// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997-2001.
// File: C O N M A N . C P P
// Contents: Connection manager.
// Notes:
// Author: shaunco 21 Sep 1997
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <dbt.h>
#include <ndisguid.h>
#include "conman.h"
// #include "dialup.h"
#include "enum.h"
#include "eventq.h"
#include "ncnetcon.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
#include "nminit.h"
#if DBG
#include "ncras.h"
#endif // DBG
#include <wmium.h>
#include "cmutil.h"
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <shfolder.h>
#include "cobase.h"
#define SECURITY_WIN32
#include <security.h>
#include <wzcsvc.h>
#include "rasuip.h"
#include "cmdirect.h"
bool operator < (const GUID& rguid1, const GUID& rguid2) throw() { return memcmp(&rguid1, &rguid2, sizeof(GUID)) < 0; }
static const WCHAR c_szRegKeyClassManagers [] = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Network\\Connections"; static const WCHAR c_szRegValClassManagers [] = L"ClassManagers";
volatile CConnectionManager* CConnectionManager::g_pConMan = NULL; volatile BOOL CConnectionManager::g_fInUse = FALSE;
bool operator == (const NETCON_PROPERTIES& rProps1, const NETCON_PROPERTIES& rProps2) throw() { return (IsEqualGUID(rProps1.clsidThisObject, rProps2.clsidThisObject) && IsEqualGUID(rProps1.clsidUiObject, rProps2.clsidUiObject) && (rProps1.dwCharacter == rProps2.dwCharacter) && IsEqualGUID(rProps1.guidId, rProps2.guidId) && (rProps1.MediaType == rProps2.MediaType) && (rProps1.pszwDeviceName == rProps2.pszwDeviceName) && (rProps1.pszwName == rProps2.pszwName) && (rProps1.Status == rProps2.Status)); }
BOOL CConnectionManager::FHasActiveConnectionPoints () throw() { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
// Note our intent to use g_pConMan. We may find out that it is not
// available for use, but setting g_fInUse to TRUE prevents FinalRelease
// from allowing the object to be destroyed while we are using it.
g_fInUse = TRUE;
// Save g_pConMan into a local variable since we have to test and use
// it atomically. If we tested g_pConMan directly and then used it
// directly, it may have been set to NULL by FinalRelease in between
// our test and use. (Uh, which would be bad.)
// The const_cast is because g_pConMan is declared volatile.
CConnectionManager* pConMan = const_cast<CConnectionManager*>(g_pConMan); if (pConMan) { pConMan->Lock();
IUnknown** ppUnk; for (ppUnk = pConMan->m_vec.begin(); ppUnk < pConMan->m_vec.end(); ppUnk++) { if (ppUnk && *ppUnk) { fRet = TRUE; break; } }
pConMan->Unlock(); }
// Now that we are finished using the object, indicate so. FinalRelease
// may be waiting for this condition in which case the object will soon
// be destroyed.
g_fInUse = FALSE;
return fRet; }
// Member: CConnectionManager::FinalRelease
// Purpose: COM destructor
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: nothing
// Author: shaunco 21 Sep 1997
// Notes:
VOID CConnectionManager::FinalRelease () { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman); // Use INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE to block call until all outstanding event notifications have returned
NTSTATUS Status = RtlDeregisterWaitEx(m_hRegNotifyWait, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TraceError("Could not deregister Registry Change Notification", HrFromLastWin32Error()); } m_hRegNotifyWait = NULL;
if (m_hRegClassManagerKey) { RegCloseKey(m_hRegClassManagerKey); m_hRegClassManagerKey = NULL; }
if (m_hRegNotify) { CloseHandle(m_hRegNotify); m_hRegNotify = NULL; }
// Unregister for PnP device events if we successfully registered for
// them.
if (m_hDevNotify) { TraceTag (ttidConman, "Calling UnregisterDeviceNotification...");
if (!UnregisterDeviceNotification (m_hDevNotify)) { TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, HrFromLastWin32Error(), FALSE, "UnregisterDeviceNotification"); } }
(VOID) HrEnsureRegisteredOrDeregisteredWithWmi (FALSE);
// Revoke the global connection manager pointer so that subsequent calls
// to NotifyClientsOfEvent on other threads will do nothing.
g_pConMan = NULL;
// Wait for g_fInUse to become FALSE. NotifyClientsOfEvent will set
// this to TRUE while it is using us.
// Keep track of the number of times we sleep and trace it for
// informational purposes. If we see that we are waiting quite a few
// number of times, increase the wait period.
if (g_fInUse) { TraceTag (ttidConman, "CConnectionManager::FinalRelease is waiting " "for NotifyClientsOfEvent to finish..."); } #endif
ULONG cSleeps = 0; const DWORD nMilliseconds = 0; while (g_fInUse) { cSleeps++; Sleep (nMilliseconds); }
if (cSleeps) { TraceTag (ttidConman, "CConnectionManager::FinalRelease slept %d " "times. (%d ms each time.)", cSleeps, nMilliseconds); } #endif
// Release our class managers.
