// Microsoft Windows Media Technologies
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 2001. All rights reserved.
// This workspace contains two projects -
// 1. ProgHelp which implements the Progress Interface
// 2. The Sample application WmdmApp.
// ProgHelp.dll needs to be registered first for the SampleApp to run.
// Includes
#include "appPCH.h"
// Local variables
// Constants
#define MIN_DEVICEWND_W 200
// Macros
// Local functions
INT_PTR CALLBACK Device_DlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// Function implementations
CDevices::CDevices() { m_hwndDevices = NULL; m_hwndDevices_TV = NULL;
m_himlSmall = NULL; }
CDevices::~CDevices() { }
HWND CDevices::GetHwnd( void ) { return m_hwndDevices; }
HWND CDevices::GetHwnd_TV( void ) { return m_hwndDevices_TV; }
BOOL CDevices::Create( HWND hwndParent ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
// Create the Devices dialog
m_hwndDevices = CreateDialogParam( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_DEVICES ), hwndParent, Device_DlgProc, (LPARAM)this ); ExitOnNull( m_hwndDevices );
m_hwndDevices_TV = GetDlgItem( m_hwndDevices, IDC_LV_DEVICES );
// Initialize image list
ExitOnFalse( InitImageList() );
// Show the window
ShowWindow( m_hwndDevices, SW_SHOW );
fRet = TRUE;
return fRet; }
VOID CDevices::Destroy( void ) { RemoveAllItems();
if( m_hwndDevices ) { DestroyWindow( m_hwndDevices ); }
if( m_himlSmall ) { ImageList_Destroy( m_himlSmall ); } }
VOID CDevices::OnSize( LPRECT prcMain ) { INT nW, nH;
nW = max( (prcMain->right - prcMain->left)/4, MIN_DEVICEWND_W ); nH = prcMain->bottom - prcMain->top;
SetWindowPos( m_hwndDevices, NULL, -4, 0, nW, nH, SWP_NOZORDER ); SetWindowPos( m_hwndDevices_TV, NULL, 0, 0, nW-10, nH-27, SWP_NOZORDER ); }
BOOL CDevices::InitImageList( void ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HICON hIcon;
// Init Small image list
m_himlSmall = ImageList_Create( GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), ILC_COLOR32 | ILC_MASK, -1, 0 ); ExitOnNull( m_himlSmall );
// Load icons and add them to the image list
hIcon = LoadIcon( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_DEVICE) ); if( hIcon != NULL ) { ImageList_AddIcon( m_himlSmall, hIcon ); } // Add the shell folder icons to the image lsit
nRet = GetWindowsDirectory( szWinPath, sizeof(szWinPath)/sizeof(szWinPath[0]) ); if (nRet > 0 && nRet <= sizeof(szWinPath)/sizeof(szWinPath[0])) { SHGetFileInfo( szWinPath, 0, &si, sizeof(si), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_ICON ); hIcon = si.hIcon; ImageList_AddIcon( m_himlSmall, hIcon );
SHGetFileInfo( szWinPath, 0, &si, sizeof(si), SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_ICON | SHGFI_OPENICON ); hIcon = si.hIcon; ImageList_AddIcon( m_himlSmall, hIcon ); } else { // @@@@ Do we bail out or is ok to go on?
