hwndX) PostMessage(hwnd, WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE, 0, 0); }
// dont reload desktop pattern.
flags |= CDS_FULLSCREEN; } else { PostMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE, 0, 0); } }
// reload the desktop pattern
if (!(flags & CDS_FULLSCREEN) || pdm == NULL) { DPF("Reloading wallpaper pattern..."); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKPATTERN, (UINT)-1, NULL, 0); }
// we dont want the StartMenu to rebuild when we change modes
if (err == DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { if (flags & CDS_FULLSCREEN) StartMenuHack(pdm); }
bInOurSetMode = FALSE; DPF("Done..."); return err; }
#define DCICOMMAND 3075 // escape value
BOOL InitDynaRes() { int v; HDC hdc; HBRUSH hbr1, hbr2; BOOL f=TRUE; OSVERSIONINFO ver = {sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)}; GetVersionEx(&ver);
// must be Windows95 build 950 or higher
if (LOWORD(GetVersion()) != 0x5F03) { DPF("Init: Windows version not 3.95."); f = FALSE; }
if (ver.dwMajorVersion != 4 || ver.dwMinorVersion != 0 || LOWORD(ver.dwBuildNumber) < 950) { DPF("Init: Windows version less than 4.0.950"); f = FALSE; }
// we assume create/delete/create will get the same handle
hbr1 = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(1,1,1)); DeleteObject(hbr1); hbr2 = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(2,2,2)); DeleteObject(hbr2);
if (hbr1 != hbr2) { DPF("Init: cant use Destroy/Create brush trick"); f = FALSE; }
if (GetModuleHandle(szDIBENG) == 0) { DPF("Init: DIBENG not loaded"); f = FALSE; }
hdc = GetDC(NULL);
// check the DIBENG version
v = 0x5250; v = Escape(hdc, QUERYESCSUPPORT, sizeof(int), (LPVOID)&v, NULL);
if (v == 0) { DPF("Init: we dont have a new DIBENG"); fNewDibEng = FALSE; } else { DPF("Init: DIBENG version: %04X", v); fNewDibEng = TRUE; }
// see if the display supports DirectDraw
v = DCICOMMAND; v = Escape(hdc, QUERYESCSUPPORT, sizeof(int), (LPVOID)&v, NULL);
if (v == 0 || v == 0x5250) { DPF("Init: display driver does not support DirectDraw"); fDirectDrawDriver = FALSE; } else { if (LOBYTE(v) == 0xFF) v++;
DPF("Init: display driver supports DirectDraw: %04X", v); fDirectDrawDriver = TRUE; }
// must be a windows 4.0 mini driver.
if (GetDeviceCaps(hdc, DRIVERVERSION) < 0x0400) { DPF("Init: not a 4.0 display driver"); f = FALSE; } if (!(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, CAPS1) & C1_DIBENGINE)) { DPF("Init: not a DIBENG display driver"); f = FALSE; } if (!(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, CAPS1) & C1_REINIT_ABLE)) { DPF("Init: does not support C1_REINIT_ABLE"); f = FALSE; } ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
return f; }
// we hook the OEMControl entry point in the display driver while a
// mode change is happening. GDI will issue a QUERYDIBSUPPORT escape
// right after the mode change happens so this is the first thing
// called after the mode changed worked. USER also issues a
// MOUSETRAILS escape.
// we need this hook for two reasons...
// 1. some display drivers are broken and dont set deFlags right
// we fix up the deFlags, we fix up the flags for them.
// 2. we rerealize all the gdi objects in this routine when
// USER calls us, this way all the pen/brushs/text colors
// are correct when user goes and rebuilds its bitmaps...
LONG FAR PASCAL _loadds Control(LPVOID lpDevice,UINT function,LPVOID lp_in_data,LPVOID lp_out_data) { DIBENGINE FAR *pde = (DIBENGINE FAR *)lpDevice; LONG ret;
#ifdef BABYSIT
if (pde->deType == 0x5250) { if ((pde->deFlags & FIVE6FIVE) && pde->deBitsPixel != 16) { DPF("**BABYSIT** fixing FIVE6FIVE bit"); pde->deFlags &= ~FIVE6FIVE; }
if ((pde->deFlags & PALETTIZED) && pde->deBitsPixel != 8) { DPF("**BABYSIT** fixing PALETTIZED bit"); pde->deFlags &= ~PALETTIZED; }
if ((pde->deFlags & PALETTE_XLAT) && pde->deBitsPixel != 8) { DPF("**BABYSIT** fixing PALETTE_XLAT bit"); pde->deFlags &= ~PALETTE_XLAT; } } #endif
// this is USER calling from LW_OEMDependentInit()
// force all GDI objects to be rerealized
if (function == MOUSETRAILS && bInOurSetMode != (BOOL)2) { //
// fix up the magic colors before we rerealize the brushes
// the "right" way to do this is to reset the UI colors
// by calling SetSysColors() but we dont want to send
// a sync WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE from here.
HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL); if (GetDeviceCaps(hdc, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE) { SetSystemPaletteUse(hdc, SYSPAL_STATIC); SetMagicColors(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW) , 8); SetMagicColors(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE) , 9); SetMagicColors(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT), 246); } ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
// re-realize all GDI objects for the new mode.
// we should now convert any DIBSections that used to be DDBs back to DDBs
// our code to find the right palette for a DDB is not too hot
// so a lot of DDBs will have wrong colors.
ConvertBitmapsBack(FALSE); }
PatchControl(FALSE); ret = DIBENG_Control(lpDevice,function,lp_in_data,lp_out_data); PatchControl(TRUE);
return ret; }
// patch
void Patch(LPCSTR szMod, LPCSTR szProc, FARPROC PatchFunc, LPDWORD PatchSave, BOOL fPatch) { LPDWORD pdw; FARPROC x;
// ATM 2.5 has GetProcAddress patched to return some sort of
// thunk, that ends up totaly confusing us and we dont end up
// patching the DIBENG, we patch ATM's thunk.
// so when we want to patch DIBENG!OEMControl we use the value we
// *linked* to, not the value GetProcAddress returns.
if (lstrcmpi(szMod, szDIBENG) == 0 && szProc == MAKEINTATOM(3)) x = (FARPROC)DIBENG_Control; else x = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(szMod), szProc);
if (x == NULL || PatchFunc == NULL) return;
if (fPatch) { DPF("Patching %s!%d %04X:%04X", szMod, OFFSETOF(szProc), SELECTOROF(x), OFFSETOF(x)); if (PatchSave[0] == 0) { PatchSave[0] = pdw[0]; PatchSave[1] = pdw[1]; } *((LPBYTE)pdw)++ = 0xEA; // JMP
*pdw = (DWORD)PatchFunc; } else { DPF("UnPatching %s!%d %04X:%04X", szMod, OFFSETOF(szProc), SELECTOROF(x), OFFSETOF(x)); if (PatchSave[0] != 0) { pdw[0] = PatchSave[0]; pdw[1] = PatchSave[1]; PatchSave[0] = 0; PatchSave[1] = 0; } }
FreeSelector(SELECTOROF(pdw)); }
// hook the DIBENGs OEMControl() entry point, to jump to our own code
void PatchControl(BOOL patch) { static DWORD SaveBytes[2]; Patch(szDIBENG, MAKEINTATOM(3), (FARPROC)Control, SaveBytes, patch); }
// patch a entry in the display driver to jump directly to the DIBENG
void PatchDisplay(int oem, BOOL patch) { FARPROC p;
#define MAX_DDI 35
static DWORD PatchBytes[MAX_DDI*2];
if (oem >= MAX_DDI) return;
p = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(szDIBENG), MAKEINTATOM(oem));
Patch(szDISPLAY, MAKEINTATOM(oem), p, &PatchBytes[oem*2], patch); }
#ifdef O95_HACK
static BOOL fOffice95Hack; static char szDisplaySettings[] = "Display\\Settings"; static char szResolution[] = "Resolution"; static char szDD[] = "%d,%d";
// put back the right resolution into the registy key HKCC\Display\Settings
void Office95Hack() { if (fOffice95Hack) { HKEY hkey; char ach[20]; int len;
DPF("Office95 hack: restoring registry");
if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG, szDisplaySettings, &hkey) == 0) { len = wsprintf(ach, szDD, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)); RegSetValueEx(hkey, szResolution, NULL, REG_SZ, ach, len); RegCloseKey(hkey); }
fOffice95Hack = FALSE; } }
#ifdef SPI_HACK
BOOL FAR PASCAL _loadds SPI(UINT spi, UINT wParam, LPVOID lParam, UINT flags);
// patch USERs SystemParametersInfo function
void PatchSPI(BOOL patch) { static DWORD SaveBytes[2]; Patch(szUSER, MAKEINTATOM(483), (FARPROC)SPI, SaveBytes, patch); }
BOOL FAR PASCAL _loadds SPI(UINT spi, UINT wParam, LPVOID lParam, UINT flags) { BOOL f;
if (spi == SPI_SETWORKAREA) { if (lParam) DPF("Ignoring a SPI_SETWORKAREA [%d,%d,%d,%d] call", ((LPRECT)lParam)->left, ((LPRECT)lParam)->top, ((LPRECT)lParam)->right - ((LPRECT)lParam)->left, ((LPRECT)lParam)->bottom - ((LPRECT)lParam)->top); else DPF("Ignoring a SPI_SETWORKAREA lParam=NULL call"); return 0; }
PatchSPI(FALSE); f = SystemParametersInfo(spi, wParam, lParam, flags); PatchSPI(TRUE); return f; } #endif
// make the start menu not update in the background.