for (CLASSMANAGERMAP::iterator iter = m_mapClassManagers.begin(); iter != m_mapClassManagers.end(); iter++) { ReleaseObj (iter->second); }
TraceTag (ttidConman, "Connection manager being destroyed"); }
inline LPVOID OffsetToPointer(LPVOID pStart, DWORD dwNumBytes) { DWORD_PTR dwPtr;
dwPtr = reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(pStart);
dwPtr += dwNumBytes;
return reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(dwPtr); }
// Member: WmiEventCallback
// Purpose: Our WMI callback function that is called when WMI events are
// received. This is registered using
// CConnectionManager::HrEnsureRegisteredOrDeregisteredWithWmi
// Arguments:
// Wnone [in]
// NotificationContext [in]
// Returns: nothing
// Author: ckotze 2001
// Notes: Must match type of NOTIFICATIONCALLBACK
VOID WINAPI WmiEventCallback ( PWNODE_HEADER Wnode, UINT_PTR NotificationContext) { TraceTag (ttidConman, "WmiEventCallback called..."); TraceTag(ttidEvents, "Flags: %d", Wnode->Flags); if (WNODE_FLAG_SINGLE_INSTANCE == (WNODE_FLAG_SINGLE_INSTANCE & Wnode->Flags)) { PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE pInstance = reinterpret_cast<PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE>(Wnode); LPCWSTR lpszDevice = NULL; LPWSTR lpszGuid; GUID guidAdapter;
lpszDevice = reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(OffsetToPointer(pInstance, pInstance->DataBlockOffset));
lpszGuid = wcsrchr(lpszDevice, L'{'); TraceTag(ttidEvents, "Adapter Guid From NDIS for Media Status Change Event: %S", lpszGuid); if (SUCCEEDED(CLSIDFromString(lpszGuid, &guidAdapter))) { CONMAN_EVENT* pEvent;
pEvent = new CONMAN_EVENT;
if(pEvent) { pEvent->ConnectionManager = CONMAN_LAN; pEvent->guidId = guidAdapter; pEvent->Type = CONNECTION_STATUS_CHANGE; if (IsEqualGUID(Wnode->Guid, GUID_NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_CONNECT)) { pEvent->Status = NCS_CONNECTED; } else if (IsEqualGUID(Wnode->Guid, GUID_NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_DISCONNECT)) { pEvent->Status = NCS_MEDIA_DISCONNECTED; } else { AssertSz(FALSE, "We never registered for this event ... WMI may be having internal issues."); MemFree(pEvent); return; } if (!QueueUserWorkItemInThread(LanEventWorkItem, pEvent, EVENTMGR_CONMAN)) { FreeConmanEvent(pEvent); } } } } else { LanEventNotify (REFRESH_ALL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } }
// Member: CConnectionManager::HrEnsureRegisteredOrDeregisteredWithWmi
// Purpose: Register or deregister for NDIS Media Connect & Disconnect
// with WMI
// Arguments:
// fRegister [in] TRUE to register, FALSE to deregister
// Returns: nothing
// Author: ckotze 2001
// Notes:
HRESULT CConnectionManager::HrEnsureRegisteredOrDeregisteredWithWmi ( IN BOOL fRegister) { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman); // Already registered or deregistered?
if (!!m_fRegisteredWithWmi == !!fRegister) { return S_OK; }
m_fRegisteredWithWmi = !!fRegister;
TraceTag (ttidConman, "Calling WmiNotificationRegistration to %s for NDIS media events...", (fRegister) ? "register" : "unregister");
for (i = 0; i < celems(apguid); i++) { dwErr = WmiNotificationRegistration ( const_cast<GUID*>(apguid[i]), !!fRegister, // !! for BOOL to BOOLEAN
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "WmiNotificationRegistration"); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrEnsureRegisteredOrDeregisteredWithWmi"); return hr; }
// Member: CConnectionManager::NotifyClientsOfEvent
// Purpose: Notify our connection points that this object has changed
// state in some way and that a re-enumeration is needed.
// Arguments:
// pEvent [in] The event to dispatch to all the clients
// Returns: nothing
// Author: shaunco 20 Mar 1998
// Notes: This is a static function. No this pointer is passed.
// static
VOID CConnectionManager::NotifyClientsOfEvent ( IN const CONMAN_EVENT* pEvent) throw() { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
HRESULT hr; // Let's be sure we only do work if the service state is still running.
// If we have a stop pending for example, we don't need to do anything.
if (SERVICE_RUNNING != _Module.DwServiceStatus ()) { return; }
// Note our intent to use g_pConMan. We may find out that it is not
// available for use, but setting g_fInUse to TRUE prevents FinalRelease
// from allowing the object to be destroyed while we are using it.
g_fInUse = TRUE;
// Save g_pConMan into a local variable since we have to test and use
// it atomically. If we tested g_pConMan directly and then used it
// directly, it may have been set to NULL by FinalRelease in between
// our test and use. (Uh, which would be bad.)
// The const_cast is because g_pConMan is declared volatile.
CConnectionManager* pConMan = const_cast<CConnectionManager*>(g_pConMan); if (pConMan) { ULONG cpUnk; IUnknown** apUnk;
hr = HrCopyIUnknownArrayWhileLocked ( pConMan, &pConMan->m_vec, &cpUnk, &apUnk);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && cpUnk && apUnk) { #ifdef DBG
CHAR szClientList[MAX_PATH]; ZeroMemory(szClientList, MAX_PATH); LPSTR pszClientList = szClientList;
ITERUSERNOTIFYMAP iter; for (iter = pConMan->m_mapNotify.begin(); iter != pConMan->m_mapNotify.end(); iter++) { pszClientList += sprintf(pszClientList, "%d ", iter->second->dwCookie); if (pszClientList > (szClientList + MAX_PATH-50) ) { break; } }
if (iter != pConMan->m_mapNotify.end()) { pszClientList += sprintf(pszClientList, "(more)"); }
TraceTag (ttidConman, "NotifyClientsOfEvent: Notifying %d clients. Cookies: %s)", cpUnk, szClientList); #endif
for (ULONG i = 0; i < cpUnk; i++) { INetConnectionNotifySink* pSink = NULL; BOOL fFireEventOnSink = FALSE;
hr = apUnk[i]->QueryInterface(IID_INetConnectionNotifySink, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(&pSink));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CoSetProxyBlanket ( pSink, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, // use NT default security
RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, // use NT default authentication
NULL, // must be null if default
RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY, NULL, // use process token
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { switch (pEvent->Type) { case CONNECTION_ADDED:
Assert (pEvent); Assert (pEvent->pPropsEx); TraceTag(ttidEvents, "Characteristics: %s", DbgNccf(pEvent->pPropsEx->dwCharacter));
if (!(NCCF_ALL_USERS == (pEvent->pPropsEx->dwCharacter & NCCF_ALL_USERS))) { const WCHAR* pchw = reinterpret_cast<const WCHAR*>(pEvent->pPropsEx->bstrPersistData); const WCHAR* pchwMax; PCWSTR pszwPhonebook; WCHAR LeadWord = PersistDataLead; WCHAR TrailWord = PersistDataTrail; IUnknown* pUnkSink = NULL; hr = pSink->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(&pUnkSink)); AssertSz(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Please explain how this happened..."); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // The last valid pointer for the embedded strings.
pchwMax = reinterpret_cast<const WCHAR*>(pEvent->pbPersistData + pEvent->cbPersistData - (sizeof (GUID) + sizeof (BOOL) + sizeof (TrailWord))); if (pchw && (LeadWord == *pchw)) { TraceTag(ttidEvents, "Found Correct Lead Character."); // Skip past our lead byte.