// goto lExit;
} }
// Set the image list for the tree view
TreeView_SetImageList( m_hwndDevices_TV, m_himlSmall, TVSIL_NORMAL );
// Everything went Ok
fRet = TRUE;
return fRet; }
VOID CDevices::RemoveAllItems( void ) { HTREEITEM hItem;
// Get Root item
hItem = TreeView_GetRoot( m_hwndDevices_TV ); if( hItem ) { do { // Remove all children of this device
INT nChildren = RemoveChildren( hItem );
// Get the device class associated with this item
CItemData *pItemData = (CItemData *) TreeView_GetLParam( m_hwndDevices_TV, hItem );
// Release device class
if( pItemData ) { delete pItemData;
TreeView_SetLParam( m_hwndDevices_TV, hItem, (LPARAM)NULL ); }
hItem = TreeView_GetNextSibling( m_hwndDevices_TV, hItem );
} while( hItem != NULL ); }
// Then delete all the items from the list
TreeView_DeleteAllItems( m_hwndDevices_TV ); }
INT CDevices::RemoveChildren( HTREEITEM hItem ) { BOOL nChildren = 0; HTREEITEM hNextItem;
hNextItem = TreeView_GetChild( m_hwndDevices_TV, hItem ); if( hNextItem ) { do { nChildren++;
// Remove all children of this device
nChildren += RemoveChildren( hNextItem );
// Get the storage class associated with this item
CItemData *pItemData = (CItemData *) TreeView_GetLParam( m_hwndDevices_TV, hNextItem );
// Release storage class
if( pItemData ) { delete pItemData;
TreeView_SetLParam( m_hwndDevices_TV, hNextItem, (LPARAM)NULL ); }
hNextItem = TreeView_GetNextSibling( m_hwndDevices_TV, hNextItem );
} while( hNextItem != NULL ); }
return nChildren; }
BOOL CDevices::AddItem( CItemData *pItemData ) { BOOL fRet = TRUE; HTREEITEM hItem; TVINSERTSTRUCT tvis;
// Set up the item information
tvis.hParent = TVI_ROOT; tvis.hInsertAfter = TVI_SORT;
tvis.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_CHILDREN; tvis.item.pszText = pItemData->m_szName; tvis.item.iImage = I_IMAGECALLBACK; tvis.item.iSelectedImage = I_IMAGECALLBACK; tvis.item.lParam = (LPARAM)pItemData; tvis.item.cChildren = 0;
// Add the item
hItem = TreeView_InsertItem( m_hwndDevices_TV, &tvis ); if( NULL == hItem ) { return FALSE; }
// If there are children, update the item
if( HasSubFolders(hItem) ) { tvis.item.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_CHILDREN; tvis.item.hItem = hItem; tvis.item.cChildren = 1; TreeView_SetItem( m_hwndDevices_TV, &(tvis.item) ); }
return fRet; }
INT CDevices::AddChildren( HTREEITEM hItem, BOOL fDeviceItem ) { INT nChildren = 0; HRESULT hr; IWMDMEnumStorage *pEnumStorage;
// Get the storage enumerator associated with the hItem and
CItemData *pItemData = (CItemData *) TreeView_GetLParam( m_hwndDevices_TV, hItem ); ExitOnNull( pItemData );
pEnumStorage = pItemData->m_pEnumStorage; ExitOnNull( pEnumStorage );
// Reset the storage enumerator
hr = pEnumStorage->Reset(); ExitOnFail( hr );
// Add the appropriate list of files to the ListView
while( TRUE ) { IWMDMStorage *pWmdmStorage; CItemData *pItemStorage; ULONG ulFetched;
hr = pEnumStorage->Next( 1, &pWmdmStorage, &ulFetched ); if( hr != S_OK ) { break; } if( ulFetched != 1 ) { ExitOnFail( hr = E_UNEXPECTED ); }
pItemStorage = new CItemData; if( pItemStorage ) { hr = pItemStorage->Init( pWmdmStorage ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) && pItemStorage->m_dwAttributes & WMDM_FILE_ATTR_FOLDER ) { HTREEITEM hNewItem; TVINSERTSTRUCT tvis;
// Set up the item information
tvis.hParent = hItem; tvis.hInsertAfter = TVI_SORT;
tvis.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_CHILDREN; tvis.item.pszText = pItemStorage->m_szName; tvis.item.iImage = I_IMAGECALLBACK; tvis.item.iSelectedImage = I_IMAGECALLBACK; tvis.item.lParam = (LPARAM)pItemStorage; tvis.item.cChildren = 0;
// Add the item
hNewItem = TreeView_InsertItem( m_hwndDevices_TV, &tvis ); if( hNewItem ) { nChildren++;
// If there are children, update the item
if( HasSubFolders(hNewItem) ) { tvis.item.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_CHILDREN; tvis.item.hItem = hNewItem; tvis.item.cChildren = 1; TreeView_SetItem( m_hwndDevices_TV, &(tvis.item) ); } } else { delete pItemStorage; } } else { delete pItemStorage; } }
pWmdmStorage->Release(); }
return nChildren; }
BOOL CDevices::HasSubFolders( HTREEITEM hItem ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
// Get the storage enumeration interface from the item
CItemData *pItemData = (CItemData *) TreeView_GetLParam( m_hwndDevices_TV, hItem ); ExitOnNull( pItemData );
// If the item is a device or has the has-subfolders attribute set,
// then return TRUE. Otherwise, return FALSE
if( pItemData->m_fIsDevice ) { fRet = TRUE; } else if( pItemData->m_dwAttributes & WMDM_STORAGE_ATTR_HAS_FOLDERS ) { fRet = TRUE; } else { fRet = FALSE; }
return fRet; }
HTREEITEM CDevices::GetSelectedItem( LPARAM *pLParam ) { HTREEITEM hItem = TreeView_GetSelection( m_hwndDevices_TV );
if( hItem ) { // Return the lParam value of the item that is selected
if( pLParam ) { *pLParam = TreeView_GetLParam( m_hwndDevices_TV, hItem ); } }
return hItem; }
BOOL CDevices::SetSelectedItem( HTREEITEM hItem ) { return TreeView_SelectItem( m_hwndDevices_TV, hItem ); }
BOOL CDevices::UpdateSelection( HTREEITEM hItem, BOOL fDirty ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HRESULT hr; IWMDMEnumStorage *pEnumStorage = NULL;
// If hItem is NULL, then use the currently-selected item.