#define WNDCLASS_TRAYNOTIFY "Shell_TrayWnd"
LRESULT CALLBACK _loadds TrayWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { #ifdef SPI_HACK
PatchSPI(FALSE); #endif
#ifdef O95_HACK
Office95Hack(); #endif
DPF("StartMenu hack: killing timer to refresh start menu"); KillTimer(hwnd, IDT_FAVOURITE); return 0; }
#ifdef SPI_HACK
RECT rcScreen; RECT rcWork; #endif
void PreStartMenuHack(DEVMODE FAR *pdm) { #ifdef SPI_HACK
SetRect(&rcScreen, 0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, (LPVOID)&rcWork, 0); #endif
#ifdef O95_HACK
// make sure registry is put back
Office95Hack(); #endif
void StartMenuHack(DEVMODE FAR *pdm) { HWND hwndTray; BOOL fAppBar=FALSE;
if (hwndTray == NULL) { DPF("Cant find tray window"); return; }
// hack to get into the shells context, so we can clean up these hacks
PostMessage(hwndTray, WM_TIMER, 0, (LONG)TrayWndProc);
#ifdef SPI_HACK
{ RECT rc; RECT rcTray;
// see if there are any other app bars around.
GetWindowRect(hwndTray, &rcTray); SubtractRect(&rc, &rcScreen, &rcTray);
DPF("rcScreen [%d,%d,%d,%d]", rcScreen.left, rcScreen.top, rcScreen.right-rcScreen.left,rcScreen.bottom-rcScreen.top); DPF("rcTray [%d,%d,%d,%d]", rcTray.left, rcTray.top, rcTray.right-rcTray.left,rcTray.bottom-rcTray.top); DPF("rc [%d,%d,%d,%d]", rc.left, rc.top, rc.right-rc.left,rc.bottom-rc.top); DPF("rcWork [%d,%d,%d,%d]", rcWork.left, rcWork.top, rcWork.right-rcWork.left,rcWork.bottom-rcWork.top);
if (!EqualRect(&rcScreen, &rcWork) && !EqualRect(&rc, &rcWork)) { DPF("StartMenuHack: !!!!!there is a APP bar!!!!!!"); fAppBar = TRUE;
// Patch the USER!SystemParameterInto function, so when the
// shell does a SPI_SETWORKAREA call it will ignored
// this prevents windows from being "sqished" to fit inside
// the work area.
PatchSPI(TRUE); } } #endif
#ifdef O95_HACK
// the shell does the following...
// read the HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Display\Settings "Resloluton" key
// if this is LESS THAN the current display size, dont repark
// all the icons on the desktop because this is just a temporary
// mode set.
// this sound right, except the bug happens when we are returning
// to the "normal" mode, the shell will repark the icons because
// it checks for LESS THEN, not LESS THAN OR EQUAL, normaly this
// is fine because the re-park does nothing. when a app bar
// like Office95 is running it has not moved before the shell
// re-re-parks icons.
// what this hack does it set the size stored in the registry
// to be real large so the shell does not park icons.
// later we will but the right values back. we only need to
// do this if we are returning to the "normal" mode (ie pdm==NULL)
if (fAppBar && pdm == NULL) { HKEY hkey; char ach[20]; int len;
fOffice95Hack = TRUE;
if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG, szDisplaySettings, &hkey) == 0) { len = wsprintf(ach, szDD, 30000, 30000); RegSetValueEx(hkey, szResolution, NULL, REG_SZ, ach, len); RegCloseKey(hkey); } } else { fOffice95Hack = FALSE; } #endif
#ifdef BABYSIT
// force (or trick) the display driver into using a software cursor.
BOOL ForceSoftwareCursor(BOOL f) { int n=0;
// get the mouse trails setting from USER
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETMOUSETRAILS, 0, (LPVOID)&n, 0);
if (f) { //
// enable mouse trails, this will cause the display driver to
// turn off its hardware cursor
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETMOUSETRAILS, 2, NULL, 0);
// now tell the DIBENG to turn off mouse trails, the display driver
// will think they are still on...
PatchDisplay(3, TRUE); // route to DIBENG
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETMOUSETRAILS, n, NULL, 0); PatchDisplay(3, FALSE); // back to DISPLAY
} else { SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETMOUSETRAILS, n, NULL, 0); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL IsMatrox() { char ach[80]; int len;
GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(szDISPLAY), ach, sizeof(ach)); len = lstrlen(ach); return len >= 7 && lstrcmpi(ach+len-7, "mga.drv") == 0; }