// Get PhoneBook path. Search for the terminating null and make sure
// we find it before the end of the buffer. Using lstrlen to skip
// the string can result in an an AV in the event the string is
// not actually null-terminated.
for (pszwPhonebook = pchw; *pchw != L'\0' ; pchw++) { if (pchw >= pchwMax) { pszwPhonebook = NULL; break; } }
TraceTag(ttidEvents, "Found Valid Phonebook: %S", (pszwPhonebook) ? L"TRUE" : L"FALSE");
if (pszwPhonebook) { pConMan->Lock();
ITERUSERNOTIFYMAP iter = pConMan->m_mapNotify.find(pUnkSink); if (iter != pConMan->m_mapNotify.end()) { tstring& strUserDataPath = iter->second->szUserProfilesPath; TraceTag(ttidEvents, "Comparing stored Path: %S to Phonebook Path: %S", strUserDataPath.c_str(), pszwPhonebook); if (_wcsnicmp(pszwPhonebook, strUserDataPath.c_str(), strUserDataPath.length()) == 0) { fFireEventOnSink = TRUE; } } else { TraceTag(ttidError, "Could not find Path for NotifySink: 0x%08x", pUnkSink); }
pConMan->Unlock(); } } else { // Some other devices do not use this Format, but need to be sent events.
fFireEventOnSink = TRUE; }
ReleaseObj(pUnkSink); } } else { TraceTag(ttidEvents, "All User Connection"); fFireEventOnSink = TRUE; }
if (fFireEventOnSink) { TraceTag (ttidEvents, "Notifying ConnectionAdded... (pSink=0x%p)", pSink);
hr = pSink->ConnectionAdded ( pEvent->pPropsEx); }
case CONNECTION_BANDWIDTH_CHANGE: TraceTag (ttidEvents, "Notifying ConnectionBandWidthChange... (pSink=0x%p)", pSink);
hr = pSink->ConnectionBandWidthChange (&pEvent->guidId); break;
case CONNECTION_DELETED: TraceTag (ttidEvents, "Notifying ConnectionDeleted... (pSink=0x%p)", pSink);
hr = pSink->ConnectionDeleted (&pEvent->guidId); break;
case CONNECTION_MODIFIED: Assert (pEvent->pPropsEx);
TraceTag (ttidEvents, "Notifying ConnectionModified... (pSink=0x%p)", pSink);
hr = pSink->ConnectionModified (pEvent->pPropsEx); break;
case CONNECTION_RENAMED: TraceTag (ttidEvents, "Notifying ConnectionRenamed... (pSink=0x%p)", pSink);
hr = pSink->ConnectionRenamed (&pEvent->guidId, pEvent->szNewName); break; case CONNECTION_STATUS_CHANGE: TraceTag (ttidEvents, "Notifying ConnectionStatusChange... (pSink=0x%p)", pSink);
TraceTag(ttidEvents, "Status changed to: %s", DbgNcs(pEvent->Status));
hr = pSink->ConnectionStatusChange (&pEvent->guidId, pEvent->Status); break;
case REFRESH_ALL: TraceTag (ttidEvents, "Notifying RefreshAll... (pSink=0x%p)", pSink);
hr = pSink->RefreshAll (); break;
case CONNECTION_ADDRESS_CHANGE: TraceTag (ttidEvents, "Notifying ConnectionAddressChange... (pSink=0x%p)", pSink);
hr = pSink->ConnectionAddressChange(&pEvent->guidId); break;
case CONNECTION_BALLOON_POPUP: TraceTag (ttidEvents, "Notifying ConnectionStatusChange... (pSink=0x%p)", pSink);
hr = pSink->ShowBalloon(&pEvent->guidId, pEvent->szCookie, pEvent->szBalloonText); break;
case DISABLE_EVENTS: TraceTag (ttidEvents, "Notifying DisableEvents... (pSink=0x%p)", pSink);
hr = pSink->DisableEvents(pEvent->fDisable, pEvent->ulDisableTimeout); break;
default: TraceTag(ttidEvents, "Event Type Passed: %d", pEvent->Type); AssertSz (FALSE, "Invalid Type specified in pEvent"); break; } TraceErrorOptional("pSink call failed: ", hr, (S_FALSE == hr) );
if ( (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE) == hr) || (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE) == hr) || (RPC_E_SERVER_DIED == hr) || (RPC_E_DISCONNECTED == hr) || (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(RPC_S_CALL_FAILED) == hr) ) { IUnknown* pUnkSink = NULL; HRESULT hrT = pSink->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(&pUnkSink)); if (SUCCEEDED(hrT)) { ITERUSERNOTIFYMAP iter = pConMan->m_mapNotify.find(pUnkSink); if (iter != pConMan->m_mapNotify.end()) { TraceTag(ttidError, "Dead client detected. Removing notify advise for: %S", iter->second->szUserName.c_str());
hrT = pConMan->Unadvise(iter->second->dwCookie); } ReleaseObj(pUnkSink); } TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hrT, S_FALSE == hrT, "Error removing notify advise."); } } else { TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CConnectionManager::NotifyClientsOfEvent: " "CoSetProxyBlanket failed for event %d.", pEvent->Type); }
ReleaseObj(pSink); } } MemFree (apUnk); } }
// Now that we are finished using the object, indicate so. FinalRelease
// may be waiting for this condition in which case the object will soon
// be destroyed.
g_fInUse = FALSE;
// Member: CConnectionManager::HrEnsureClassManagersLoaded
// Purpose: Loads the class managers if they have not been loaded yet.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or an error code.