// If no item is selected, use the first device.
if( NULL == hItem ) { hItem = GetSelectedItem( NULL );
if( NULL == hItem ) { hItem = TreeView_GetRoot( m_hwndDevices_TV );
// If there are no devices, just exit
ExitOnNull( hItem ); } }
if( fDirty ) { // Remove all current files
// Get the storage enumeration interface from the item
CItemData *pItemData = (CItemData *) TreeView_GetLParam( m_hwndDevices_TV, hItem ); ExitOnNull( pItemData );
pEnumStorage = pItemData->m_pEnumStorage; ExitOnNull( pEnumStorage );
// Reset the storage enumerator
hr = pEnumStorage->Reset(); ExitOnFail( hr );
// Add the appropriate list of files to the ListView
while( TRUE ) { IWMDMStorage *pWmdmStorage; CItemData *pItemStorage; ULONG ulFetched;
hr = pEnumStorage->Next( 1, &pWmdmStorage, &ulFetched ); if( hr != S_OK ) { break; } if( ulFetched != 1 ) { ExitOnFail( hr = E_UNEXPECTED ); }
pItemStorage = new CItemData; if( pItemStorage ) { hr = pItemStorage->Init( pWmdmStorage ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { g_cDevFiles.AddItem( pItemStorage ); } else { delete pItemStorage; }
UiYield(); }
pWmdmStorage->Release(); }
SetSelectedItem( hItem ); }
// Update the device portion of the status bar
// Update the file portion of the status bar
fRet = TRUE;
return fRet; }
INT CDevices::GetDeviceCount( VOID ) { INT nCount = 0; HTREEITEM hItem;
// Count Root items
for( hItem = TreeView_GetRoot( m_hwndDevices_TV ); hItem != NULL; hItem = TreeView_GetNextSibling( m_hwndDevices_TV, hItem ) ) { nCount++; }
return nCount; }
CItemData *CDevices::GetRootDevice( HTREEITEM hItem ) { HTREEITEM hRootItem;
while( TRUE ) { hRootItem = hItem;
hItem = TreeView_GetParent( m_hwndDevices_TV, hRootItem );
if( hItem == NULL ) { break; } }
return (CItemData *) TreeView_GetLParam( m_hwndDevices_TV, hRootItem ); }
VOID CDevices::UpdateStatusBar( VOID ) { INT nCount; HRESULT hr; UINT uStrID; HTREEITEM hItem; CItemData *pItemDevice; DWORD dwMemUsed; char szSpaceKB[MAX_PATH];
// Set the statusbar pane that shows the number of devices
nCount = GetDeviceCount();
if( nCount == 0 ) { uStrID = IDS_SB_DEVICE_MANY; } else if( nCount == 1 ) { uStrID = IDS_SB_DEVICE_ONE; } else { uStrID = IDS_SB_DEVICE_MANY; }
g_cStatus.SetTextFormatted( SB_PANE_DEVICE, uStrID, nCount, NULL );
// If there is a selected device in the list, set the status for
// the space free and used
hItem = GetSelectedItem( NULL ); if( NULL == hItem ) { // Empty the space used and free
g_cStatus.SetTextSz( SB_PANE_DEVFILES_USED, "" ); g_cStatus.SetTextSz( SB_PANE_DEVFILES_FREE, "" ); } else { pItemDevice = GetRootDevice( hItem ); ExitOnNull( pItemDevice );
hr = pItemDevice->Refresh(); ExitOnFail( hr );
dwMemUsed = pItemDevice->m_dwMemSizeKB - pItemDevice->m_dwMemFreeKB - pItemDevice->m_dwMemBadKB;
// Set the space used
g_cStatus.SetTextFormatted( SB_PANE_DEVFILES_USED, IDS_SB_DEVICEFILES_USED, -1, FormatBytesToSz(dwMemUsed, 0, 1024, szSpaceKB, sizeof(szSpaceKB)) ); // Set the space free
g_cStatus.SetTextFormatted( SB_PANE_DEVFILES_FREE, IDS_SB_DEVICEFILES_FREE, -1, FormatBytesToSz(pItemDevice->m_dwMemFreeKB, 0, 1024, szSpaceKB, sizeof(szSpaceKB)) ); }
return; }
// Local function implementations
INT_PTR CALLBACK Device_DlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { WORD wId = LOWORD((DWORD)wParam); WORD wNotifyCode = HIWORD((DWORD)wParam); static CDevices *cDevices = NULL; static HWND hwndTV = NULL; static BOOL fSelChangeInProgress = FALSE;
switch( uMsg ) { case WM_INITDIALOG: cDevices = (CDevices *)lParam; hwndTV = GetDlgItem( hWnd, IDC_LV_DEVICES ); break;
case WM_NOTIFY: { LPNMTREEVIEW pnmtv = (LPNMTREEVIEW)lParam; HWND hwndCtl = pnmtv->hdr.hwndFrom; UINT uCode = pnmtv->hdr.code;
// check for item changes in the device listview.