// Author: shaunco 10 Dec 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CConnectionManager::HrEnsureClassManagersLoaded () { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
// Need to protect m_mapClassManagers for the case that two clients
// get our object simultaneously and call a method which invokes
// this method. Need to transition m_mapClassManagers from being
// empty to being full in one atomic operation.
CExceptionSafeComObjectLock EsLock (this);
// If our vector of class managers is emtpy, try to load them.
// This will certainly be the case if we haven't tried to load them yet.
// If will also be the case when no class managers are registered.
// This isn't likely because we register them in hivesys.inf, but it
// shouldn't hurt to keep trying if they're really are none registered.
if (m_mapClassManagers.empty()) { TraceTag (ttidConman, "Loading class managers...");
// Load the registered class managers.
// Open the registry key where the class managers are registered.
HKEY hkey; hr = HrRegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRegKeyClassManagers, KEY_READ, &hkey); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Read the multi-sz of class manager CLSIDs.
PWSTR pmsz; hr = HrRegQueryMultiSzWithAlloc (hkey, c_szRegValClassManagers, &pmsz); if (S_OK == hr) { (VOID) HrNmWaitForClassObjectsToBeRegistered ();
// For each CLSID, create the object and request its
// INetConnectionManager interface.
for (PCWSTR pszClsid = pmsz; *pszClsid; pszClsid += wcslen (pszClsid) + 1) { // Convert the string to a CLSID. If it fails, skip it.
CLSID clsid; if (FAILED(CLSIDFromString ((LPOLESTR)pszClsid, &clsid))) { TraceTag (ttidConman, "Skipping bogus CLSID (%S)", pszClsid); continue; }
// Create the class manager and add it to our list.
INetConnectionManager* pConMan;
hr = CoCreateInstance ( clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL | CLSCTX_NO_CODE_DOWNLOAD, IID_INetConnectionManager, reinterpret_cast<VOID**>(&pConMan));
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CConnectionManager::HrEnsureClassManagersLoaded: " "CoCreateInstance failed for class manager %S.", pszClsid);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TraceTag (ttidConman, "Loaded class manager %S", pszClsid);
Assert (pConMan); if (m_mapClassManagers.find(clsid) != m_mapClassManagers.end()) { AssertSz(FALSE, "Attempting to insert the same class manager twice!"); } else { m_mapClassManagers[clsid] = pConMan; } }
// If CoCreateInstance starts failing again on retail builds, this can
// be helpful.
else { CHAR psznBuf [512]; wsprintfA (psznBuf, "NETCFG: CoCreateInstance failed " "(0x%08x) on class manager %i.\n", hr, m_mapClassManagers.size ()); OutputDebugStringA (psznBuf); } */ }
MemFree (pmsz); }
RegCloseKey (hkey); }
TraceTag (ttidConman, "Loaded %i class managers", m_mapClassManagers.size ()); }
TraceErrorOptional ("CConnectionManager::HrEnsureClassManagersLoaded", hr, (S_FALSE == hr)); return hr; }
// Member: CConnectionManager::RegChangeNotifyHandler
// Purpose: Notification of a change inside the Registry where the
// class managers clsid's are being stored. This updates the
// class manager context with the new clsid's and send out a refresh
// to all the clients.
// Arguments:
// pContext [in,out] CConnectionManager context to update
// fTimerFired [in] TRUE if this was as a result of a timeout
// Returns: VOID
// Author: deonb Feb 2002
// Notes: The pContext connection manager will be updated by the new
// class manager in the registry, or the one just removed.
VOID NTAPI CConnectionManager::RegChangeNotifyHandler(IN OUT LPVOID pContext, IN BOOLEAN fTimerFired) throw() { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
TraceTag(ttidConman, "CConnectionManager::RegChangeNotifyHandler (%d)", fTimerFired);
CConnectionManager *pThis = reinterpret_cast<CConnectionManager *>(pContext); CExceptionSafeComObjectLock EsLock (pThis); list<GUID> lstRegisteredGuids;
HKEY hkey; HRESULT hr = HrRegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRegKeyClassManagers, KEY_READ, &hkey); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Read the multi-sz of class manager CLSIDs.
PWSTR pmsz; hr = HrRegQueryMultiSzWithAlloc (hkey, c_szRegValClassManagers, &pmsz); if (S_OK == hr) { for (PCWSTR pszClsid = pmsz; *pszClsid; pszClsid += wcslen (pszClsid) + 1) { CLSID clsid; if (FAILED(CLSIDFromString ((LPOLESTR)pszClsid, &clsid))) { TraceTag (ttidConman, "Skipping bogus CLSID (%S)", pszClsid); continue; } lstRegisteredGuids.push_back(clsid); } } RegCloseKey(hkey);
BOOL bFound; do { bFound = FALSE;
CLASSMANAGERMAP::iterator iterClassMgr;
for (iterClassMgr = pThis->m_mapClassManagers.begin(); iterClassMgr != pThis->m_mapClassManagers.end(); iterClassMgr++) { if (find(lstRegisteredGuids.begin(), lstRegisteredGuids.end(), iterClassMgr->first) == lstRegisteredGuids.end()) { // Class manager key has been removed
TraceTag(ttidConman, "Removing class manager"); bFound = TRUE; break; } }
if (bFound) { ULONG uRefCount = iterClassMgr->second->Release(); TraceTag(ttidConman, "Releasing class manager - Refcount = %d", uRefCount); pThis->m_mapClassManagers.erase(iterClassMgr); } } while (bFound);
for (list<GUID>::iterator iter = lstRegisteredGuids.begin(); iter != lstRegisteredGuids.end(); iter++) { if (pThis->m_mapClassManagers.find(*iter) == pThis->m_mapClassManagers.end()) { // Class manager key has been added
TraceTag(ttidConman, "Adding class manager"); INetConnectionManager* pConMan; hr = CoCreateInstance ( *iter, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL | CLSCTX_NO_CODE_DOWNLOAD, IID_INetConnectionManager, reinterpret_cast<VOID**>(&pConMan));
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CConnectionManager::RegChangeNotifyHandler: CoCreateInstance failed for class manager.");
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TraceTag (ttidConman, "Loaded class manager"); Assert (pConMan); if (pThis->m_mapClassManagers.find(*iter) != pThis->m_mapClassManagers.end()) { AssertSz(FALSE, "Attempting to insert the same class manager twice!"); } else { pThis->m_mapClassManagers[*iter] = pConMan; } } } } } else { TraceError("Could not open registry key", HrFromLastWin32Error()); }
TraceError("RegChangeNotifyHandler", hr);
// Update all the connection folder instances.