// if an item has changed its selected state, then update the files listview
if( hwndCtl != hwndTV ) { break; } switch( uCode ) { case TVN_SELCHANGED: if( pnmtv->itemNew.state & LVIS_SELECTED ) { HTREEITEM hItem = (HTREEITEM) pnmtv->itemNew.hItem; CItemData *pItemDevice = (CItemData *) TreeView_GetLParam( hwndTV, hItem );
// Check for NULL. Without this, we crash when refreshing the display.
// All pDevice values have been cleared, and we get this message as the
// devices are being removed from the tree view as the selection moves
// from the device being removed, to the next in the list
if( NULL != pItemDevice ) { // Serialize the device changes, so that we finish changing devices
// before another change begins
if( !fSelChangeInProgress ) { fSelChangeInProgress = TRUE;
PostMessage( hWnd, WM_DRM_UPDATEDEVICE, (WPARAM)hItem, 0 );
fSelChangeInProgress = FALSE; } } } break;
case TVN_GETDISPINFO: { LPNMTVDISPINFO lptvdi = (LPNMTVDISPINFO) lParam; INT nImage; CItemData *pItemData = (CItemData *) TreeView_GetLParam( hwndTV, lptvdi->item.hItem );
if( NULL != pItemData ) { if( pItemData->m_fIsDevice ) { nImage = 0; } else { nImage = ( (lptvdi->item.state & TVIS_EXPANDED) ? 2 : 1 ); } if( TVIF_IMAGE & lptvdi->item.mask ) { lptvdi->item.iImage = nImage; } if( TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE & lptvdi->item.mask ) { lptvdi->item.iSelectedImage = nImage; } } } break;
case TVN_ITEMEXPANDING: if( TVE_EXPAND & pnmtv->action ) { // If the item has not been expanded once already,
// add all its children
if( !(pnmtv->itemNew.state & TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE) ) { BOOL fDeviceItem;
fDeviceItem = ( NULL == TreeView_GetParent(hwndTV, pnmtv->itemNew.hItem) );
cDevices->AddChildren( pnmtv->itemNew.hItem, fDeviceItem ); } } else if( TVE_COLLAPSE & pnmtv->action ) { // Do nothing
} break;
default: break; } } break;
// Display the context menu for this device
case WM_CONTEXTMENU : { HMENU hMenuLoad; HMENU hMenu;
hMenuLoad = LoadMenu(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_CONTEXT_MENU)); hMenu = GetSubMenu(hMenuLoad, 0);
TrackPopupMenu( hMenu, TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam), 0, hWnd, NULL);
DestroyMenu(hMenuLoad); break; } case WM_COMMAND : { // Show properties dialog for device
if( wParam == IDM_PROPERTIES ) { HTREEITEM hTree; CItemData* pItemData;
// Get selected item
hTree = TreeView_GetSelection( cDevices->GetHwnd_TV() ); if( hTree ) { // Get item data of selected item
pItemData = (CItemData *) TreeView_GetLParam( hwndTV, hTree ); if( pItemData ) { if( pItemData->m_fIsDevice ) { // Show the device property dialog
DialogBoxParam( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PROPERTIES_DEVICE), g_hwndMain, DeviceProp_DlgProc, (LPARAM)pItemData ); } else { // Show the device property dialog
DialogBoxParam( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PROPERTIES_STORAGE), g_hwndMain, StorageProp_DlgProc, (LPARAM)pItemData ); } } } } break; }
case WM_DRM_UPDATEDEVICE: cDevices->UpdateSelection( (HTREEITEM)wParam, TRUE ); break;
default: break; }
return 0; }