LanEventNotify (REFRESH_ALL, NULL, NULL, NULL); // Reset the change notification
RegNotifyChangeKeyValue(pThis->m_hRegClassManagerKey, FALSE, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET, pThis->m_hRegNotify, TRUE); }
// INetConnectionManager
// Member: CConnectionManager::EnumConnections
// Purpose: Return an INetConnection enumerator.
// Arguments:
// Flags [in] Unused currently
// ppEnum [out] The enumerator.
// Returns: S_OK or an error code.
// Author: shaunco 21 Sep 1997
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::EnumConnections ( IN NETCONMGR_ENUM_FLAGS Flags, OUT IEnumNetConnection** ppEnum) { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman); TraceTag(ttidConman, "CConnectionManager::EnumConnections (%d)", Flags);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; { CExceptionSafeComObjectLock EsLock (this);
Assert(FImplies(m_hRegNotify, m_hRegClassManagerKey)); if (!m_hRegNotify) { m_hRegNotify = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (m_hRegNotify) { NTSTATUS Status = RtlRegisterWait(&m_hRegNotifyWait, m_hRegNotify, &CConnectionManager::RegChangeNotifyHandler, this, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_NT(Status); } else { hr = HrRegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRegKeyClassManagers, KEY_READ, &m_hRegClassManagerKey); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = RegNotifyChangeKeyValue(m_hRegClassManagerKey, FALSE, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET, m_hRegNotify, TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) { RegCloseKey(m_hRegClassManagerKey); m_hRegClassManagerKey = NULL; } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { // Use INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE to block call until all outstanding event notifications have returned
Status = RtlDeregisterWaitEx(m_hRegNotifyWait, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_NT(Status); } m_hRegNotifyWait = NULL; } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { CloseHandle(m_hRegNotify); m_hRegNotify = NULL; } } else { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Create and return the enumerator.
hr = HrEnsureClassManagersLoaded (); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CConnectionManagerEnumConnection::CreateInstance ( Flags, m_mapClassManagers, IID_IEnumNetConnection, reinterpret_cast<VOID**>(ppEnum)); } }
TraceErrorOptional ("CConnectionManager::EnumConnections", hr, (S_FALSE == hr)); return hr; }
// INetConnectionRefresh
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::RefreshAll() { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
LanEventNotify (REFRESH_ALL, NULL, NULL, NULL); return S_OK; }
// Function: CConnectionManager::ConnectionAdded
// Purpose: Notifies event sinks that a new connection has been added.
// Arguments:
// pConnection [in] INetConnection* for new connection.
// Returns: Standard HRESULT
// Author: deonb 22 Mar 2001
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::ConnectionAdded( IN INetConnection* pConnection) { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CONMAN_EVENT* pEvent = new CONMAN_EVENT; if (pEvent) { ZeroMemory(pEvent, sizeof(CONMAN_EVENT)); pEvent->Type = CONNECTION_ADDED; hr = HrGetPropertiesExFromINetConnection(pConnection, &pEvent->pPropsEx); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (QueueUserWorkItemInThread(ConmanEventWorkItem, pEvent, EVENTMGR_CONMAN)) { return hr; } hr = E_FAIL; } FreeConmanEvent(pEvent); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
// Function: CConnectionManager::ConnectionDeleted
// Purpose: Sends an event to notify of a connection being deleted.
// Arguments:
// pguidId [in] GUID of the connectoid
// Returns: Standard HRESULT
// Author: ckotze 18 Apr 2001
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::ConnectionDeleted( IN const GUID* pguidId) { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CONMAN_EVENT* pEvent = new CONMAN_EVENT; if (pEvent) { ZeroMemory(pEvent, sizeof(CONMAN_EVENT)); pEvent->Type = CONNECTION_DELETED; pEvent->guidId = *pguidId; if (!QueueUserWorkItemInThread(ConmanEventWorkItem, pEvent, EVENTMGR_CONMAN)) { hr = E_FAIL; FreeConmanEvent(pEvent); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
// Function: CConnectionManager::ConnectionRenamed
// Purpose: Notifies the event sinks of a connection being renamed.
// Arguments:
// pConnection [in] INetConnection* for new connection.
// Returns: Standard HRESULT
// Author: ckotze 19 Apr 2001
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::ConnectionRenamed( IN INetConnection* pConnection) { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CONMAN_EVENT* pEvent = new CONMAN_EVENT; if (pEvent) { ZeroMemory(pEvent, sizeof(CONMAN_EVENT)); pEvent->Type = CONNECTION_RENAMED; hr = HrGetPropertiesExFromINetConnection(pConnection, &pEvent->pPropsEx); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { lstrcpynW (pEvent->szNewName, pEvent->pPropsEx->bstrName, celems(pEvent->szNewName) ); pEvent->guidId = pEvent->pPropsEx->guidId;
if (QueueUserWorkItemInThread(ConmanEventWorkItem, pEvent, EVENTMGR_CONMAN)) { return hr; } hr = E_FAIL; } FreeConmanEvent(pEvent); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
// Function: CConnectionManager::ConnectionModified
// Purpose: Sends an event to notify clients that the connection has been
// Modified.
// Arguments:
// pConnection [in] INetConnection* for new connection.
// Returns: Standard HRESULT
// Author: ckotze 22 Mar 2001
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::ConnectionModified(INetConnection* pConnection) { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CONMAN_EVENT* pEvent = new CONMAN_EVENT; if (pEvent) { ZeroMemory(pEvent, sizeof(CONMAN_EVENT)); pEvent->Type = CONNECTION_MODIFIED; hr = HrGetPropertiesExFromINetConnection(pConnection, &pEvent->pPropsEx); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (QueueUserWorkItemInThread(ConmanEventWorkItem, pEvent, EVENTMGR_CONMAN)) { return hr; } hr = E_FAIL; } FreeConmanEvent(pEvent); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
// Function: CConnectionManager::ConnectionStatusChanged
// Purpose: Sends the ShowBalloon event to each applicable netshell
// Arguments:
// pguidId [in] GUID of the connectoid
// ncs [in] New status of the connectoid
// Returns: Standard HRESULT
// Author: deonb 22 Mar 2001
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::ConnectionStatusChanged( IN const GUID* pguidId, IN const NETCON_STATUS ncs) { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
CONMAN_EVENT* pEvent = new CONMAN_EVENT; if (pEvent) { ZeroMemory(pEvent, sizeof(CONMAN_EVENT)); pEvent->Type = CONNECTION_STATUS_CHANGE; pEvent->guidId = *pguidId; pEvent->Status = ncs; if (!QueueUserWorkItemInThread(ConmanEventWorkItem, pEvent, EVENTMGR_CONMAN)) { FreeConmanEvent(pEvent); hr = E_FAIL; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
// Function: CConnectionManager::ShowBalloon
// Purpose: Sends the ShowBalloon event to each applicable netshell
// Arguments:
// pguidId [in] GUID of the connectoid
// szCookie [in] A specified cookie that will end up at netshell
// szBalloonText [in] The balloon text
// Returns: Standard HRESULT
// Author: deonb 22 Mar 2001
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::ShowBalloon( IN const GUID *pguidId, IN const BSTR szCookie, IN const BSTR szBalloonText) { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CONMAN_EVENT* pEvent = new CONMAN_EVENT; if (pEvent) { ZeroMemory(pEvent, sizeof(CONMAN_EVENT)); pEvent->Type = CONNECTION_BALLOON_POPUP; pEvent->guidId = *pguidId; pEvent->szCookie = SysAllocStringByteLen(reinterpret_cast<LPCSTR>(szCookie), SysStringByteLen(szCookie)); pEvent->szBalloonText = SysAllocString(szBalloonText); if (!QueueUserWorkItemInThread(ConmanEventWorkItem, pEvent, EVENTMGR_CONMAN)) { hr = E_FAIL; FreeConmanEvent(pEvent); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
// Function: CConnectionManager::DisableEvents
// Purpose: Disable netshell processing of events for x milliseconds
// Arguments:
// fDisable [in] TRUE to disable EVENT processing, FALSE to renable
// ulDisableTimeout [in] Number of milliseconds to disable event processing for
// Returns: Standard HRESULT
// Author: deonb 10 April 2001
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::DisableEvents(IN const BOOL fDisable, IN const ULONG ulDisableTimeout) { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (ulDisableTimeout > MAX_DISABLE_EVENT_TIMEOUT) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
CONMAN_EVENT* pEvent = new CONMAN_EVENT; if (pEvent) { ZeroMemory(pEvent, sizeof(CONMAN_EVENT)); pEvent->Type = DISABLE_EVENTS; pEvent->fDisable = fDisable; // We set the high bit to let netshell know that this is coming from our private interface.
pEvent->ulDisableTimeout = 0x80000000 | ulDisableTimeout; if (!QueueUserWorkItemInThread(ConmanEventWorkItem, pEvent, EVENTMGR_CONMAN)) { hr = E_FAIL; FreeConmanEvent(pEvent); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
// Function: CConnectionManager::RefreshConnections
// Purpose: Refreshes the connections in the connections folder
// Arguments:
// None.
// Returns: Standard HRESULT
// Author: ckotze 19 April 2001
// Notes: This is a public interface that we are providing in order to
// allow other components/companies to have some control over
// the Connections Folder.
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::RefreshConnections() { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CONMAN_EVENT* pEvent = new CONMAN_EVENT; if (pEvent) { ZeroMemory(pEvent, sizeof(CONMAN_EVENT)); pEvent->Type = REFRESH_ALL; if (!QueueUserWorkItemInThread(ConmanEventWorkItem, pEvent, EVENTMGR_CONMAN)) { hr = E_FAIL; FreeConmanEvent(pEvent); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
// Function: CConnectionManager::Enable
// Purpose: Enables events to be fired once more in the connections folder
// Arguments:
// None.
// Returns: Standard HRESULT
// Author: ckotze 19 April 2001
// Notes: This is a public interface that we are providing in order to
// allow other components/companies to have some control over
// the Connections Folder.
// Since this is a public interface, we are only allowing the
// INVALID_ADDRESS notification to be disabled
// (this will take place in netshell.dll).
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::Enable() { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CONMAN_EVENT* pEvent = new CONMAN_EVENT; if (pEvent) { ZeroMemory(pEvent, sizeof(CONMAN_EVENT)); pEvent->Type = DISABLE_EVENTS; pEvent->fDisable = FALSE; if (!QueueUserWorkItemInThread(ConmanEventWorkItem, pEvent, EVENTMGR_CONMAN)) { hr = E_FAIL; FreeConmanEvent(pEvent); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
// Function: CConnectionManager::Disable
// Purpose: Disable netshell processing of events for x milliseconds
// Arguments:
// ulDisableTimeout [in] Number of milliseconds to disable event
// processing for. Max is 60000 (1 minute)
// Returns: Standard HRESULT
// Author: ckotze 19 April 2001
// Notes: This is a public interface that we are providing in order to
// allow other components/companies to have some control over
// the Connections Folder.
// Since this is a public interface, we are only allowing the
// INVALID_ADDRESS notification to be disabled
// (this will take place in netshell.dll).
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::Disable(IN const ULONG ulDisableTimeout) { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (ulDisableTimeout > MAX_DISABLE_EVENT_TIMEOUT) { return E_INVALIDARG; } CONMAN_EVENT* pEvent = new CONMAN_EVENT; if (pEvent) { ZeroMemory(pEvent, sizeof(CONMAN_EVENT)); pEvent->Type = DISABLE_EVENTS; pEvent->fDisable = TRUE; pEvent->ulDisableTimeout = ulDisableTimeout; if (!QueueUserWorkItemInThread(ConmanEventWorkItem, pEvent, EVENTMGR_CONMAN)) { hr = E_FAIL; FreeConmanEvent(pEvent); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
// INetConnectionCMUtil
// Function: MapCMHiddenConnectionToOwner
// Purpose: Maps a child connection to its parent connection.
// Connection Manager has two stages: Dialup and VPN.
// For the Dialup it creates a hidden connectoid that the
// folder (netshell) does not see. However netman caches
// the name, guid and status of this connectedoid. Both
// the parent and child connectoid have the same name. When
// the status of the hidden connectiod is updated the folder
// recives the guid of the hidden connectoid and maps the
// connectiod to it parent (Connection Manager) by searching
// netmans cache for the name of the hidden connectoid. Then it
// searches the connections in the folder for that name and thus
// gets the guid of the parent connectoid.
// When the folder gets a notify message from netman for the hidden
// connection it uses this function to find the parent and update the
// parent's status. The hidden connection is not displayed.
// Arguments:
// guidHidden [in] GUID of the hidden connectiod
// pguidOwner [out] GUID of the parent connectiod
// Returns: S_OK -- Found hidden connection
// else not found
// Author: omiller 1 Jun 2000
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::MapCMHiddenConnectionToOwner ( /*[in]*/ REFGUID guidHidden, /*[out]*/ GUID * pguidOwner) { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; bool bFound = false;
hr = HrEnsureClassManagersLoaded (); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Impersonate the user so that we see all of the connections displayed in the folder
hr = CoImpersonateClient(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Find the hidden connection with this guid
CMEntry cm;
hr = CCMUtil::Instance().HrGetEntry(guidHidden, cm); // Did we find the hidden connection?
if( S_OK == hr ) { // Enumerate through all of the connections and find connection with the same name as the
// hidden connection
IEnumNetConnection * pEnum = NULL; hr = CMDIRECT(DIALUP, CreateWanConnectionManagerEnumConnectionInstance)(NCME_DEFAULT, IID_IEnumNetConnection, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&pEnum));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INetConnection * pNetCon; NETCON_PROPERTIES * pProps; while(!bFound) { // Get the nect connection
hr = pEnum->Next(1, &pNetCon, NULL); if(S_OK != hr) { // Ooops encountered some error, stop searching
break; }
// Get the properties of the connection
hr = pNetCon->GetProperties(&pProps); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(lstrcmp(cm.m_szEntryName, pProps->pszwName) == 0) { // Found the connection that has the same name a the hidden connection
// Stop searching!!
*pguidOwner = pProps->guidId; bFound = true; } FreeNetconProperties(pProps); } ReleaseObj(pNetCon); } ReleaseObj(pEnum); } } // Stop Impersonating the user
CoRevertToSelf(); } }
return bFound ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
// IConnectionPoint overrides netman!CConnectionManager__Advise
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::Advise ( IUnknown* pUnkSink, DWORD* pdwCookie) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceTag(ttidConman, "Advise");
Assert(!FBadInPtr(pUnkSink)); // Set our cloaked identity to be used when we call back on this
// advise interface. It's important to do this for security. Since
// we run as LocalSystem, if we were to call back without identify
// impersonation only, the client could impersonate us and get a free
// LocalSystem context which could be used for malicious purposes.
CoSetProxyBlanket ( pUnkSink, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, // use NT default security
RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, // use NT default authentication
NULL, // must be null if default
RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY, NULL, // use process token
EOAC_DEFAULT); TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CoSetProxyBlanket");
if (S_OK == hr) { // Initialize our event handler if it has not already been done.
hr = HrEnsureEventHandlerInitialized(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComPtr<INetConnectionNotifySink> pNotifySink;
hr = pUnkSink->QueryInterface(IID_INetConnectionNotifySink, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pNotifySink)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { GUID guidId = GUID_NULL;
// If either ConnectionStatusChange or ConnectionAddressChange is implemented, then we need to
// register with NLA for events.
if ((pNotifySink->ConnectionStatusChange(&guidId, NCS_CONNECTED) != E_NOTIMPL) || (pNotifySink->ConnectionAddressChange(&guidId) != E_NOTIMPL)) { // We still work for other events if this fails.
hr = HrEnsureRegisteredWithNla(); TraceErrorOptional("Could not register with Nla", hr, (S_FALSE == hr)); } }
// Call the underlying ATL implementation of Advise.
hr = IConnectionPointImpl< CConnectionManager, &IID_INetConnectionNotifySink>::Advise(pUnkSink, pdwCookie);
TraceTag (ttidConman, "CConnectionManager::Advise called... pUnkSink=0x%p, cookie=%d", pUnkSink, *pdwCookie);
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "IConnectionPointImpl::Advise");
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WCHAR szUserAppData[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hrT = S_OK; HRESULT hrImpersonate = S_OK;
if (SUCCEEDED(hrT)) { // We ignore this HRESULT because we can be called inproc and that would definitely fail.
// Instead we just make sure that it succeeded when befor call CoRevertToSelf. This is
// fine because we'll still get a valid User App data path, it will just be something like
// LocalService or LocalSystem and we can still determine which sinks to send events to.
CNotifySourceInfo* pNotifySourceInfo = new CNotifySourceInfo(); if (!pNotifySourceInfo) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { pNotifySourceInfo->dwCookie = *pdwCookie; hrImpersonate = CoImpersonateClient(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrImpersonate) || (RPC_E_CALL_COMPLETE == hrImpersonate)) { hrT = SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, szUserAppData); if (SUCCEEDED(hrT)) { pNotifySourceInfo->szUserProfilesPath = szUserAppData; TraceTag(ttidEvents, "Adding IUnknown for Sink to Map: 0x%08x. Path: %S", reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(pUnkSink), szUserAppData); TraceTag(ttidEvents, "Number of Items in Map: %d", m_mapNotify.size()); } else { TraceError("Unable to get Folder Path", hrT); }
ZeroMemory(szUserName, celems(szUserName)); ULONG nSize = celems(szUserName); if (GetUserNameEx(NameSamCompatible, szUserName, &nSize) && *szUserName) { pNotifySourceInfo->szUserName = szUserName; fNotifyWZC = TRUE; } else { pNotifySourceInfo->szUserName = L"System"; TraceError("Unable to get the user name", HrFromLastWin32Error()); } } Lock(); m_mapNotify[pUnkSink] = pNotifySourceInfo; Unlock();
#ifdef DBG
LPWSTR* ppszAdviseUsers; DWORD dwCount; HRESULT hrT = GetClientAdvises(&ppszAdviseUsers, &dwCount); if (SUCCEEDED(hrT)) { Assert(dwCount); TraceTag(ttidConman, "Advise client list after ::Advise:"); for (DWORD x = 0; x < dwCount; x++) { LPWSTR szUserName = ppszAdviseUsers[x]; TraceTag(ttidConman, "%x: %S", x, szUserName); }
CoTaskMemFree(ppszAdviseUsers); } #endif
if (SUCCEEDED(hrImpersonate)) { CoRevertToSelf(); }
if (fNotifyWZC) { WZCTrayIconReady(szUserName); } } if (!m_lRegisteredOneTime) { // Do an explicit interlocked exchange to only let one thread
// through to do the registration.
if (0 == InterlockedExchange (&m_lRegisteredOneTime, 1)) { // Register for device notifications. Specifically, we're
// interested in network adapters coming and going. If this
// fails, we proceed anyway.
TraceTag (ttidConman, "Calling RegisterDeviceNotification...");
DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE PnpFilter; ZeroMemory (&PnpFilter, sizeof(PnpFilter)); PnpFilter.dbcc_size = sizeof(PnpFilter); PnpFilter.dbcc_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE; PnpFilter.dbcc_classguid = GUID_NDIS_LAN_CLASS;
m_hDevNotify = RegisterDeviceNotification ( (HANDLE)_Module.m_hStatus, &PnpFilter, DEVICE_NOTIFY_SERVICE_HANDLE); if (!m_hDevNotify) { TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, HrFromLastWin32Error(), FALSE, "RegisterDeviceNotification"); }
(VOID) HrEnsureRegisteredOrDeregisteredWithWmi (TRUE); } } } } }
TraceErrorOptional ("CConnectionManager::Advise", hr, (S_FALSE == hr)); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::Unadvise(DWORD dwCookie) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; TraceTag(ttidConman, "Unadvise %d", dwCookie);
hr = IConnectionPointImpl<CConnectionManager, &IID_INetConnectionNotifySink>::Unadvise(dwCookie);
Lock(); BOOL fFound = FALSE; for (ITERUSERNOTIFYMAP iter = m_mapNotify.begin(); iter != m_mapNotify.end(); iter++) { if (iter->second->dwCookie == dwCookie) { fFound = TRUE; delete iter->second; m_mapNotify.erase(iter); break; } } Unlock(); if (!fFound) { TraceTag(ttidError, "Unadvise cannot find advise for cookie 0x%08x in notify map", dwCookie); }
#ifdef DBG
LPWSTR* ppszAdviseUsers; DWORD dwCount; HRESULT hrT = GetClientAdvises(&ppszAdviseUsers, &dwCount); if (SUCCEEDED(hrT)) { if (!dwCount) { TraceTag(ttidConman, "Unadvise removed the last advise client"); } else { TraceTag(ttidConman, "Advise client list after ::Unadvise:"); }
for (DWORD x = 0; x < dwCount; x++) { LPWSTR szUserName = ppszAdviseUsers[x]; TraceTag(ttidConman, "%x: %S", x, szUserName); }
CoTaskMemFree(ppszAdviseUsers); } #endif
return hr; }
#if DBG
// INetConnectionManagerDebug
DWORD WINAPI ConmanNotifyTest ( PVOID pvContext ) { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
RASENUMENTRYDETAILS* pDetails; DWORD cDetails; hr = HrRasEnumAllEntriesWithDetails (NULL, &pDetails, &cDetails); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { RASEVENT Event;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < cDetails; i++) { Event.Type = ENTRY_ADDED; Event.Details = pDetails[i]; RasEventNotify (&Event);
Event.Type = ENTRY_MODIFIED; RasEventNotify (&Event);
Event.Type = ENTRY_CONNECTED; Event.guidId = pDetails[i].guidId; RasEventNotify (&Event);
Event.Type = ENTRY_DISCONNECTED; Event.guidId = pDetails[i].guidId; RasEventNotify (&Event);
Event.Type = ENTRY_RENAMED; lstrcpyW (Event.pszwNewName, L"foobar"); RasEventNotify (&Event);
Event.Type = ENTRY_DELETED; Event.guidId = pDetails[i].guidId; RasEventNotify (&Event); }
MemFree (pDetails); }
TraceErrorOptional ("ConmanNotifyTest", hr, (S_FALSE == hr)); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::NotifyTestStart () { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
if (!QueueUserWorkItem (ConmanNotifyTest, NULL, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT)) { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error (); }
TraceErrorOptional ("CConnectionManager::NotifyTestStart", hr, (S_FALSE == hr)); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CConnectionManager::NotifyTestStop () { TraceFileFunc(ttidConman);
return S_OK; }
#endif // DBG